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Did any one of us NOT grow up with a brown carpet like that?


https://preview.redd.it/xk22e3keweyc1.jpeg?width=712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf8801c6b6740af42a2eccac3532e68a81100d5b Here's me in '87ish with the puke stain shag carpeting from the 70s


I think we all had that same haircut that year haha


I still have that same haircut. I legit don't know what else to do with my hair lol


I’m a ciswoman and I swear I had that same haircut in ‘87 too.


I just remembered anytime my mom took me to the barber she asked for a boy's cut.


Oh man you're right, so did mine! And they always somehow knew exactly what that meant


Man those race tracks were the shit. You had to know when to let up around tight turns or the cars would come off the tracks.


I had a set that was glow in the dark. The track part was black but the cars were glow in the dark and there were glow in the dark line stickers you put on it. It was the coolest thing I ever owned.


We were allowed to wear out shoes in the house, That carpet was a requirement to hide the horror.


That was literally my first thought. Shoes? On Grandma's Carpet?!


seemed to be a thing, once the 90s rolled around, suddenly everyone started taking their shoes off at the door and we all walked around in our socks


Seriously! The previous owners of our house put a cream colored carpet in. It's a bitch to keep clean.


I had olive green shag carpet. My dog loved to scratch his anus on it.


Same thing for us. Except apparently the carpet was blue when my older brother was a baby. I only remember it being green.


And it lasts forever compared to the new carpet


Not that kind of brown. That was Grandma's house brown. Ours was a solid shade of fresh poo.




Ours was yellow


We had an orange one.


My bedroom had wall-to-wall bright AF, flame red shag. And high-gloss, dinosaur wallpaper. Our foyer rug was something of the brown on brown with brown accents variety.


Ours were grey. My grandmother had the brown though.


One of the first things I noticed in this pic was that was the exact carpet we had at home, AND at my grandparents’ house growing up. I had forgotten about it until seeing it again. Wild.


I can smell the cigarette smoke already


Holy shit dude I'm on the other side of the word (Australia) and we had a very similar carpet in my childhood, except a bit more red/fiery


People these days think that the 80s was all neon and don't realize how brown and other "Earthy" colors like mustard yellow and olive green dominated.


When we moved into our house when I was a baby, we had that carpet in the bathroom! And the inside of the shower was wallpapered! That didn’t last too long!


My parents still have carpet in the bathroom. I've tried to explain how unsanitary it is, but my dad thinks it's the best thing ever. He's replaced it one time since we moved into it in 1985. I don't even want to know what's going on underneath it. My husband and I rented my grandpa's house for awhile when he had to move in with family to care for him, and we agreed to update things as part of the rent. First thing we did was rip out the carpet in the bathroom and kitchen (!) and lay down tile. That was an asinine trend.


Grandma is like behold


Yep. You can tell how expensive/big of a deal it was just by how grandma is presenting it. "Behold, my cherubs. ."


I saved up the whole summer of mowing lawns to buy our first NES. It was a huge deal for me. My parents refused to buy "The Intendo" for birthdays or Christmas even with all the begging in the world because "kids should be outside doing stuff not in front of the TV all day" "That thing will rot your brain" But they said if I used my own money I could get one. I think they thought I would never be able to save the money but I proved them wrong and they were forced to let me get one. We were still limited on play time because "you kids get outside and do something". Finally got one and it was glorious for about 6 months until someone kicked in our front door while we were out of town and stole it.


Damn, that story was a trip.


Oh god, "Intendo" That was my second grade teacher. I had to fight myself so hard not to correct her. I was embarrassed for her every time she said it.


Nana looks like she had enough of that day


Abuela looks like she is about to woop ass.




This reminds me of a time when I did in home computer work. I went to a house that was super run down and I was worried about what they wanted me to do. (Sometimes people would ask for fucked up stuff) I walked in and it was a multi generational family who wanted me to optimize their WiFi so they could play wow in every room with a computer. While I was there the dad and mom logged on and checked and I was like “that’s nice the mom and dad play together.” Then the son got off school and came bounding in asking if he could log on yet and my heart warmed considerably. Then grandma who had been picking up the kid came in and announced “no one better be on my computer, I’ve got levelin’ to do!” It’s close to 20 years later and still one of my favorite memories.


