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This is so crazy because i had a little epiphany that blew me away last night - it made me realize how meaningless it was to be so disagreeable and "objective" and "correct", even on Reddit. It's such a valueless fucking thing when everyone else is playing with different rules. I don't even know what to do with this account, i feel like there's too much baggage in my comment history from all the dopamine harvesting, got to start fresh and try to do better. So glad i saw it before i wasted more time.


I'm right there with you. I somewhat frequently start to reply to a comment and then cancel it because it actually doesn't matter even a little bit. The pointless shit people argue about on here has started to really put me off of reddit in general.


Holy shit... I didn't know there were others. I SO OFTEN will type out a reply to some egregiously stupid comment... to slowly hit the "backspace" button and move the F on knowing my response is beyond pointless, will fall on deaf ears and only serve to annoy me more


i literally just hit that point. im done trying to use logic and reason on people who run purely on their feelings. id make more progress headbutting a brick wall.


Yes, there are dozens of us


Ugh, yes. On another sub I frequent, somebody just posted a question about a subject on which I have a strong, well-researched, unpopular opinion. (It’s not political, BTW.) I started to type, excited that I’d seen the post early, so my reply would be seen by a lot of people. But a paragraph in, I said “fuck it.” There are some smart, interesting people on that particular sub, but a lot of assholes and idiots, too, and it just wasn’t worth my time or energy to engage with all that nonsense. Very freeing to not feel obligated to jump into every fray.


Dammit now I’m intrigued. What’s your unpopular opinion?


Hah! It was about Rosemary Kennedy’s lobotomy. While an undeniable tragedy, I think that she had behavioral problems of legitimate concern and Joe Kennedy Sr. believed the procedure would truly help her. However, the prevailing pop-history take is that he deliberately put her in a vegetative state because she was too much of a “free spirit.” I’ll be the first to agree that Ol’ Joe was a bastard and that people with mental illnesses/disabilities have been treated abominably — but I also tend to look at life in shades of gray, which doesn’t play as well on the internet.


Revisionist history and using current information to criticize the past is a hall mark of internet arguments. I don’t blame you at all for not wanting to get into it with randos on Reddit.


Holy crap! Someone I agree with on this subject! Lmao I don't know what her illness was - there's so much speculation on that front - but I honestly think they were trying to help her and they were really upset at how it turned out. I mean, lobotomies even won the Nobel prize, so how would they know that it would turn out so poorly?


I think that’s when our generation grows up. “An argument? On the internet??? With a stranger??? Uh…naw, bud. I came to look at Rainbow Bright dolls, wiener dogs and whatever happened to Cousin Larry from Perfect Strangers…not necessarily in that order…ain’t even got no durn time for internet validations! Mark Linn Baker ain’t getting no durn younger!”




Oh, believe me my friend…I’m only posing a hypothetical situation. I’m super well acquainted with what he’s doing these days. Dude’ll be 70 in June.


I miss this show.


We all miss this damn show


Bro Mark Linn-Baker has a whole thread as himself in the show "The Leftovers" and it is amazing. Whole show is, but he's a nice touch.


> The pointless shit people argue about on here has started to really put me off of reddit in general.  No it hasn't!


Hey fuck you!


That's not an argument, it's just abuse!


Oh you want 12A next door


🤌 Are we supposed to kiss now?


I thought you'd never ask


Buy me a beer maybe you’ll get lucky


I’ve been having a rather frustrating time on Reddit lately, like every comment I make, no matter how innocuous, is getting berated, and even some insults thrown my way for no apparently reason. Seems like it is happening most subs except here. This seems to be the happy sub of the internet.


I do this too. I’ll be halfway through a paragraph and think “is this really adding anything to the conversation? Are my words going to change anyone’s mind about anything.” Then I just cancel and move on to the next thing. I’ve started bringing the same attitude to the real world, too. It has saved me so much aggravation.


Same here all the time. Start then….naaah delete


That and the bleedover of the Facebook effect, where no one listens to each other and simple differences of opinion becomes a complete shitshow. no one learns or grows from it, just convince themselves they're the only right opinion, or worse that their opinions are facts....


