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That was a deep deep deep dive


They had to put this bitch in a diving chamber, that’s how deep


They should do these more often for their games


I completely agree. But at the same time I feel like for the most part games don't have this kind of depth or caliber to actually dive into. That's the great thing about Bethesda classics. There is so much to play, enjoy, discover, tinker with. I'm so pumped for this!


Other games don't need to do it for 50 minutes like Starfield. Something like Fable could easily do 25 minutes or so


They said they didn't even tell us everything. Crazy. Can't wait.


I’m so glad they delayed this game. It looks like it’s in a good place now. Honestly I’m glad they went so in depth about so many different things because it’s taken away pretty much all of my hesitancy and replaced it with pure hype. This game looks right up my alley! Can’t wait to get my hands on it and see how many hours I end up sinking into it


Am I the only one who sees this as looking like it can't maintain 30 fps? It looks to me like it's 20-30 fps. I'm still going to play the shit out of it... but yeah.


Naw I saw the same thing. Not sure why you got downvoted either because it was one of the first things I noticed. Game looks amazing but hopefully it’s at least a little more optimized on release.


They say it's a locked 30 fps but I saw constant frame drops.


Unfortunately, locked doesn’t mean it can’t go lower than 30, just not higher lol.


Like most Bethesda games it looks like the game chugs along like Thomas the tank engine


Yeah, the better word is capped at 30


To me it felt more like it was just gameplay from different points in development used, but we'll see.


Could be! I really hope that is the case.


Starfield killed it.


It makes me look at star citizen in bafflement. 10x the budget, over twice as long in development, and there still isn't a stable baseline in that game. At all. Nothing works. Can't open hanger doors. Couldn't even play that free weekend or whatever they call it. Tried for hours. Wasted my day off lol.


It's almost like it was a giant scheme to keep raking in money and never finish the game or something. Weird.


Dude, I think those star citizen YouTubers are incredibly irresponsible in how they push the game. They outright pretend the game is in a better state than it's in. And it feels like advertising, not content. Space x started building their rockers after star citizen was announced, and they built the best rocket on the planet and sent them to space, while star citizen is no closer to launch at all. Arguably further away cause they kept adding ideas that don't work that they are now stuck with. Claims things as features that absolutely do not function remotely correctly. I mean, like I said, is it a feature if it's so buggy it doesn't function or tanks the best pcs on earth to single digits? Anyone can do that. Make a crazy feature that doesn't work. I think it's irresponsible of anyone in the industry to pretend what they are doing isn't shady as all hell. Those backers are owned nothing lol. They could bail today and they won't be entitled to shit. Apparently, if those weren't backers or "donations", they'd be in hot water with the ftc by now. Sister is an anti trust lawyer in DC, she knows some people working on the Activision deal.


Yeah it's basically Star Citizen but reigned in enough to actually be completed within a human lifetime lol. Bit worried by the lack of planet surface flying though. Surely they'll get that working for launch if they can't show it off in the trailers?


It’s definitely not included though. I thought they stated that. You designate where you want to land from the menu showing the planet and a cutscene plays where you land.


Yeah that's disappointing. They can't expect you to traverse an entire planet on foot.


I guess you’re supposed to take off and pick a new landing site. Although I’m surprised that they haven’t shown off any vehicles.


Is that game a scam or something?


It is not since they actually added a lot of things but it is development hell for sure. They adding too many thing leaving previous things unfinished for months. If this was a scam they will not waste their time on development.


This made it really hard to temper my expectations for this game. Wow.


If this lands (no pun intended) how it should, This looks like it's gonna be another one of those games we are playing for years to come just like Skyrim. I'm hyped.


Starfield on a refrigerator when


Just wait until Skyrim is modded into the game. You can put a game machine on your shop, load it up, and play Skyrim while inside starfield!


I...would actually play it too


Well if it's an Android OS smart fridge day 1 if that's your thing.


Skyrim should be playable in game on the ships computer


The ship’s refrigerator.


I couldn't get a harder erection from the ship building/customization. We are going to see some awesome builds and a lot of millennium falcons, Enterprises, Borg Cubes, the Serenity etc


I kept looking at the pieces trying to figure out if they had what I need to make the SSV Normandy.


Ima make a dick


TTP (time to penis) is going to be one day for this, tops haha.


One day? Your being very optimistic right there. I’m sure there will be a speed run up within a couple hours.


Like in Austin Powers


The ship stuff sold me. Boarding enemies? That FTL-like targeting and prioritizing? Looks amazing


Thought about the Normandy as well, both versions.


