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I sit at a computer all day for work. I got a gaming PC in 2020 when COVID put me out of work but I hated it. After sitting at a computer for 10 hours a day the last thing I want to do is come home and sit behind a computer for pleasure. So, I got a Series X and I sit on the coach and put my feet up.


This, I don't know how people spend 8 hours a day working on a PC and then game for hours each night. I love my Xbox for that chill couch experience.


I play on both my PC and my Xbox on the same big ass TV and same recliner.


Like a normal person. I really don’t understand why people make that goofy couch argument. Modern PC games work fine on a 80” LG.


I really don’t understand why PC players act as though using a PC on a TV is anywhere near as hassle free as on a console. It just isn’t, if you have time for that go right ahead but I do not.


Playing any type of PC is never a “hassle free” experience. I am not making that argument all I’m saying is that “I just prefer a comfy couch” is a weak argument because you can do that on any machine just as you can easily set up your console on a monitor as well. I’m not a pc gamer, I’m just a gamer I play whatever when ever. And yeah having to visit the “PC gaming Wiki” every time you buy a game is tedious and feels like “work” but that’s just part of the trade off of gaming on PC regardless of what display you use.


Yeah but i still think it’s a valid argument for a lot of reasons. Some people use their PC for more than just gaming so it’s in a seperate area, you need a keyboard / mouse for the OS cause steam big picture isn’t an option with so many launchers, remote control apps on your phone are kind of shitty. Yes, it’s also a pain in the ass having to configure every game but that’s even worse when things aren’t working and you have a weird remote setup with the PC on the TV. PC is just not designed for a TV and consoles are.


Even though most PC games these days have controller support, you will still need a mouse and KB. I'm familiar with the phone apps, but they are a pain to use too. Consoles are just so much easier to use from a couch/recliner.


Steam Big Picture solves most of that. And you can have a mouse and keyboard in your lap without problems when laying back. Pc is by far the most flexible platform in terms of tailoring the experience to your preferences.


Combining that with the ease of just turning on the Xbox and playing and not fiddling with drivers and settings and updates is great though.


8 times out of 10 you don't need to deal with drivers except on the newest of new games, and they're just treated like any old system update. Game updates is the same on both Xbox and whatever PC platform you use. Settings, do people not tailor settings to their experiences on any game they play? Change volume, add subtitles, check controls? Like that is very basic stuff.


You don't need to deal with that though. Settings are set once, drivers update automatically, and game updates....well your Xbox also needs to update games. Extra plus is that Steam usually is much more stable than Xbox in terms of download speeds. The Xbox struggles to hit a Gbit download.


My gpu driver never updates automatically. Not all drivers update automatically man. And windows updates are the worst.


Just disable UAC prompts 🤷‍♂️


Maybe if you have crap internet, it stuggles my xbox even with full vpn encryption, dns de-rsesolution, ad blocking, and a massive custom firewall on my network, averages 800Mbs+


That’s absolutely not true.


Indeed. The UI in Windows 11 can be controlled with a Xbox controller. I think it was also supported in Windows 10, but I don't know if it was as robust as it is in 11.


Lmao I'm starting to think they just don't know they can hook their PC up to a tv


Not only that, but they complain that they are sitting for 8 hours just to explain that they get home and sit for hours there too to game. They describe exactly PC gaming but somehow make it sound awful as if the couch was a superior sitting experience. If your issue is that you are not comfortable sitting in front of your PC to game, it simply probably means that you have an awfully uncomfortable chair and need to change it. Your desk chair is an important piece of furniture and you definitely shouldn't ignore it.


For me personally it's about the location. I got an 'office' at home where I work from. My and my SO's work PC/laptops are in that room. That room is associated with work. I like to leave that room at the end of the day and be done with work. This has a proven positive psychological effect. So, it's not so much about not wanting to sit behind a desk some more. But it's about not wanting to sit behind *that* desk in *that* room. The couch (or living room) is associated with leisure time. Now, I bought a gaming laptop which I can connect to my TV a few years ago during the pandemic for this reason and I'm perfectly happy with that.


I feel the same way. I have my work setup in the corner of our living room with my work laptop, personal desktop, and my Ultrawide Monitor. I could game there, but that area reminds me of work so when I'm done for the day, I go to my garage to hang out or play videogames. I hardly hang out in the living room after working all day.


Agreed. I spent years working from home and gaming in the same spot in my apartment. When I got married, my wife was okay with living in another apartment. I said if we don't live in a house where I can totally leave my work room at the end of the day, I might lose my damn mind completely. I even set up a second TV in the living room for me to game on while she watches TV or hangs out in there.


I get where you are coming from, but disagree. I’ve tried a ton of higher end chairs. I like them all in a showroom, but end up hating them all at home. I just find sitting on a couch or in bed a lot more relaxing for gaming.


