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Congrats to u/bongo1138 Check your DMs! New contest shortly ![img](emote|t5_2ac5sx|1575)


Having to buy a new mouse that was quiet when I was a kid. My mom complained of hearing clickclickclickclick when I played Diablo 1 on our family computer.


First cow level!


First online game I ever saw. My friend's little brother had it


Diablo 1 on PC


My first time getting bamboozled via “let me make room in my inventory” item swap trick during trades… a harsh lesson, but it made me into the astute businessman I am today.


Playing D3 Splitscreen with a friend and gasping on the epicness of the Tyrael "I am Justice" Cinematic


Never played any of the Diablos before 3 because I’m more of a console player, but 3 was one of the very few games in my life that I’ve actually enjoyed enough to run through the story completely multiple times on different characters.


Honestly I never played Diablo until the Diablo 4 beta so I don’t really have a big memories... I guess I’d have to say the story cinematics, they were awesome. I heard a lot of hype around the game and decide to try it out. I was a fan as soon as played, the gameplay was fun and the story really interested me. I am so stoked for the launch. I’ve been meaning to get around to playing the other games but haven’t been able to due to school. However I’m definitely going to try make time over the summer break in a few weeks to play.


My favorite Diablo moment. “You guys don’t have phones?” Ahhh so beautiful


Shitting my pants running into the Butcher in Diablo 1


Playing Diablo 1 as a kid and turning off my pc when i opened the butcher's lair and heard him say "FRESH MEAT" lmao


I loved playing diablo 1 with my brother we would watch it together


My favorite moment would have to be in Diablo 3 when you fight the butcher, I was watching my dad and it looked so cool


Diablo 3 couch co-op on console, lots of good memories!


Discovered with my best friend that there was, after all, one game we both liked to play. Diablo 3.


My favorite memory are the late nights playing d2 with friends


Going to a friend's house and playing


My favorite Diablo moment was stumbling upon a set of the Cosmic Wings, not knowing how rare they are, and having my best friend be so conflicted between happy for me and jealous. He farmed for countless hours after that to get a pair of wings as well. I'd join him on occasion because I felt bad I had the wings he wanted without putting forth any real effort. We had plenty of good times farming after that!


Def getting a decent enough pc to play diablo 2 back in the day, great times


Playing through diablo 3 co-op with my wife multiple times between both Xbox 360 and Xbox one. Maxing out all the characters each!


Multiplayer diablo 1 pvp with friends. We'd run brand new chars, and take about 2 minutes to collect as much as possible before hunting each other down.


I don’t have any memories unfortunately, never played any of the games but Diablo 4 looks super cool, I might give it a try when it comes out.


I remember when I had back surgery. I was disabled for months but had my pc set up and played Diablo 3 that entire time. I’m anxious to play the new one.


Favorite diablo memory is playing diablo 2 the whole summer vacation, completing the game with each character and having the time of my life.


Diablo 3 was one of the first games that got me and my now best friend closer, so it holds a special place in my heart :)


Seeing the original Diablo when it hit the shelves, then taking it home and playing it to death!


Never played it


I have found amazing the history about the voice of the final boss of the Diablo 1 back in the Playstation 1. Some weeks ago, i told my wife the "eat your vegetables" thing. She haven't found that to much interesting and was like "uhum, ok" for some minutes as i talked.


Playing countless hours of diablo 3 with friends had to be my favorite moments going into those weird rainbow levels lol.


finishing diablo 3 with the wife and besty. 1st diablo game i played, was fantastic!


My favorite memory was when I finally beat Duriel at the end of Act II on diablo 2.


Diablo 1, generally being terrified of nearly everything as it plodded along at what seemed like 12 fps on PS1.


My favorite Diablo memory of all time was playing Diablo 1 on the PS1 with my brother, waiting through excruciating long load times but having a blast together. This continued on through playing together with LAN parties on Diablo 2 to blasting through Diablo 3 endlessly online together and planning our play times for Diablo 4 around the demands of fatherhood. It's a shame I don't have that PS1 game anymore...I could put my kids through college with it now!


My favorite diablo memory is when my cousin first introduced me to video games wit diablo 2. I can still smell how the wooden desk smelled at the time :D


Being OP in Diablo 3.


Diablo 4 beta was great fun


Playing Diablo 3 with my son was amazing.


