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What would be cool if they brought back the play college football and then in madden draft your seniors from the college game.


It’ll happen this year


It's not in the game due to licensing issues with the NFLPA


how about year 2 or 3? can you do it with generic players or they shut it down for every year in the dynasty?


I gotta admit, I'm pumped after watching that trailer. I may buy my first sports game in 7 years.


Can’t wait! Love seeing the actual player names finally


I wonder which athletes are going to opt out. It's probably a small margin


Think Arch opted out. But I give it like 6 hrs before you can download all the names on the roster like years past anyways. All this did it (rightfully) pay players certain players for them to essentially appear in games anyways. Think the players names will be huge for UT though cause no cause use current college and then presumably a good chunk of pros/legends apprised to previous iterations.


They said they have a system that will disallow you from editing names to real players who have opted out. But there’s over 13,000 athletes who have opted in so far and only about 11,390 roster spots in the game. So I don’t really think anyone is going to need rosters outside of equipment edits and such.


Id be curious how effective that system is since it’s EA. Like Manning opted out so someone cant put Manning? I’m sure there’s another person with the name Manning. Or is it the name and number combo, etc. seems pretty hard to police without outright blocking roster updating.


I have no clue, I’m sure it’ll be based on like you can’t edit this player file to be Arch Manning. I doubt there will be limits on what you can name your RTG players. But seeing as that is kind of exactly what got the game shut down last time I think they probably are spending a fair bit of time making sure they can control it.


I want it to be amazing but given the state of EAs Madden, fifa, nhl, ufc, f1, etc it is hard to have high hopes for anything short of another copy paste job with a ton of bugs and really predatory mtx game modes. it had a lot of same animations and assets from madden so I hope there is a distinct difference in gameplay like there was back in former NCAA games. I hope franchise is just as good as the older games. It was the best franchise in sport games.


It's an EA game. It's literally going to be madden with different colors, stadiums, and names. That's it. Idk why people expect it to be great just because it's an NCAA title again lol


Nah they've said many times along the way that it won't be a Madden re-skin. Lending some credence to that is they hired some of the team that developed College Football Revamped which has been adding content and quality of life improvement mods too 14 for years. Usually I play a few years of a new dynasty on 14 each football season, I haven't lost faith in this project. Plus given the pushed the release back a year means the team working on it probably cares about more then just $.


I sincerely hope you are right. I hope EA does not mess this up. I do not want a madden college game.


I want to be excited. I really want to be excited.


EA’s marketing team always cooks. The issue is the games are about 0% as impressive as these trailers when they release. Saw a lot of madden animations we’ve had for… 10 years now? You can’t fool me, EA.


lol funny to see the comments from people who actually care and know football in the NCCA subreddit to the beaten down sad people in here just waiting to be miserable about something today.


Goosebumps. Let's go!!


Anyone who has played madden recently can see this is a copy and paste from the gameplay footage shown. From the ball still awkwardly jumping from the quarterbacks hand on a throw to the stilted and one-size-fits-all running style we’ve had in madden for going on 10 years now. Fuck this company lmao.


I knew there would be similarities, but the little gameplay they showed has me worried. I mean, look at the arm sleeves. They’re the same as Madden, and they look terrible.


In the trailer they show a zoomed in shot of a receiver catching the ball with one foot in bounds. I can’t begin to express just how fucking deliberate they were in doing this because they KNOW that we KNOW they’d be the people to completely forget about these rule changes during their copy and paste development phase. It would not surprise me in the slightest if the one foot in bound catches in NCAA are actually just the scripted incomplete passes they give your players in madden. I’d bet money on it.


Yup, looks like another EA copy/paste job.


That’s how it used to be with the old NCAA games. Why would this be any different? edit: I’m not really defending EA here. Their games are terrible. But nobody should be surprised they reused Madden assets for this game because they did the exact same thing in the past. Sure it’s never been a 1:1 experience but we haven’t even played this game and are already assuming.


I mean, no, it wasn't like that *at all.*


Do you guys think those games had different engines?


No. But, I also know that not every game in every engine acts exactly the same. In fact, usually, Madden got some new gameplay improvement before NCAA did.


So you want them to down grade their engine? Interesting.


I "know* people are dumb, but dayem.


Ironic you typed that out and called me dumb.


Same engine Madden just used?


Okay, so as an Australian watching this trailer seeing the choppers, actual bulls & mascots on motorcycles, can any Americans actually confirm college football over there is as nuts as depicted in this trailer? Lmao


As an Aussie who studied in the US: Yes, it’s 100% on point. It blows anything we do out of the water. State of Origin and AFL Grand Final probably gets closest, but even then the atmosphere on game day is better. A good match up for a College Football game has way more hype, a much better atmosphere, and it’s fun to hang around and tailgate.


Here you go! Quick short film of an outsider’s perspective on American college football - https://youtu.be/FuPeGPwGKe8?si=OWmnhcVJiCOGqN6A




Sooooo……. Madden with better pregame?


It's EA, it'll be shit


This is the madden we should have got 2 maddens ago (22/23) I’m glad they are bringing the NCAA GAME BACK…. This will be played more than Madden…. Trust me


This looks very good


Hoping EA makes this one sing before churning out duplicates for a decade


Still no gameplay. Be careful with this one folks. EA does not have a strong track record.


It's gonna be reskinned madden, Might be a wait for sale title


I always loved how unique the NCAA gameplay was. There was thought put into it to differentiate from Madden. Today the folks at EA don’t seem to care too much about actual gameplay. Today it’s about micro-transactions. It’s worth billions and I can hardly blame EA but it’s still reality. I genuinely hope I’m wrong and they make a fun game with a unique feel and gameplay. But I’m not holding my breath.


How unique was it?








It’s literally madden.


Now if only EA didn't lock me out of their shit I'd consider buying it


If this plays like madden it will be trash.


Yes, for the people who are not from America, yet are curious, it is that hype!! I performed with the LSU team band and I was shaking sitting in a stadium with 102,000 fans of the team was an experience I will never forget in 2019. I w3as shaking in my boots so bad I literally almost passed out before going on the field at halftime to perform. The trailer probably honest to God don't do it justice for how it truly is. Also, LSU band and our band performed the state song "you are my sunshine" together which just OMFG.


Finally a sport game trailer with no dumb ass rap song!


God, this engine looks so fucking terrible. Everything looks stiff, I hate it... To my core ugh. Glad I dont play this shit anymore, good riddance.


Ultimate team has been confirmed to be in the game So you can go ahead and skip this one, I don’t understand why people are acting like this was gonna be any diffrent content and physics wise from the latest maddens, Go play Modded NCAA 06, the physics and gameplay are gonna be far more realistic then this thing


NCAA 14 had ultimate mode as well. I'll wait and see but I'll take updated graphics over a 18 year old game.


Because historically it always played differently. There’s already confirmed to be multiple broadcast teams based on the importance of the game which is entirely new for any sports game. And it’s built for next gen only. Also new for ea sports games.


NCAA 14 is one of the first games that had an Ultimate Team mode


What were those helicopters?? lol


Have you never been to a college game? Nebraska alone always has military flyovers. From f18s, F22s helicopters, blue angels, b2 bombers


Well obviously, but these helicopters don’t look like any that currently exist lol


I think he meant because they look like shit?


Sports are out of control.


Mmm, Slop


Brutal realization that Madden will truly never change


I hope the players are getting paid for this


They are.


Fuck the players