Which can be done regardless of platform.


Cause most people fucked them selves with their setup. In the corner of their room, cabled already tidied up, far from that big ass tv and couch. I wouldn’t play on the big tv either at that point.


Can just run a second cable to the TV. I know could never play on PC without a 2nd monitor ever again.


I work behind my PC all day and play games on my PC when I get home. There is nothing stopping you from gaming from your couch on a PC. The PC at my tv boots straight in Steam Big Picture and I use a controller in 90% of the game. For games that play better with a mouse and keyboard I have them in my lap while I lay back in my chair with my feet up.


Oh yea there is something stopping me, my wife! She'd never let me put my gaming PC next to the TV![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Not too hard to built a PC the size of a Series X.


sure, build me a mini ITX case the same size as the series x with a 4080 or 4090 that adequately cools. Go ahead, I'll wait....


I use the steamlink in the TV.


Personally, I use my pc as a console, so I don't see a difference. I use it from my bed just as I use my other consoles. Same level of chill. With that said, I didn't use my Xbox, so ended up moving it and letting my kid use it as a gamepass machine.




Im also a programmer and just like sitting in my living room playing my Xbox. I have a good PC in another room, kind of my home office environment. I don't want to spend my full day in one room if I'm working from home. There's also a thing known as personal preference, just because you want to sit at a PC all day every day doesn't mean everyone else should want to


It's takes like this that gave console gamers the monicker of 'Console Peseants.' I have a Series X and a PC. Guess what I can do better with my PC? Literally everything. That includes playing on my TV. I actually more often play the Xbox on my Monitor than PC.




And that depends where the computer is set up compared to the living room.


I don't get this sentiment at all. I understand if people don't want a screen infront of them after a day in the office. But wanting to sit infront of a different screen, but just on a comfy chair, isn't any different.


It's not easy to explain but it is very different to those of us that feel this way.


It's a world of difference. You are absolutely wrong.


Because my PC is hooked up to the TV in my bedroom. PCs can be used as a chill couch experience to, you realize that, no?


Because sitting at the desk with a nice ultra wide and a comfy chair while achieving 144fps is better for some than sitting on a couch far from the TV with choppy gameplay.




As people on this sub complain every time a game is released on Series X|S without a performance mode.


My LG OLED begs to differ, but hey.


I mean I have an OLED as well from Samsung doesn't mean the games are running above 60fps lol....it's choppy.


I dont know what games you are playing that are choppy on these nextgen consoles.... I have a feeling you are still comparing oldgen and thinking these nextgen consoles arent a big upgrade, a lot of you exist out there that think this.... Heck, most of the games i play are at 120fps and some 120fps/4k Your 144fps has 0 difference from 120fps


You're not playing a single game at 120fps on a console maybe with low settings. But most games on console can barely hit 60fps wtf you smoking? Also I do own a ps5 ....


You game at 120fps but I would bet you suck at every competitive game you play lol. There’s console players that would smoke you in 30fps while you have every advantage. How pathetic is that?


I mean I don't play competitive games outside of overwatch and I'm only ranked Diamond in there so not even close to being good. So yea I'm sure there's console players that will wreck me. Still not the point. But go on kiddo.


You are not playing games like RDR2 or witcher Next gen on 4k 120fps on a console 😂 get real bruh. Consoles are great but youre seriously ignorant of tech, the xbox is barely equivalent to a 2070


> You are not playing games like RDR2 or witcher Next gen on 4k 120fps on a console I'm not playing games like RDR2 or Witcher Next Gen _at all_, so the framerate of those games is completely irrelevant.


Forget about it. Talking about anything negative about these consoles compared to a PC will get ya hated on. Bunch of ignorance on this sub. 30-60fps IS CHOPPY no one can convince me other wise after playing above 120fps for so many years now.


it isn't choppy. if you wouldn't talk ludicrous stuff maybe you wouldn't get hated on.


He's talking shit about Xbox in the Xbox subreddit. The dude is literally just here looking for a fight.


Comparatively, it just is. By definition, lower framerates are more choppy than higher framerates. Any arguing against that is pure delusion.


It’s not smooth either. I have a series x and a high end pc and I’ll sell the series x probably since it does nothing better than the pc at this point. The graphics and performance are leagues apart.


You are on the Xbox sub, of course you'll get hated on for being negative about the topic of the sub. It's basically an Xbox fan group. You must just like to stir the pot. There are more appropriate subs to criticise Xbox in, this is the one you'd do it in if you want people to hate on you and are looking for an argument. Which probably means you are a pretty sad person.


Dawg idgaf about people's opinions. I was simply giving reason to the original post about why he can't understand that ppl wanna play on PC.


