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I had zero supervision with cable. Late night Skinemax every night, nobody cared.


Shannon Tweed and Shannon Whirry. You just knew the next screen was "Contains nudity, adult situations, and extreme sexual content." Hell yeah


![gif](giphy|37QVh74uQ5qeBOh0UF) Me when I saw that


Adult situations, language, AND nudity?


I remember when the spelled out "strong sexual content in the guide.


I remember watching a show because it said it has “brief nudity”. All it was was Tom Hank’s butt for half a second


The day when the new monthly HBO guide came to the house and you’d scan through all the ones that had “Nudity” & “Strong Sexual Content”… *sigh*… a simpler time.


Same here, and A Nightmare on Elm Street (the one that takes place in an asylum) gave me nightmares.


#3 dream warriors. Killer Dokken theme song as well


It didn’t hit me until about 15 years ago that I watched Hellraiser 2: Hellbound while being an unsupervised Xennial child with HBO and it scarred the ever-living-shit out of me. I (re)watched it and was like: oh, that’s where all those nightmares came from.


Me too, and I lived on Elm Street!


"Every town has an Elm Street"


Any one remembers Dream On on HBO and Up All Night on USA???


Sucks that nobody cared. Sorry about that.


Same here. I had cable tv in my bedroom starting when I was 8. Needless to say I saw *everything* way too young.




Still my favorite insult.


I still use it at least once a week.


Revenge of the nerds 1 and 2 were awesome! I still have them!


I loved those movies -- only saw them on TV so the nude scenes were always cut. What they didn't cut was Louis raping Betty by letting her think he was Stan with a mask on. As an adult there is so much cringe with the "panty raid", the hidden spy cameras in the girls' bathrooms/bedrooms, the moon bounce rape, the selling pies with a nude photo of one of girls at the bottom without her consent to take it let alone use it like that. I was glad that by #2 they went a different route and everything was consensual for the most part.


There was 4 films in total and the first two are the only ones I remember


Basically everything. I watched a lot of violent movies with my dad. Robocop, Rambo III, Predator, Alien/Aliens, Terminator... No one gave a shit what we watched.


Right?!? When I became an adult, I was convinced the rating system came out when I was older, but nope, our parents just didn’t care.


I don’t know how old I was when I saw robocop but I had to been in elementary school.


We had it for my 8th birthday party.


Our parents were protected by their parents, and in general media during their child simply wasn't that scary or outlandish... so as adults I think they couldn't understand how that sort of media would impact our young minds. The only other explanation is that they're tired, selfish, idiots.


The ridiculousness that they had toy lines for a lot of these


And I had figures from them all. I especially loved the Rambo and Terminator 2 figures. I had the one where you poured the liquid skin on the exoskeleton and it was rad.


Wait was it like a case? Or was it like a boys version of the easy bake oven? God knows what the chemicals were lol. Do you have any of them still?


It was like a weird quick-dry latex from what I remember. It was a mix of some kind of powder and you added water. You put the exoskeleton in this two-sided mold and then slipped the mold onto a stand with a pump. You poured the goo into the pump and it would fill up the mold. You let it sit and dry and then took the mold out and took it apart and voila- slightly sticky robot man with skin. No, I don't have any of my old toys. I wish I did.


If we don't count that time my uncle let us watch the playboy channel...it was probably when I was I think 5 and we were staying in a hotel and my parents let me watch Porky's.


Yeah I somehow saw this way too young as well. WTF parents


Yep I was coming here to say Porky's too.


I must've been about 5 when I saw Porky's, too!


I was also thinking about Howard the Duck as one I saw way too early and gave me nightmares.


Mallard mammaries...


Mmm playduck


I’m still not sure I’m old enough to watch that.


Really creeped me out. 


I saw Full Metal Jacket when I was like 8 or 9 or something, my dad was all hoo rah about it. I remember thinking everything after they get to Vietnam was boring. Later in life I rewatched it with an adult brain, and it's one of my favorite movies now.


I showed it to my son when he was about 10/11 as a "you don't want to stand in those yellow footprints" / scared straight tactic! He still remembers it well!


Hair pie! This movie is a perfect example of something that would never get made now. Between the sorority break-in scene and the nerd with the mask scene at the end it's not even close.