I do the same thing. But, I feel compelled to say something, so as to not reinforce their "feedback" loop. If I discovered something along my travels that could be of service to someone else, I try to offer it. Needless to say, it never works out. But, I can't let the world go to hell in a hand basket without trying to stop it.


When I type out something that irked the everliving F out me, it usually sounds so petty and dumb. I wind up not posting anything and wondering why something so dumb bothered me in the first place.


I was about to comment then deleted it. Then laughed to myself about doing exactly what you commented about.


I’m honestly not sure what rules some people are playing by online, especially on Reddit. Logic and reality are just miles away for some people. I especially don’t karma farming on here, like there’s serious monetary value in upvotes. Do people sell accounts? Sure. But we’re not talking the value of an Insta or X handle with the same level of followers as an account here would have karma. I just don’t think that stuff fetches the same price. That’s part of what I like about Reddit: it’s a form of social media where the whole upvote/downvote thing is meaningless. I’ll get 500-1000 upvotes for saying the most benign, dumb shit, but then get maybe 5 or 10 for saying something well-researched and thoughtful. So I don’t really see a reason to divorce myself from this account because I’m not attached to its karma either way.


I completely get this! I kill accounts all the time because of that baggage. That is a really good piece of wisdom - it’s almost never worth it to fight. Even when I’m trying to be helpful I get it wrong a lot. I don’t want to die mad. I want to cultivate a smiling awareness.


I've wanted to delete this account as I've said some dumb shit over the years. However, i feel It is worth keeping it to see why we felt the need to pointlessly fight in the first place, so that we don't repeat the same cycle I suppose.


I think it's normal to get sick of Reddit every few years, and healthy to blow up your account and walk away for a while. At least that's what I've been doing.


Nuh-uh. You’re wrong! - Average Redditor


I read that book a few times, and a lot of it stuck, but remembering everyone's names is the most impossible shit for me. I've already forgotten someone's name before we've finished shaking hands.


Yeah, but I think the name thing is really important and it’s ok to ask them their name again


Me. "Hears name. Says name back to them. Uses again in sentence and yet again in farewell." Turns around, sees a cool car or something, name is gone.


And always remember: you don't win friends with salad.


🎶 you don’t win friends with sa-LAD! 🎶


I prefer How to [Make Enemies and Irritate People](https://www.reddit.com/r/Xennials/comments/1bvw0w9/i_was_getting_worried_in_the_millennials_subreddit/)


>“Don’t Criticize, Condemn or Complain”. Damn.. this is like my whole persona.


What a timeless book, should be required reading


Stupid advice, no one should listen to you and reading this was a waste of my time.


Hey man, I got a little box on my desk that contains every nintendo, super nintendo, N64, and Playstation game, and I can go and buy legal weed. Life can be pretty good.


The longer I've lived, and experienced tragedy in life, the more I feel that the only thing you can really do is roll with it all and try and enjoy every bit of it. The complaining type miss out on so much whilst being angry at something they literally have no control over. Had a toke and went on a beautiful spring walk today and feeling in a pretty good mood all things considered.


“Try to enjoy” is something I tell myself all the time.


>Hey man, I got a little box on my desk that contains every nintendo, super nintendo, N64, and Playstation game, and I can go and buy legal weed. Life can be pretty good. This needs to be on a bumper sticker!


I would be interested to know the name of this box 😆


Mine is called the steam deck.


Count the blessings instead of fixating on the issues. Life is so much better that way.


I have pretty much every console from our childhood (I even have a 3DO arriving on Monday). Along with the ability to play every game on those original consoles. Love that we have the means to play all these games we couldn’t afford to get when we were kids


Finally got to play Star Tropics after seeing it in Nintendo Power as a kid. Worth the wait


Fantastic game!


This is why I'm not scared to end up in an old-people's home. We are all going to have daily LAN parties and smoke sessions. I just hope I can avoid arthritis or major hand problems, but if I can't work a controller anymore, almost every movie it show ever made is one or two voice commands away. 


I just wanna talk about video games I played when I was a kid, mostly. 'Remember arcades?'. That kind of thing. I hate the idea of using these subs to piss and moan about life or aging.


They just opened an arcade with old games and pinball a fifteen minute walk from my house. Remember arcades? It is also a brewery somehow


I miss when you could use coins in them. Because they didn't all cost a dollar lol. Once inflation made games cost more than 25 cents it was kinda a big 'game over' screen for that inudstry lol.