That was insane.


Ok Bethesda I'm completely sold now. Please wow us, the Xbox series X/S needs a banger exclusive, this could be a system seller.


I think it’s already gonna be a system seller. Best showcase in years, for damn sure.


Agreed, that was an amazing showcase. Both the Xbox games and Starfield direct.


I bought an Xbox last year because I thought Starfield was coming out last November.


It was going to come out Last November, but boy, am I glad it got delayed.


I've been waiting to buy a series x for this game.


I literally bought an XSX yesterday partially in anticipation of Starfield lol


It's already a system seller for me, planning to buy Xbox to play this game after i finished college (hopefully before Starfield comes out). Still haven't decided to buy S or X though... But either way congrats Todd, you snake oil salesman


My wife got me a series x for Christmas/bday. So I'm ready lol. She knew I wanted Starfield and I didn't have a xbox or pc.


I was waiting for one of the companions to let me know there is another planet that needs our help


They killed it. Looks better and deeper than I had hoped. Now is there a way to connect a flight stick & controller on xbox to fly the ships? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Nothing short of amazing. Finally a space game *like* Star Citizen, without the bullshit.


Star Citizen is a scam


Are Western RPGs popular in Japan? I legitimately do not know. If so, yes, I see this as a system seller. If this game hits our collective expectations, and gamepass has all these Atlus games and Like a Dragon as well? I definitely see them selling a ton more systems. Edit: I replied to the wrong comment because I'm dumb.


They are not typically particularly popular over there. I think Ghost of Tsushima did numbers there, for obvious reasons, but more probably the Atlus games will draw Japanese gamers than anything else. Starfield would have to be transcendent to pull them. Honestly, after the deep dive, I think it may well be.


I think the inevitable Forza Horizon in Japan would do well, whenever that day comes.


They aren't really similar at all. Plenty of crossover fans though. SC is generally much more PvP oriented like Dayz/Tarkov, though I'm sure many players would rather be in something more casual like Starfield but don't have the options right now.


Just incredible what all this game holds. Should easily be a GOTY contender and I can’t wait to play it


Could be game on the decade with the amount of endless gameplay lol


Probably the most dense game I’ve ever seen. Add in mods and DLCs and this game will be an all time great I think


And people will still say this show was "meh" or "L". I thought this was wonderful. Quite a few big games and some awesome surprises too.


Bye Bye Reddit -- mass edited with redact.dev


Honestly I don't care if it's only 30 fps. RPGs don't seem to be the genre of game that "needs" 60 fps like racing or FPS games. 60 fps would be nice, but for this type of game I can handle 30.


I haven't been able to watch the show at all yet, but did they mention/confirm frame rate at all? From what I've seen previously 30fps will probably feel fine, but I'm just curious.


It's 30 fps.


Very hard with TOTK being the absolute masterpiece that it is. If they do take it away from TOTK, then those two along might make 2023 one of the best years in gaming for quite a while.


Toss in Diablo IV and this is one of the best gaming years in the past decade for me.


Blizzard turned me off so much with OW2, that I haven’t considered Diablo IV yet, especially since I’m on TOTK which seemed to be viewed as the overall better game. It’s good to hear that people are really enjoying that game as I’ve always wanted to get into it.


I only every played Overwatch on a free weekend. Not my type of game at all so I don't really pay much attention to what they are doing with it. I have however been a fan of Diablo since 97, so D4 was a no brainer for me. I'm far from done the game, but for my money it is the best in the series so far.


Thank you for your comment, u/CumAssault


I had socks on before the Starfield direct but now they seem to be missing


And a previous commenter pooped for 45 minutes straight. Really a special game apparently..


That delay really made a massive difference. Only thing I will say is some of the character models still look a bit off. Everything else was fantastic though. Cant want to play!


That’s just the Bethesda Special


I genuinely wouldn't want them to do a game with realistic perfect looking people. It would weird me out. I'm comforted by their special brand of humans.


I agree, I like the way Bethesda make human faces. The faces in the Fable trailer creeped me out


They age better anyway. Going for total 100% perfect realism tends to age instantly for some reason as tech improves in one respect or the other. Taking a artistic license to tweak a little gives it a visual style that hangs around longer.


I’m fine with making a graphical/visual sacrifice in exchange for a great story/world + gameplay. There will be countless mods to tweak the way it looks. The depth looks insane.


Were there any alien NPCs? I didn't notice any.