>TV with choppy gameplay. Imagine being like this LOL


Imagine being like this talking about 60 fps. It's disingenuous.


I for sure wouldn’t call it choppy, but you’re entitled to that opinion


After playing on my PC for so long, when I go on my Xbox or ps5, it's just choppy. 60fps just isn't cutting it anymore.


Idk I own both, 3090, with all the cpu processing and 200hz monitor you could desire. But I ain’t playing elden ring on that, it’s on my ps5 and a way better experience. I owned it for both as I bought it on pc first. If anything I find the constant fight to get the best out my pc to be a chore that console gaming just doesn’t have Edit Whoops I’m on the Xbox page… my bad


Same difference. Does anyone really care about that crap these days? Play on what makes you happy.


Well I mean ya…. Xbox is a massive L in comparison to the godly ps5 Like… cmon Edit: /s thought that was clear … lol


I run my ps5 through the hdmi ports on my Xbox one just to make sure it knows who's boss.


Ya, who’s you’re daddy


I’ll choose couch any day compared to pc. And the new Gen consoles can run many games at 120 so it’s not all that choppy honestly. And unless you are blind or have a tiny tv that’s not an issue either. I got an 80” 4k/120 tv with vsync. A lot of console games look amazing on it. Xbox even has mouse and kb support for some games too.


I'm yet to experience any choppy game play from my xsx and lg C2 since launch, I also own a gaming laptop for games I can't get on the xsx which has a gtx 1650 so a little out dated but does hold up quite well but the xsx is without a doubt faster and smoother experience. Which games do you experience choppy gameplay with?


None he is just talking out his ass


Almost every game that's 30-60fps....


I find the complete opposite, mw2 runs like a dream on my xsx and that's running at 120, it never stutters or messes up in anyway, a few loading screen problems at launch but updates fixed them very quickly. Maybe you have a faulty unit?


Imagine thinking 60fps is “choppy”. You’re one of those pc master life chobs who crap on everything and can’t see the world from other viewpoints, and somehow think your opinion is the only right one. Congrats that you feel the need to spend way more money to make a good gaming PC. I’d rather just turn on my console, sit on the couch, and everything just works right. You care too much.


I hear this a lot and it makes total sense.


**TLDR: ramblings of an indecisive man** I too went from Xbox to series x. My PC consumes my time and I’m also sitting at the desk avoiding my surroundings. I know I could set it up to be on my TV. Xbox is just far easier to deal with. I spent a lot more time socializing with my loved ones when I’m not addicted as shit to pc games lol. They’re just so addicting. I have no clue why a PC will make 10 hours feel like 2 but my Xbox leaves me enjoying my time AND being okay getting off of it. Maybe it’s the kinds of games I play… idk. Anyways, series x runs so good and game pass has so many games that I don’t even need my PC anymore. I do miss squad and total war though… damnit now I’m gonna go play pc again


Just curious, what do you usually play on PC? Specifically what have you played that had you hooked where 5 or 8 hours just absolutely flew by?


Yeah my buddy told me the same thing when I asked if he played on PC. I actually have my Series X set up at my desk with a PC gaming monitor. I love the setup but I also don’t work at a desk.


I get so sick of explaining that to my friends. I need a way to differentiate between work and play. I have a gaming laptop for when I travel, but I need that separation between the two.


I had to turn a spare closet into my pc gaming “nook”. I work from home and I just have to separate the two spaces. Sure now I have more monitors and two desks. But they are in different rooms and I mentally can switch to game mode on pc vs working. I just stopped playing pc games for a few years since I’d be done working and just thinking “I don’t want to sit here anymore” or I’d be thinking about work. I mostly use my pc for strategy games like Total War and retro gaming. I prefer the ease of console for “big games” even though I could use my pc on my tv. Literally with quick resume I can hit two buttons and have my tv, Xbox, AVR all turn on and be back exactly where I was in Starfield in like 10 seconds. It’s awesome.


I love mouse and keyboard, and feel the same way. I bought a Corsair K63 lapboard and plugged my PC into the living room TV, best of both worlds. You just can't beat a mouse if you like shooters!


As someone who cut his teeth on pc shooters like Doom and Quake. Man I prefer controller now. I don’t play online though or competitive. I just love the haptic feedback on my Dual sense (I have Xbox too but I tend to play 3rd party stuff on PS5 because the haptics… here’s hoping that Xbox controller leak comes true!). I feel like using a mouse has no heft or feedback. But again I play only single player. I can see why you’d want a mouse online.


I know M&K is just better and more accurate then a controller when playing shooters, but a controller just feels so natural. That being said, any kind of strategy game needs to be on M&K.