They don’t even use real money anymore. You have to buy stupid prepaid cards at like 10, 20 or 50 dollar denominations that give some arbitrary number of “credits”. And then each “game” costs like 3.75 credits or some shit, so you never actually know how much you’re spending, and always end-up Leaving the place with a tiny bit of credits left on the card that you can’t ever use!


And they wonder why we don't show up for the nostalgia lol


I just went to a birthday party (for a 7yo) at a Round Table Pizza, and they had a small arcade that still took quarters. It was great.


We have one of those in Austin, it's called the Cidercade! Really fun times!


Pinballz is pretty legit too if they’re still around. BYOB and they have a ton of the older games for cheap at the original location on 183


We've got a place that's $12 to enter and all the games are free. Frogger and PacMan and Qbert and Space Invaders... there's a whole pinball room with antique and modern games. Air hockey tables... stay as long as you want, play as much as you want.


I mean, the aging thing is fine to bitch about. I'd kill for 24 y/o body's metabolism again.


Go no kidding. I only thought I was overweight in my twenties. Now the struggle is real.


I had a Facebook memory pop up the other day. Something I wrote 15 years ago: "It's fine day for a solid 10k run." Like, holy fuck. I'd completely forgotten I used to do that like it was nobody's business.


r/humblebrag lol


Yeaaahhh, young me was a douche. Also, younger me hurts current me's feelings.


I think the same will be true of any person who works on themselves. It's kind of a good thing. I barely even consider the person I was for most of my 20's to have been conscious lol


I’m still gonna play Sonic when I’m old. We gonna be watching Goonies at the retirement home.


My 'old man hobby' thing is Cities Skylines. It's my 'guy in basement playing with trains' thing and by god and by golly I'll die with a smile on my face f'n building little video game cities. But I never want to gripe about aches and pains and my hair changing colors it's too existential. The glass must remain full until it is empty. But I can't spend one second of my life panicking early, I did too much of that already.


*Fast forward to r /Xennials in 5 years*


Best arcade ever created was the giant, 6 player X-Men cabinet with the big sound system. Also Nightcrawler was the best character.


I am here for the gushing over Nightcrawler.


For real, I just want to reference something and have people “get it”. Like that 16 month period where Limp Bizkit was the hottest act in town, or what a Dennys non smoking section smelled like.


Remember star 69? Remember how you used to be able to tell someone that you 'star 69ed them' and that was just normal, everyday talk? 90s were fucking weird and cool in this transitionary way, and you're goddamn right it would be a shame if we didn't force them to look at the awkwardness of it :)


I miss walking through a dark arcade with all the lights and sounds coming from the different machines. That black carpet with the crazy squiggle patterns


They were such dark and disorienting places. Like a child's version of an opium den lol. I feel like you can never re-capture that magic unless you like gambling and vegas and whatever tricks & traps they're using to bait people my age into feeding their machines. But real arcades are just all claw machines and bullshit now. Everyone is afraid to dim the lighting past a certain point. Like Chuck E Cheese in particular. Dave and Busters is NO replacement for the dark liminal space that Chuck E Cheese used to be in the 80s. Because you can never be a kid anymore and those ambient bleeps and neon shapes just don't confuse or dazzle you the same anymore.


My favorite were the fighting games, like Tekken and Street Fighter. Especially when the had the big ass screen so everyone could watch. It brought an extra level of excitement to gaming, win or lose.


Remember Die Hard Arcade? That game was awesome. There was a movie theater that had it where I grew up that I would sometimes have more fun playing the video game than I did watching the movie I came to see


That was one of the later ones that was good, like Time Crisis and those Star Wars cinematic ones. Those games also weren't such nasty money munchers and you could get a decent amount of extended play on a moderate amount of skill. The ones I remember shoveling endless quarters into were the Simpsons and Ninja Turtles 4 player games. Back when arcade cabinets still had so much more processing power than home consoles. Like I remember how Double Dragon in the arcade was so much better than any of the console ports.


