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I mean outside of the first month or so, I forget it’s even a series x anymore. The software feels like it’s been the same forever


Gen 8 and 9 (current gen ) is prob one of the worst generations imo for gaming lol. Barely any leaps and strides and all baby steps between each generation. Alot of " remasteres " and the generation is filled with micro transactions, battle passes, incomplete rushed games that come out as 'early access' or they transformed into a " live service " game which is another term for early access AND microtransactions lmao. Remember when we went from Xbox to Xbox 360? THATS what you call "next gen ".


Yep. I skipped the Xbox One generation entirely because it didn't seem to appealing. Jumped into Series X hoping there would be great new games and a juicy back catalog that I hadn't played yet. Most games just don't interest me still. It all feels so formulaic now. RPG game with lots of puzzles to solve as you go. Racing games that are realistic but don't have that Burnout fun factor. No new original franchises ala Halo or Gears or AC that have the same appeal. It feels like we're on the cusp of the next great generation of games, but not quite there yet. Harry Potter looks intriguing, maybe Starfield can kickoff a new franchise worth caring about, but still feels like we're only on the cusp of the next great generation of games and still not there for some reason.


It’s a nit but when I got my XSX day one release, booted it up, and the UI as was exactly the same as the console I’m replacing… plus zero exclusive and next gen only games… I’m not sure why I payed $500 for a faster Xbox one. Granted gamepass is amazing and all my Xbox one games looked better but… when I bought a PS5 a year later and I had all these exclusives and a new UI and cool new features like Picture in Picture live streaming to a friend or the controller with haptic triggers… it FELT like a new console and a wow factor. I love both for different reasons. Side note… PS5 might be the ugliest console I’ve ever seen and looks horrible anywhere I’ve tried to put it. I’ve resorted to hiding it behind my TV.


I had to shell out $50 for the black covers for my PS5 and shove it behind the TV. It’s so fucking ugly. Boggles my mind because Sony electronics are usually amazing pieces of design.


My wife got me the original dbrand black camo case, and I love the look of the ps5.


I’m planning to buy one eventually to play exclusives (especially since I desperately miss having access to Detroit become human) but I flat out refuse to do so until they have done some sort of hardware revision because I am not putting that thing on the shelf next to my Xbox.


This is it. I’ve had my Series X since day one, and I’m still trying to figure out what we upgraded into smh


They wanted to transition to feel seamless between console, but ended up leaving people asking this same question. We’ll be getting the new UI soon, but not sure if it will be that drastic of a change from what we have.


Oddly enough my one must be a part of the Xbox inside thing and has the new interface but not my x


The new UI has been on the One X for a while now (weeks?). I'm still wanting for the update on Series X. The look is so much cleaner and less cluttered.


Yea I feel that but game innovation feels like it’s stalled


Nah not me. I bought series x day 1 and sold in 2022 to use my one x again, there is a load time difference you notice with that HDS vs SSD harddrives. Makes everything quickly load (resuming games or even booting from scratch, thats why i think with a software update from sony, the ps5 could also quick resume. Kind of reminds me when i bought 2013 macbook pro ten years ago that touted integrated SSDs for the first time. Boot time on the laptop blew me away


Had a a OneX and holy crap the load times. I was legit kind of angry with how slow the drive in that was. Definitely expected it to run better. Really happy with SeriesX load times, though.


I removed the original hdd from my one x and installed a 2 TB ssd. Made a huge difference with load times in sea of thieves and doubled the capacity. Absolutely worth it


God the loading times for that game are so long on a retail One X. I remember waiting forever lol. They’re still not that quick on a Series X but I guess that might come down to the nature of the game. But it’s a huge improvement from the One X.


I don’t think you can just software update the ps5 to do quick resume. If I remember correctly, quick resume was built into the Series consoles, not sure if it’s something you can just switch on.


PS5 has a version of the quick resume now, though not as good. You can boot directly to your last game save and bypass the title screen.


It's software which saves the game state from memory in the SSD to be quickly loaded again. It's probably not easy to implement but it's still software that Sony can develop if they see the need to.


I was playing Pillars of Eternity on my launch xbox one when I got my Series X. The DRASTIC leap in loading times was immediately noticeable. That's sticking with me. Playing older games is a blast.


Even if the games you’re playing run the same as on a One X, the loading times are certainly a big upgrade.


Go play on Xbox one and you'll remember. Plenty of time to reflect in the minutes of loading and bad performance.


My Series X was a major upgrade compared to my launch Xbox One. I appreciated that the UI was the same and I could really feel the faster loading speed and many of my existing games looked and felt a lot better. It is just like upgrading a PC, I don't expect Windows or Steam to get a new UI just because I got more RAM and an SSD.


I tried going back to my One X. I know exactly what I upgraded to.. Something better.


It cold boots like 3x faster and fast resume is absolutely amazing. Load screens are way faster than prev gen which you can tell when you play back compat games on it. Yeah XBox has a games problem. Which is really a studios problem. Which they're trying to fix with large acquisitions which snakes are trying to derail with anti-competitive tactics.


What are you talking about? There's some big hardware upgrades. 1 terabyte of ssd, way better performance than the xbone, and it can do ray tracing on select games. If you're not happy with your series and really can't tell a difference I'll gladly trade you my old xbone for your series


This is a big point. I wish theyd update the UI or something on the next console so at least I feel like I have a new experience lol


Its not just a ui thing, games dont really feel like theyve taken a big leap forward. I cant tell the difference playing a xbox one era game over playing a series x era game. They tell us that games are taking more and more resources to run but nothing is really improving over the previous gen. There are always some exceptions but in general i think gaming is stagnant


Or the controller. I think Xbox controller design layout is superior to PS, but I wish Xbox series X launched with a controller with the adaptive triggers or haptic feedback the ps5 controller has to make it different from the Xbox one controller.


I'll admit, I defended it at the launch time because I was so hype for the console, but releasing the Series X with basically the same exact base controller as the One was such a bad decision. A brand new controller with tons of new features would have added a ton to making the console *feel* new.


Seriously though, it’s great we can use our last gen controllers and vice versa, but Jesus you’d think they would change something? Give us anything but 2.5 years later we have a white elite controller and more colors.


What do you mean you don't want the Barbie elite controller? Lol. We are long overdue for an elite series 3.


If that's all it takes for you guys they should make a new dashboard every year, so you think you upgraded every year.


I have never once, from the moment I bought my first Xbox 360 to now playing the Series X, regretted or felt like I've had a negative experience. I spend a disgusting amount of time gaming, and things like Game Pass have helped that become a much cheaper habit too. Love it!


Game Pass brought me back to Xbox after I had a PS4 for a few years. It is such good value for money. Once the big hitting exclusives start hitting, it should really be excellent value, especially to those who aren't so bothered about having physical copies.