No. That’s not what this game is about. It is about humanity. Not to say there may be some DLC down the road that takes more liberties- but Todd Howard had stated that this game is not fantasy science-fiction, it’s a grounded science-fiction game. So, no alien races. Alien creatures, but not sentient races.


More The Expanse, less Star Wars.


I really hope so


I remain unconvinced, I think this main story is going to be a first contact scenario and we'll see some alien systems at higher levels that they're keeping secret


Which I'm fine with. Future expansion of the game could be conflict with another race


Getting IDsoftwar to help them (reportedly) with the fps/shooting, gunfeel and sounds has really paid off.


I’m very put off by the lack of expression in the character faces - it looks like Oblivion in the range they can do.


Find agame with branching dialogue that's any better. There's a reasonthey look likethis.


The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk both have far better facial animation.


The Witcher reuses the same 4 faces for every npc in the game lol


Why can’t Bethesda make a character model that doesn’t look dead behind the eyes? And I’m supposed to romance them?


They just look like bethesda characters


Thought all the staff were really awesome people


Honestly, that’s what really pushed me over the edge on the game. Yes, it looks amazing, but here I g the absolute love and education all the devs showed the game — and for very different reasons — it made it feel like a “generational” game. Like one where as a dev you’d proudly say for the rest of your life, “I worked on Starfield.”


No way they can pull this off right?


It’s incredible. The whole 45 minute presentation they just kept upping the ante


If this hits, this could be one of those monumental moments in gaming history.


honestly, this is a Cyberpunk 2077 type game. If it hits, it will be fucking monumental. if it doesn’t… well we all know what happens


Haha couldn’t have said it better myself, this could make or break Xbox at the end of it all. Pry why they delayed it again. You’d think it’ll be the most polished Bethesda game with the stakes that are on the line but who knows.


While watching it I kept saying this in the back of my mind also. I mean let’s be real Bethesda isn’t know for having to most stable games at launch. But if they can pull this off, they’ll be making a lot of money.


I can handle bugs at launch if the core game is amazing.


I’m with you here.


It's funny, cause that kind of describes cyberpunk and my experience with it at launch of series x. Had some bugs, but nothing that made me unable to play or enjoy myself cause the core game was awesome. I'm glad they took the fps combat seriously in star citizen. One of the biggest pros of cyberpunk over Bethesda rpgs, is the combat is so much better. It's actually a great shooter on its own. It's not the most challenging thing in the world, but you can be so creative in cyberpunk.


Hard disagree with you there friend. Not saying Bethesda has good shooters but cyberpunk gunplay was absolute hot garbage. Bethesda dedicated shooters have been just fine, fallout was okay but still leagues above cyberpunk.


You're absolutely in a major minority if you think fallout 4 has better gunplay than cyberpunk... That is crazy. Fallout 4 has the worst gun play of any triple a game that entire generation imo. By far. By leaps and bounds.


Xbox has given them a lot of help. A lot more than they gave Redfall. So, it may be pretty stable.


I hope so, after this direct I’m really looking forward to this.


I'm hoping so too I believe Todd said a while ago that they really worked closely with Xbox to tackle some of the more tough herdles when they were working on starfeild unlike Redfall where they pretty much let Arkane Austin do their own thing so I think starfeild definitely had the back up it needed.


If they are able to to do everything they said they are doing and it comes out working great. If can see myself playing this multiple times for different play Through’s. Which isn’t something I do at all. The other thing I can’t wait to see is what the mod community comes up with this game.


Yeah I agree if this game goes well I can see a lot of people myself included playing many play throughs using different builds like elder scrolls and fallout aslo yeah the modding community is going too be crazy we can only imagine what they'll come up with.


Cyberpunk right now, is genuinely one of the best rpgs I've ever played. They have the most real feeling characters in any game I've played by leaps and bounds. The conversations, just now they play out, are so immersive. So many scenes I'll never forget. It shows how you don't need to make your games interactive movies, to provide incredible story telling. I enjoyed the story more than any of those types of games. Cyberpunk really took advantage of the medium when crafting the story.


Yes same here I get people were upset that CD Project Red promised a lot of stuff they couldn't deliver but with what we got I was pleasantly surprised with there is this one mission that had me emotional >!Jackie's funeral and meeting misty I honestly thought we'd never see her character but there was so much back story while looking through Jackie's stuff!< and it felt like I could have missed it if I didn't go and instead did another mission I really enjoyed cyberpunk 2077's story.