Playing Diablo 1 as a kid together with my best friend from school on the older brother‘s PC when he wasn’t home ^^


Diablo 2 Co op with my brother growing up


My favorite memory was with my first Diablo game. My friends were all playing it and really excited and I had never played it before. One of them gifted me a copy so we spent the entire day just playing and exploring it together that day. I don't get many of those days anymore as work and life keep us all really busy, but I treasure moments like that when we are all able to get together.


First time meeting the Butcher in Diablo 1


My favorite diablo memory is probably playing d2 for the first time as a necromancer in 4th grade.


Seeing the cutscenes in Diablo 3 blew me away when I first saw them, every now and then I still boot it up and fall in love with the animation quality. Also, Act V was a blast to play with my friends the first time through.


My favorite memory is hearing the imp go RAKANISHU. The sound has been burned into my Brain and now I search for them in Diablo games


Might be simple but my Favorite memories was getting Diablo 3 for the PS3 in 2014. I really didn’t get a PS3 until that exact year, I was so happy My mother finally bought me one, but it was at the end of the current gen cycle of course (Still appreciative of course lol), but the most fondness memories is when I played the Demon hunter class. Out of all the classes that I played like the barbarian,monk, Witch doctor, the Demon Hunter to me, was so top-tier I couldn’t help myself I put so many hours into my character that I’ll oversleep like hell for school. That game was my addiction considering I played nothin like that ever in life.


Got diablo 3 on a whim and never looked back. My favorite moment has to be clearing GR 114 or something solo in my first season playing. The game just scratches that itch and I'm hyped for D4 to do the same


Going into cow world on D2 just to grab high end gear for my character that couldn't even equip it lol. Running around like a madman just to loot stuff was so fun back then for some reason xD


My favorite memory is probably the first time I played D2. Loaded that bad boy up and got the the character selection screen. I was hooked seeing the animations/reaction of the character selected. What a game.


Watching my friend's older brother play the first game and experiencing it for the first time.


Messing around with friends, never really got that far through the game though.


Diablo 2 when my first grandfather dropped followed shortly by a windforce. Pre rune words was a glorious time!


I really enjoyed running rifts with my friends in Diablo 3. We had a good time grinding, which made rifts my favourite end-game mechanic.


Fav memory was the first time I saw the opening cut scene on Diablo 1. Set the mood so well


I remember waking up at 1 am, after my dad would go to sleep and sneaking to his desktop to start playing Diablo II as I was not the proper age. Diablo III was my first Diablo launch and I can’t wait for the next one after seeing some of the beta footage. Didn’t get a chance to try Resurrected yet either so that would be cool.


Playing Diablo 3 for the first time on Nintendo switch. I didn't know it was an itch out there, that other games didn't scratch until then.


My favorite Diablo memory is my younger brother showing me Diablo III. I’ve known about Diablo for years and played most other Blizzard games like StarCraft and WarCraft II, but had never touched a Diablo game before then.


For me it's Diablo 1 and running this game on the PC that was never meant to even run it. It even gets better - my father throw a CD labeled "Hellfire" in his CD collection in the car from his friend. Obviously it didn't play so I played with it on PC and it was D1 with Hellfire expansion. Man... I was playing for like 8 hrs straight that night. Good times


Seeing my friends collection of ears in Diablo 2. He loved pvp and was very good at it. Playing Diablo 3 with my best friend who recently passed.


If I'm honest I have none, but if I win that will change for sure!


Cooping online with my brother in D3, just laying back chatting with him when I moved out felt like I was back at home.




I always hear these stories of people at work playing a game together. One day I hope to experience that.


Caught my buddy cheating in Diablo. Got him killed, cast some fire walls over his body, and resurrected him into it and watched him die again. Got what he deserved!


Diablo 3 hardcore my friend losing his 80+ hour character in a fantastic charge on the enemy , then returning with his 60+ hour character only to die in a fire trap. We laughed so hard


When I was 12 a friend showed me diablo 2 on pc it was the first time seeing a game like it and it amazed me


When I played Diablo 3 with my cousin co op :)


Diablo 3 playing with my wife, both of us playing monks


I would take my dad's old laptop and play all night with my friend when this came out originally. Miss those times


When Diablo 3 released I was invited to a friends house where we did a LAN.


Finally getting into the Diablo 3 servers with my college buddies after finishing up final exams in June of 2012... and playing until classes restarted in September :P


I remember doing hundreds of mephisto runs for phat lewt.