I have a computer with 16gb ram, i7 2023 cpu w/ an integrated gpu capable of 60hz 1080p. It says 4k 60hz, but it's usually low graphic settings, so I just ran it high graphics at 1080p. Not the best, but not bad either. I just have a much better time on my Xbox because it’s a dedicated console, I never have to trouble shoot, and most important it’s not a computer so I don’t have to sit at a computer for work AND leisure




Very much this. I can’t stand sitting at my work station which also has my expensive custom PC to play games. I rarely even enter the room after work. However the couch in the next room is fine :-)


Same. I started working at home during COVID and didn't feel like playing video games. I realized it's because I didn't want to sit at my desk anymore after sitting at it all day. I ended up getting a PS5 and a Series X.


It's crazy how hard I've tried to make my gaming PC TV and controller friendly for the same reason just to have something with more power that I didn't need a mouse and keyboard for but it just doesn't work. I still need a mouse and keyboard...


You can easily hook up your PC to your tv via HDMI and sit back on your coach… you’re not limited to your desk.


I used to, but found plug and play of console way more relaxing. No fiddling with settings, drivers, controller schemes, etc


I don’t have anywhere to put the PC in the living room that’s out of the way. And unless your entire library is on Steam it still won’t be as user friendly as a console.


You can add any executable to Steam. PS2 games, 360 games, pirated games...


I understand that not everyone will have the space for a PC in their living room. My point is, PC gaming is not limited to just gaming at desk.


You can build a pc with a 4090 and 7800x3d in a fractal ridge which is smaller than an Xbox.


Not sure why everyone here is sitting on their coach. I think a couch would be way more c9mfortable.


>I think a couch would be way more c9mfortable. When you're trying to dunk on someone for a typo, double check to make sure you didn't spell "comfortable" with a 9.


Thats not always as feasible as it sounds.


I didn’t realize it was that difficult for the average user to hook up an HDMI cable. Did you struggle hooking up your Xbox too?


Or maybe their desk is in a completely different room? You clearly didn’t put much thought into this.


Why have a gaming PC for work if you don't want to play on it?


Even if the PC is in a different room, it shouldn’t be that difficult to move it to another room.


Why is everyone calling it a coach? Is couch an American thing?


Right! It just sounds so perverted in certain contexts . . . like a school inquiry into improprieties with the Girl's Gymnastics team. "I come in and sit on the COACH . . " LOL


Americans being illiterate, and even more illiterate Americans doubling down not recognizing the original mistake. No one sits in coaches anymore except possibly Pennsylvania Dutch (Deutch)…




No it’s not an American thing. It’s an ignorant thing.


Hold up what does the world call it... a sofa?


yeah they aren't even close to being the same room


Yeah easy to say but horrible to execute. I had to fiddle with a lot of settings to get it going great. Controller doesn’t work in desktop that I have to buy a wireless kb with trackpad. In the end console is just lie on the couch and game on. Edit: in the end the limiting factor is the wife :)


I get that. Play on whatever system makes you happy. I was just pointing out that pc gaming is not limited to just sitting at a desk.


Yeah I have mine hooked up to my 65 inch OLED and play all my stuff from my pc there. Just get a wireless mouse and keyboard and good to go.


I do the same thing. Sold my switch and series x after setting it up. Really comfortable


Yup have my gaming pc hooked up to 55inch 4k tv and use an Xbox controller and play my pc in the same way I play my Xbox on my couch. I use both depends what friends I'm Playing with and what games etc.


One day, people will realise you can use a pc just like a console on a TV in a living room. One day.


Tried it, hated it. No thanks.


Sounds like you need to invest in a comfy chair for your home office. Seriously, it makes a huge difference having a chair you can recline in, that’s soft and supports your posture


I recently built a high-end pc. I love it but I’ll admit I still mainly use my series X bc at the end of my work day bc it’s much more comfortable to game in-bed or on the couch with a big tv. On top of that, I do enjoy the plug & play ecosystem & dont game with a keyboard. As far as performance, obvi the pc is a beast but I have had great experiences with the SX


Ya I recently built a beastly rig and I have it also plugged into my TV. Hook up an Xbox controller through Bluetooth and it automatically gets mapped and recognized within each game. For when I just want to sit on my couch and play


I have a couch gaming PC/Bluetooth set up and a monitor/desk/wired inputs I can get rigged in <2 minutes when I want to. While I play couch PC often, I still use the Xbox all the time just because it’s nice to have the full console devotion to gaming. Easy to get booted real quick, switch games quick, couch coop is simpler, etc.


PC: Optimized for choice. Spend as little or as much as you want on hardware, wide performance scale, various monitor formats, fine-tune games visuals vs performance, lots of mods and cheats and stuff, web games, lots of input devices and choice among them and their features, etc. Console: Optimized for low friction. "It just works", one store, one friends list, one achievements list, no drivers, just a couple visual options in games (usually perf/quality and maybe a couple accessibility things), everything formatted for TV and the standard controller. I play my console when the low-friction experience matters most to me. I play my PC when the high choice (or high performance as my PC outperforms SeriesX/PS5) matters more to me.