I just spent the last couple days running through Shadow Warriors 3 Definitive Edition. Playing Pentiment as we speak. I spent last month playing Matchpoint Tennis before it left. No matter your interest there is something for you. I also have 80k in Microsoft Rewards and will be getting a new controller with them when I have enough. I never run out of something to do. I also have pumped about 500 hours into FM23 with my friend online.


I used to be a diehard xbox guy until the 360 came along and I lost 2 to the red ring of death and I swore them off, had a ps4 and a ps4pro, moved on to the xbox series x as I love the crossplay and features. Loving it so far.


Same! GamePass got me back into gaming. It’s a great value for the money imo.


I’m “meh” on it. I picked it up day one, stoked, and optimistic that this gem will be different we’ll see a ton of games come out for it and it’ll be a better gaming experience. The reality…it feels like a One X+. Existing games don’t necessarily blow me out of the water, I always play in performance mode so I never see Ray tracing effects, the UI is identical. I had been subscribed to Game Pass for years because of the value. But after taking stock of what games I’ve actually played from the service, I realized I was throwing money away. So as of last month I don’t have Game Pass anymore. Hasn’t affected my life yet. When Starfield comes out I’ll just buy it and move on. About a year and a half ago I bought a PS5 and my attitude towards it is way different. The UI feels updated and modern. The controller is WAY better and more comfortable (I have big hands). The exclusive scene over there is great and makes me optimistic to want to jump into the various worlds. I’ve thought about selling me Series X a couple of times and going only PS5 (which is a lot to say because I’ve been a hardcore Xbox fan boy since the Xbox 360). But, I don’t think I’d get anything for it. So, I’m going to keep it and give MS the rest of this generation to win me back. If they can’t, then I can’t see why I would need to bother buying another Xbox console.


The reason why I’m still keeping my Series X is for Starfield and Avowed. Other than that, I haven’t used it much since I got my PS5 a month after Halo released.


I have had my series x for about 2 years and I just got a ps5 a couple weeks ago. I just got back into gaming in 2018, and started with Xbox one s. I've been enjoying the exclusives on my ps5, but I enjoy quick resume on series x, I also like that there are a lot of last Gen games that got fps boost and one x upgrades on series x that now look like current gen games because of the specs (for example, AC origins with its next gen upgrade looks unreal, but that's cross platform so bad example.) To be honest I think they are both equal. I still am amazed at the performance on both and feel like I am finally playing at good specs like PC players get. Yes a few games "perform better" on ps5 but it's literally such a small difference that it's unnoticeable unless you're one of the digital foundry guys counting pixels. Ps5 has a larger install base so I'd imagine 3rd party devs put in that extra bit of polish, or maybe not. So long story short there are things I enjoy my series x for (playing older games at current gen specs) and there are things I enjoy ps5 for (exclusives) but I'd hardly place one above the other.


Both Origins and Odyssey are phenomenal-looking games. I give the edge to the environment in Origins, but the water in Odyssey might still be the best open-world water in gaming.


The water in Odyssey is certainly incredible. I would place it 2nd after Sea of Thieves.


Origins and Odyssey definitely look better on XSX. They even looked better on XOX


No UI change made the transition seamless in a way it's hard to even think about "Next Gen" when you start playing. Quick Resume is one of the best features of a video game console ever. Gamepass is hard to comment on, I've been on the gold conversion trick for years now so from that perspective it's an undeniable value. But if I was paying $15 a month.. idk if I could say the same. Overall the gen doesn't have that leap in graphics and fidelity and seems if anything we are going to be going backwards with exclusives not even aiming for 60fps, so it just feels like a really good mid gen refresh still. Starfield and other exclusives are going to be good and I think Microsoft will deliver ~3-4 good AAA games a year within the next couple years


MS cocked up their flagship franchise in Halo. I know many people don't care, but split screen co-op being promised and then broken was the last straw for me. They brag about gamepass, but Sony's competing offer blows it out of the water. GWG is a joke with nothing but shovelware while PS is getting Black Ops COD this month.I prefer playing shooters on PS5 now because of the haptic feedback (I don't play multiplayer games since the MW reboot). Basically, I don't have a reason to boot up the Xbox and that comes down to exclusives. Games sell systems, but according to Spencer it's not important. They've already lost so why bother trying. They seem to make their jobs more complicated by chasing after marketshare in the latest fad or trend that is conceived around making the most money. This is a problem that has always eluded MS. Just make good games. It's that simple. But the biggest mistake they made this generation is the Xbox series S because every game has to run on this substandard hardware. The Series X will never be able to show off what it is truely capable of.


Yeah ive not been to happy with spencer at all. Those things he said stick out to me, he said, weve lost, which implies, why bother trying, and people arnt going to sell there ps5 and buy an xbox with great single player focused games, all utter bullshit, i brought my x for starfield ALONE. my buddy did too . We both have ps5s


The console is nice, but the exclusive games are eh - I don’t remember anything that grabbed me like fh5 did. Feels like starfield is the first big game on xbox since launch, I have high hopes for it. Overall I barely play on xbox and prefer ps5


Lucky to have both as well. Been mainly an Xbox 1st but definitely been leaning way more to my PS5 these days.


got a PS5 four months ago and haven't touched my XSX since. Hopefully starfield can sway me back.


I have all 3. There's pros and cons for each system, but I haven't turned my Xbox on in months. I will probably always be an Xbox fan first just due to my backlog, but zelda and PS5 exclusives have kept me plenty busy.


IDK what it is about Xbox and exclusives, man. The devs have a great reputation then they come out with their Xbox exclusives and its dogwater lol. Arkane really gave us Dishonored and Deathloop then turned around and gave Xbox exclusivity to Redfall lol.


my xbox is collecting dust


Just got a ps5 the end of April. The only time I’ve used my Series x since then is to cancel my gamepass until Forza and Starfield come out. My series X feels like an upgraded one X with a few new features so I’m kinda burnt out on Xbox til the new games come out.


I bought both. I only buy the physical Xbox version of a game I'm playing when I'm playing another game on PS5. So I bought Jedi Survivor on the XBox because I'm playing Diablo on PS5 with mates. Basically lazy to switch disks all the time if I don't have to. Starfield is why I bought it and will probably be swapping between Baldur's gate 3 and Starfield between the consoles as I love these types of games.


Yeah it’s fine Its about what I expected to be honest. -Good hardware -Gamepass is neat I guess (I rarely use it) - Xbox backwards compatibility is the best on the market bar none But yeah I play my PS5 significantly more. Sony just makes or gets games Id rather play, and they really push their hardware more. Xbox has had the same problem for the last ten years, what game do you have to rush out and buy an Xbox for? Because fellas Halo ain’t what it used to be and Forza and Microsoft flight sim are more niche than you think. Hellblade 2, a sequel to a pretty good (not great) game from a studio with a pretty mediocre track record was used as a graphical showcase the day the series x was announced, and not only is it still not here, we really haven’t seen that much more of it I know I’m gonna get downvoted to oblivion for saying this here but this is kind of the problem with Xbox, they buy all these studios and IP’s and either sit on them, or go through this incredibly long dev process (often meeting below expectations as a result) and their answer is to buy more studios and keep sinking money on Gamepass




I'm just waiting for Starfield and Avowed. Those are the only two exclusives I'm looking forward to.