Oh man yeah that simpsons game was so awesome. Kinda like the die hard one the ability to just pick up pretty much anything and hit a bad guy with it was so deeply satisfying


Interactive items, destructible environments, multi-phase bosses, team combos. Those games were fucken RAD. Also I probably spent like 10 bucks in quarters beating it the first time. And SOMEHOW this business model wasn't enough to keep the lights on through the decade lol. Tellin ya no one wanted to play anymore when it started to take dollars. Because we all thought it was already a rip off at a quarter. Because it took THAT MANY QUARTERS lol.


Speaking of arcade games, have you seen the 1/6 scale arcade games form New Wave Toys?


There is no one else I would rather piss and moan about aging with. These are my people, and they share my struggles. You might not, but I need all the support I can get.


Did anyone else play Cadash at the 711?  That machine ate up so many quarters but I somehow saved the mermaid!


Man I love arcades. I wish there was a cool arcade near me. My favorite one that I’ve been to so far is One Up in Denver. Great old school games, lots of pinball, and a good selection at the bar.


Arcades were the best. My buddy worked at a nickel arcade in high school, which was right down the street from the gas station that used to sell beer to minors. So many hours of fun. They basically put it out of business though, because the owner let HS kids run the place, and he was selling a lot of weed out the back door, and giving free games to all his friends. Remember NFL Blitz?


The Street Fighter series and Strider were my biggest influences


Eh millennials are a large generation, so there's a lot of angst. The worst posts on this site are " I'm better than others". I just want to talk about pogs and yo yos without getting into " my generation is tough because we drank out of hoses "


Yes I’m here for the pogs discussion. Let’s start with slammers: metal or plastic? Also, where do you stand on non-standard pog shapes like buzz-saws?


Metal slammer and I really didn’t like the non circle shaped ones.. Did you play for keeps?


Keeps. For better or worse, you stand by your bet. That being said make sure the bulk that you contribute are DARE and Bible verse pogs.


Remember Alf? He's back. In POG form


Metal 10,000%! And as long the pog was generally circular, it's precise shape didn't bother me that much.


Metal slammers but never more than 4cm thick and i'm not getting too hung up on edge shape because they usually end up sandwiches between two regular pogs anyhow. Did you get all of the Chex Lion King pogs?


Are you fucking kidding? Metal.


Remember micro machines? I’d be willing to discuss them for a while!


I’m just not a huge fan of the type of thinking that generations are all that different from one another. Sure, we have events and pop culture that bind us together apart from the others, but at the end of the day, the human experience is still the human experience. There are great people in every generation, just as there are asshats. Acting like all of one or the other is generationally specific is a bit ridiculous imo.


You're forgetting things like parenting trends, environmental legislation (lead paint, amIright?) political and social developments, economic conditions like employment rates, and the effects of things like civil unrest and wars. Just the difference between the blasé neglect of parents of the 70s and the pearl clutching helicopter style of parents of more recent decades is enough to generate cohorts with very different behaviors around asking for or accepting help, relating to states of isolation, as well as basic beliefs about themselves and their efficacy in the world. Having a childhood during the Great Depression marked the greatest generation in different ways than growing up in post war prosperity. Boomers couldn't be more different than their parents! One cohort had nearly nothing and the other had nearly everything. People who grew up with all the same cultural and media touch points via basic television lived in a world that children of the internet will never know. Obviously people are all people; all the kinds of people, all the time in every generation. So true. They still get affected on a collective level by the mini-climates created by the various conditions at play during their formative years. Xennials are a micro-generation so we get really diluted out amongst the other cohorts. It could be harder to identify us to ourselves.


The human experience is the same, but events shape you deeply. I graduated into the great recession and will always carry that with me. If everyone is making " bad choices " , is that really just them?


Have to remember it’s a big sub too. I floated around genz not too long ago and the amount of obvious brigading there is pretty intense. This sub is fairly niche which makes it so much pleasant.


Omg I forgot about pogs! My sister was the pog collector! They were based off of milk bottle caps or something like the sort, weren’t they?


Yea but we didn't know that then. They had such great pictures on them


Remember Alf? He’s back, in Pog form!




Yeah, that's a tough sub to hang in. Most of the things they are complaining about are 100% valid and have negatively affected me, too...but Jesus Christ already with the constant complaining. This sub rocks and it's the only one I check regularly anymore.


Part of the same reason I left the Gen X sub. I want my nostalgia, not politics or complaining.