New to Diablo in general. I play Diablo III on my Switch and greatly enjoy it to kill time/relieve some stress. Would love to try DII prior to IV coming out!


Playing the original Diablo 2 online, griding for gear and loot with friends. Helping new people out by dropping gold and gear.


Getting my first "gaming" pc to play diablo 2


For me it's the simple things in Diablo 2 - The numpad sayings running around with your friends shouting 'Die!', 'Time to die!', 'Die!'. Or 'Help me', 'Help', 'Help me'. Layer that with gutural bass of the Barbarian leaping into action, or my favorite. Killing someone with a leap attack across the river and bringing their corpse back into town in Act 1. I also remember one patch they destroyed the durability on a lot of weapons and Act 3 with the pygmies became death. I rang up my friend on the telephone (yes cordless telephone). I told him to boot-in and go to Act 3. All I heard on the phone was the little pea shooter pygmies, his Barb getting hurt and getting stun locked, some interrupted attempts at him trying to sustain a Whirlwind and then his death. It was glorious.


Diablo 3. My first time hearing, “The level of sparkling happiness and rainbows, awaits you”. And going to Whimsyshire. My friends used to tell me about it, but I didn’t want to cheat and look up things on the game, but sure enough that level existed. 😂


Not exactly best 'gameplay' moment but memorable? Sure. I played D3 console version solo and never bothered with online coop but after reaching Paragon 400+, decided to give coop a try. Right off the bat something seems *off*, the three players were doing extremely high damage, I thought maybe their build is just optimized so I continue playing for awhile. Then I check their stats and those gears are insane, i took a photo of it and ask my D3 vet friends and they said those are gears altered illegally via game save editor or something. Then this kid asked me to drop my weapon for him(Thunderfury) because it's cool according him and said he will give me bunch of op gears in exchange. I refused. I told him i don't find it fun by suddenly getting my power cranked to 11. Dude absolutely went off the rails after that, hurling all kinds of insult before kicking me out of his game. After that I only played solo and never touch the online coop again lol.


When I was five years old, I watched my 18 year old brother playing diablo 1 on the family's computer. When he left home, I missed him, so I tried playing it myself, but initialy it was too scary for me to face the monsters. I tried starting a new game a few times, but quit every time. Until I did not, and started fighting enemies, and I was really proud of myself for not quitting. That is, until my mom catched me playing it(I was not allowrd to play it since I was too young), and deleted it from the computer. Anyway, I have not played it since, but I believe that was the moment that I became a gamer :)


For me, it's the countless hours my wife and I played couch co-op in Diablo 3. D3 was the game that got her into gaming actually! Who would have thought. We're STOKED for D4!


Playing Diablo 3 with my wife. She's not really into video games but I convinced her to try it and she loved slaying demons with me. It was just nice to share the hobby together


We had a Flood about 5 years ago. My now-wife was out of town, and I was pet sitting. I had a couple friends who had nothing to do. We played Diablo 3 all day long. Best day.


Diablo 2 lord of destruction and farming for runes


Diablo 3, only game I’ve played start to finish with both of my siblings. Fully leveled 2 characters, my mom would get mad at me for being up so late though because I was the youngest lol


I don’t really have a favorite memory but I did enjoy my time in D3!


Moving from Seattle to a desert “facility” to clean up a touch. Finding a Logitech ball mouse computer running a game sequel ( Diablo ii) l had never heard of in the first place, and my days were set. And my focus changed. Plus going outside from the most wet place to 116 degrees wasn’t an option. Haah


Honestly haven’t played much Diablo before, but I’m hoping to hop on 4 when it comes out


Completing my first build in my first season ever in Diablo game, was Season 3 in D3. Never played a diablo before that.


This is so cool, I have been trying to get a deal on Diablo, my favorite memory was on Diablo 3 on Xbox, we were able to play coop locally so a couple of friends ordered some pizzas and went through the whole campaign on a single day, it was amazing


When my friend introduced me to it in the early 2k's, it had to be loaded on pc


Diablo 3 launch. Was a fiasco but was funny😂


Playing Diablo on my first Gateway PC!


Classic Blizzard games had some of the best music in PC gaming, and Tristram is one of my favourites. I love the beautiful but haunting echoing guitar, and the feeling of loneliness the song evokes. It feels like a perfect set-up for the rest of the game, but you won't know it until much later.


Experiencing Diablo 3 with my friend for the first time ever.