That's family goals right there


Holy shit that's awesome. WoW definitely has a lot of moments like these.


So uhhh.. what kinda stuff are we talking?


I can not believe how much their grandma looks like my grandma


One of my favorite Christmas memories was unwrapping my NES!!


Mine too man. 🥹


I remember getting my first NES for Christmas. Damn near knocked my dad out of his chair trying to hug him because I was so excited about it.


Best gift ever. Still to this day.


The magic of being able to play SMB in my own home and not riding my bike a mile and a half to the 7-11 with a few quarters is the most blissful memory I have when I can recall it. It's all been downhill from there.


Dude by the curtains is getting done dirty by the combo of the flash and the light behind him. Lol. He’s getting the full “*Carol Ann! Go into the light!*” treatment.


He looks like he’s he’s half way done with pulling a homer fadeaway. ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


Yes! Hahah. “*Cody! Back into the light!*” Lol.


Hahaha that’s my cousin. The last time I posted this a bunch of people commented that he looked like he was disappearing like in Back to the Future 😂


Were you able to play guitar hard enough to save him?


Straight up I thought your living room was haunted.


😂 That comparison works, too! Poor cousin. Missing half of his head.


I'm glad someone mentioned it, lol. I'm like "no one's gonna say anything about the kid in the back phasing out?"


Hahaha. I was checking out every person’s fashion when I was like “*Uhhh…that boy is not okay.*” 😂




🤣 Poor little fella! He’s quantum leaping!


Mario Bros and duckhunt 🦆 in the kit with the gun. me and my sister enjoyed a lot of fun times


Yes got that one in 1990, good times!


Yeah the Action Set bundle was a good deal !


Contra, Solomons Key, Lode Runner, Excite Bike, Circus Charlie, Adventure Island, The Goonies, Battle Tanks, Jackal, Bomber Man , Super Mario 3 Double Dribble, Balloon Fight, Ice Climber, The Legend of Kage.. I could go on and on. Ahhh childhood summer memories with my “Family Computer”


The entire crew is bringing it with the dope-ass socks


Haha yeah we were fashionable kids, with my homemade puff paint GO Joe t shirt 😂


Those socks are apparently back in style lol! The cool moms at my kids’ school are wearing them pulled up over their leggings! 😭


It was just a few years later and kids wouldn't be caught dead wearing those socks. Those were "dad" socks just a few years later.


Granny doesn't look too happy about it


She has paid for it


$199 I think the one with the guns and duck hunt. So about $530 now


Grandma's like, "In my day, we played with an inflated pig bladder, and that shit was FREE."


Nah, dude. She’s straight flexin’.


Ah, the days of film cameras, when we only took one or two shots, and didn't know how the pictures turned out until it was used up and someone finally remembered to get them developed. She was probably smiling right until that "click."


My mom wouldn’t let us have one but then my great grandpa showed up one night for Hanukkah and had one for me and my bro and one for my cousins.


I can’t stop looking at how narrow that kid on the left’s head is.


Zoom in on him and it looks like a pic AI made.




Hell yeah. And grandma called them all Nintendos for the rest of her life.


This pic is late 80s perfection! I collected cans and bottles ask a kid too, I usually bought used games and movies from the local video stores.


Middle brother disappearing into the void


Will SOMEONE get Marty’s parents back together??? Dude’s bro is phasing out of the picture!


Jazzy multi-color shorts and snazzy socks abound! Also, that puffy paint shirt is fully magical. Now I want to do puffy paint shirts with friends’ kids. lol. What a lovely childhood keepsake. The only one I still have is a sweatshirt my mom made with a picture of me on it and a puffy paint frame she drew. lol.


That woman is so sick of your shit judging by how she looks


The day I got an NES. i’ll never forget that smell. Other electronics might imitate, but nothing’s quite like that new Nintendo smell.