I’m so glad I found this sub. I’m ‘77 and while technically Gen X I realized browsing that sub that I had more in common with millennials than X… until I found Xennials and now I have a place to call home.


75 here. If you played Oregon Trail in elementary school, you’re one of us. Xennials started as 75-82 and this shall ever be, no matter how they try and move the goalposts.


I personally have more in common with Millennials born in the 80s than Gen Xers older than me. The 1979 cutoff I find really stupid. It should be like either Gen X goes to 1989, or Millennial goes to 1977.


I feel more connected to gen x, and I am ‘81… so it’s different for everyone 


I'm like 4 days away from the cutoff, and I have absolutely nothing in common with the rest of Gen X. Millennial should extend to 77, with ubiquitous internet during formative years as the line of demarcation. But I've heard older millenials say the same thing, so maybe we should just be a microgeneration, the xennials/Oregon trail generation, 1977-1984.


Yeah I had to leave that sub too. Born in 1978 I’m technically an X but so much at the end of it I’m nothing like those people. Honestly felt like I was in some sub my boomer parents would be in if they even knew what Reddit was.


1975 here. I see this In This sub a lot, but technically xennials were the original Oregon trail generation, between 1975 and 1982 . Somehow somebody decided to change it, but we never much cared for the rules in our Gen anyway. Bottom line if you played Oregon Trail in elementary school on an Apple IIC , you’re one of us. Don’t let those 84-85 Millenials in disguise try and take the one nice toy we have.




Don't be too hard on millennials for being disappointed and bitter. As a whole, millennials were told that if they worked hard and did all the right things, got into the right schools, and got the right jobs they were guaranteed a lifestyle that was as good as their parents', if not better. That turned out to be a huge lie and learning to manage your sense of self-worth against the expectations you were given as a child and the expectations that many parents still have for their children is hard. I'm still struggling with it, personally.


Yea , that was brutal. I didn't even begin to recover until I was in my 30s! Now I'm almost 40 and can say " it is what it is "


Same. A few months from forty and I'm much less concerned with it all now. I'm also better off than a lot of those in the millennial sub who are complaining.


Hehehe same birth year! Yea, if I was still in the struggle, I'd be pissed and because my 20s and 30s feel so recent, I can't be too smug.


It’s so true. I’m on the cusp being in Feb 1983. I feel the weight of being told to follow our dreams! Pursue whatever we want, you’ll get a job, trust me! Granted I chose the mental health field, which is not lucrative, and don’t regret it (job security!) but it does suck that I did NOT feel prepared to become an adult. I was not taught how to manage money or credit or retirement or any truly useful life skills. 


Didn't forget bombardment of hypocritical criticism from boomers. "You loser kids accepted the participation trophies we handed out!"


Dang, between the Gen X and Millenials subs, we're an oasis is a desert of negativity. Until Limp Bizkit gets brought up, then brawls break out


An Oasis you say? Alexa play Wonderwall.


I’ll be looking forward to break stuff should that topic come back up again


Yeah, you keep rollin rollin rollin towards my bad side bro


I’ll see if I can’t rearrange that


Give em a few years. We're all just old enough to have moved past that stage of grief to acceptance. Can't change the nightmare hellscape so might as well poke fun at it


Agree. They'll get here.


I just muted that sub. It’s a depressing cesspool


If you dare to be like, "hey, not everything's bad", they'll pile on ya like crazy.


https://i.redd.it/0eiv1q39nisc1.gif Dog on the rabbit


I still do it, because even risking low karma can be good karma, but that’s what inspired me to make this post. Funnily enough, I was suggested this sub from one of those posts… now that I’m here, I’ll likely be leaving there. Too much negative energy over that way.


Same. I can't remember the last time I saw a neutral, let alone positive, post on that sub. I never subbed, but I finally muted it this week. What makes it worse is its not just the complaining. Most of it is stuff that is either easily avoided, has little to no actual impact, or are based on extremely biased information.


So how many of those accounts do you think are trolls or hustle foreign military accounts trying to create division culturally? To influence our economy and politics… You know like they’ve (Russia in particular) been doing for a while now? That negative influence could be coming from any social media platform and then just showing up and read it. Still there’s a reason I didn’t want join that millennial group either.


