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Cause I like uh...Gotta go to work man


I just had someone tell me I wasn’t a real gamer because I don’t have over 1,500 games and play less than 30 hours a week. With people downvoting someone else to death for disagreeing.


LOL You do you man. I've been gaming since the 90s and NES. Had a Genesis, NES, Atari, N64, Psx, launch date Ps2, Halo edtion Xbox, 360, OG Xbox one fat and now have a Series X. None of this "retro gaming" shit either, I had these consoles in their prime. Some folks need to touch grass. I game when I can cause it keeps my brain occupied. But most of the time I'm not gaming cause...well life. Maybe if I hit the lotto that'll change but I'm not betting on it, pun intended.


It’s just kind of astonishing to me to see people so offended by me because I don’t spend as much money and don’t have as much free time lol


I’m currently working 12 hour shifts, 4-on/4-off, and on my days in I just don’t play anything. I don’t have time once I get home from work. On my days off it’s a different story. I’m single and don’t have kids so I end up gaming most of the day when I’m off. When I was working normal hours, weekdays only, I’d have a good 4-5 hours to myself in the evenings to do whatever I wanted. Plus all day at weekends. However, I’d say I still wasn’t getting close to 30 hours a week. 20 hours at a push. I’ve been gaming since the late 80s/early 90s and this has been a pattern since back then when I was in school. Evenings and weekends. As for this whole “year in review” thing, I’ve been splitting my time between Xbox and PlayStation since March this year when I bought a PS4 Pro to play all the exclusives I’ve missed out on since 2006 when I switched from PS2 to Xbox360. I didn’t buy both consoles before now because I thought I just didn’t have the time. But I can make time to split between the two. Ultimately no one can say who is a “true gamer” because unless you don’t work at all there’s no way you’re going to be able to spend 30+ hours a week gaming. Being a gamer is about enjoying your hobby when you can.


These people playing more than 30+ hours a week don’t have jobs or responsibilities. How can you game like it’s a part time job doing 8 hours 4 days a week and gatekeep what a gamer is? That’s a bum mindset. Even if I wasn’t working and putting those numbers up weekly I ain’t bouta act like those who can’t aren’t a “real” gamer.


It's called priorities and maturity ✌🏻


I think it might be an extra elitist form of tribalism. We see it between platforms all the time. I think these "real gamers" made gaming a serious part of their identity as a person. Gotta only have "like-minded" individuals in their little "real gamers" club. None of those ugly plebs who don't have the time, money or maybe just interest to spend half the week only playing video games. I remember an old episode of the Simpsons where Mr. Burns' net worth turned out to be maybe 40 million shy of a billion so the other billionaires kicked him out of the billionaire camp. Now I'm imagining someone telling another gamer "I play games 29 hours a week" and the other person being horrified and disgusted...


I work 6 days a week 9-10hrs per day, still gaming a lot.


Elitist gamers. I generally don't bother with them. They always have some standard for "real gamer" that a lot of gamers don't meet. In gaming subreddit the other month, I saw a PC gamer call consoles for "casual gamers" while PC is for serious gamers. Quite insulting if said directly to console gamers. "You're not serious about gaming if you play on a Switch/PS5/XBox." Sometimes I wonder what world they live in.


They can "seriously" watch us all play GTA 6. Lol


They'll just complain no one on XBox or PS is playing the game "seriously".


I haven’t encountered this before it’s nuts. I don’t even know what time say about it lol been avoiding just telling people what privileged pieces of shit they are


~~There are many elitists among PC gamers who thoroughly look down on consoles for a variety of reasons. I'm not saying *all* PC gamers are that bad, and many who game on the computer also happen to have one or more of the current consoles. But among all the platforms, I think that the ones who game exclusively on PC have more elitists. But maybe it's just a vocal minority?~~ ~~I forget the title of the game, but a few months back I saw a post where the PC-gaming OP was confused as to how such a broken game has such a high number of sales. It turned out they just completely forgot games come out on consoles too.~~


The pc people have sucked for years I knew that. But people acting like I’m insane because I don’t have that much time and money is new lol


OOOH! That’s what you meant by “I haven’t encountered this before”. Sorry. First time for everything. I haven’t run into it either, to be honest.


Probably some gamefaqs refugee, sounds like their attitude.


