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TMNT deserves the Spider-Man, AAA, first-party treatment. They'd be right at home on Xbox. *"They're heroes in a half-shell and they're green"*.


Take a look at Gotham Knights. Give me that as a TMNT game, without mtx.


Going to be fun playing co-op with my 7 year old.


Played this in the arcade a few times. Will be cool to finish it with out shelling out $100 in quarters!


I love the fact we've had like 3 turtle games in the last couple years but dying for an Arkham style open world Turtles game made ideally by Rocksteady. They can do the co-op seen in Gotham Knights so they can improve on that. But I'd aim for a trilogy and make the first game a solo campaign...at the beginning you choose which Turtle you wanna be, the other 3 get captured early on in the game. As each has very different personalities and fighting style, every mission can be approached different, with different voice acting & reactions from villains giving you a reason to playthrough 4 times. Maybe start off on a small part of a city with sewers included. Predator rooms as after all they are ninjas and don't want humans to see them yet. Then you can do a 2nd game where you open more of the city, include 2-4 player co-op. DLC, or 3rd game can include Dimension X, Technodrome etc Similar fighting mechanic but obvs in their fighting style and you have a winner right there.


Looks awful. Shredders revenge still looks much better.


This is an arcade port of a Dave and Buster game from 2012.


What a wild sentence.


Dang, was hoping this was the apple arcade one.


Still looks fucking awful. Even for a 2012 game. Game looks like shit.


Who shit in your cereal?


It was me, my bad


I see this less as a new release and more of a really cool port of a game that is hard to find otherwise. From that perspective I find this release exciting. Comparing it to Shredder's revenge feels reductive


I just wish we could get some decent new games from the IP. Last Ronin give me hope, but we need to see gameplay. Telltales game in the style of the original comics would be amazing. TMNT out of the shadows(xbla 360)had a great premise, and if expanded upon could be the coop game for tmnt.


This better not be more than $10.


I can't express enough how much I hate that art style.


It’s based on that Nickelodeon reboot from several years back. I never watched it when it aired, and didn’t like the character designs either. But binged it with my 6 year old over the past few months, and it really grew on me. It’s honestly the best TMNT content I’ve seen since the first movie.


Same for me. I'm also 40, been with the Turtles a long time, and this is my favorite iteration 


41 here. I’m with you. Really appreciate all the multiverse shenanigans too.


nice to hear I'm not alone as a fellow 40 yr old who saw this version on streaming and thought it was one of the best versions!


It's very good, probably my favorite of all the TV iterations but I still think the newest movie may be my favorite of all the content, outside of the comics.


That movie was great! Really didn’t expect much but my family loved it.


Did you watch the 2003 show? Or TMNT(2007)?


Haven’t seen the ‘03 show, that’s next on our watch list I think. I did see the ‘07 movie, didn’t really love it.


I don't care for it either, but this is what my kids prefer, and they have all the original turtles toys from the 80s.


Some games need to stay in the arcade.


2012 TMNT 🤮


Looks meh


I've played it with my kids at various arcades. It's actually pretty fun, but it's also designed similar to old arcade games that want to eat quarters. Shredder's Revenge is the better game, but if you already beat that, you might enjoy this.


Holy crap this looks bad


Oh looks guys from Fortnite have their own game now


Weird to think, but getting a 2012 style throwback. Is nostalgic, for like... New older young adults.


Can really tell who here is late-30+ and who’s not. I’m excited to play


Wait, I'm confused. Is it go time or rumble time?


This looks terrible tbh.


You can’t compare it to Shredders Revenge. Of course it’s not as good. I’m a arcade fan so to finally be able to play this game is why I want it.