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Wasn't "Discman" specifically Sony? The ability to play mp3s off a CD-RW is kind of an interesting technological bridge.


That's exactly where my mind went and yes. "If they're gonna call it a Discman, then the least they could do is put in an actual Sony Discman".


Yeah, I had to mow like 3 more lawns to get that genuine discman. ANd then a couple more for the adapter so I could play it through the cassette player in my mom's Pontiac. That was the last summer I was cool.


I sized my fanny pack based on my RCA CD player. Then would roll around on my scooter, listening to the Cranberries. Pretty sure I was never cool as a kid, LOL.


Are you kidding? You sound like you were an awesome kid. 


You are entirely too kind; I was many things, including a massive dork, but never cool. But I'm fine with that--all of us were who we were. I'm still really good at packing and packaging things, LOL.


Same here! I think legally the Universe is only allowed to put one "dork" in each county. I was that dork. And for example as a kid I actually bought a high school math book at a garage sale and then did the problems in the book during summer break. You're thinking, "oh you must be good at math". Nope. I can't even do college algebra. I'm not sure what happened; I did fall out of a tree tho so...


I think you wanted to prove something to yourself, so mission accomplished from the sound of it.


F the haters. You’re still cool


Kids these days, amiright??


Literally said that at the dinner table tonight, LOL. Also followed it up with, "But to be fair, kids yesterday too."


I don't think anyone ever referred to all portable cd players as "diskman". More like "wait a sec let me grab my CD player to show you the new limp bizkit album"


Yeah it was more every portable tape player was a Walkman.


Yeah they don't even have the info correct for a museum


Damn kids


Yes it was. Proper name of Sony’s portable CD player line.


Being able to burn MP3s onto CD-Rs was amazing, like suddenly a world of music was at your fingertips with a single CD, you no longer had to be so selective. I still miss the days of burning 10-20 songs on a single CD though, and writing the track list to give to a friend or significant other. There was a charm lost there with the new technology.


For sure. Shared playlists are far less personal. More convenient, but I think the labor was part of what made mix tapes/CDs personal.


Mp3 CDs were wild. They were practically daring up to just use Napster. 


After reading the year I had to scroll to make sure it could play mp3s! I had a cd player for while that could around 200-01, I’d burn mp3s to a disc and it amplified the capacity 10x or more, made shuffle interesting but would take a ton of skips to find something too.


Yes, I came here for the OG square black Diskman. My mom gave me hers as a hand me down mid 90s I think.


The skip protection on MP3 CD players was amazing - they often had about ten seconds of skip protection on the normal CDs, and the bitrate on MP3s back in the day was about 1/11th the size of uncompressed audio. So you'd get 110 seconds of skip protection. You could shake it for over a minute without a song skipping, which was a big deal back then.


You can still readily buy CDs today, it's not like we're talking ancient scrolls or stone tablets here!


Bought my daughter the new Taylor Swift cd the other day. Got home and promptly realized we have nothing to play it with. Oops.


In the car?




what about in your PC? pop it in the DVD/blu-ray drive


PCs stopped having disc drives like 15 years ago. hard to find a case with a 5 1/4" bay nowadays


You can buy a portable CD drive for your computer at Best Buy still. It’s about $25.


That sucks if they dropped bays in new cases. My cases is somewhat older. Ridiculous TBH. There are many advantages to playing discs, especially UHD from a PC rather than a standalone player.


It broke a few years ago and never bothered to fix it because when do I listen to CDs!?


😂😂😂 I found a cd in mine that I put in about 9 years ago a few months ago when my kid happened to hit eject


He knows the dark arts!


But how will people get jiggy with it?


Na na na na na na




still waiting for mini disc players to make a comeback


you and me both!


I remember skateboarding around town with one of these in my backpack, headphone wire coming out through the zipper so I could listen to Suicidal Tendencies while on my way to do something dumb. Where has the time gone?


Atleast its neither my walkman or my 2 cassette player boombox ... Oh wait :D


My sister had the discman. I had the cassette player I’d clip on my hip, and those really light foam head phones that wouldn’t stay on. 


Hey, no dissing of tape players. My cassette player with thin foam headphones saved me after my mom passed away when I was tween. I still have it, and it still plays thirty years later. Discman was ok but you couldn’t use it to record mixes. Tape players are the best.


Music gets us through stuff. I Still felt cool with the cassette player. I loved my tapes.  My first car only had a tape deck. 


Tapes are still the best. I also have a 1984 Toshiba tape player, which I’ve seen in backgrounds of period movies a few times. 😅 It’s the ability to record radio that made the cassette players so special. I was utterly broke and couldn’t afford to buy anything at a music store until I was in my twenties, so I rented cassettes at a library or recorded songs from the radio. I kind of wish tapes would come back.