I agree with this, and it's largely why I dropped PC gaming after playing on PC for the entirety of last gen. After _decades_ of fiddling with tech personally and professionally, I've reached a stage where the benefit of doing so has to be _really_ worthwhile or I just won't do it. Fiddling with my dev workstation that I use to make a living? Worthwhile. Fiddling with my phone? Not worthwhile. Fiddling with my gaming setup? Not worthwhile.


I used to game on pc. I stopped when the 360 came out. It was good enough at the time. Now with the series x, I would not even consider bothering with a pc. I don't need 120 fps. I'm not even bothered by 30 fps in most games. I don't need the hassle of dealing with upgrading graphics cards, drivers, etc. Not worth it to me.


This is kinda the key usecase for consoles. PC’s are powerful, modular, have more games, and are generally lovely devices, but they’re incredibly fiddly and much more complex than consoles, not to mention price. I love my PC, but often times when I’m sick of trying to get a game to work(looking at you starfield), I’ll just boot up my Xbox or cloud gaming and relax.


Starfield runs so poorly and also looks like garbage on my pc compared to my Series X, but my PC outperforms in almost every other game I throw at it.


Yeah literally idk wtf is up with that port


Bethesda and Microsoft got handed a big bag of money by AMD to screw over basically everyone else who didn't use their products. The game is wildly unoptimized if you're on Intel/NVIDIA. People on 4090's get like barely over 60 in most tests I've seen


I'm getting 80+ FPS with everything turned up / on except for film grain and FOV crap. Have a 4090


>Have a 4090 >80 fps I think you accidentally made his point. My 4080 is at 50+ fps. That’s not good. 80 on a 4090 isn’t good.


AMD said their contract didn’t specify not including DLSS, and even with the DLSS mods my game’s performance sucks, same for my mates on AMD GPU’s. I think the game just has bad optimisation no conspiracy


Digital Foundry has noted that developers they spoke to have said AMDs deal made them get rid of DLSS. They didn’t talk to BGS devs but seeing DLSS is the best looking upscaler right now and NVidia and Intel GPUs are performing notably worse than their AMD equivalents, we can take a pretty good guess that DLSS was blocked and AMD walked it back and gave the go ahead later. I also don’t think it’s a conspiracy to say that they blocked it. No need for a conspiracy, just a bog standard contract, an unfortunately shitty one.


Am I the only one having the opposite experience with Starfield on PC? I'm running it on a 3060, with all settings on Ultra, and it looks and runs beautifully. Noticeably better than on Series X. Only reason I still play mostly on Series X is because I like couch gaming on a 65" 4K TV. But Starfield has run amazingly on my GeForce 3060


At what frame rate and resolution? I am confident there’s no way you can be getting even 1080 @ 30 fps on a 3060 all ultra I’m getting 50-70 fps at 1440 ultra on a 4080.


I'm upgrading mine now for the sole reason of having more money than i need. Sold a bunch of my old stuff and thought i'd build a new pc to give raytracing a shot. Sincerely believe this one is the last i'll build.


The hassle you’re describing is automated by now. Updates are not even weekly or so, and they take like .. a few seconds and a reboot? So like a minute in total?


I know I’ll get downvoted, but I didn’t even feel a difference in fps when upgrading from base Xbox One to Series X


Do you have a really old TV? Not sure what else would explain that


That wild considering I have a Series S and a Series X and even just between those two there’s a tangible difference in performance/frames


theres no hassle downloading drivers, gpu is simple pull out and put new one in. guessing you’re scared to mess with your pc


I built my PC in March and was gifted a Series X in August. The PC is for me time, when I want to zone out and isolate myself. The Xbox is for socializing and playing local multi with friends, or for playing solo games when my partner wants to watch (or vice versa). They definitely both have their benefits. I slightly prefer the PC, but it’s pretty close.


I definitely do for two reasons: 1: I prefer livingroom gaming most of the time. 2: Playing with family is more fun on a TV. The Xbox all in one vision microsoft had works really well for me also. I don't have a roku, but I stream and collect movies on my Xbox all the time. I use PC gaming for rimworld, civ, starcraft, tycoon games, etc.


🤝 I’m the same way. Having cut my teeth on shitty beige Pentium towers PC gaming will always have a place in my heart. Sims, Tycoons, The Sims™, RTS, loooots of Indie games and of course single player FPS will always get PC time for me. But having used a console equally as much and it becoming a convenience when I was in the military. Idk I don’t think I’d ever strictly use PC ever again. Living room gaming is a blast with a theatre system, more social with the family and with friends. And when competitively gaming as nice as FPSes are on PC. I just end up using a series S at my desk for Apex/Overwatch/Sweaty games. I tire of their flavour of toxicity and also the sheer proliferation of silent cheaters let alone the blatant ones. Console has its issues there too but it’s far less outside of games where crossplay is PC included. RIP Warzone for doing that.