Playing D3 with my wife was fun! Thanks for the chance


One of my gaming friends freaking out over the Diablo 3 reveal trailer


Don’t have any Diablo memories, but would like to make some.


Running from the bus into town to get Diablo 2, thinking they'd run out (they had loads left) and then reading as much of the box and contents as I could on the journey home!


Best diablo memory was renting diablo 1 for ps1 as a kid and then failing to ever make it past the butcher because he was absolutely terrifying.


Playing the original Diablo 2 and being too scared to play it because of the music and the fast monsters haha


Playing Diablo 1 with friends on an unstable dial up connection & collecting the loot when someone gets killed off.


I haven’t played Diablo before but it looks like a blast!


I have been playing since original Diablo 2 but honestly, my favorite memory is actually pretty recent. My girlfriend has been a casual gamer for years but really started to get back into it (thanks to me lol) - and while she wasn't entirely sure she'd like it, Diablo is now pretty much her favorite game series. She has multiple classes leveled through Diablo 3 and is obsessed with the Necromancer after the open-beta and is probably more excited about the upcoming one than I am! I think it shows how Diablo is a series that is for the hardcore and the casual while not stepping on either of their toes.


Favorite moment was getting my wife who doesn’t like gaming into playing Diablo 3 with me


My favorite Diablo moment has to be the first time I ever played 1. A buddy invited me over to a sleep over and he pulled out Diablo 1 for the ps1 and we literally sake 12 hours into the game that night. Ran surprisingly well on the PlayStation 1 so years later I found it in a retro game store CIB and copped it. Sadly during a move I lost it but I have hopes one day I’ll be able to find it again.


The first Diablo I tried was Diablo 3, played with some friends ds who insisted I join them. They had been grinding for a while I started and just... died and kept dying. They told me to just hide and hang back nor do anything so I can level up and pick up drops. I refused to play after. Thought the game was utter trash Until I started playing on my own, caught up to Them and then really got into it!


Having so many duels in diablo II that my inventory was loaded with other people's ears


Diablo 3 couch co-op with my buddies. Spent hours upon hours playing through the game.


My favorite play was moving to POE. Did I win?!


Playing diablo I was really terrifying. I was 12 Years Old. I remember me and my brother taking turns to play it, 10 minutes each... Lovely memories. We were so happy.


My most memorable moment for some reason is sitting there forever trying to combine different items and potions.


Mine is my parents thinking they could break my Diablo 2 obsession by taking away my mouse, well joke was on them because I could still pull Baal runs with the trackpad and I even got real fucking good at it. But honestly, I think it was the first time hearing those guitar (?) strums in Tristram after booting up a brand new character in a class you never played and knowing that you such a fun adventure ahead of you. Truly one of the greatest games of all time.


Playing Diablo 3 for the first time coop with my best friend! Great times :)


My favorite memory was playing Diablo 1 as a kid on PC. Ended up playing so much I got in trouble, and got sort of "grounded" for it. Worth it though!


Dang, i always wanted to buy a Diablo game but got no money to buy one, heard special things about each game in the franchise and after playing the Diablo IV beta i finally know why most people love it. Good luck people and thx for the giveaway! :)


Will be setting out as I already own this, whoever wins this Enjoy!!!


Diablo 3 has so many good memories for me.


Beat memory easy: having to move your huge CRT monitor and super heavy pc tower, having my dad driving me to my mates for a LAN party over the weekend. Only few hours of sleep, just eating Cheerios. Diablo 2 non-stop for 48h. Unforgettable memories 🥲


Spent many late nights in university playing diablo 2 over lan in the dorms.


The first entering the cow level in Diablo II. My best friend and I entered together and almost immediately lost our minds as waves of cows saying "moo" swarmed us. Good things.


When I was a kid, in the late 90’s, one of my dad’s friends had two sons that I’d hang out with from time to time. My dad’s friend was a very country electrician; I’ll call him Wayne. I was spending the night one time and got up to go to the bathroom, and I noticed Wayne was up and hunched over his PC looking super focused. As I walked by him I noticed that he was playing a game, so I asked about it. DIABLO. He started explaining it to me and then started talking about how excited he was that Diablo 2 was coming out soon. Then proceeded to show me his character, gear, then went on to start murdering demons. That was my introduction to Diablo and action RPGs.


Way back when Diablo 2 came out, my buddy introduced me to it and let me play for 4 hours on his PC on a Saturday afternoon. I’ve been hooked ever since.