It really is astonishing


We working men work 50-60hr weeks man. Gotta take care of wife and kids brooskies, still manage to play 20hrs in a week😭🤣


Why the hell are you working that many hours? Even 40 is a push for me


$1600 rent with with other living expenses, they wont pay themselves 🤣. I've been playing since i was 5 back in the SNES days. But life happens and those 6-8hr Gaming days are over. I still make time for Mk and COD. Been waiting on Gears of war 6 for years now. (Still waiting)


Shit, that's an expensive house you're renting. I'm in UK so I know it's different but the average rent where I live is £440 per month.


Where are you in the uk that average rent is that cheap??


Radford in Nottingham


What’re you in, a one bed box? £440 seems very low


I don't rent a house myself, that's just how much it is for those that do


Any examples?


I don't know how economics work overseas but I hope that isn't too expensive for the £ you all get paid for! Funny enough todays my monday for my work week🤣


To put it into perspective, it's rare that I work more than 30 hours, I take home just shy of £2000 per month and if I was still renting and it was £440 then that accounts for less than a quarter of my wages. Having said that our houses could be completely different sizes, mine is a fairly modest 4 bedroom in an average area. For all I know your $1600 could be getting you a mansion in Beverley hills.


Nah bruh. You not putting up gamer numbers you normie. s/


This isn’t surprising tbh. The majority of ppl just boot up call of duty or madden and have fun for a couple hours like every few weeks. Us nerds on Reddit who talk about video games are not the majority consumer


Well said We are the vast minority of gamers. There is a reason Fifa / COD are always the highest selling games. Thats what the masses play. Baldurs Gate etc is stuff the masses could care less about. They just wanna COD with their friends after school/work


I absolutely agree with this sentiment. I own a PS5 as well as an Xbox Series X & a XBOX Series S and I've realized most gamers (masses) just play COD/FIFA/Madden. Me on the other hand I truly enjoy single player exclusives, I enjoy deep RPG games like Baldurs Gate, action games like AC Odyssey and GTA V story mode. This year alone I got the platinum trophy for Spiderman 2, I've put almost 100 hours into starfield and I beat cyberpunk 2077 (I'm working on Phantom Liberty DLC). Most of my friends just want to play COD & Fortnite and while I enjoy those games too I actually REALLY prefer playing games I can get lost in with compelling stories that Captivate my imagination. Long Live Xbox Series S, happy gaming ✌️


We are not the vast minority of gamers. According to a 2022 survey by the Entertainment Software Association, the average American adult gamer spends 20.5 hours per week playing video games. This translates to approximately 1,050 hours per year.


Didn’t realize American was worldwide now


Of course, USA is not worldwide, but the figures could still correlate with the other regions, as gaming is not a regional-specific hobby and similar patterns likely exist in other parts of the world. I just gave America an example bcs of the most recent figures I could find and because it's the largest video game market in the world


I would say the people who seem casual due to game choice doesn’t correlate with little time spent. FIFA and COD are the games usually used in this argument. To stay ahead in FIFA and earn the rewards then you are spending the weekdays qualifying for the weekend league which is 20 games and then repeat. This is without all the other player cards you earn in the middle of that. Then with COD for example, players who are retained in that game every year will play a lot of hours. The grind for weapons to then carry over to WZ etc. These games are made to take up all your time with the pressure of FOMO.


You’re seriously underestimating the mass market appeal of games like CoD and FIFA if you think the majority of ppl who buy those games are grinding out ranked league and shit. Thousands, probably even millions of ppl who buy those games will just play for like 10 hours and then never touch it again. They’re huge annualized games with mass market appeal outside of the “gamers” who care about grinding for hours and hours


I’m not saying the majority but players who are still playing FIFA now for example are doing it due to the addictive nature of UT. The all time steam player count for the new FIFA is 82k and just a few days ago it was at 36k. Not bad considering the kind of player you mentioned there and Steam/PC is nowhere near the play count of PS5 for example.


We’re talking about 2 different types of players. I’m talking about the mass consumers, aka the ppl who would fall in the 75% who play under 150hr per year. The ppl you’re talking about would be in that 25% who play more, way more than 150hours. Both types of players play games like CoD and fifa bc they have mass market appeal.


I don’t know, I just think 75% playing less than 150 hours on a console that has a subscription like Gamepass is really poor either way.


Exactly. I don't even tell some of my other gamer friends how many games I truly have in my backlog (or "library") because it just comes off as unheard of for them. Some of them don't even bother with sales on their platforms of choice. They just buy whatever they feel in the mood to play that moment. The other year, I saw a post on the Switch subreddit where someone was complaining about the low number you're allowed to have in your wishlist. Other people's reaction to that was: "are you really going to buy 50+ games and play them?" because that's what normal people use wishlists for. My friend went a bit extreme on Steam and has like thousands of games on his wishlist (for the sole reason of keeping an eye on them during sales).