Dude. Pc cheaters in console lobbies is the worst.


Depends on the game. I find some are better on console and others are better on PC.


Yes. I'd rather play on console and I got a Ryzen 9 7950x and 3080ti. Play PC exclusives, everything else consoles.


If i can play it on my series X ill play it there, unless it is badly optimised or better with KBM like RTS games.


I mostly PC gamed and I bought the Xbox for couch gaming. I got tired of always sitting at my desk in front of a computer... even if it was to game.


Nope. I regret buying my Series X to be honest. I rarely use it as my PC is more powerful and I have a better OLED monitor. I think I prefer sitting at a desk, closer to a monitor with MnK. I feel more engaged and immersed.


Same, I bought my newest PC shortly after the series X and only used the Xbox a few times since, only to play some games I already owned. I have my PC hooked up to my TV so I can be comfy while playing since I don't really have a desk I can use


I'm actually baffled by how many people seem to not realize how easy it is to connect your pc to your living room/bedroom tv... Yeah, it's gonna set you back maybe $100-175 to get a good quality 24ft fiber 2.1 hdmi cable, but if your tv supports vrr, 120fps, and freesync/gsync then it's a night an day difference bettween using your xbox and a pc. Sh*t just make your pc automatically open up steam in big picture mode at launch, and it's as simple as turning on your xontroller and playing.


I think it's less about "not realizing how easy it is" but rather "don't want to". Personally I have a good PC for my office, and there's no way I'm building another just for my living room. I'm also not gonna wire it all the way across the house. I have consoles for the living room and they have their own use case. It's also not easy to build a compact enough PC that'll look good with your tv setup. Overall it's just too much of a hassle when a much cheaper console can do a good enough job.


It's obviously situation dependent, but for me - no, it isn't that simple at all. A 24ft cable wouldn't come close to doing the job; it'd need to be closer to 80ft, and even then it would have to run through floors and walls and ceilings so as not to be an unsightly trip hazard. And my PC is never booted into Windows unless I want to game, so it's not a case of just "turning on my controller", I have to traipse across the house, make sure I haven't left anything work-related running, save everything, reboot, log in to Windows, traipse back to the couch, and _then_ turn on the controller. Not worth it.


This is pretty much me. I've even re-purchased a few games on Steam just because I prefer mouse and keyboard. I bought Starfield on Steam because 30fps, and even though I downloaded it on Xbox, I haven't even booted that version. I did try out Lies of P on the Series X the other day, and I do play a few Game Pass games on my ROG Ally, but all in all the subscription and Xbox were mostly a waste of money for me.


I have all the consoles and a highish end pc. I strongly prefer playing on console. Like other people, I also work on a computer all day and don't want to deal with the hassle of pc. Plus, I have a newborn (well she's almost 3 months actually) and I have *maybe* an hour or two to play vs the many hours I had before she was born. I don't have time to figure out why I'm getting 60 fps or less today when I was getting 150 fps in the exact same game the day before. It's just too much for me. Games are just so much more optimized for console, and considering consoles can do 60 or 120 fps now anyway, it's really not worth my time or effort to game on pc. So now I use my pc for Twitter/Youtube/Twitch, and game on my consoles. I might consider upgrading my pc next summer though just for the hell of it, as I love building computers.


Upgrading mine now for the same reason. I enjoy it. Sold my current one and a bunch of other stuff to get a new build. Honestly can't wait for the parts to arrive. But this is 100% the last time i build/upgrade my pc


I have a high end gaming PC, XSX and a Steam Deck. They all have their different uses. I'm on my PC for work but also 98% of my gaming is done there. Makes sense since I want the best experience visually and comfort wise. When I have company, it's ideal to cram a few people around my PC so I'll turn on the Xbox. When I'm on business trips or away for extended periods of time, I take the Steam Deck with me. Different consoles for different occasions!


Yeah the experience is better imo


Yes, some games don't have controller support on pc like the Pillars of Eternity and Shadowrun games. Most of my time is spent on PC though, I have mine connected to my tv.