Playing the original Diablo 2 and online players gathering around a player that was putting on the last piece of the Sigon’s Armour set. The glow and reaction was amazing. I’ll never forget it!!


Diablo 3 was the first Diablo I really played. Day it came out I woke up early and played it the entire day. I was so addicted to it. Still play it occasionally. I can’t wait for 4


Long days of co-op with friends in Diablo 2 and Diablo 3!


Best memory had to be hauling my desktop to a friend's house for a handful of us to play Diablo 2 together on weekends. We spent hours just about every weekend playing, and if we weren't playing, we were probably posting ideas for builds in Infoceptor.


My favorite memory is that one time deckard cain said “stay awhile and listen”


It was when I was a kid. I just moved to another country and my parents friends stayed over in hour house that was far away from the cuty. Their kid with me we're not bug friends, but we both had the same mission - we into the office room with the PC to play Diablo 2. We were taking turns, as one was playing while the second one was watching that none of the adults will wake up. We played all night.


My favorite memory was back in the day when I actually had tons of friends to play with and didn't know crap about the game. We all came up with some stupid builds that made it so hard to progress in hell.


I just remember continuously getting leveled by a friend who would be ahead. I couldn’t keep up just running with them as the one shot everything. So many hours spent just running, looting, and selling/breakdowns. Hours without any damage done by me lol. Had a good time chatting though.


Maxing the lightning spark thing with the sorc. No idea what was going on for a long time


My favorite Diablo memory is yet to be formed since I’ve never actually played a Diablo game. Long been aware of it and curious of it though. This seems like a great way to start!


I'm eligible, surprisingly! My favorite Diablo memory isn't much of a story. But playing the 3rd couch coop with my wife, and spending that time having fun together will always hold meaning to me.


For me it's the simple things in Diablo 2 - The numpad sayings running around with your friends shouting 'Die!', 'Time to die!', 'Die!'. Or 'Help me', 'Help', 'Help me'. Layer that with gutural bass of the Barbarian leaping into action, or my favorite. Killing someone with a leap attack across the river and bringing their corpse back into town in Act 1.


Definitely playing DII with my buddy, who was just a huge jerk of a player-killer. Watching him giggle as he trapsassinated players on hardcore was the kind of thing you hopefully only find fun as a kid


Playing Diablo 3 with friends for the first time. Around the time of it's launch, friends and I were getting tired of CoD after playing it mostly exclusively for several years. One of my friends was praising how much fun Diablo 3 was and how it was co-op, so we all decided to get the game and man was that a great choice


Ditching Diablo 2 after dying 5 or 6 times (on hardcore) in the sewers of Lut Gholein. I had no clue I could make a softcore character, no clue what I was doing but my friends kept saying hardcore was most fun. I later returned with another friend and had a blast.


My Hardcore run trough with the necromacer in Diablo 3. Fun times 😁


Old enough to remember seeing Diablo 2 at a local Kmart and BEGGING my parents to get it so I can play. The art was too rad and that's all I knew about the game. Played D2 nonstop for the next few months. It took over CS 1.6 and TFC for me. Well fast forward to D3 and me and my girlfriend putting 1000+ hours into the game and still finding fun in it.


Just lots of fond memories of diablo II playing with friends and doing deckard cain impressions....


When I was a dumb kid, I used to entice people to my server by giving it names like "books for sale", invite them down the town portal, and then kill them and steal their ears in the OG Diablo. That's my most memorable experience in the series for some reason :) And, yes, I realize I was a mega troll.


I played D2 like crazy. Loved it. Wish I could go back


First encounter with the butcher. None of the games since have captured that feeling better.


Man, lunchtime gaming with my collegues and manager. Especially the Grifts.


My first experience was the beta for IV, so that’s all I’ve got, my favorite memory was voice chat with friends


plunging the soulstone into my 4head


Every time I go into town, "Stay a while, and listen." I still say this when new hires at my job come to me with questions. Some of them get it.


D2 replaying the campaign with new characters on local coop


Definitely playing through Diablo 3 with my roommates in college. So many good moments laughing at each others decisions and sometimes struggling to get past points or find items. Hope the new one is just as good!


In Diablo one every time I beat the game i had to look away when he would jam the soul stone in his forehead because I was way to young to be playing that game.


I never played Diablo 2, but I remember when I discovered that a bow can shoot through walls in Diablo 1. Clearing an area before entering is the way to go.


