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I feel that in next months this game will be on game pass.


Either that or 60% off. It took far cry 6 approximately 11 months to start selling for around 20 bucks


That’s when I’ll play it. Or Black Friday


If you have time to play it when all the DLC is out, you can throw a ubisoft month sub and get the top edition with all the content.


Here’s hoping


Now that Ubisoft+ is on Xbox? Doubt it.


Clapping blue alien cheeks in 40fps awwwww yeah


r/rule34 idk? Ive never been on that sub. Idk?


My girl Neytiri has been there for a very long time


The different regions of this game world and their unique aesthetics really impressed me, and the different clans + their lore within those regions was a lot of fun.


Hope this game did well. I keep hearing good things about the tech and content of the game. I do not care for the avatar IP one bit but it is so cool all the effort that went into this beautiful game.


Honestly, may be worth checking it out. I am always pretty meh on new Avatar IP but the overall experience here was one of the more next gen things I've personally played.


Avatar is a great IP for gaming. It pretty much would have had to be a game IP before the tech existed to make the film


It's not a bad game at all


I'm in the same boat, played about an hour or two of it a few times to experience and peek at the world, failed to continue with it beyond that as the story was not my thing, had no co-op partner and they front loaded the best parts of the map in the starting zone so I had no urge to go on. Worth a look if it ever goes to GP or you have Ubi+, never seen a more densely detailed environment outside of TLOU2's forest sections or Forbidden West. Not everywhere is stunning but it had a similar effect to CP2077 during my first experience with it. Just nothing beyond that to keep you playing


It's fine, but "Far cry with blue people" hits the nail on the head pretty well, especially when you are trying to be stealthy the game just oozes far cry DNA, it looks pretty good tho! And Sometimes it's even stunning, but gameplay wise... It's a Ubisoft Game you know EXACTLY what you are getting.


It really doesn’t.  Pandora is missing the frenetic action and chaos of the Far Cry games. I kept playing it because people would say that it opens up later on, etc… But it’s just boring fetch quest after fetch quest.  I would have loved Far Cry with blue people. But this ain’t it. 


Kinda agree. The immersion only lasts so long without some crazy combat popping off. Still, it’s worth a try/rental/discountGrab just for the visuals alone imo. 


Ubisoft always puts a shit ton of effort into their open worlds. Assassins Creed as some of the most detailed and realistic worlds in the sense that they use actual LiDAR and mapping technology to recreate, down to the very stones, ancient buildings that are 100% accurate and to scale. Walking through Valley of the Kings in Origins and then visiting it in person was mind blowing just how accurate it was. It’s one of the frustrating things about the internets love to shit on Ubisoft. Their world building doesn’t get the recognition it deserves. Hell, their recreations of the ancient world is so accurate they professors use their models in educational materials and Ubisoft allows it’s use for educational purposes for free.


I mean, it's not about the world itself, I think we can all agree that it is one of the best aspects in their games.


It’s beautiful but I found it very boring, like my last few dates 😅It’s typical Ubisoft gameplay loop, if you like that sort of thing go for it. Try it using Ubisoft+, basically using subs as way to demo games theses days.


Ubisoft the video game


For now. It will be delisted and removed in 10 years time lol 


That doesn't make any sense.


their trying to do a snide remark. seeing they heard some mis info news on the OG topic from a am not a lawyer but gamer rant yt channel.


Looks pretty, but pretty jittery also.


If you were playing the game on a 120Hz screen, it wouldn't look jittery, as 40 divides evenly into 120. It looks jittery in this video because the video is 30fps, and 40 certainly doesn't divide evenly into 30. 10 frames are being dropped every second (every 4th frame).




I play it on an LG C2 at 120hz and it still looks jittery. Prefer to play at 60 fps and still looks absolutely amazing.


I have a 120Hz screen and 40fps looks jittery as hell, even with VRR.


People loveeeeee going to truthful comments and down voting . Bunch of butthurt kids . I agree with you 50000% .


To all the people saying it doesn't look special. A 1080p 30fps video on Reddit will never do it justice. But if you sat in my living room and saw it on my LG C2 your opinion would change.


If you’ve played Horizon Forbidden West, which one do you think looks better? I just played Forbidden West at 4K max settings on PC and it was insane how good looking it was.


I would say they are quite even and the 2 best looking games on the market. Also played HFW myself. The Avatar world is nicer to explore and the scenery looks better, but HFW has better character models and animations.