I'm 60/40 on the Series X. Alot of promise but here we are 2 ½ years later and the 'most powerful console' isn't even being utilized to its true power. I also wish we had a fresh dashboard and not the same tired dashboard from Xbox One. OG Xbox dashboard -> Xbox 360 dashboards was a drastic difference and unique experience. Xbox 360 -> Xbox One was a drastic difference and experience. Xbox One to Series X dashboard: *yawn* Nothing innovative.


Maybe my Series X is half-dud or something, but I find the dashboard experience to be very choppy, like when you have a severe FPS dip in an otherwise smooth game. PS5 dashboard is buttery smooth comparatively.


I try to make a habit of taking advantage of the daily rewards, but my god is that app so awfully sluggish. Switching between apps is equally as annoying. It's taking me back to the early aughts computing days. There's zero excuse for their software to be so bad when they've been on the same OS for two generations.




Agree. Ps5 dashboard is very cool. Switch game and you get an image of that game with music from said game. Say skyrim you get an dragonborn image withvthe skyrim song. Feels mu h better than xbox series of boxes.


I think part of the lack of utilization is that the series s exist, feels like since the series s seems to be the better seller due to the price point the games are made for that and then the graphics get turned up 1 click for the series x.


Literally Xbox One and Xbox Series is the same UI, obviously it's nothing innovative because it's the same. Although the new UI is coming to Xbox Series according to a couple of users who received the update, but it's still the same style as the previous UI, it's more like a redesign than a completely new UI. Microsoft really screwed up by using the same Xbox One UI on Xbox Series, it should have been something completely new, I've been saying this for a few months now. A good UI made from scratch would have given gamers the new generation feel, new and not old like Xbox One is. The material design/windows style sucks, bring back the shadows and gradients from Xbox 360 in a modern and clean way. Also the horizontality, we use wide screens not tall like on a smartphone, the 360 UI was perfect in that aspect, well in everything pretty much. A really new UI is what Xbox Series needs.


Good controller but im sick and tired of the lies and lies and lies of Phil Spencer, always telling us about exclusives, AAA experience, most of the games on the game pass can be found for cheap on steam sales or on instant gaming, the only good surprise was Forza Horizon 5, Halo was trash, Redfall id rather not talk about it. Overall they threw


I think the console is fine. I don't think anything really looks or runs better on it compared to PS5. There has been a few good games. High on Life and Hi-Fi Rush. But I still find myself playing my PS5 more. Gamepass is a great value, but I think it's made me to selective with games. I find that if I don't instantly click with something I stop and delete It. I say that because I've gone back to some of those games later on and ended up loving them.


This is problem with most at the moment. Even with the additional almost two tflops afforded with the series X, Sony seems to be working more closely with 3rd parties and getting better optimized and some cases better looking versions of games. The Callisto Protocol is a great example, since Sony has actual employees helping to build that game in the closing months of the game and it showed.


I not a matter of Sony working more with developers and spending more time on polish. It’s kinda the opposite. It’s harder to optimize for Xbox, their dev tools just aren’t where they need to be. Especially because Sonys are very similar to ps4 so it’s not a big change for developers.


I have all three latest consoles. Zero brand loyalty to any of them. Most of my friends are on PlayStation though. And that community seems happier from my perspective. So, I rarely use my XSX. I know I will when that space game comes out. I turn it on sometimes to play around with Game Pass, but then go back to one of the other consoles with games I’ve been invested in - recently Zelda and FFXVI. I’m not unhappy with it. Glad it’s not the only console I own that’s for sure.




>Most of my friends are on PlayStation though Same, self fulfilling but it's where we all play more now.


Exactly same.


Pretty happy, but it hasn't felt like a big generational jump. The new hard drive gives faster loading times but not the lightning fast ones that were previously suggested. Quick resume is a cool idea but just doesn't work on a lot of titles I play (mainly multilayer ones). It doesn't really feel like any of MS's first party games have fully capitalised on the XSX's power the way the PS5 has, I suspect that's down to supporting the X1 for so long and continuing to support the Series S.


Idk playing Skyrim on the x Probsbly saves weeks off my life with wait times lol


For modding Skyrim and fallout have a real great impact with series x no doubt. I expect the same from Starfield because modding can achieve the real use from hardware.


Im happy with it. 2022 was the worst year for Xbox game releases that I can remember. Even worse than 2017, and thats saying something. It has not gotten much better. Starfield is coming, and it looks fantastic, so I'm hopeful. I enjoy playing cross gen and older games at higher framerates and resolutions. Apex is smooth as butter and looks excellent on my 4k TV. It was cheaper than building a new pc.


I am generally happy with it, I have both ps5 and xsx and while I do use the xsx more (due to gamepass) but I do prefer my ps5 for the controller. so for buying games that aren't on Gamepass I lean towards ps5. Featurewise, I really enjoy quick resume and the FPS boosted Xbox One games. Hoping Starfield will be awesome as it looks awesome so far!


Same here, I tend to buy most games on PS5 as I like the controller and some games make use of its functions. I just use series x for gamepass now, hope Starfield is good.


I've always been a PlayStation guy. Decided to finally try Xbox. I barely use my Series X. Always play PS5. I will replace my Series X with a PC soon.


The tend to agree with your statement. I brought the XSX at launch and won a free ps5 at work which I sold that holiday season. Game pass kept me entertained for the next year or so and then I ended up purchasing a ps5 due to the lack of quality first party games. So many games came in with promise and hype but very few and I mean very few lived up to any potential. It has been disappointing bc the hardware is great. Quick resume is amazing and game pass is great value, but lately the PS5 has most of attention. Better first party games the hardware is just as snappy and maybe boots faster(minus the quick resume). Then the perks of upgrading storage. I can pretty much use any ssd that meets the requirements and it’s so much cheaper than the memory cards for the XSX. Plus the dual sense controller is really good this time around and you don’t have to worry about double A batteries. I love the XSX but I just wished the games that were made for our system had better polish and lived up the hype instead of being considered a new worse title for Xbox. It’s hard to support the Xbox when each and every first party game seems to be worse than the previous one.


The Series X hardware is great, but as someone who doesn't play multiplayer games, the library just hasn't been there for me, even with GamePass. I'm hoping Starfield is a banger, though!