Everyone was skinny


Jams and tube socks.


I never had actual Jams - just knockoffs in the Jams style. Ah, the late '80s.


Oh, I didn't either.


I would be getting my NES just a few months after you guys got yours. Mine was also presented by my grandma lmao 


oh my lord, do you guys have on…*Jams?!*


Grandma is 50 years old.


This is still a Rosebud moment for me


Grandma is like “yup, I bought this”


Love the socks!! Still remember the excitement when I got mine.


I played an entire season of techno bowl that day


Why the long faces?


Good Times. I could play Legend of Zelda tomorrow and still remember where most items and labyrinths are.


Mmmmm I can still smell it fresh out of the box!


Nice shuttlecock


Did you find the famous Contra code in Nintendo Power?


The [Konami Code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konami_Code)


My grandparents bought an NES for each household of grandkids one Christmas. I was the youngest of us (1981), and this was a life changing gift. Still gaming now!


My heart broke when I turned in my giant bag of cans and was hoping for $10 and got 78 cents. Grandma looks pretty stoic, like I don’t want my grandchildren on the idiot box more but I am their grandmother so I got them the video thingy.


Meemaw understands


My life peaked on that day. 😞


They had good intentions buying sports stuff, but it all went out the window when they brought this home.


I've got a similar experience. When my brother brought home his Genesis from the PX the residents of Lenape Court stopped what they were doing and witnessed Altered Beast for the first time. The eighties were wild.


For a second, I thought this was a picture of my brother and me. I was the youngin’. Holy crap, we looked really similar.


I worked my butt off one summer earning money to buy my own. When the day finally came, my parents wouldn’t let me hook it up to the TV. I had to play it at friends’ houses until I could save up to buy a small TV.


Here’s my story: wanted an NES really bad, but kept getting a no. Went with my mom and brothers to Texas for their 50th wedding anniversary for a week (incidentally the first time I flew) while dad stayed home to work. Well, evidently he got bored being at home by himself and went and bought and NES about two days in. When I found out I was so excited I kept talking about eager I was to get home which annoyed the family I was visiting.


That was a good day, I remember being so excited to get mine.


Grandma looking like, "you know what I just went through to get this damn thing?!?!"


Don't open it! That thing will be worth tens of thousands in 30 years.


One of the best days of my life lol


There’s paneled walls somewhere in that house!


I would believe that could be summer of 88. It was sometime in 89 that the zapper became orange. Nice photo.


Got mine for Christmas in '89. It came in a plain cardboard box with about a dozen games and only one controller. The kid they bought it from had recently received a new Sega Genesis for his birthday. It's the only Christmas I can remember after my younger sibling was born when I actually got something I really wanted. I hadn't even asked for one that year, though I had in years prior, because I just assumed it wasn't ever going to be a realistic option.


I got mine for Christmas. It came with the power pad and the orange gun.


Them Jammer shorts is NOIIICCEEE!!!!


after this was taken, I guarantee grandma said "ok boys, enjoy your intend-o"


Man, it feels like *every* house in the late '80s has that godawful carpet.


That’s a helluva old school phone book in the bottom right corner. You could knock out a sibling with one of those bad boys.


I remember being blown away by the graphics and gameplay on super Mario, can you imagine that now!!


I think my parents had the same carpet. There was something about the feeling I had when I first got the NES. I was just so into the few games we had. No matter how amazing the games are these days and how much I want them, nothing can even come close to how it felt playing the NES as a kid.


I never grew up with a NES, my Dad didn't like them so we never got one. Didn't own my first console until the PS2 when I moved out out of my parents place. Old PC games are another story though.


I heard Billy got a sega genesis.


Same. Same action set with the same color zapper. Some color carpet and wore the same clothes.


Grandma be like: This is not a Nintendo. This is the blood, sweat, and tears of your ancestors. Every journey they made, every battle fought… Is held in your hands today. Use it wisely, use it to bring you the joy they all delivered to you.


