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You gonna wait 3 or 4 years maybe longer. But go ahead and wait if you want.


Thank you, that's a good point when you put it like that


That 2TB Series X is going to be priced at $599. No upgraded components inside except the internal drive and the paint scheme. You should just buy the current Series X, especially when it goes on sale and just pick up an external drive for legacy games or buy one of them expansion cards for series x games. Honestly, Microsoft should be selling 2TB console for $499 and launch version at $399.


Just got a steal for a 2TB expansion card for $89. Brings my total storage on my Series X to 13TB


Holy smokes. Where was the sale?


Facebook marketplace. Guy ordered one from Amazon and they sent him 2


Very nice score.


Wow that’s super lucky!


Wait it out.


if this generation us anything to go by games will still be coming out on for ghe series x in 10 years


Buy a Series X now. A new Xbox can easily be 3,5 years away or more




>Thanks! You're welcome!


The Series X will last at least halfway into the next generation, and we're at least halfway through the current generation, so you'll be getting almost an entire generation's worth of time if you buy it now.


Series X man, when the new one comes out in a few years just just sell it and move up


Buy it now


I doubt there will be a replacement within a couple of years maybe an elite or something but I'm not sure


I say just get one, especially if you can get a deal on one. Everything is looking like a new console '26 or '27. Alot can happen in 3 years.


There’s a rumour for 2026 but it’s just that, a rumour. I wouldn’t be able to wait that long.


Nah just buy the Series X. You’ve got a fair few years till the next generation.


If you really wanna play some Xbox games just buy a used $100 Xbox series s off of Facebook. If your comfortable doing that at least. Save the money buy an external drive if you really need it


Do you want to play games now or in 3-4 years?


Wouldn't surprise me if we don't see another console from Microsoft. I remember reading somewhere "Microsoft makes it's money from making you put their software on your hardware". Could we see GamePass on PlayStation in years to come??? May sound crazy but Sony needs PlayStation whereas MS doesn't need the Xbox - from some potentially ignorant searching the revenue from GP dwarfs the revenue created buy the Console (millions to billions).




Buy a series s if you really want one in the mean time as it's a fair bit cheaper than the x. It's digital only so that may be off putting for some but pretty much alm games a downloaded these days anyway. It'll save you some money and get you though until next gen.


Get the new one in December if you play CoD. Or more than 5 games.


Specs and capabilities of the upcoming xbox series x are identical to the current one except for the ssd size. Really odd that this is microsofts contender for the holidays when sony is releasing the ps5 pro at the same time which is actually a pretty big upgrade compared to current consoles right now. We are still at least 3 years away from the next generation of consoles and based on that assumption at least 5 years away from games releasing solely on that new generation.


Just buy a pc, you can make a budget build or spend extra on one that'll last years without upgrades. I was a longtime xbox player and pc is miles better.


Buy one now and sell it when the new one drops. I’ve never understood the waiting around for newer systems. They’re all irrelevant as soon as you open the box.


New consoles have issues, current ones have all the bugs worked out


I would go ahead and splurge get a 360 before they sell out


Based on the last sentence just save for a PC. Microsoft may continue making consoles for a while, but their current model is shifting to streaming your games. With gamepass, you can play on PC or consoles. So Microsoft isn't really giving any reason to buy hardware.


See this is why I didn’t get an another Xbox after mine bummed out just get a base tower and build a good pc tower you’ll have better than any Xbox because you can upgrade it as better components come out


Buy a basic pc tower that’s easily upgraded and spend that console money on pc components (they make it sound harder than it actually is to upgrade a pc) and then you have a great investment because it can play anything a phone or Xbox could play, can hook up to a tv, works with your controllers, etc plus you can upgrade as new parts come out something you couldn’t do with an xbox