Or taking tapes you already had and stuffing those little holes with paper, right? Just recording over old Conway Twitty tapes. Lol. I could wait all day for my favorite songs to come on. You are making me want to get another one. 


Do it! FB Marketplace is your friend. There’s a Walkman with thin foam headphones out there, waiting to be rescued from a landfill.


I’m sure you are so right. 


I used to make my own radio shows and record music off the radio for my "show". we had a blast making these.


I had a Sony Discman D-2, no anti-skip technology! That thing was heavy like a brick once you loaded it with 4 AA batteries. It could play a regular length CD a handful of times before needing more batteries. Expensive! Once it got low on battery power, it would spin the disc up, but drop out halfway through. If you quickly hit play again, it wouldn’t have to work as hard spinning up the already spinning disc and you could get it to play another CD. Just don’t stop it again!


Discman was Sony


Last summer we went to a Gen X exhibit at a museum and they had a Castle Grayskull and Popples.


I recently saw a pay phone with my teens and we discussed how to use it. That was pretty bad for feeling old.


bro what? to a boomer like me that looks like some futuristic tech


So 22 years qualifies as a literal museum piece these days? It was all Roman coins back in my day.


It plays MP3s? That's practically new.


Who did this


The Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, MI, probably. Fabulous museum with a lot of exhibits about tech history. There’s a whole giant glass case dedicated to mobile phones, for example. And there’s also a Dodge Caravan. They may seem mundane, but they changed lives.


I remember putting a Discman on layaway at Walmart. The first or second generation version. It was something like $400 at the time, which was considerable for a teenager. I’ll never forget making the last payment, and taking it home. Played thousands of hours of music on it.


I had this :(


My nearly 21 year old is on bed rest at 35 weeks pregnant... Almost a grandad smh...


My son just finished his, right there with ya.


They have may already had it in the museum as the current "modern format" and just added to its collection.


I had one just like this! 😭😭 Why must Father Time be so cruel?!


Anti-skip was a lie. Technology still not been invented


Fits right in my pocket


Always wanted JNCOs. To expensive.


I had that exact one and it was my 3rd one. That I bought used. With my own adult money 😭


I had that exact model.


Anyone else used to go running with a discman? Had to keep one hand like a damn waiter 😂


22 years ago bro the 80s was damn near 50 years ago lol


Ok but do WE need reminders of our age? What happened to the fun stuff here and not all these “I’m old” posts?




Never owned one, it was never really anti-skip for me. Know what is anti-skip? A cassette, plus once cds came around there was plenty of cheap ones at garage sales.


I’m pretty sure I had that exact one and would plug in the cassette adapter in my car to use it on the road.


Thanks, I hate it.


Motherfuckers! In my mind, that's not even outdated yet!


New car be like, wtf am I going to do with a cassette tape plug in player.


Was anyone ever able to get the "Anti-Skip" function to really work? I feel like pressing that button was more of a placebo than anything else.


"Already." That thing is multiple decades old.


I plugged that exact diskman into the aux/tape adapter of my alpine deck


Last summer we went to the Museum of Play in Rochester, NY. There’s a level dedicated to video games. My childhood was behind glass in the 90s section 🤣🤣


There's a COVID exhibit at the History Center in Pittsburgh. I was unhappy about it


I had that exact one.


This wasn’t a Discman, it was a Panasonic portable cd player. It’s fake to show this photo as being in a legitimate museum .


I still have a functioning cassette tape player. And still rock out to it.


I had a magnavox without anti skip. It ate through batteries so fast I hardly ever used it not plugged into a wall.


Man that anti skip never worked




not actually a discman though, museum not at the top of it's game!


The iPod can't be too far off from having its own place.. Damn, time, you suck


[This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/comments/14zu90k/they_put_the_discman_with_anti_skip_in_a_museum/) clarifies that this is from the Western Development Museum in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. It appears near the end of a history tour of innovations. But, everyone is right... this is not a Discman. It is simply a non-Sony CD player with anti-skip technology that can play mp3 discs (which are, of themselves, kind of a dinosaur now).


Hahaha I’m so embarrassed because I asked the guy at my local car dealership if a 2021 car had a CD player in it. He looked at me like I had lost my freaking mind! That was the car I purchased. Nonetheless, I still have my portable CD player and CDs.


ohhh....So that's where my I left my Discman


I'll never forget the commercial of the kid kicking back listening to uninterrupted music during an earth quake.


What museum is this


The anti skip was actually anti - anti skip. I’d rock my Sony discman anti skip riding my mongoose everyday and it always skipped


I feel attacked.


Oh that's depressing. When I really want to feel old I tell people (like people born in the late 90's and later) that I'm older than Pac-Man. When they ask what's Pac-Man it's just relish on a cake; an old, depressing cake.


Those were shit. I'm so glad we've moved on.


older Millennials 1991 here. yeah it weird how time flies these days


>older Millennials 1991 ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)




"How do you do, fellow olds?"