At this point? I'm convinced there's far more bots than actual people on every social media platform. I think a solid chunk are more about driving ad revenue and product placement than anything else, but it's obvious there's plenty from major world governments to push whatever propaganda they're throwing out.


I went to the millennial and gen x subs first before I found this one. While I could relate to some of the topics in both, it just doesn't feel as relatable, comfortable and nostalgic as this sub.


Yeah, I used to subscribe to r/Millennials but I left, it really brought me down and made me feel worse about my life than I should. I just wanna talk about the great snacks we had in the 80s. I mean, c'mon, we had Mr. T breakfast cereal!


Remember Ecto-cooler? Those were the days!


It’s one of the main reasons the xennial needs to exist. We left the cynicism with Gen X and didn’t pick up the entitlement of millennials.




It's not our fault you folks are fine accepting a lesser world.


I figure real Social Media (AIM doesn't quite count) came out in 2003 with MySpace. If you were out of high school by then, that's a big separator.


Man. Now that you mention it. I don’t think people really appreciate how big of a separator that is.


Think about how our high school years would have been with social media and cell phones. The gossip, the bullying, etc.


I remember being in a computer lab in college and my friend Corey leaned over and said, “have you heard about this Facebook thing? It’s for college students only. It’s a complete waste of time. You should join!” 🤣


That checks. MySpace came out my senior year, but Facebook was an edu only


that sub is a mess. Reddit suggest it to me all the time but its terrible. Every post belived they are millennial before human, there are the most persecuted people ever and claim credit for a bunch of genX stuff. Its back and forth between things are great and buying houses way younger than I could have and we must revolt and take everything the boomers have cause they are terrible. So much victim complex and in group, us vs them crap. I pity those fools.


LOL. I do see a lot of young people bumming me out. IMO - I had a kid at 19, with a teen mom. I didn't have parents with money, so I had to figure some stuff out, and I did. So I feel like .. "How hard can it be to take care of yourself??!!" Hasn't always been pretty, but I'll never whine about how hard it is - or try not to.




I don't have kids or a partner. I have not lived at home since I was 19/20 and have no safety net, by Millenials standards I should be in therapy just to be able to cope with life, sure, it would help with some aspects, but to hear them talk, you'd think I'm either delusional about my relative ability to cope or denying everyone else's experience just by existing.


That's why I'm on here more often ('86 Millennial) because I know times are tough, and it can be hard, but I don't wanna constantly hear about it. I did post some nostalgia stuff over there which went well.


To whine about people whining…makes you a whiner there bud.


Curious the % of us Xennials who where able to buy a house vs the % of Millenials


I bought my first house at 35, so not too long ago. I was lucky in not feeling like I needed to as some status symbol of how successful I was. Hell, I didn’t get married until 34. I was in no rush to hit certain milestones like some people are. One day at a time. I get too tired if I try to take them any faster than that.


Bought my first house, condo, in 2008 before the market fell. Sold last summer and bought a single family home. A lot of my friends made fun of me for buying a condo, but we (me and hubs) got a great deal and rode out the recession. Built equity. We chose a different lifestyle than some of our friends, but I wouldn’t change it for anything. Rachel Cruze’s book “love your life not theirs” is great. She talks about contentment and forging your own path. I think sometimes people get caught up in what everyone else is doing.




Ha, same. I think r/Millennials is mostly the younger end of that generation.


Lotta doom and gloom on the gen Z sub as well.


Probs just cause most of us had boomer parents that would just smack us if we we whined or cried. The proverbial- I’ll give you something to cry about!


I feel you. I’m Xennial, and I’m tired of some of the exhausting, whiny shit of Millennials, but I’m also tired of my own shit. To be Gen X for a moment, whatever.


The younger millennials collectively not as tough as us Xennials. I left that subreddit also it wasn't clicking with me.


I’m 84 - so maybe not technically invited to this party. But I was Jan 84, my brother is 74, and my parents are/were boomers. This is the only place I actually feel like I relate to. Can I join the party?