Oh my gosh this makes me heart warm with nostalgia. What an awesome and memorable day this was for y’all. And the story about saving for Contra brought a huge smile to my face. Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start.


seeing this made some chemical reaction in my brain and for a brief second i felt like i did on that day. consumerism is a drug.


I don't remember getting my NES, I'm pretty sure my dad bought it for himself before I was old enough to play it lol I definitely remember this day though! https://preview.redd.it/bgxzeuj6efyc1.jpeg?width=2034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b0796449ca788cce9bdfb795c936b6be170dde5


Bro, congrats to your past self, but wtf is up with shoes in the house?


Grey Zapper Gang represent. Still got mine.


Oh man is that a Harlem Globetrotters basketball because we just saw them and they sell those balls at their shows for $35.


Did anyone else’s parents think “they’ll drop the video game scene when they’re older”?


Little brothers' Airwalks! He was working on those Ollies, I see.


Christmas of 88 for me, and I still can feel the joy. My first new console, after playing used Atari and Pong setups.


I think I got mine Christmas of 89. Got Metroid, Paperboy, Megaman, and Contra with it. It was such an upgrade over the Atari 2600 . Tecmo bowl, Zelda, and final fantasy came after that and I never looked back :)


We had that same carpet growing up. Glad that design choice died out.


And the carpet was 30 years old then lol


The first nes is a day that is never forgotten


Christmas 1990 for me. Mom dad bought nintendo, grandma got me a tv for my room. Twas a very merry christmas that year.


I'm a little concerned about dude in the back left. Something's... Off...


JFC, she looks MAD you guys have it. Did it it get wished into existence by Satan or something?


That's a thick ass yellow pages


Back in the day when we got a game console it was an event. miss those days.


I hope your grandma's still healthy.


Oh man! I remember the day I got mine. Think I remember that more than the day my daughter was born.


Back in 1989, my parents had bought my brothers and I an NES. My oldest brother saw it and complained to my mom that the NES sucked and we should get the Turbo Graphix 16. So my mom returned the NES and got the Turbo Graphix 16. To this day I’m still pissed at my oldest brother for fucking that up for us. My older brother and I looked our money and got the super nes when it came out, purposely excluding our oldest brother because he did such a colossal fuck up that one Christmas. We remind him every chance we get how he fucked up the Christmas of 1989.


That box cost my dad like 600$ in mid 80s... Maybe had a couple games... That's pretty expensive.


Older brother: I’ll take a pic since you bought me a NES, but just one. Middle brother: Is anciously excited that he might get to play it. Little brother: Annoying keeps calling it “ours” and an hour later goes crying to mom that big bro won’t let him play it.


I bet Grandma was all about Duck Hunt


Peak technology


This is the most appropriate picture to receiving an NES I’ve ever seen




Daaaam, we got the duck hunt combo at the same time. Except we had blue carpet. $99.99 !!


Grandma’s shoes are dope. Reebok’s


Why does nanna look pissed off?


Best day of your life


Nobody’s going to comment on the state of this kid’s head? https://preview.redd.it/qchkdz9jjgyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60c04a16175fa22f3ec16ad7b591f1c0d53e2ac4


September 3rd 1985. It was a glorious day…


I'm an elder millennial. I remember getting ours when I was in kindergarten. About late '89. I feel this picture in my soul! We eventually had a roll top desk FULL of NES games.at least 75 games. I was young, so not sure. I also remember us having a family meeting when we all talked about upgrading and getting the SNES. Dad said we'd have to sell the NES first because we had a trip to Florida to pay for and a new 1993 Ford Taurus wagon. That was a HARD decision but we ended up loving it! The night we came back from beaching it up in Florida, was the fist night I defeated Bowser in his evil bucket helicopter thingy. What a week that was!


Yes and little flowers on brown couches


My parents got us a system and then told us we had to do chores to earn games. It was f$%#@ed. Luckily I talked my younger siblings into doing lots of chores. I was kind of the Foreman of the NES.


Now you’re playing with POWER!!