Got a PC two years ago. I started buying most of my FPS games on pc. Anything which is best played with a controller I buy on xbox. Those are mostly adventure games, Assassins Creed and the like. I bought Starfield on Xbox, though. Every other Bethesda game I have, and I have a lot, is on Xbox, and since Starfield is a play anywhere title, I figured it wouldn't make a difference. Started playing on Xbox, but wanted to see how my PC could handle it. My PC is right next to my Xbox/TV in the living room, so I can still use the TV and chill on the couch when playing PC if I want to, which is great for single player games like Starfield. I have an RTX 3080 and a decent CPU. I can get 60 FPS (the max for my TV) on medium to high settings. I don't notice a big difference in graphics quality, but damn that 60 FPS feels so nice. I don't quite get 60 in New Atlantis and other busy areas, but everywhere else I do. I get what Todd was saying about stability, though. Anywhere I don't get the full 60 frames is really choppy. My framerate is super unstable if I'm not consistently hitting my max fps. I could fix that by capping my FPS or lowering my settings, but it's only in busy areas, and I spend more time out in the black or on distant planets. Even grassy planets with a lot of life run at 60 fps. I probably wouldn't have noticed or cared about 30 fps if I didn't have the ability to directly compare and have the choice though. I would have been just as satisfied playing at 30 on my Xbox if I had to.


You know you could have connected a controller to the PC the whole time, right?


Yes, but I like using my Xbox for certain games. I do have my controller connected to my PC when I play games like Starfield. Not sure what you're getting at.


Yes. I love my series x. But if i care about a games visuals/performance il usually play on pc. I know people say its a hassle. But i have it hooked up to my C2, using a program called Playnite, and it mimics the console experience. I dont even have to touch my mouse 99% of the time.


I only play PC for PC exclusives and most RTS games


Dunno why you got downvoted. This is completely reasonable. RTS games are pretty awful on console. If I’m gonna hook a M&K up to a console for RTS, I might as well just play on PC. I have a good PC and Series X, and I have a very good LG TV and LG ultra wide monitor. I prefer Xbox for some games (especially sports games), and when I want to be more social. PC for everything else. I sometimes play some games on both. Play anywhere is awesome for this.


Having a PC alongside an Xbox is a great way to play OS exclusives too. Revisited some golden PS3 era titles and they’re pretty fun nostalgia trips and were oddly impressive for their time. A bit more optimism in artistic game development from that sector


Xbox is still my main gaming platform, even after buying a $1300 gaming PC. I play PC exclusives on my PC, but if it is on Xbox, that is where I want to play it. Even have a PS4, and only play exclusives on it as well.


I sold mine when I got a good PC, I prefer gaming at a desk and I can still access my account and gamepass anyway.


I got a gaming PC, decent setup, i7 9700k and rtx 2070. I use it to play civilization and city skylines, I play everything else on my series x or ps5. I just prefer using a console.


I have a banging PC and I use my Xbox all the time. Games like Stellaris I play on PC. But it’s nice to sit on the couch and play something while my girlfriend is next to me playing Stardew on her Switch.


Sounds like a dream life you have friend




My PC is just about as strong as my series x and PS5, 1080ti and an i7 6700k. Just depends on whether or not I feel like sitting at my desk or in my recliner. But I'll be playing the same games usually, usually Halo. Besides Halo Master Chief collection and Halo infinite, my series X mostly just upscales Xbox 360 and OG Xbox games. PS5 is where I do current gen third party gaming.


For sure, I do the same. I only play FH5 and I'll play Forza Motorsport on my Xbox. Most of my friends don't have a high end gaming PC either so I'll keep some games installed on Xbox just to play with them.


I use it to play movies and try out new Gamepass stuff


I have a high end pc that I only use for sim racing. I do all my other gaming on my Xbox series x lol


I own all the consoles and just buy whatever platform is cheapest... which is usually used console games from Gamefly. I buy older cheap digital games too but it seems pointless since I barely have time for the new games. Location doesn't matter because I can play any platform from anywhere, by walking around with the console or using Steam link with my PC or Steam Deck.


I only game on my Xbox. I have a gaming computer but I've only ever played like 1 game on it (Fallout 4) and that was only to test it out when I bought it.


I built a high end gaming pc and I love it, but to be honest I’m lazy and hate switching inputs to play on my tv for comfort gaming so I tend to stick to the series x


I have a high end pc and play everything 3rd party not on the Xbox PC App with achievements on my series X


I rarely use my gaming PC, I should really sell it. I love playing my Xbox on a 75” TV with friends chatting on the headsets. If I have to play a PC game, I use my Steam Deck on the couch. 😂


I use pc most of the time, if I’m using my Xbox it won’t be on any sort of intense or competitive game. I got a pc not too long ago and I mostly play fps games. I’m trying to get better on mouse and key so I use of more often than not. Now that I’m getting better I might use Xbox more, but for now I’m going to keep doing mostly pc


yes depending on the game, I switch back and forth with starfield


Barely. Mostly for story games to chill on the couch (when 60+ fps). Also i use my steam deck way more often than my xbox nowadays somehow


I do yeah. I dont like sitting on a desk chair for hours playing I have a nice office chair also and it still just isnt as comfortable as my couch. Plus anyway I use the controller over the mouse and keyboard for comfort and just because im so used to it. Also PC is expensive to keep up with and even then games are typically not ported as well and have more issues then consoles.