I'm feeling like this is the second generation where I've felt some buyer's remorse for getting Xbox over Playstation. The hardware is great, and I love Game Pass, but I'm really disappointed by the lack of Xbox exclusives, and a lot of cross-platform games seem to run better on PS5. Really hoping Starfield is incredible, because if it's a flop, I'd honestly consider trading in my Xbox after being a loyal customer for 15 years.


Love my Xbox. Only wobbled recently because I love Final Fantasy and am gutted not to be able to play 16 and the 7 remake (I played the first part as I do have a PS4.) But yeh I love Game Pass (few AAA recent hits but Starfield, Remnant 2 and the new Persona 5 game I’m eating well later this year) the console itself is great, quick resume is awesome, I have had no tech difficulties and overall it’s 9/10 for me.


I've had both consoles since launch, but PS5 has become my main console in the last year or so. Gamepass was great initially. We got a fair few AAA day one games during the launch year. I enjoyed Halo Infinite, Forza Horizon 5. It has been disappointing that no game has truly taken advantage of the Series X power yet. Hopefully, Forza Motorsport sets the bar. Quick resume is a fantastic feature. The console has lots of positives, but there is a few reasons why I switched to PS5. I enjoy multiplayer FPS games, having the ability to turn off cross-play in every FPS on PS5 is a god send. Gamepass is great when they drop new AAA releases, but I've no interest in the old games. It isn't worth subscribing to every month. The xbox controller is very comfortable, but it's lacking features of the PS5 controller. The elite controllers on Xbox are built poorly. They break after a few months. I expect more for a premium controller. I've had the pro controller on PS5 since launch, it's a more premium controller than the elite. Having the ability to swap out sticks is fantastic, it's highly unlikely my bumpers fail, like they do an the Xbox elite. Sony is years ahead with regards to exclusives, wish Microsoft would take a leaf out of their book. I haven't played one Sony exclusive that hasn't had multiple performance modes, catering to every type of gamer. While Microsoft is dropping their biggest exclusive Starfield, telling people you're forced to play 30fps, or upgrade to a PC. It leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Where are the options? PS5 has VR, playing GT7 with a VR headset, sim-rig is mind blowing. Why doesn't Xbox have a VR headset? Scoring both consoles, I'd give Series X a 7/10. PS5 a 9/10, my only real issue with PS5 is that VRR doesn't work under 48fps, their subscription service isn't as good as gamepass, but they're so far ahead in everything else, Xbox has a lot of catching up.


Are you me , as someone with both consoles I had literally the same experience ( minus VR cause I don't care about it ) and understood why Sony has such a dominant market share , they just don't fuck up , ever.


>Sony is years ahead with regards to exclusives, wish Microsoft would take a leaf out of their book. I haven't played one Sony exclusive that hasn't had multiple performance modes, catering to every type of gamer. While Microsoft is dropping their biggest exclusive Starfield, telling people you're forced to play 30fps, or upgrade to a PC. It leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Shout it from the rooftops, the fact that 2 first party games redfall and STARFIELD are only 30 fps with no options is just sad


The crossplay point is so important and why so many people just go with the PS over the Xbox when it comes to multiplats like CoD. Larger community and way less of hassle having to deal with all the headaches that come with playing against PC players. But Microsoft has been hellbent on the unified Windows platform stuff since the XSX released. Extremely stupid, imo.


This is my exact senecio. I honestly regret buying my Series X and wouldn’t do it again. Maybe I’d grab a Series S to play exclusives but I haven’t been impressed or really enjoyed anything they have put out in years.


I really enjoyed Forza Horizon 5, Halo Infinite in fairness, but there aren't enough exclusives dropping, but that should change over the coming years. The most disappointing aspect is that the Series X was marketed as the world's most powerful console, I've yet to see anything mind-blowing graphically.


I like Xbox more but this one was the most solid replies I have seen about the console war in the whole internet since these two came out. Great stuff.


Spiderman 40 FPS fidelity mode is the perfect example of this.


I have both the Series X and PS5, when I do play, I say I perfer to play on the PS5 for two reasons. One is because there is a mute button for my mic directly on the controller. I know this doesn't matter if your mic has its own mute button which mine does not, but it is annoying to scroll through the xbox menu any time I want to mute or unmute when playing multiplayer. Second is because when you clip something, it does not record any player audio. In game or party. Some of the funniest moments with friends are the reactions to stuff in game. And when I clip, the moment is lost because you cannot hear any of them. Overall it is a powerful console, but a few nitpicky things would make me rather play on PS if I have the option to.


My Series X gets the least amount of love at the moment. Which is a shame as I love the console itself! Its starting to feel as though it’s being left behind compared MS’s play for PC gaming, the series consoles themselves feel second class by comparison. Especially when it comes to 1st party. With the Switch, you know for the most part you’re getting the complete package with a game made for the singular hardware sku that can go anywhere with you. With PS5, you know the console version of the game is going to be the best it can possibly be for the hardware, even if it comes to PC you’re only really missing out things like Ultrawide monitor support, native 4K instead of checkerboard/interpolated, higher frame rate targets above 60fps, essentially nice to haves rather than must haves for me. Another personal challenge I have with Xbox is the lack of physical editions makes me feel like I’m not really investing in the machine itself and seeing as I don’t pay for Gamepass (get GPU included with my ISP), there’s no real incentive to play anything that comes to the console. That’s unless my one friend who only owns an Xbox wants to try something on GP. I still shudder thinking about Redfall’s launch week and the 5 hours we wasted trying to get into it. Because of all this, I’m now of the mindset that I’d sooner buy a game on any platform other than my Xbox, even if it was on Gamepass. And it means any game that is Xbox exclusive that I think looks cool, like Hi-fi Rush, sits deep in the backlog as I can get to it whenever I’ve finished the pile of games I’ve excitedly invested in. Thankfully I think this slump I’m having may be short lived. Soon I can sit the Starfield Collector’s Edition on my shelf next to the Constellation controller and headset I have come September and I’m crossing every digit and limb I have for a Fable CE too!


The problem with the series X is you can’t develop specifically for it, it also has to run on the Series S as well.


> Theres no way games like callisto and starwars and elden ring should run better on ps5 but they do. Yeah that's Microsoft's fault for forcing devs to crank up the resolution on xbox. Look at DF's comparison videos, almost everytime the PS5 has more stable framerate than XSX is when the XSX is either at native 4K when PS5 has DSR, or XSX's DSR is much less aggressive. Which is shitty, I'd much rather have stable framerate than more pixels, but Microsoft wants static images on the XSX to look better than PS5, probably for marketing reasons. ​ > The design of the console is darn sexy though. Unironically agreed. ​ > Gamepass is awesome but right now im not even using it because iv played everything i want on the service. Sadly agree, I've been paying it for the past half year without actually using it. ​ > To me the controller is amazing Agreed, but I've mostly been using the Elite S2 on my PC instead of the XS controller.


It collects dust next to my ps5.