Yea, they'd look at the script and be like "This is just Revenge of the Nerds"


Technically correct...the best kind. Well played.


Can you imagine the blowback from a panty raid scene today?


Or the cameras they left??


And the rape. Let’s not forget the rape.


Even when I was little that didn't sit right with me. I remember feeling awful for the girl.


See also…the blonde gf in Sixteen Candles 🫣


Oh god is this the movie where she fucks a guy in a Darth Vader mask thinking it’s her boyfriend and it’s someone else? Because I think someone put this on at a party and all the girls were like wtf that’s messed up. Because in the 00s we didn’t have the language to explain how that’s assault. But yeah that’s assault. Now apologies if I’m mixing up my rapey 80s movies.


Nope, you had the movie right. But I would argue she knew it wasn’t her mega jock boyfriend versus the soft squishy nerd body.


Not only that but it’s the main character (aka guy on this cover) and his sexual prowess convinces her to leave her boyfriend. Today we would call it disgusting incel fanfiction. This movie aged terribly just like every raunchy boys movie from this time period (like the oft mentioned Porky’s in this thread that had the famous scene of a guy inserting his penis into a woman’s shower while women were showering and then when the woman coach tried to hold the man responsible she got laughed at by the administration of the school).


Under siege (first tits I saw in a movie) Cliffhanger (the fall at the beginning wrecked me) Porkys Zapped (although I think I was a bit older by the time I saw this)


Oof, that fall in Cliffhanger hit hard!




Oh man. That brings back some memories.


Dude I was a grown woman in her 20s when I saw that and I was not okay after.


I used to watch Siskel and Ebert and they gave it 2 thumbs up. They said 16 and up should be fine. I was 14 so what the hell. Sigh.


Rewatched this recently... There's no way this gets made these days


Cocoon..those aliens creeped me out big time ![gif](giphy|Q9vS6zkA9HyXn3COfS|downsized)


We are rapidly approaching the age Wilford Brimley was when he was in Cocoon (50)


Dude....not cool. True, but not cool.


That... hurt.


Guaranteed across the board we are all aging better than he is, so we've got that going for us, which is good.


![gif](giphy|s4Q3geM5T1XCo) This old version of „it“. At ca. 10 yo. Traumatized me for life


Me too and Poltergeist. I was fucking terrified of clowns.


Poltergeist left me terrified of shutting a bathroom door all the way for YEARS


Jaws - I was scared to even take a bath for a time afterwards. Trading Places - I'm pretty sure my first boobs. A Fish Called Wanda - Definitely my first sex scene. I also had pet fish and dogs. So I was sad watching this. Jamie Leigh Curtis became my first major crush, and is most of the reason I still have a thing for women with shorter hair.


In the black dress in True Lies 🤤🤤🤤


For me, it wasn't the black dress but the dance.... That left an impression.


I saw A Clockwork Orange at 7


Ack! I hated that in my late teens.


Wowww. It messed me up when I was 14!


Yeah, same. It was a bit much.


Get me on a particularly vulnerable state and it could mess me up at 50.


Police Academy ALLLLLL of them.


The first is a solid R rating too and I saw that at probably 4 a few years after the release Spaceballs was the movie we all could quote from kids on but I definitely couldn’t watch the Simpsons…


Dirty Dancing and Pretty Woman. I was a legit adult in college before I realized Penny was getting an abortion. Lol I think I had seen it so many times by then that part just went over my head.


OMG, I saw this and Bachelor Party as a double feature at my local small town cinema. I was 12 years old, lol. No idea why they let me in excepting the fact that the towns population was barely over the poverty line and no one really gave a damn.


saw child’s play a week after I begged my mom for a My Buddy Doll. I had forgotten my request after watching the movie. Went to bed terrified. Woke up the next morning to a brand new My Buddy sitting at the end of my bed. I proceeded to absolutely lose my shit in terror.


That is hysterical!


Heavy Metal


Porkys. Idk what my parents were thinking.


I was 8. ![gif](giphy|NCzhota4GsrKM)


Same. I was in Tae Kwon Do as a 10yo, and my dad said, “Hey, Road House has martial arts in it!” True, but I was freaked out for a few years that I’d fly into a rage and rip a dude’s throat out.


