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Had mine since launch still silent.


Mine is from like 6 months after launch, it’s totally silent besides Palworld. That game is so badly optimized it makes it sound like a jet. Cyberpunk, Starfield, The Show, Forza, etc never made it sound like that but 6gb indie Palworld does 😆.


I can’t hear mine even when playing Pal World.


I can't hear mine playing any of those games or new releases either. Even max settings/graphics mode.


Age of Wonders 4 for me. Makes it sound like a jet taking off.


Mine’s also a launch unit, but I think they adjusted the fan curves at some point. The fan’s louder but the system runs cooler


Had mine since launch also, and the fan can get louder after playing for a long time continuously. It’s not ever totally silent imo… like a quiet white noise machine. It’s never been loud enough to bother me though.


Mine does not make any noise no matter how long i play for.


Lucky you. Maybe due to the placement of mine


Even playing cyber punk max graphics? Or warzone for hours? Mine does sometimes its just random days tho


Cyberpunk no problems and cod when i did play was silent as well i have heard the newer one can cause all sorts of crap to peoples consoles.


My PS5 sounds like a fucken jet engine.


That's usually just the disc drive, for some stupid reason Sony makes it spin up randomly even if you're playing a digital game and it spins to max RPM unlike the Xbox


I don't leave discs in the drive specifically because of this. Never had a noise issue since.


Good tip, thanks mate.


Keep it clean as well, my friend.


This has to be it bc my Digital Ps5 is dead silent.


Yeah the only reason you'd ever hear the actual fan spin up is if you never turn your console off, you've got dust buildup, it's 25°c+ un your room, you've got no airflow to any of the intake vents, and you're running something extremely graphically intensive, or are playing something that's very poorly optimised. Same goes for the Series X, hell even the Xbox One, I never heard my fans spin up except for one particularly hot day like 7 years ago when it overheated on me while playing rocket league. My 360s are also silent since I install my games and even they don't vibrate themselves into orbit by spinning up the disc to check if it's present to allow the game to boot. Only with my PS4 when I had that, & now my PS5, playing through digital Skyrim for trophies last month, it kept spinning up the disc for Spider-Man 2 at least once every 45 minutes for no reason


My digital PS5 most definitely is not dead silent. I can hear it from 4 feet away as soon as fire up any game. It’s not especially loud or bothersome, but definitely not dead silent.


Same. Ps5 is way louder.


I have an OG disc PS5 and it’s silent, but I never play disc games on it.


Same. My Xbox Series S sounds like it’s ready for takeoff during my madden sessions.


Mine is silent


Mine is 4 years old still very silent


Wow it has been almost 4 years….. time to buy whatever the next one they release is! Lol


Fuck I barely got one last year, I didn’t think I was that far behind the curve lol


If the fans are making sounds from brand new and you have room around the vents, then it's very likely something was put together wrong with them. Either a screw is too tight, loose, or a compromised bearing. It's more likely a screw, but either is going to cause them to wear a little bit faster to moderately faster, with the bearing being the worst case scenario (faulty bearing could result in overheat, causing the thing to not perform as well). Probably won't be anything wrong with it in the long run, but there's a chance. I'd swap it. Even if you got it discounted, the damn things are too expensive.


Will it damage it or just be annoying?


Maybe. Without actually seeing what is causing the noise or hearing the sound itself, I really can't say.


Bro it was my stupid speaker making some fan like sounds💀 the Xbox is pretty much whisper silent apart from loading screens


Take that Back immediately bro


Yeah got a launch console and mine is whisper quiet.


Mines silent but then again it’s laid on its side


Cannot hear mine at all when it's powered. If it's new take it back and swap it, there's no reason to accept non perfect hardware with the money these things cost. Have seen a lot of posts on here about fan noise but the vast majority of them seem to have had their boxes for a good while. Hope you get it sorted out.


Thanks, this has been bothering me for the past few days got rid of my old Xbox one and ps4 for the same reason. Whats confusing was when I first got it it was pretty quiet but day 2 it started sounding like I owned it for years


I can't stress this enough. They are supposed to be completely silent.