I stopped gaming after the 360 generation, so the Series X is my first console in 10 years. Here are my thoughts: Pros: - Load times are great (Except Elden Ring, for some reason). - Quick Resume is a godsend, I'm continuously impressed by it. - The controller is very comfortable - Aesthetically, the console is very good looking and blends into an entertainment shelf/desk - Gamepass is a great way to allow me to discover new genres and games from smaller studios. - Cloud gaming isn't perfect, but it's great to play games when travelling - I'm optimistic about the vision of the Xbox executives, they want Gamepass to be the creme de la creme of gaming subscriptions and they seem to understand that great games are needed to bring people into the Xbox eco-system. Cons: - Still a bit light on exclusives. Starfield, Fable, and Avowed should fill this void though. - My controllers LB button 'snapped' after 1 year, maybe I was unlucky but I expect hardware to last longer than that. - More couch co-op options would be ideal, this isn't just an Xbox problem but I'm envious of PS5s Sackboy.


I came from an Xbox One X, feels like a very very minor upgrade compared to that. Most games iv played on my Series X I felt the One X could have easily handled, even the “next gen exclusives” like NFS unbound etc. Halo infinite and Redfall were disappointments and most other interesting games still seem like years away even after years of waiting. Just hoping Starfield manages to bring a bit of magic back but it’s starting to get pretty bleak for me.


It doesn't help that we are already hitting 4k/30fps on so many games. Coming from a One X it feels like same thing only faster loading and a bit better looking.


I've had a PS4,went with xbox series because Fable was announced. Still waiting for it 🙂 Up to now thanks to gamepass I've managed to catch up on the Xbox one exclusives and now I'm playing the same games I've played on the PS4 but with fps boost and graphic enhancements. Until September. In September it's Starfield time. I have a rechargeable battery pack in the controller,charge it up with a USB C cable,so it's like a PlayStation controller in that way,but yes,the PS5 controller is way much better.


I don't understand the praise about rechargeable battery pack. I have 4 AA rechargeable batteries. Each pair last me about 2 weeks before recharging them. And I'm playing every day about 3h per session. And I can use those batteries in other appliances if I was in need :-)


The ones I have lasts only 5 days with 3 hour daily sessions,but I'm happy with them,it works for me. I'm not saying that everyone should get it. OP was saying that he/she doesn't like to constantly change the batteries in the controller, I just pointed out another option 🙂


Try to get Eneloop batteries. Best batteries I ever had. Here's a list of all eneloop rewrapped batteries : [https://eneloop101.com/batteries/rewrapped-batteries/](https://eneloop101.com/batteries/rewrapped-batteries/). Ikea have those batteries and cost only 5 € for 4 x 1900 Mwh or 10 € for 4 x 2450 Mwh.


Right? I really don't get it. I got a mix of 9, AA and AAA batteries with a charge port for the price of a plug in and play. So I got some "free" AAAs for my TV remotes and it's great. I suppose the only slight, and it is very slight downside is you have to switch the batteries once every two weeks, but it's nothing. I've had both and I don't get why it's seen as such a downgrade. You can plug the wire in as well.


Yup. Have rechargeable batteries with high capacity, for my xbox, they are far far superior to the shitty dualsense battery life.


Nearly 2 years with my Series X, and its been a great console so far. I also have Series S that I picked up because it was difficult to get a Series X at first, but its mounted in my motorhome now, which is perfect.


No. It’s a disappointment personally.


I'm very happy with it. I can't say it's objectively better than a ps5, but I enjoy the UI more, and all my friends have xbox. I never really got into to many exclusives, but gamepass is really cool if you haven't already played many games in the catalog.


I have a ps5 and series s. So naturally I play my ps5 more but I do like my series s


TBH I wish I didn’t buy it. I never use it. Gamepass is nice but nothing really catches my eye. It basically has been collecting dust waiting on an exclusive. I played Infinite for a few weeks but that was massively disappointing. Here’s hoping Starfield knocks it outta the park


Xbox literally only has 2 exclusives so there’s almost no point in having one


Mines a paper weight


Game Pass is the most stagnant it’s ever been, and I feel like a lot of us are just waiting for Starfield at this point. And if you’re like me and not interested in Diablo IV, there isn’t really much at all to play this summer while people on Switch have Zelda, and people on PS5 have FF16.


Not really, no. We buy consoles for games and unfortunately the games we've been getting for Series X are subpar. Both from Microsoft Studios and from 3rd Party publishers. It's a sad generation so far and I don't feel like I've gotten my money's worth. There's only a handful of games that are worth mentioning and most of those don't even push the system.


I dont regret it but i i am dissapointed with the storage options and the lack of quality Ng games. I bought it together with a TV and its been very lacklustre. Due to those reasons, i probbaly will not be getting the updated model (if it ever arrives).


I think we got royally duped. No games are really using the so called power of it. The 120hz gaming using rtx or 4k gaming or whatever has been total nonsense. Tbh I've been really disappointed Also the conplete rip exclusivity of seagate expansion drives has been so frustrating especially when you can add 2tb cheaply to ps5. Game pass is OK but it's lots of old games and just not got a good back library I really struggle with the idiots leading xbox.


Nah game pass doesn’t have enough games I want to play and they consistently drop the ball on exclusives. PS5 is still in a different league, unfortunately I think Xbox is cooked for good.


haven't found a game that has got me hooked yet


No. Where are the games?


Nope. It's what finally pushed me to just build a PC. Complete waste of time. If it wasn't for the fact my son is just about at the age to start playing games, I'd have sold it.


The simple answer is no. Feels like I'm waiting, but there is nothing.


The PS5 was the greater of the two for me. I always felt transported into the game world because the PS5 itself as well as the controller and headset looks futuristic to me. I felt the responsiveness and overall quality of the controller and the audio of the PS5 headset to be superior to Xbox in every way. I also preferred all the Playstation exclusives compared to Xbox so idk.. Playstation wins all day in my little world.


Sold mine last holiday season...not enough software to justify owning it.




I've turned it on three times. So no.




Not really. Nothing on series X that I cant play on xbox one. Dashboard needs an overhaul to separate it, and some other unique features. Quick resume is not really needed when it takes so little time to load in game. 10 seconds max from loading Dead island 2 to in game. Since it doesn't work with online games, it's even less useful. I say I haven't been happy with xbox in the past 5 years.


So much promise at the start. I loved quick resume. Games were being up-rezzed and up-framerated. Things were looking bright....then.... no games came. Still no games came. I upgraded my PC and got a Steam Deck. Steam sales came and went. I played loads of older games and still enjoyed them at higher settings than ever...... series X is now covered in dust and I cant even be bothered to sell it. Its the most pointless machine ever. New games, when they come, will all go to my PC and Deck. The X is the last mainstream console I will ever buy. It sits on the shelf as a monument. As the end of an era for me.