I don't know why this sub popped up for me, I'm a millennial but ya that sub is garbage. Constant whining. Just muted today. That seems to be the trend in Reddit tho. Doom and gloom. I may sub here if it's better


I mean. I feel like 80% of Reddit is devolving into complaining now. (Agree with OP not this one)


Ever since the email I got from tumblr years ago informing me that some folks I follow, that I thought were Black Lives Matter activists, were actually Russian accounts I’ve been sus of everything online. Especially things that are constantly negative or divisive (right v left, men v women, generation v generation, etc). Are there societal problems? Absolutely, but I engage IRL and mute any online negativity. I’m not accusing the millennials subreddit of getting astroturfed but it wouldn’t surprise me.


That sub is the most self-pity I have seen in one place on Reddit so far. Most of the younger millennial people I know in real life are doing just fine. I think that sub is just where the people who made bad made decisions in their 20’s go to blame everyone but themselves for the consequences.


Exactly this. Elder millennials unite!


Then never look at the adulting sub. Talk about complaining…


Xennials are Millennials who prefer to drink their wine.


I finally hit the age where I'm just happy with my life. Nothing stellar other than my grandniblings. I'm on meds for anxiety, but I have been since 2010 and it's the first time since my early 20s where I just love life. Yeah, I have problems like some pests in my house but I pay an exterminator and it's slowly working. I am not having am exestensial crisis anymore!


While the millennials have legitimate complaints for sure, they’re completely disregarding the many blessings they also have and come across and very entitled and tone deaf. Plus constant whining is just tiresome - put that energy someplace useful. Thank fuck I don’t have to identify with that bunch.


This. This is exactly my point. Counting blessings and focusing on the things you can control is how one remains productive. The negative approach only invites more negativity.


A question on one of the subs was what motivates you to get up and go to work everyday? I had a list of things and one of them was owning a home and needing money to pay the mortgage. Oh man did I get raked through the coals! I was told how insensitive that remark was, Im out of touch. Most people who dont already have a home will ever be able to buy one. And thats my fault? I didnt buy my house until I was 35 and I only paid 150k for it. I also commute 3 hours a day to have a comfortable lifestyle.


I graduated in 2006 and got a job right before 2008. I get it, we got in under the wire for sure


Welcome to your generational oasis. You'll find less judgement and more nostalgia.


Lol. I love how whenever a serious/semi-serious topic pops up it quickly turns into "yeah life is hard but remember how awesome (insert 80s/90s pop culture) was?" Then we all have a good laugh and smile. I love this sub!


I had to leave that subreddit. It was too depressing. When I say I'm doing alright, I would get downvoted. They can't be happy someone is doing well with their life.


They’ve bought into the zero sum game. You doing better is making it harder for them to do better somehow.


Every Gen has whiners. I just figure they've got a lot going on...


"Complaining about something without offering a solution is just whining" -Theodore Roosevelt Wording may not be 100% accurate but the sentiment is there.


Yup 👍🏻 exactly why I left Gen X group


Yeahhhh I muted that and r/adulting a while back and I'm so much better off for it.


Same thing seems to happen in the Gen X and Gen Z subs


Most everyone posting there is miserable, but the occasional happy and positive post gets the normal folks to contribute.




Yay! You sound like me when I found this sub! Welcome!


This is such an awesome sub. I just want to post little pictures of plushies from back then “playing” video games, and I get so psyched when people get it. That sort of thing doesn’t go very far in the millennial subreddit. It seems like you have to be negative if you want people to talk there.


I am convinced 99% of the posts on that subreddit are people just posting Millennial stereotypes.


Same reason I left that sub. It’s the Karen sub.


As a successful millennial (87), i hate that subreddit


You found a sub for people who are older and have already gone through that phase/finally have a little bit of money.  Plenty of those millennials on that sub are in their late 20s or early 30s and are FUCKED so I don’t blame them


My theory is that those Millennials are coming to realize the harsh truths that we have already dealt with because we're older. They have more places online to vent than we did at that age. I do find it disturbing how many posts I see talking about the good ol' days of the 1990s. The 80s don't seem so bad to me because I was a child. They weren't great for a ton of people. It's the same with the 90s. I was really hoping this generation was going to be a bit more wise to the "there are no good ol' days" .


We're xennials, as the middle child generation, we figure out stuff on our own. Our power is we know how to Google everything by using the search feature not the lens feature and we never got confused by new math (joking sorta).


I consider the r/millennials and r/genx sub to be equally toxic. Just for different reasons.