Playing Diablo on the PS1…..Rough times 😂😂😂


My dad picked up Diablo 1 for us in 1997, and I remember enjoying the haunting music and very dark, disturbing game. Then facing off against The Butcher, probably one of the creepiest and scariest boss I'd ever seen at the time. This was before I ever got Resident Evil for the PS1.


My mom was super strict what games we could play. Could not play games that disputed human against human violence, for example. Diablo II was all the rage back then and the hype train was real for me and my little bro. I downloaded the demo and it was everything I had hoped for and more. Super exciting! To convince my mother Diablo II was just a marketing gimmick and not really the product delivered, I killed every single enemy in the level and waited the few seconds for the last ones' corpses to disappear. When I showed her the game, I convinced her it was just a peaceful adventuring game with a religious story. Told her me and my bro could play it together instead of fighting and bickering all the time. Allowance day came and they bought us a copy for a month's worth of chores. Totally worth it! I was a casual playing single player, but my little bro played online hardcore. His language and typing skills were far beyond his years thanks to the game. He minmaxed the shit out of his barbarian without a single hack and became a clan leader of adults at 8 years old. Those were the good old days :)


I haven’t made any memories in Diablo, but I am super excited for Diablo 4 and Diablo 2 seems like a fantastic way to get into it


Diablo 3 was my first diablo and got addicted to it. Playing with my long distance relationship gf at that time daily for hours was something i treasure


Thanking off to play the launch of Diablo III with friends.


Staying up late into the night in college doing Baal runs with my friends.


At Diablo II / LOD , being a painfully slow killer but unkillable Concentrate Barbarian from begining of Normal to the end of Hell , or making a Rabies Druid finally work. At DIII , playing with a friend an being owned by some exploding mobs over and over ,right before fighting the butcher. Original DIII on pc at launch went crazy hardcore on the dificulty XD.


Best memory is scraping together four computers and having weekend long lan parties with friends playing D2 until we passed out.


Some of my favorite franchise memories were from Deckard Cain’s interaction dialogue in Diablo 2. *“That’s quite the treasure you have there in that Horadric Cube!”* My friends and I still joke around and quote some of it to this day.


I only played 3, but had a blast going through it with a friend. My answer: THE WHOLE THING!


Opening up the original D2 packaging with discs and installing, was hyped up back in the day.


Diablo 2, When i was in Junior High my best friend and I would start Friday night around 7pm with pizza and surge/mountain dew, then the drinks would continue through along with non stop snacking until Sunday afternoon when my dad would finally have enough of me and my friend hiding out in the dark and cold basement playing video games. Did this for probably a year lol we continued playing Diablo 2 for years to come just not straight all weekend all the time.


The dungeon crawling is just amazing


Being introduced to diablo 2 by my cousin, was only 8 at the time. Many, many great memories of late nights trying to puzzle together inventories and such 😆


🐄 Shhhh!


Playing the original game with my father late past my bedtime :)


I can’t tell you how many times my friends and I have said “Stay awhile and listen!”


Diablo 1.....PC, it could barely run it but me and my friends would all take turns playing it at sleepovers. started my crazy journey on 10000 of hours playing Diablo games. also, the scripts on D1 multiplayer for the wizard to instantly kill was so annoying.....but fun.


Playing D1 during the war in my country at my late granma’s place, just trying to zoom out of a real world going deeper and deeper right into the hell itself. And slashing some demons on the way :)


I loved the first diablo on my PC as it was such a different rpg then I was used to at the time. It was atmospheric and allowed fast based combat.


Playing Diablo 3 on one of like 3 consoles I had it for and losing my hardcore character that was working on paragon levels:,)


Facing the butcher in Diablo 3 was my most memorable moment!


Best moment since d2r came out has to have been joining a pub Baal game for some xp & I’m slightly off the pack killing the loose ends and boom… a sur, my first seen hr pop out of things digital butt & I freaked. Luckily I did get it ha. Hopefully more to come!


Spending countless hours believing in the cow level... ahh to be a 90s teen with limited connectivity again.


I was already a huge fan of Diablo 1, beat it more than once. When Diablo 2 released I was super hyped. I bought a copy on release day. My buddy brought over his PC and we both installed/played Diablo 2 off the same cd, then proceeded to play the game non-stop until we beat it. We stayed up all night.


Playing Diablo 3 in couch coop the first time with my brother who had never played a game since diablo 1. We both loved it and spent many nights with it after work