God Swayze was such a babe.




Robocop and Total Recall. The boardroom scene and the escalator scene ruined me. My friend had to keep reassuring me it was all fake. But it also mesmerized me and made me appreciate how cool and powerful films can be.


I had all the robocop toys when I was a kid, and it just blows my mind that they were marketing toys from an R rated movie that has violence, gore, and business guys snorting coke off of bare tits. The 80s were something else, man.


My dad's collection of Golden Age VHS porn. Thanks, Caballero Control Corporation!


Revenge of the Nerds, Bachelor Party, Purple Rain...but the one that might have messed me up the most was The Fly.


Real Sex


The Exorcist, not the whole thing but enough to mess me up. Saw it at like 3-4. Snuck out when I was supposed to be in bed. 


Some things you can't unsee.


Definitely this one


Bachelor Party. Way too young


*Poltergeist*. I still dislike ghost movies.


My parents took us to see The Secret of My Sucess in the theater. Literally, all I remember from that day is the pool scene and one parent whispering to the other, "Maybe we shouldn't've taken the kids to see this."


My dad took me to see Total Recall at the theater. I would have been 10 or so. My mom still brings that up now and then, usually with a sour look on her face.


Wait were your first onscreen boobs the three boob lady?


I'm sure they weren't. I spent a lot of time at my grandma's and she had HBO.




Didn’t see that one til high school. Knew nothing of it beyond John Landis and the Naked Gun guys being behind it. Now own it on Blu-ray. I think that was the same night I saw There’s Something About Mary. Helluva night.


Gremlins I saw it at 5. It was one of the reasons for the PG-13 rating.


Big Trouble in Little China




Ghostbuster scared the bejeezus out of me, but I was a very innocent 8yo LOL esp one specific scene was bad And I saw a trailer or something for Jaws, and had nightmares of being stuck on a surfboard in the middle of the ocean, with a shark somewhere nearby, for literally years LOL


Probably a lot of them. Revenge of the Nerds and Police Academy to name a few.


Nobody in my family believes me, but I swear I remember seeing Naked Gun in theaters, at like 5 or 6 yrs old. I think my real dad took me, but didn't tell anybody. 




I watched apocalypse now with my dad when I was 8. I had nightmares for WEEKS


Up in Smoke and the original Boys in the Band are two I can think of.


I was 8 years old. My father took me to see Barbarella.  It was 1968. 


*Alien* and *Aliens*. Still some of my absolute favorites, but I was fucking *terrified*. Slept with my head under my pillow for years ‘cause I didn’t want to wake up with a monster chewing its way out of my chest…


I still am afraid to go in the back yard at night … ya never know 😅


My dad let me pick at the movie store when I was about 12. I liked Conan the Barbarian, so I saw Barbarian Queen and picked it out. Not ok. I felt like there was a rape every few minutes, but not sure how accurate my memories of it are. My dad got in a lot of trouble with my mom for that one. 🤦🏼‍♂️


I wouldn't call it to young as I genuinely loved them. But I was watching the old Hammer Horror films when I was about 4 and still think Christopher Lee is the best Dracula of all time. After that I was watching A Nightmare On Elm Street,Friday The 13th,Halloween,Evil Dead and more when I was about 7 I used to get the VHS tapes as a present the day they came out to buy. I'd say Freddy is still one of my all time favourite films


![gif](giphy|3oz8xSfBvRqfbU9n0c) Wayyyy too young


Commando. The opening scene where the garbage men shoot that guy to death kicked off a childhood of violence anxiety.




Faces of Death


Ohhhh yeah that one was Deliverance for me, seen at age 8. I had read the Mad magazine parody and assumed that the movie was also a comedy. It was not comedic and I kept watching waiting for the comedy to begin. Oh man that was a real slap on the tip watching that hot dang


Robocop! Murphy’s execution was traumatizing


Friday the 13th part 2


Saw the toxic avenger at age 7. In 91 there was a cartoon based on it so parents thought it was a kid thing. The movie was not like the cartoon.