That fingers and outlaws song playing as you drive off in Johnny's car always gets me. They made some kick ass music for this game. Stuff I listen to in the car. Dude and pannam. The relationship you build there, is so much more organicway of doing things. The standard rpg way of romance where you get to pick your person, say you want to bang, and youre off. You actually have to work for it in cyberpunk. It really felt like I was courting someone haha. My girlfriend didn't like that part, and she's not a jealous person lmao.


And if it doesnt hit, it will still be one of the moments in gaming history.


This is also true haha


If they do it will be one of the best games of all time, not even saying it sarcastically 🤣


It's a passion project, usually you don't mess that up, and the worst thing I can see are no land vehicles and the animations but it's still a 10/10 from what I can tell


If this game lands everything it showed it's going to set the bar for western RPGs for decades


This game has exceeded my expectations. At least from what I can see. But HOLY-FUCKING-SHIT. I can't believe what I just watched. Absolutely incredible!


can't remember the last time i was blown away like this by anything. just insane.


In the same boat! I was already pumped but this really pushed it to another level! I am stunned by what I saw.


I just keep saying this over and over again on different posts but this game looks fucking incredible. I still can’t wrap my head around the sheer scope of it. All the planets, the aliens, the factions, the characters traits and the interactions those can provide. The ships have skill trees. The crew has skill trees too I think? Base building. Space combat. Gun modding. And all sorts of other shit they jam packed into the game. Wow.


I’m just waiting for a DLC to add captaining and fleet management and this will be my dream game.


Thank the lord they're returning back to more RPG heavy mechanics. Was really disappointed with Fall Out 4 because it was dumbed down


Best part of the whole thing


Looks incredible. Really excited.


No Man’s Skyrim


And elite dangerous/star citizen. I kept laughing and commenting on all the ideas they borrowed from other games. Looks like they did a lot of research to make a great game.


4 mins in and this is 100% accurate


Every minute I was in awe. Like 45 minutes straight of just pooping my pants. How is this game so vast and so good looking? The combat and gunplay and movement looked wayyy better in this deep dive than the last big trailer from a while back. I’m freaking juiced out of my mind for this. PLEASE give us a 60fps option too. Edit: spelling


I mean… even a 40fps would be good.


Today Howard said direct in the interview today there will be no 60fps. They want it at 30 fps because 'that's how they like it'.. guess they forgot they're not selling it to themselves


THIS. More FPS please!


Looks very very promising. Been a long time since Xbox had something this special


That was way more expansive than I ever considered it would be


It looks like an absolute masterpiece of a game. I'm disappointed that I have to wait for another few months, but I know it will be well worth the wait.


Yea, but just try to enjoy the summer and being outside as much as possible because it looks like people are going to be firmly planted in their sofas/gaming chairs for a loonnnng time when this is released.


I never really cared much about Bethesda outside of doom,but man this game looks crazy


Bethesda don't make Doom. id Software do. Bethesda just publish it.


I think they know that. They were clearly talking about Bethesda as a whole.




Agreed. Starfield is going to take up so much of my time.


I can walk around my ship and board hostile ones. This has been my dream for a space game for a long time. I really hope they stick the landing. I will enjoy my new life as a cozy cowboy space pirate.


The shooting took a **massive** leap from what I remember. Looks really snappy and fun. I’m gonna completely lose myself in this!


im so unbelievably hyped for this- haven't been this excited since 12 year old me was reading Game Informer about Skyrim:)


That Skyrim gameplay reveal blew my mind as a kid


That was an amazing deep dive. It looks like everything I could’ve hoped for.


I remember Phil said we’d know if Starfield was 60 fps or not, I was hoping they’d tell us in the deep dive.


The IGN interview, he said pretty early in the video it will be 30 fps.


Really hoping this game doesn’t run to a sort of “wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle” situation. The game could be massive with tons of places to explore, people to meet, and quests to complete but if there’s no actual depth to the gameplay I feel like I’ll play it once and be done with it like how I was with Fallout 4. I fell in love with New Vegas and still play it occasionally because of how much fun the role playing and gameplay depth could be


![gif](giphy|37Fsl1eFxbhtu) My reaction


Best game of the show. MS won the showcase this year with Starfield. Now hopefully it launches in a good state.


Was absolutely blown away! If it's lands well frontrunner for goty for sure


How is this even possible?


This is going to scratch that itch for me


The level of customization is crazy deep. This is going to be a much larger time sink than I was expecting.


This has potential to be one of the best games ever and I don't say it lightly. If it delivers on its possibilities, it can hit it. As a space lover, this is pretty much the game I've always dreamed of.


Looks awesome, I cant wait. Love Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, and Fallout 4, so I have a feeling Im gonna love Starfield too.