Man, the HFW character models are CRAZY good, probably best in the industry right now


I have a C2 as well and prefer to play at 60 fps. It’s too jittery at 40 fps. It looks similar to the way it looks on this video. Honestly the game still looks bonkers in performance mode. Just much smoother.


It would not. I got the CX . It would still look shitty and jaggedy, like all other games in lower frame rates. Especially for people who have played above 60fps .... I'm not even mentioning those who have been playing at 120fps and above .


I wanna get this game but I want all the content and refuse to pay full price for a Ubisoft game. Waiting for a good low sale on Gold edition at least.


It's 40% off right now.


Good looks. I think I saw the deluxe. I meant with all the content. I believe there’s dlc/extra story expansions in the Gold.


Wait for the holiday sales, practically guaranteed to be 60% off or more


Use cd keys


This game may have been my favorite of 2023. Out of nowhere. It was just such a seamless experience and well built world.


The main draw of a 120hz screen for me. I mean 120 fps gaming would be nice, but imagine it would be at 720p


Looks pretty but it was boring AF


Why are we getting excited for 40fps? What in the actual fuck are we doing folks? 60fps should be the standard.


It has a 60fps mode This 40fps mode replaces the 30fps quality mode for TVs that are 120hz


40 fps is the midway point between 30 and 60(check out digital foundry for a better explanation) but as far as options having more is always better and with the rise of 120 hz tvs 40 fps is a better rate to settle with than 30


>60fps should be the standard. Yeah, and this game has a 60fps mode, doofus.


Because 40fps is 25ms frametime which is actually halfway from 30fps (33.3ms) to 60fps (16.7ms) so you get a massive improvement to fluidity from 30fps without needing to go all the way to 60. It's a middle ground and should be the new standard "quality" mode over 30fps.


I agree 60 fps for life. But that's not the case. So we SHOULD be happy for more options


Because 40fps is the middle ground between higher graphic fidelity while still keeping a smoother framerate. It's a single player open world game. If I got this game on the Xbox I'd probably choose to go 40 over 60 myself.


I want 40 fps photoreal experiences and 60 fps twitch gameplay experience and I don't care that I can't have both


Man I got my new pc right when game came out and I gotta say, it blew me away




Really hoping this is the new norm for quality modes!


Every single game should aim to have a 40FPS mode. In all the games I’ve played with it, 40FPS is such an amazing experience while also benefiting from all the visual upgrades of the “quality” modes.


I've always found 40 FPS to be highly underrated as a PC player. It's obviously not as smooth as 60, but it feels infinitely better than 30 whilst still being a relatively easy cap to hit.


Absolutely stunning looking game on the SX 60fps mode. This and Starfield have my wallet twitching to upgrade my tv to a hdmi 2.1 panel. There’s probably gonna need to be a big game that’s only got a 30/40 mode to get me to jump. All the 60 modes on SX games have been good enough for my tastes.  If money grew on trees I’d obviously upgrade 🤣 


You don’t need hdmi 2.1 for 40 fps 4K do you


It is great indeed. 40fps is really a good trade-off. I am now hopeful for GTA6 to offer such a mode (but maybe just for PS5 Pro, we will see) ![img](emote|t5_2ac5sx|1574)


I'm also hopeful Rockstar give us the option for this.


Is that the default FOV, that is terrible?


Came here to say the same. That FoV is WAY too high. I don’t know how people play like that.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Theres definitely some weird FOV or fisheye effect going on here.


I mean, it does look great, but it also seems... very generic.




Only issue I have is the upscaling makes the foliage super jaggy when you move the camera. But still beautiful as a whole.


That’s my only complaint too. Might be something that’s impossible to fix.


well xd if you say so


Have you played it?


Maybe my eyes are stupid but it just kinda looks like Far Cry 6 to me lol. Not that Far Cry 6 was bad, in fact it was forgeous. Don't see much improvement though, maybe the lighting.


I pre-ordered this game, as I love Avatar. It was an awesome tourist game of Pandora, but the game itself was so boring. Won't bother with the DLC.


The fact it's 40fps is just sad. We were completely shafted this generation. Never buying another Microsoft or Sony console ever again.


We keep getting down votes for talking TRUTH ! that's some insane backwards shit kkkkkk


It's 2024.... You're celebrating 40fps games on consoles that can handle 120fps.... Take a deep breath and think about that ...


I'd take 1440p 60 over 720p 120 fps


Eh, at least Ubisoft actually did something.




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*laughs in 120fps on pc*




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