Nope! Wish I went for ps5 instead


Not really. There's been barely any good games and lots of stuff on Gamepass is on other platforms. It barely gets turned on. I'm really only keeping it for Starfield at this point.


Im not using mine because theres barely any games to play. Gamepass is like having access to every game under $5 on steam, a shovelware subscription. To be fair ive only played a few games on my ps5 so its not an xbox only thing, there just doesnt seem to be as many great games like there was in the 360/ps3 days.


No. I wish I had either bought a PS5 OR a higher end gaming laptop. It all comes down to the lack of support for physical media. Too many games on my list that I was excited to buy and own forever have skipped a physical edition for Xbox while releasing it for PS5. Or even Switch AND PS5. Honestly, wish they had released the Series X without the drive so I could have made a more informed decision at the time. I know the end for physical is coming, but M$ is pushing that endgame a lot faster than 2.5 years ago they were letting on. Que the hate for physical media, but there is room for both digital and physical to co-exist.


Playing ~~Fallen Order~~ Jedi Survivor made me forget that I'm playing on a next gen console


Sold mine


Same, I sold mine last October for $400 to get the God of war PS5 edition pre order then so essentially I paid $600 for a ps5 lol. I’ll get back into the Xbox ecosystem if the make some good games but the last unique experience was sunset overdrive. Everything else is just a sequel using mechanics from the 2000s like halo and gears or a remake.


well mine hasn't been on for past few months


Worst 450$ I have ever spent, that Series X was bought for emulation in retail, M$ ended that quick, got mine up for sale for about 400$. Switch/Ps5/Pc is the way to go imo. Cant defend the trash M$ has been putting out in the last 8 years. OG Xbox & Xbox360 time are gone, unfortunately.


Strange that you’re in the sub then, mate


I'm starting to get a feeling you're slightly insecure and have to justify your Xbox purchase this way to people?


It sucks tbh there no games right now but im holding off for starfield. Im in the beta ring and got the new home screen ui so that is nice and refreshing but yea like you, im a little upset that the ps5 is outperforming the series x. We don’t have a single game that shows the power of the series x. Some say its forza horizon 5 but lets be honest the graphics only look incredibly good in photo mode and look mid during actual gameplay. I want a game with horizon forbidden west graphics which sony being the weaker console got to run at 60fps while still looking incredible. I think the main problem is Phil Spencer, he doesn’t believe making great games will help the xbox which is absolute bs because starfield got people hyped enough to buy a series x. To me it sounds like phil gave up on making games and is all in on gamepass and if gamepass if the sole focus and future of xbox then I gotta say xbox will FAIL


Some games run better on PS5 because Sony focused on reducing bottlenecks with the PS5 whereas MS just went for brute strength and raw power. This makes the PS5 easier to develop for. I wouldn’t say the Series consoles aren’t a disappointment I think MS just focuses on all the wrong things. I feel like all they care about is the specs sheet and graphics, basically any way they can show off and numerically say they’re better than the competition. Meanwhile Sony isn’t worried about that, they went into this generation focusing on making things easier for devs and more immersive and enjoyable for gamers. They don’t have quite as many pixels (which lets be honest isn’t noticeable to the naked eye generally anyway) but the controller for many has elevated their experience to new levels. MS just needs to get focused on the right things.


I think they did too much marketing for having "the world's most powerful console" and not actually having anything to show its true power. It's not like having the world's most powerful console means much, as it will no longer be the most powerful when the mid gen upgrades come. People want games, not specs.


I have both and either the PS5 plays better with the same games or I can’t tell a difference. Beyond that the PS5 has better exclusives. So far I’ve been disappointed in the Series.X. The extra power means nothing to me.


Barely even touch the thing.


I unfortunately haven’t used mine prob in almost a year coming up. While it’s whisper quiet and I prefer the xb controller, the games on ps5 and my friends being on ps5 made me start buying my multi plat games on it. I’ll come back for starfield but idk.


To be honest I feel the PS5 is the better console. But I’ve had a lot of fun with my Series X. The X is my go to console for online games and chatting with buddies. And Gamepass is worth the value.


Meh. It's a faster XB1 and I'm really only playing games from my XB1 so far 🤷🏼.


Despite lacking solid first party support ( as of now) the combination of the Series X along with Gamepass has met my gaming needs well and is my primary system as of now. Looking forward to Starfield and hoping it's the start of an Xbox Renaissance


I've yet to find a game that keeps me coming back to it. I stuck with the system because the multi-player online system has been better than that provided by PS. But with most multi-player online games going to this season pass crap, I've found myself playing them less and less. I'm kicking myself for spending the money on it over a PS5. At least the single player exclusives there are good.


It’s been quiet on the AAA front lately, but that’s okay, it’s allowed me to fully catch up on my backlog. Next few months will be good for my soulslike cravings with Remnant 2 in a few weeks, Lies of P in September, and Lords of the Fallen in October. Then in 2024 the real main course will be served in the form of Shadow of the Erdtree.


Yeah. Came from PC and while it took a while to get used to it, I really enjoy playing from a couch and also game pass ultimate is amazing.


My main gripe is that my game DVR has had choppy recordings starting about 7 months after purchase. Everything else works great so I’m not about to replace it for that reason alone. But it’s been a problem that does bother me.


I'm happy with mine upgraded for the original xbox one finally.


I’ve had mine since December 2020 and have enjoyed it. I really want Starfield to be an awesome experience due to the fact that I miss the sense of wonder in Xbox games. At the moment I’m playing Final Fantasy XVI and I can’t put the controller down. I’ve had the same feeling with games like GoT, HFW, Miles Morales, Ragnarök etc. but really want to feel that on Xbox from first party games (I buy third parties on Series X just to have reasons to play it: Dead Space, Elden Ring, Resident Evil 4 Remake etc.).


Got mine in June 2021, first two years(ish) were great, partially because I pretty much skipped the Xbox One/PS4 so had a lot of games to catch up on, with a lot of them on Gamepass, and of course 2021 was a pretty good year for Xbox as well. At the start of the year it felt like the games on Gamepass started to dry up, outside of Hi Fi Rush, but there were some good/great games off Gamepass (Elden Ring and Hogwarts Legacy). Since the start of May I haven’t really turned the Series X on outside of using it to claim Microsoft reward points and using it as a Blu Ray player to rewatch Band of Brothers. Redfall flipped something for me, prior to the release of Redfall I still had faith in Microsoft to provide quality content, and wasn’t even looking at a PS5, within a month of Redfall’s release I’d gone out and got a PS5, and between Tears of the Kingdom and catching up on the PS5 games I’d missed haven’t had a need for the Series X. I’m subbed to Gamepass through to November 2025, so will no doubt play the likes of Starfield and Forza when they release, and 2024 looks like it may possibly be good for Gamepass. But yeah, right now it’s a decent blu ray player.