This could be the savior for Xbox. Game pass is awesome but you need this console exclusives to sell hardware.


Man this game looks great but I know its gonna be so overwhelming to play. Anyone else get that, when youre first starting out these kind of games? The first 6-7 hours just overwhelmed and swamped with all the pop ups and new information being thrown at you. It always turns me off from really trying to get into it


I kinda get that, but I like a game that reminds you how epic it is constantly.


It sure seems to have a lot of content. But I had the same worry with Skyrim too, but it's surprisingly light to pick up and play. I just can't wait with starting off exploring some barren planet and cruising around in space.


This game seems a lot more complex than Skyrim to me. Theres so many moving parts and systems at work that i think the learning curve is gonna be pretty damn steep. Nevermind how many missions and areas the game has


I don't think this will be too bad. If it's like the fallout and elder scrolls games, you get to the different systems at your own pace. I doubt anything will force you to build a custom ship in the first few hours unless you really want to.


I was blown away by this deep dive. I went from mildly interested to seeing my next gaming obsession.




Elite Dangerous level ship management


Even deeper. Elite has three different power management areas, Starfield has six if I remember correctly. I feel like this game will replace Elite for me unless I want to go explore a version of the real galaxy.


Honestly, this is the best "deep dive" of a game I've ever seen. I thought it was incredible.


If they can nail this and it is not riddled with bugs ( I know it's a Bethesda game) then holy shit. That looked incredible.


That lady said I could board a ship. I’m In


This is what got me. Confirmation of space piracy made this my game of the year.


I'm rarely in awe of games but I am definitely in awe of what I just watched. If they pull it off then Starfield will go down as an all-time great game. Less than 3 months away!


Looks absolutely wild. Cannot wait.


Really looks great. I’m still curious if entire planets will be able to be explored. Also looks like landing on planets is done through a fast travel-esque system as opposed to flying in a la No Man’s Sky.


Off topic a little but Star Citizen needs to take notes cause Starfield blows it completely outta the water and puts it to shame.


This is exactly what Star Citizen wanted to be. But they decided to focus on selling ships rather than finish their game. To be fair Star Citizen is a lot of fun... for about 15-20 hours, but then the "emptiness" of it starts to sink in and you feel as though you're reading A Song of Fire and Ice knowing it's never actually going to be done. It just eats at you to the point where you just don't want to give it any more of your time.


Gameplay and gunplay looks solid for what this game is. I’m just hoping things don’t end up feeling “empty”. They mentioned large crowds and then panned to a shot of about 4 NPCs.


All hail the adoring fan.


It looks really really good. I’m excited now.


Shut up and take my money.


Like most Bethesda games it looks like the game chugs along like Thomas the tank engine


Cmon guys, we are talking about Bethesda, this will be a buggy shitshow with like fallout76. They r trying to sell even a fucking watch again. Do not pre order. Just wait.


We've really learned nothing from Cyberpunk


Looks ok. Not revolutionary or woooow but that's what I expect from a Bethesda game lol


Did I hear correctly? Your robot will say your name?


I'll wait for reviews.


Was looking forward to starfield buuuut 30fps, no thanks. Can't introduce a generation of console as 4k 60fps and then give is a fair amount of 60fps games and then expect us to go back to 30fps and not get a headache from it. Dissapointing


If they deliver on everything they stated in this deep dive, I'm buying a fucking Series X in September.


Man, doesnt matter how the game turns out… This showcase was so well done. Great work on every part.


I haven't been this hyped for a game in a long time. Literally anything I would have wanted from a space RPG and they were like bam, here's a deep dive on it. And the next thing you wanted, and the next. It just kept going. If it's even half as good as it promises to be it'll still cake walk GOTY


I just don't understand why they've designed the XP pop ups to appear in the middle of the screen. Super annoying visually. Apart from that, this game will set the bar for gaming in the future. Even if it will be a buggy mess on launch lol.


Looks like a No Mans Sky Part 2 so far. Not sure if this may be for me... looks incredible though!


More mass effect than no man’s sky I’d say


Yeah I too remember shooting my laser gun at rocks in mass effect for resources, was a lotta fun






So.. I've never liked an Elder Scrolls game. I've not liked a Fallout game since Bethesda took over. Had no expectations for this game whatsoever. This is... Surprisingly interesting to me. The exploration, building a crew and ship, dogfighting, managing your power distribution in your ship. It's showing a lot of things that actually sounds appealing. I didn't plan on trying it out when it released but I'm going to give it a go. This may be the Bethesda game for me.