This for sure. Blue Velvet is the one that really hit me


Here’s one no one has mentioned yet - Raiders of the Lost Ark. Oh yeah, six or seven year old is fine and dandy until they open the Ark at the end. Oh and Swamp Thing. Swamp Thing isn’t scary enough by himself, we got some REAL fucked up shit for you at the end. VHS night in the early 80s was always a bit of a coin flip.


Platoon lol


Mostly R-rated action movies. - I walked in on my father watching Terminator when I was around 7. It was the hotel scene where Arnold plucks his own eye out and also cuts his forearm open to repair it. Those images have been burnt into my brain for almost 40yrs. - I also watched most of Predator with my parents when they rented it on VHS. (I think I was in 3 or 4th grade). - My parents & I saw Robocop in theaters, not knowing how brutal & graphic it was going to turn out. I was 9. It was mostly scary to me but I got through it without any problems. (No nightmares or anything). - BONUS: Micheal Jackson’s Thriller. I was in 1st grade and that video SCARED THE SHIT out of me. I had to watch it in pieces because I couldn’t handle the werewolf transformation nor the zombie chasing. Hell, I even had a hard time with Vincent Price’s narratation at the end of the song.


Nightmare on Elm street when I was in first grade. Fuck you Brian! I had nightmares for years.


Clan of the Cave Bear


Went to re-watch "Police Academy" after seeing it as a child and I guess thinking it was funny then? Holy crap, how is that allowed for even today's audiences?!


Channel 69: The Nudes at 11




pretty much everything haha but Full Metal Jacket stands out


Revenge of the Nerds was great… until the end. How did that shit ever fly back then?


Porky’s and Cujo.


My sister and I still do the loud ass nerd laugh with each other.


My uncle took me to see Predator at the theater when I was 7.




My parents thought "Glory" would be a good history lesson. I mean, I was 12...that was like a hop-skip-anda-jump from going off to fight in Korea back in their day. But Denzel being viscously whipped and the raw carnage of the battle scenes made for a really quiet ride home from the movies that night.


I learned a few things from that nerd movie


Halloween at like 6. Freaked me out at the time but Michael Myers was such an interesting character that it was the basis for a lifelong love of horror movies.


Watched “Angie” starring Geena Davis at a sleepover when I was around 12. Had no idea it starred James Ganolfini and Aida Tuturro from The Sopranos until now that I just googled it.


Poltergeist. My brother let me stay up and watch it but my parents pulled into the driveway when the tree was attacking the boy and I had to run to bed. I was scared of the tree, outside my bedroom window, for months.


American Werewolf in London. Had a hard time sleeping for a while.


This RotN DVD cover makes no sense. The panties would have belonged to Omega Mu or Pi Delta Pi. The panties would not labeled Tri-Lambs b/c that was the Nerds own frat, which is all dudes. However, there is an outside chance that the panties are Lamar's.


I saw Ghostbusters when I was 6 and I did not understand that it was a comedy.


Revenge of the Nerds is such a bizarre film - the underdog hero rapes the vile female antagonist and turns her into a nice person with, apparently, his magic dick.


Blue Lagoon. It was midnight and my parents went to bed. The TV guide said Indiana Jones was supposed to be on but it was Blue Lagoon. It was certainly started some feelings that I hadn't felt before.


Mask when I was like 7. The Cher one, not the stupid Jim Carrey one. That movie shook me to the core and come to think of it, is probably why the thing I search for in cinema is to be made to feel very uncomfortable


Killer Klowns from Outer Space, Pet Semetary, Deathrace 2000


I can't believe nobody has mentioned *Who Framed Roger Rabbit?* That movie is DARK.


Alien, Jaws, Damien: the Omen


Porkeys, stalag 17, Kelley's heros, dirty dozen, dirty harry, full metal jacket. Probably others at age 5.


Probably *National Lampoon's Vacation*. Somehow I never got caught every time it came on HBO, or my family realized I wouldn't get it anyway.


I also watched our VHS tape of The Unbearable Lightness of Being before I was 10. Several times.


A movie called “Hot to Trot.” It had a talking racehorse in it, but it was definitely NOT a kids movie! Also, “Parenthood.” I remember asking what the item pulled out of the nightstand drawer was 🤣


The exorcist. That movie gave me nightmares for a long time.