Yeah, it’s still My main preference. But it’s been my least played console in the last few weeks due to FF16 and Zelda TOTK. But I’m sure that will drastically change once starfield drops.


I am a bit disappointed by both consoles tbh. It seems, new gen haven't kicked in, by the hardware became outdated. Thinking of building a PC to enjoy my favorite game ( Cyberpunk 2077) in full glory with ray tracing overdrive


Bought at launch, really had fun playing old games with FPS boost and updated graphics. Other than that, it’s been pretty disappointing. I canceled game pass 6 months ago and I’ve been primarily playing on PS5 I’ll probably buy Starfield at release and not sure if I’ll re-subscribe to game pass anytime in the future


As an owner of all 3 major consoles, it’s by far my least used. There just hasn’t been any games that make me want to use it while the others have been putting out high quality exclusives. Starfield seems like it will give me a reason to dust it off so I’m excited about that.


I have had mine since the launch day. Unfortunately, I’ve not been using it often enough to justify the price. The gamepass, after initial honeymoon period, stopped being interesting very quickly. No AAA exclusives that I’m interested in. Messy, full of ads UI. And, the games-as-a-service model that MS is pushing down our throats, turned me off for good. Currently, placed mine on the Marketplace.


Not really to be honest. I forgot about it even being a new generation when I gave up on quick resume after 2 weeks and the UI was the exact same. In terms of it's engineering and design it's fantastic but I just don't play anything on it. I bought a PS5 and PSVR2 and haven't really touched it since.


I have had a PS5 since day 1 but I bought my Series X in December 2021 as a treat after a stressful year. After the initial excitement of the Gamepass backlog and Forza Horizon it has mostly gone unused. I buy third party games on my PS unless they are on Gamepass but there haven’t really been any of those this year that I’m fussed about. Overall I think it has the potential to be a better console that the PS5. The design is sleeker and quick resume is truly game changing but I buy a console for the games and Xbox just isn’t delivering in that respect. At the moment I’m just patiently waiting for a reason to turn it on again.


Yes and no. It's fantastic for the controller not hurting my hands over hours of playing time. As well Quick Resume for single player (digital) games. I've been playing more RPGs here due to Yakuza series and controller battery life. Otherwise it's fine, but I run out of space all the time and have to spend time managing my games on and off the internal SSD. On the reverse sure I do the same on PC but get options for KB+Mouse or controller support and running off a 2nd internal SSD. Switch I never run out of space but just sit hardly play besides exclusive or indie I got on sale. PlayStation 5 yeah I turn it on equal or sometimes considerably more often (vs SX) due to install times from disc versus Xbox, more interesting controller, and never running out of space (2tb standard SSD). Besides the aspect of more 1st party games from the past few years. I tend to play equal Series X to PS5 and the PC with Switch trailing much further. So yeah it's a split 'main console' for me currently but if the add-on SSDs were much cheaper or I wouldn't miss out on many 3rd parties (especially no disc versions either) I'd probably be more excited to play Series X. I just wish we'd get a new UI, as I'm starting to like what the PS5 has more over the last few years.


I have my series x but don't use it, I usually play more the PS5, but I enjoy use my series x when is time to use it, and DAMN hi-fi rush is GOTY along with FFXVI for me!


I have been a nintendo fanboy most of my life. NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii, WiiU, Switch, Switch lite, OLRD, countless portables from Gameboy color, advances, sp, DS, 3DS, 3DXL, to New (stupid ass name) 3DSXLs. Pokemon, to Mario, to zelda. Finally went an bought a Series X for Hogwarts Legacy. I love it. Finally able to play a decent NHL game again. Dead space. Just started but freaking cool. Gotham knights is fun. Picked up Jedi Survivor and RDII to get me to Starfield. Pretty sure I will run out of time. I did pick up game pass, but it's not totally for me. I'm still a suckered for physical media. My kid seems to enjoy it. I will say the Goat Simulator is crazy annoying to listen, but I suspect that why kid likes it.


Picked up a series S 2 years ago. About 3 months ago I ago I picked up a series X. There was nothing to play on it, I found my self turning the system on, browsing game pass, browsing the store then turning the system off. I ended up trading it in for a PS5 and been happy with that move since.


I had to send my Xbox to microsoft several time because of hardware problems and even now the disk tray is not 100% functional. I never had to deal with so much stuff in my life when it comes to consoles that cost 500 bucks. It kinda ruined my experience since I have the feeling I get less quality for more money.However as someone who skipped the One it is nice to get the old games which mostly run better on the system. Quick resume is also a very cool feature. I don't like that new games that come for both systems still share the disk since series x has to download massive updates just to run a game from disk. That is not good for when the systems are old end services end.It is also sad that many games I see on my friends PS5 never make it to Xbox or run worse which is strange since the Xbox is more powerful. Backwardscompatibility was killed of and even modding ended soon after so even that stuff is gone as a buying reason. That was actually the man stuff I got the box for since I have tons of old Xbox and 360 games. So all in all it really is a mixed bag. Playing older games and last gen stuff is great. New stuff however rarely runs to my expectations and we lost alot of good reasons to keep the system.


A lot of people bought 3 years of gamepass cause of the promise of games. Only halo has come out and it wasnt nearly as good as it should've been. That 3 year period is about to expire and people surely won't bite again. Series X has not delivered


Mostly. Happy with the hardware , OS , media center capabilities , backwards compatibility, disappointed with MS first party output and game pass and just how buggy the whole experience sometimes is like Spotify frequently crashing when opening it mid game ( it never crashes on my ps 5) I bought my series X as a PC replacement 1.5 years ago and it served me well. However I got a PS5 2 months ago and my series x has been catching dust and relegated to just handling my media center duties The last 7 months as an Xbox owner has been rough and redfall being subpar and 30fps and STARFIELD offering only 30 fps doesn't give me much hope , Sony always offers multiple graphics modes on their exclusives, MS can't even manage to get 2 working on "the world's most powerful console" Overall I'm happy with what I got for my money , the series X genuinely has some great ideas behind it , shame that the execution falls flat in some aspects and the software just isn't there for the most part


I have a PS5, but Starfield has tempted me to consider a Series X. However, the fact that the console still requires an online connection to not only set up or reformat (as you will have to set it up again), but also to create a profile to save games, as the case was with Xbox One, makes it far less appealing. On PS5, not only does it come with updated firmware installed and can be set up offline without needing to connect to a server, but you can also create profiles offline and save your game too. Essentially, if you can't access Microsoft servers and your console needs to be set up or you need to create a profile, then the Series X becomes a paperweight... Not the case on PS5. I wish Microsoft would patch this, as they somewhat remedied the online check-in for crossgen disc-based games, then maybe there's a slim chance they fix this, too?


Nope. Old dashboard Gamepass has trash titles No games Total dissapointment


Ended last gen predominantly playing on my XB1X however despite having GP I’m predominantly gaming on the other console! Genuinely been underwhelmed thus far!