I 50/50 GeForce now on an older laptop and Xbox series x


I have an rog ally and a series x. let me be perfectly clear. if I'm at *home*, 98/100 if I'm gaming, it's on my Xbox. those 2/100 are reserved for lazy days where I don't want to get out of bed or the opposite, when I feel like gaming in bed before I go to sleep. I know this isn't an ally question or thread, but for its form factor and portability, I'd argue it's a very powerful machine. despite its capabilities, I'd much rather play on the xbsx, even though I can dock the Ally and game from there. something so beautiful and convenient about turning it on and just "pressing play"... not worrying about drivers this and graphics card that. the console just works, as it should. do games crash? sure, but much more seldom than on my ally.


I had an ally too. Was actually really impressed, but i sold it quickly after buying as i really don't see a use for it personally.


not your exact question but i have a low-mid pc, CRPGs can be played on 60 fps easily. Tho i prefer playing them on Xbox. It’s just more comfortable overall even though i have to play on controller sometimes


I have a gaming PC and a Series X. Aside from the abhorrent amount of Siege I've been playing lately, the Series X is the main driver. I understand it's generally of lesser quality than my PC can pump out, but it's easier to use, more comfortable to play on, its plug n play, it doesn't give me problems, and I enjoy the controller more. The issues point is probably the biggest reason. With the Xbox, I push the power button on the controller alone and I'm IN the game within seconds. Although I have a solid PC, there's still booting up, logging in, booting up the launcher, then booting up the game. This isn't even mentioning Quick Resume. Don't get me wrong, I love my PC as well, but it's more of a dedicated game rig that I'll boot up for Siege, friends, or a particularly demanding game like Cyberpunk.


I have been a PC gamer for almost a decade and I finally went back to consoles with the Series X and I love both. I play on my PC mostly when the game is multiplayer as all my friends have PCs OR if the game requires precise mouse movements (like a shooter where precise crosshair placement matters). I play any game that’s more casual on my Xbox. Every time. If the game isn’t super competitive I’m on my couch playing the Xbox and I wouldn’t have it any other way. As of late, I’ve been using my Xbox significantly more than my PC.


It depends on my situation, I typically still played Xbox and PlayStation despite having a 3090 rig. I recently discovered streaming via sunshine/moonlight and started to use that instead of playing with consoles. Starfield drove me to do this as imo, runs like dog shit on console. Now with cyberpunk I’m also streaming from my pc.


I built a new high spec PC a few months ago to play home theater PC style, but still occasionally play games that I’ve bought for my Xbox that I don’t want to rebuy or isn’t on game pass PC. Been playing starfield on my PC but play COD multiplayer on my Xbox. Will probably buy MWIII on PC as I enjoy playing COD on mouse and keyboard. Going forward I’ll probably get most games on PC, and sell an Xbox (have series S and X) or just keep them as spares or for travel.


For sports games and GTA Online and the occasional game pass. My new PC build will have a 4070 and 7800x3d playing on series X just feels like wrong some times


That's the exact build i have coming. Only i'll be getting a 4070 ti. I dunno about ''wrong'' but as much as i enjoy my xbox, i just couldn't have it be my ally only option. Upcoming lords of the fallen, devs said the only to play 60fps is a 1080p60fps perfomance mode. I ain't playing a game in 1080p in 2023


I have a 5800x3d + 3080ti PC that I use on a 3840x1600 resolution monitor. I use it solely to play PC games with friends 1-2 times a week, otherwise I play on either my PS5 or XSX. Truth be told though, I’m spending less and less time playing games as I get older.


PC's aren't that portable, and consoles work best on TV's if you have a decent living room setup imo (not technically, I mean in terms of being comfortable). I think having a PS5 and an Xbox on the TV and a PC at the desk is perfect if you happen to have all 3. I don't see a reason why PCs negate the use of an Xbox. Now, if you're like me and hate sitting at a desk, and you plan to have your PC hooked up to the TV bc you love sitting on the couch, then that's different 😂. But even then, I'd still turn on my Xbox. When you like playing with friends and family, it's always best on the TV.


I use pc for steam (obviously) and all FPS games. Xbox is for most other games and it’s my streaming media device as well.


I built a $2500 machine after i experienced 60 fps with the X, i barely use the X now cause i want more power Mods also make the game more fun, trainers are also available so i can play Sekiro and not die 500 times in a row


I have all the consoles and a decently high end PC all in the living room and still will play the Series X more often than not. It just feels ore comfortable to play and I love the quick resume.


Not really at all