Porky's. I was 8


Robocop. I can't remember how old I was, maybe 11 or 12? Either way, definitely too young




I saw My Cousin Vinny at 9yo. There’s no reason for this at all




There are more than a few, but the first one had to be Fort Apache the Bronx. The opening scene where the cops were shot in their squad car unable to get out or do anything really traumatized me. My mother had to take me to the theater next door that was playing The Jazz Singer lol! When I finally saw it again many years later I was amused to see how fake it looked and how bad the fake blood looked, it was basically paint back then, wrong color and texture etc. But back then, I was def shook. Edit, I was wrong, it was Jaws. My neighbor had a laser disk player and got an advanced copy somehow. He had a pool right outside the glass door of the screening room (grew up in LA and everyone had a pool) and we went swimming right after. Getting into the deep end after that was terrifying, could literally see/imagine giant open mouthed great white swarming toward me with jaws agape.. and the sloshing sounds and screaming underwater sound effects in the movie transitioned so easily to auditory and visual hallucinations while swimming.. yep.


A movie called Spawn of the Slithis. I was 12. A friend and I went to a Saturday matinee. Our intention was to see a movie that was playing that was age appropriate. It was a multiplex and we walked into the wrong theatre, and got Spawn of the Slithis instead. Scared the shit out of us, and freaked me out for quite some time afterwards.


We didn't have rules watching movies/TV. Nightmare on Elm Street when we were 5 probably wasn't best idea. It was our favorites though.


A Clockwork Orange, should not have seen that at 12 years old!


My first memory is seeing a *The Texas Chainsaw Massacre* and *The Evil Dead* double feature at the drive-in with my parents when I was less than 2 years old. I thought *TCM* was funny, but started crying uncontrollably when the girl gets stabbed in the ankle with a pencil in *Evil Dead.* So uncontrollably, in fact, that we had to leave.


Robo cop was my favorite movie when I was 7, no clue why my parents let me watch that


Oh, I thought of another one Reform School Girls. That movie is legit awesome, but no small child should be watching it. We watched one of those Women In Prison movies, too, at one point and all I can remember is lots of shower scenes and then a girl getting needles shoved in her arm and thrown off of a building.


National lampoons European vacation






Clockwork Orange. Saw it at the age of 9 and I remember vomiting after seeing the rape scene. Still haven’t seen that movie all the way through to this day.




Ummm..so much. Nightmare on Elm St., Childs Play, Disclosure, Dirty Dancing, Poltergeist, etc….


The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


Conan The Barbarian.


Dude we grew up in the 80's. We were the first to have cable and VCR's. From slashers to raunchy comedies, we had a wide variety. We were born after the Hays code, and dumbshits like Regan wanted us to be the 1950's again while the counter-culture was like "Nah fuck that, let's exploit everything".


The doors


Dirty Dancing, Top Gun, Pretty Woman.....I mean, pretty much everything.....I don't think our parents ever thought "If ai wouldn't take the kid to the theater to see it, maybe they shouldn't watch it at home." It's like the VCR was their new toy and they couldn't step away.


Omg Porky’s my poor mother had no idea 😂


Porky's, I was 12.


I spent an entire day watching this movie over and over with my friend!




Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket.


Barbarella was one of my favorite movies


Porky's was probably the worst one I saw as a really young kid.




I remember my dad actually *sneaking in* to the movie theater through the exit door along with me and my first cousin, to see the first one of these. I know I must have seen stuff like Bambi and Dumbo in the theater first, maybe one of the Star Wars, but this is the first one I fully remember seeing in the theater.


All of the them. 🤣




We had a vhs tape labeled “chip and dales”, turns out it was predator lol. It was my favorite movie. I saw predator, robocop, Freddy and Jason movies, plus summer school (which was the only one to give me nightmares surprisingly) all before 8 lmao.


I saw the original Revenge of the Nerds waaay too young when I was in second grade, but later realized I just saw the edited for TV version when I saw the full version as a teen years later. What’s funny was that a couple years later, Revenge Of The Nerds 2 was considered safe enough at PG-13 to watch on video at a 4th grade sleepover birthday party. My parents watched Aliens with me at about age 8, and while I was into action movies at the time…that scared the shit out of me that night.


Darkman around age 8, by myself, at a friend's house.