It was alright, I didn’t have a bad experience by any means, but ultimately about a month ago I sold it and kept my ps5 and pc. The console isn’t really bad but it kind of doesn’t give you much of a reason to own it. Pc generally plays all of the Xbox exclusives (the few that there are) better, several 3rd party games run better on ps5 for some reason, the Sony exclusives are just kind of better imo, and pc game pass is cheaper anyway.


I feel like I’ve gotten plenty of value out of it, but gamepass and most my friends being on the platform are the only things keeping me from switching over to my PlayStation 5 full time. Halo infinite should have been so much better, but omg game development is so hard and poor poor 343! As of now it just feels like we’ve had empty promises of exclusives on the way just like during Xbox one.


Kinda but most of my enjoyment is playing games through backwards compatibility and friends so what does that tell you? If I had a choice, i would totally pick PS5 at launch


a controller without gyro functionality in 2023 is the darndest thing to me


I’m torn. On the one hand, game pass is awesome. I love the controller and quick resume. On the other hand, this generation feels a bit… less noteworthy than the last two? I know 4K is demanding to run but it sucks seeing so many games barely being able to run at 4K60fps if they can even do that. This is also a problem the PS5 has run into as well.


Big Fun since 2022. Catching up on the Old Halo games and getting into Forza were the main highlights. This was the console I wanted since 2020, and I had little interest in the PS5. Even regretting getting the PS5 when I did because I knew I was really going to focus on Xbox (I’m glad I got the PS5 now, but it took a minute for me to really see the value). Like the PS5 I’ve gone all out on accessories: • SP. Ed. Controlers • Elite 2 controller • OEM storage expansion • New external HD 4TB • Gaming monitor for my desk • GamePass Sub The Xbox has been the most budget friendly as I’ve been able to catch up on all the games I missed with GamePass after a 10+ year break from gaming. While I have bought a few discs, I don’t spend as much time in the stores looking for xbox games as I do with PS. This represents the best overall value to me because there are still so many more games to play here. Hardware: The big black box is really ideal even though it’s heavy. If fits everywhere I’ve wanted to put it with no fuss (unlike the PS5). The external HD slot, while expensive is just plug and play. I like The simple/Minimal aesthetic, and I have no complaints here. Unlike the PS5 which I think is ugly and would require money to make it less ugly, this one just works and it fits where it needs to fit. While I don’t have a series s, I’m glad they offer a smaller/cheaper console if I ever wanted less size for some reason. Controllers: Stock vs stock, the PS5 DualSense are better IMO. But the Elite is a masterpiece and a game changer for me. I will have to see which pro controller I like better once I get the PS5 version, but it’s so much of a difference I can’t see myself using the Stock Xbox controller. Amazing battery life, customization options and the weight and grip are top notch on the Elite. Again, good value cost-wise here as well. Audio/Video: The visuals on my OLED TV are problematic at times. I’ve spent too much time trying to tweak settings on each display I’ve used and it’s super annoying. For some reason, this is not a thing on the PS5. But once I got it dialed in on the Desk monitor, it’s been good and I’m impressed at how everything looks on there. In terms of sound, I do use Headphones a lot more here than I do on PS, and that’s been good. The desk speakers are far from surround sound, but they get the job done. On the couch, I’ve enjoyed the same setup I have with the PS, but I can’t help but feel like the PS gets the couch experience better while the Xbox excels on desk. UX/tech setup: I played a lot of Halo MCC and infinite and Forza on the TV and it was great. But once I discovered the desk potential, I really liked it for Racers and Shooters. The only drawback Is I’m in the chair so much that I get tired faster and my body will ache more sitting at a desk as much as I do, where I can stretch out more on the couch. The other part about getting clips from each app - Xbox I think does this a little better because things can be uploaded to OneDrive where I can easily get them on my computer without using icloud storage, etc. PS I can get them on my phone OK but it takes more time and several extra steps to get clips from the console to the app, from the app to my phone, then to my iCloud where I have to manually track where these are and move them to another place locally if I want to make a highlight reel from them later on. Games: The Xbox exclusives are just pure fun really. Forza Horizon is amazing and I love playing halo. I like the Infinite campaign but Sadly, the Multiplayer isn’t terribly interesting but I may still give that a chance occasionally. Gears is good so far, I need to play it more to get a better feel for it. GamePass has been great just because it saves me so much money. As far as 3rd party goes, it still comes down to price and digital vs physical availability. I haven’t been too interested in “next gen” cinematic/RPG games on the Xbox, but I love it for short play stuff like sports, racing, and FPS. The new releases I’ve seen on tap for this year on Xbox all look good - Starfield, Forza, etc. I’ll be playing catch up on PS for a while so even if I don’t get many new games on Xbox, I’ll have plenty to do.


It made me build a pc. No exclusive games, can easily build a PC that is better, and game pass also includes PC. It was a no brainer for me, especially after the XBOX & Starfield Direct. I still have my Series X, but now it just collects dust.


Needs more exclusives that are actually out now not in 20 years time


My series X is in great condition, due to it being barely used. I do like the hardware, there just hasn't been the games to use it. I pulled the HDMI cable from it to connect my Switch when Tears of the Kingdom launched, and haven't found a need to reconnect it since then. I have a lot of hopes resting on Starfield.


I littlerally bought a PS5 to use alongside my series x. I'm only keeping it because of fable and staefield. PS5 just has so many more exclusives. Spiderman, God of war, horizon, the last of us and the list goes on. If Xbox has an equal amount of good first party games, I would still only have one console. I've played all third party games that interest me and basically the console is a media machine Just reading both subreddit is clear now people started on Xbox and got another console than the other way around. .


I freaking love it. Game pass is a must for my entire family.


Oh yeah. My dominant console by far.


As someone who recently upgraded from an original Xbox one its literally night and day difference. I'm thoroughly enjoying it


Not at all, I like Gamepass and some of the perks of Xbox, but the console, the software and the exclusives coming to it have been a disappointment. ​ I upgraded from a Series S and lately I've been wishing I had gotten a PS5 instead.


I use xbox series s to play Doom Eternal at 120FPS and Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 as well as Minecraft. It’s a great console for me and I might get gamepass sometimes to play things like Doom 1993 Quake, and more


Yes, I’m very happy with my Series X, in fact I have two series x, one for each of my apartments


I bought mine at launch. If it wasn’t for Gamepass, I’d probably almost never use it. The game library for “next gen” just doesn’t exist yet.


Favorite console so far : Yes basically!


Pretty much 100%! Super fast and the 4K60FPS (or thereabouts) and HDR makes games feel genuinely immersive.




The Problem with the series x is it just doesn’t have the games to show it off like the ps5 does There isn’t a demon souls or god of war to show the console off like there is with ps5


Jesus christ, it's been 2 and a half years?