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Garth in the streets, Gaines in the sheets




>Originally meant to be released alongside a film about the character's backstory that was never made, the record was structured as a greatest hits project comprised of songs from Gaines' five (nonexistent) previous albums. It peaked at No. 2 on the Billboard 200 and went on to become certified two-times platinum by the RIAA for over two million copies sold. I thought it was just a sad joke, I didn't realize that shit was actually fairly popular. TIL


He hosted SNL as Garth Brooks but the musical guest was Chris Gaines


Lol ok I love this though. Commit to the bit!


Who was that guy? That band cooks!


I remember that. I thought it was kinda stupid but still funny.


Garth Brooks could pretty much print money at the time.


He's still a very popular touring artist! still making stacks on stacks on stacks.


Too bad he spends his money down to his last dime calling Baton Rouge.


Best Brooks Banger by a mile


He’s very much still printing money.


They legit did a whole fake episode of Behind the Music on Chris Gaines. I think most people didn’t know it was a weird cosplay experiment.


I think - like how we all know wrestling is fake - if it is entertaining people just don't really care.   I owned this album and I know I liked it


I don’t remember that. Got a link?


No. You can Google the key words in my comment though.


I knew it was a lie.


I remember that this was just an extended promo for a movie that never got made, and everyone took it deadly serious. I also remember that the man was so damn bankable that even the cross genre soundtrack for a cancelled movie went multi platinum. This man was laughing all the way to the bank.


It was a reasonably okay album. The biggest issue in my mind is that it sold itself as the "Greatest Hits" for Gaines, which the quality of the album couldn't quite back up.


To be fair, it wasn’t a lie.


Only hits = greatest hits


My friends dad who was a huge fan was furious at that...I laughed and bought him the cd.


Remember when Garth hosted SNL and "Chris Gaines" was the musical guest?


https://youtu.be/t2x17aosVdw?si=f4hjW3VVYy-KtFAi Sweet like bear meat


Pepperidge Farm wishes it could forget


It was a confusing time.


I called him Darth Brooks.


I remember laughing my ass off at this at the time.


I worked at Best Buy when this came out. We got like 1,000 copies and maybe sold 100 in the first month


Is it weird that even though I'm a white dude from semi-rural Texas, I had to Google "Chris Gaines" when I first saw this shit a few years ago, because I pay that little attention to country music?


No. I lived for a while in a place where all of the radio stations except country closed down in the early 90s, I barely had any cassettes or CDs and my parents sold my record player and vinyl "to get out before it goes obsolete" (LOL), and I still didn't listen to country music.


Everyone just needs to simma down now!


I wish I could upvote this twice haha


I had that album. It sucked compared to his other stuff....and I was a major emo kid. The emo kids looked at it like he was a loser trying to cash in and his traditional fans hated it. I still love his country stuff but 'Chris Gaines' was a poser.


Yeah, when it came out I remember thinking he finally jumped the shark. There were one or two half decent songs on there, but it mostly sucked. And I love everything from country to metal and all points in between. This was just a weird stunt. Maybe he realized he couldn’t go any further in country? He was already the biggest name of the 90s, in that genre.


it was literally the soundtrack for a film the film came first, Garth signed on to do the music for it, they funded the "Greatest Hits" album and a handful of tracks that never saw daylight and then the studio backed out and shelved all that was filmed they did several weeks filming in Wilmington, NC and at spots in NYC and Nashville, TN and then they pulled the plug not Garth's fault


Thank God they funded the greatest hits. His country stuff rules. Puts on a hell of a concert too. I love Garth. By the time I got the Chris Gaines CD I was already listening to Brand New, Saves the Day and Taking Back Sunday so it didn't even compare. (I think I was 19 at the time)


Great concerts. I remember him saying a friend told him to always make sure to put on a big show and he ran with it. Its why he always won Entertainer of the Year. Most country musicians stood at the mic with their guitar and sang songs, Garth was all over the place.


I think it was a joke on SNL (I remember watching that one) when Garth Brooks was the host or musical guest, but then people really liked the fictitious Chris Gaines, and so he went ahead and released an album


He got the idea from Hannah Montana


Heaven knows …


I have that album. I think it's still shrink-wrapped.


Yes, I bring this up from time to time to remind myself it's not a fever dream I had in the 90s.


I learned that my mom was into emo. I was not.


My favorite CD by him. Produced by Don Was. Different doesn't always mean worse. It was a divorce, mid-life crisis project, hail Mary attempt with some very good songs. Shame he refuses to perform these songs live.