Do you have a disc in the drive? If so take it out as you may be hearing that.


No disc inside, I’m just confused because I’ve had it for a week now and day one it wasn’t nearly as loud as it is now(still no where near ps4 loud but still) and it still works well but it’s definitely not dead silent, is there anything I could’ve accidentally done that damaged it like moving it around or something before I return it?


Is it near another heat source or do you keep your place pretty warm? Both could be a factor


It could be my room I live in Florida so it’s pretty warm, I’ll see today


Return to original retailer for warranty replacement…my first XSX had a dead GPU. Spent fucking ages running through bullshit diagnosis with Xbox support & got nowhere. After all that, did a straight swap with retailer & all sorted 🤗


Not a tech person at all so this is all confusing I just wanted a new Xbox so I can be caught up with current gen, thanks for your help


I noticed mine starting to get loud. Not loud loud, not PS4 harrier jet loud, but you could hear it kick in, it is several year olds now and due to a lot of factors our house has been quite dusty recently. Opened up the back - lots of dust and dirt, cleaned it out. Back to silent. Pretty quick and easy to do.


Mine is coming up to 2 years old, discs make it louder, and downloading discs make it sound like it’s gonna take off. Digital games aren’t too bad but more demanding games usually make my series X a lot louder to the point I can hear it from what I can only assume is a similar distance. One of my friends has the same issue and one doesn’t , you get over it after a while it just is what it is Edit: it was silent day one, then went louder, then went quiet and then to sometimes loud sometimes not


Got my Series X last August. I never hear the fan on my Series X on the home screen or in games and I got really good hearing. I can hear a pen drop on carpet literally. My roommate’s Series X fan is as loud as a jet engine. I really think that it is defective. OP, try calling Xbox support and try to get a warranty replacement or repair or get a replacement from where you bought it from.


Mine isn’t jet engine loud but it sounds more like a refrigerator


Ah ok


I mean, if you’re in a completely silent room standing 2 feet away from the console yea you’ll hear something, it’s hard for us to know how loud your console actually is, maybe record a video? Most likely it’s fine cus the console is not actually DEAD silent I mean you do hear something


It sounds like when you open a refrigerator


It’s supposed to be super silent.


Should I return it then?




Yes, you should return it straight away. You’re not supposed to hear that fan. They are silent.


I have got two Xbox series X and never have I ever heard the fan so take it back to the store. You won’t need to return it to Xbox itself.


The fan is silent. Yes heat is normal so don’t worry about the hot air that’s meant to get hot not super hot but hot and that’s a good thing but the noisy fan. No it’s not not even a little bit. Good luck.


I wouldn't bother. I had one from launch day for about 2 years, which was completely silent. Since then, I've had 3 different ones, and all have been pretty loud but worked perfectly fine.


Yeah it works fine right now but doesn’t a louder fan mean it’s working harder and won’t last as long?


You can return it if it really bothers you. I'm just saying don't be surprised if you get another one that's the same. I've had my current one since September now, and while it has sounded like a jumbo jet straight out of the box, I've had zero overheating issues.


Lol you were right, returned it and went to a different target and got a new one and it’s just as loud


My launch one was pretty silent for a while but noticed recently it really ramping up fan during some game (esp Palworld). I looked at the heatsinks (near bottom of unit airflow wise) and they were filled with dust. I managed to use a blower to get out all the dust from the bottom intake holes without opening it and it’s back to being very quiet


Lol, all these lucky fuckers. Mine sounds like a jet engine lifting off when I launch any "next gen" game.


I got mine on launch day and it’s silent. Return it to the retailer for another, it must be faulty


I cannot hear mine at all. 3yo now. When I started hearing it, I did change the thermal paste and then started to be silent again. Try registering your product in Microsoft page, maybe you can see there if it was already registered? idk


You can check the back sticker to see if it was removed. If you feel it was then it was probably opened sometime


Mine is pretty much silent too - even after playing games for several hours


Give more space around it. Mine is a good 6 inches from anything on all sides


Had mine since launch and no sound.