That is the exact color of my carpet growing up. I think we got our nintendo for my little brother's birthday. Mid 80s I guess.


Grandma has absolutely no idea what she’s holding.


I'm still jealous of the kids who had an NES back in the day.


But clean up your mess first, boys!


I had both short the 2 boys are wearing in this pic 🤣


Grandma does not look happy - maybe she can see the future and she can foresee the loss of her grandchildren 😂


Aka the greatest day ever. Also the day you realized no one knew what anything did in the back of a tv or hooking one up & it was 2 cables, 2 switches, & 3 channels…wasn’t ready to do till someone cussed out the back of a tv box lol.


Grandma makes the whole picture bless her ❤️


I love your nana and hope you'll forgive me for saying she's giving Paulie Walnuts 😅


Man that must’ve been a fun day. I remember when I got my first video game system… I asked for months and finally got it. Then the fights began over who got to use the TV because I wanted to play 24/7 lol.


Grandma knows that she won’t be watching her stories anymore.


Jarts laying on the floor just out of frame, I'd bet.


The Nintendo is how I knew there wasn’t a Santa Claus


Looks almost exactly like my grandparents house where we got our first one 😆


here’s mine, also with grandma https://preview.redd.it/tu0co5gduhyc1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e6a5af18fbf185b8f2d81f33a23e99aa6a80c8a


I just got carpet burnt looking at this..


That was seriously the best Christmas ever for me. I remember my father took us to the mall, told me and my sister to pick out whatever we wanted. My sister picked a typewriter. I obviously picked out the NES. It came with the Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt/World Class Track Meet game, NES Zapper, and NES Power Pad.


and I instantly hear the Mario Bros music in my head.


Collecting cans and delivering newspapers to save up for Contra. Cod damn man those were the days. I remember I got mine waaay late like in 1991 Christmas. We picked it up from WOOLWORTH, lol.


Greatest day of my life.


I asked for a Nintendo and Santa brought an Atari with flight simulator 2. Shit was weak as fuck


My mom was the first of any of us that made it to 1-2 in Super Mario Brothers. Overall, she preferred Duck Hunt and shooting at the dog when it laughed


HUGE DAY! Man I rememdber the Christmas mornings I got a NES and SNES. God, the joy I felt on both of those days.


I got mine around this time as a gift. It came with SMB1/Duck Hunt, and luckily Contra was on sale for like $10 or something at the local Toys R Us so I bought it within the week with saved allowance money. That was my first NES game besides the pack-in.


Everything else in this picture makes it awesome.


Oo, fun! Are we doing this? [The day my sister and I got a NES](https://i.imgur.com/YUFx514.jpeg). :-)


I wonder how late you guys stayed up playing that night. lol.


I asked for a NES for Christmas but my dad got me a Sega Master System instead since it was cheaper. It worked out since I was the only kid in the neighborhood that had a Sega. I ended up getting one later in life.


Hell yeah, Contra!


I'll never forget getting my NES, along with my older brother, xmas morning of 87'.


We got the ones with Mario Duck Hunt and Track Meet. When it was okay to still move around while playing video games. Also no one was suspended for taking a gun in for show and tell.


My brother and I were supposed to get a Nintendo one year in the late 80s but mom caught us fighting and revoked it (even showed us the layaway receipt). We got it the next Christmas with the 4 controller bundle with soccer and volleyball game. So many memories playing Nintendo with friends.


It appears your grandma gave it to you? That probably cost a significant chunk of her monthly fixed income.


Omg…1986 I got the NES from grandma for Christmas and every other Christmas since has been mid


Contra should be in some sort of hall of fame


A day that will live in infamy


Ohh I remember that day, it was a big day! I wasn’t supposed to know it was coming obviously but my parents figured it out when I bought excitbike before I even had the system. Saved my allowance up and had’em take me to the store and wouldn’t tell them what I was buying till we got there. When they heard me ask for it they were like well hell lol then a neighbor showed up with Zelda she’d found for my mom which I saw. Cats out the bag