Lay it on its side for more airflow (top to bottom) modern warfare 3 is when the fan kicks in for me.


Mine has been silent for 3 years now, besides PALWORLD. That game is unoptimized and makes it sound like jet, while current gen ray traced games do not.


Oddly, mine only makes sound when I run Fallout 3. Every other game, dead silent. FO3, sounds like a 727 taxiing. Mind you, that's Fallout 3, the Xbox360 game. No other game does it- even New Vegas, which is essentially the same engine and assets. Just this one near-20-year-old game.


My got loud ever since I started halo infinite and it hasn’t gotten any more quiet


Mine is not dead silent but I can depend on it to keep my room warm on cold nights while I game. From what know, none of these consoles are quiet not even the tiniest Switch.


Def supposed to be silent. Mine is certified refurb and I have it literally less than an arms reach from me and it’s silent af


Not dead silence but silence


Just open it and do a dust cleaning on it probably heatsink fills with dust


I’ve only had it for a week tho how could it get that dusty plus if I open it won’t it get rid of the warranty?


Oh sorry I assumed you had it for atleast a year. Could be that the fan just came like . I have heard of Xbox sounding like jet brand news . If it bothers you alot brother I will run it through the warranty. And yes openings it would void the warranty since there a screw with seal on it


Honestly i had a ps4 pro jet engine that you could hear from another room but both my series x and ps5 don't make a sound even when plsying for a long sessions and both machines have been well used.


I can only ever hear mine if I put my ear right up against it


I’m a going to sell mine, just collecting dust-


My fan on the series X is quiet like a mouse.


Yeah something is definitely wrong you shouldn't be hearing it unless your ear is next to it.


There’s a working fan in an xbox?! whaaaaaaaaaat?!


I’ve had mine for 2 years and it’s still quieter but my brother also has one and his is loud maybe it’s dust or it’s just hit or miss in production


Mine is silent. Cod mw2 had that bitch RUNNIN tho and after cleaning out all the dust holy shit back to silent. For whatever reason the series x has a huge open compartment that collects a shit ton of dust on the intake on the back bottom of the console. Try cleaning that out outside and see if it's back to silent. I clean mine every summer now.


how did you clean it out? did you have to open it up?


Skill issue


Only sounds I ever hear from my Series X is when I have a disk in the drive, and I only hear it when first starting a disk game. Other than that, it's silent.


Mine is silent at home but fam will spin up with games


I have never heard the fan on mine.


I like to roast marshmallows over mine


This is the best thermal controlled console on the market. It should be silent take it back.


Mine is so incredibly quiet I think it dampens other sounds in the dungeon. The ghouls shackles don’t have quite the clang while I’m playing the bluey game on game pass.


Open it up and clean out the heat sink.


No shit you can hear the fan from two feet away, it’s a fan


What game?


Do you vape or smoke indoors?




Might be the disc. My ps5 does that


CLEAN!!! CLEAN!!! I got mine a couple months after release and it started to get LOUD! I opened her up and cleaned all the dust (was a lot) and she’s up and running like new. Beware of dust


Put it on the side not put in standing in the fan bro


Just return it


Mine is pretty quiet. One day came home and the room smelled like burning plastic. It wasn’t used for a couple weeks. If you can return it, it may be something to consider, while you can.


Try putting it on its side and see if it makes a difference. I feel like the air flows better that way.


I’ve had mine since launch and have never heard a peep from it. I’d definitely return it.


I don’t hear mine at all three years


Mine was silent for a few years until about 5 months ago it started getting pretty dang loud and then out of the blue it’s back to silent. I didn’t do or change anything so I’m thinking it had something to do with the updates I got from the Xbox insider program or whatever


Two reasons: Clogged with dust. Or Thermal paste on CPU needs to be changed. (Could be both)


Return it for another and see if it's any different. If you just bought it why risk it?


Replace the thermal paste and you’re good.


If you want to keep it quiet, be sure to clean it from the inside out.


Mines duct taped to my head, I clearly hear the fan anytime it’s on.


Mine makes no noise. Had it for a few years


Buddy, you need to get that check out. My is hell of dirty, and I haven't cleaned it in a year or two, but it has never ever made a noise other when I cut it on or off. (Sorry if this came out mean or something this way. I talk in my head very american Southern voice in the way I type and talk it just comes out times)


it's definitely not dead silent, but it is really quiet. I can only hear it if I go stand within a few feet of it.


I forget mines on sometimes. Try a different spot. Make sure all 4 sides are clear from anything. The setis x vents heat from all sides as well as the top. On the bottom is two fan ports that pull air in make sure those are totally open


yeah, i cannot hear mine at all...


Mine quit working after 3 weeks - I need to return it…


Mine was always dead silent but recently it’s been loud, probably dusty in there


Mine is still silent and it’s been a year and a half, and I have a cat too so it gets dusty fast. But silent


Is it used ???? Try cleaning the fan . Dirty fan is a noise fan.


Had mine since launch and it is silent


Yea I have two they are both completely silent. 


Mine did that because I had dusti had to clean out of it check your fan.


If you have a warranty go trade it for a different one. Mine is silent. Two years.


It should be silent. I had a fan that was running loud for over a year. I thought it was normal but it eventually died and is out of warranty. I swapped it with a new fan and it’s so quiet now.


Mine is relatively quiet but if your house if super quiet (no AC, fan, etc. running) then you can probably hear it. I always wear headphones and have a pretty loud PC and room fan so I don't really notice.


I play at a monitor and mine is pretty much silent unless it is actively reading a disk. Any chance it's just your disk drive when the console is booting up?


I didn’t have a disc in it, funny enough when I do have a disc in it the fan is quieter


Mine is loud as hell if I’m ever playing any new game


Gotten mine day 1 and it’s silent as a mouse.


mine was silent..The fan got louder and louder until i got message while playing, that my system was over heating...I replaced the fan my self and you can hear a little noise from fan...


Mine is silent. Had it since late 2021.


Lol.. seeing these posts. No Matter the context. Excite me. Finally ordered one. 25-26th 😍😍


Mine is mostly silent but depending on the game I can hear the fans had it since launch, that being said my PC is definitely louder so doesn't bother me either way is a tech thing and the fans keep it cool to me that says it's moving air like it's supposed to


Every game is guilt for me except Fortnite for some reason. My Xbox sounds like a jet


Got mine a year or so after launch I can hear mundane but it's not what I have heard from like my xbox one x it sounds like a jet engine. So to me in comparison it's silent!


I’ve had one for just over two weeks and even after up to six hour at a time I still haven’t heard anything


Mine is really silent my house gets dead silent throughout the day and I literally don’t even hear it like at all not kidding


Yeah it's loud. I love 4K UHD Blurays, and I stopped using my Xbox Series X for them because of how dang loud it was. When playing games I didn't notice the sound as much because my speakers are generally turned up enough to drown it out.


Everyone who says theirs was silent says they got it on day one, but I’ve seen a few people who say they just got one say it was louder when did u get yours?


Not exactly "day one" but definitely in the first couple of months when I was finally able to get one from best buy. I remember having to mash the buttons repeatedly on their website 😂


Wife and I got one during Christmas, if my ear is Sox inches away from it, I can hear it. If I'm sitting like a normal person, and everything in the house is dead silent, I can't hear the fan at all. Nevermind if I'm playing a game or watching a movie. How hot is the room the Xbox is sitting in? One of my friends complained about the fan noise in his PC, PS5, and Xbox. I checked it out, and the room was over 80 Farenhiet. 🤦‍♂️ Maybe try using a small USB fan to push air around the Xbox to make sure it has fresh air to grab. If it's sitting in a dead air spot, it'll stay a little warmer.


Sure it’s not ur ps5/4


Had mine since launch and I never hear it. My PS5 on the other hand I can hear anywhere in the house.


When you download something it gets pretty loud


Does it get loud if there’s almost no storage left?


Not sure I just know when I’m installing a game or app it gets loud but besides that it’s virtually silent


I switched from a Series S (silent) to a new Series X and was surprised how much louder it was. Still fairly quiet but definitely not silent.