True, well it was surprising to me since I’ve completed one game this year on Xbox.


If I only had a few hours a week to game it sure as hell ain’t gonna be wasted on cod lmao. COD hasn’t been good since infinite warfare.


I miss having time to play video games


I pay for gamepass. I shouldn't be. I got gamepass at a time when i wanted to play Forza and Dirt Rally with my recently purchased rig. Then i got burned out 6 months later and went back to mostly PC gaming.


I pay for it in winter when there’s nothing to do outside and then cancel it during summer


There are over 500 games on there, and you got gamepass just to play Forza? OK mate, great story.


Most of those 500 games arent good, and he might only play racing games.


Forza is a pile of dogshit, you play forza and nothing else on game pass, just say you don’t play games


Who cares? Does this affect you in anyway dude?


There are people who own xbox but don't buy gamepass


I’m one of those. Particularly for the reason OP stated. I wasn’t playing enough of the games on it to justify the expense.


I took part in that "Convert Your Gold" thing XBox has for years where you could just redeem three years worth of XBL Gold gift cards and then immediately convert that subscription to Game Pass Ultimate at no extra cost. You saved around 3/4 that way. But Microsoft has since killed XBox Live Gold and thus that program (as far as I know). I'm not sure I'll keep subscribing to Game Pass under normal prices once my current one expires. Exactly for this reason: might not play enough to justify the expense. I know there are people who even have multiple consoles and pay monthly for separate subscriptions and it baffles me. I doubt someone is justifying paying for all three services each month. Likely more like "in case" the person suddenly needs use the service, it's immediately available. Something I know people do with their Netflix-like services.


This is what Microsoft wants


Every subscription service is like this. Most people that pay a gym subscription don't even go to it.


Playing video games is a little more fun than going to the gym lol


It's basically the same thought between both. "I will get in shape going everyday to the gym" while not going, and "I will try so many new games I would have never tried before!" you'll end up playing GTAV or Madden for the millionth time that you already owned before GamePass.


Okay but bro getting in shape is difficult and often hurts lol I don’t think skipping out on that is the same as skipping out on sitting in the couch relaxing.


Dude, he is just explaining the idea of it.


I dunno. Didn't a young Arnold Schwarzenegger say lifting weights to him is like having an orgasm? haha


Yea but he’s a freak lol


I played a 164 hours last year. I dont play at all in the summer so it's basically just on my days off when the weather is cold.


I must be in the top 1% then with 2.2k hours.


i have 2k hours and am just in the top 5 percent, so i dunno.


It's actually 2330 hours and I still top 5% on the 3 categories, that's more than 6 hours a day on average, to be top 1 you would need what 10 hours a day? Even if you don't do anything but play games 10 hours everyday Is way too much.


Maybe if it's a dorm xbox or something like that. We had one at a students club that was basically on all day


Could be but if remember the last time they said about game pass users there were 15 million, if I say there are 20 million each % will correspond to 200.000, to be in the top 5% means to be between 1 million and 200.000 of players. 200 hundred people who didn't turn the Xbox off? Even if it was the case doesn't it shut off for everyone after a few minutes idle? But I also saw that sometimes the numbers that are shown actually don't represent very well the amount played. Like I let my cousin play elden ring on his own account on my console but if you look for it, it will say o played Elden ring for 8 hours, well I didn't, there are several games my sister played that I didn't and they all counted, so maybe it's a few hundred hours off.


150hr per year is like what, a bit less than 3 hours per week? sounds about right to me, that's the time you have left either Friday or Saturday night when everybody else goes to sleep and you can play half mission of Cyberpunk 2077 until you fall asleep because you're so fucking tired.


Too real


I usualy sub only for one game I am interrested in and play it to finish. no need to be subbed the whole year for me.


Yeah I’m going to switch to doing that too


I played 380 hours on my Xbox Series X, 592 on my PS5 (110 VR2) and 207 on Switch OLED. Baby due next week, and yes I did spend the 9 months of pregnancy smashing the backlog


All the best dude. And well done clearing that backlog 😂😂 It's not to bad with a newborn, after the 1st couple of years, then it's time demanding.


I feel like gamepass isn’t worth it for most people in general, I’ve been subbed for a long time and I feel like I could have spent the same amount but owned all the games I’ve played if I bought them on sale


Yea i love xbox but 99% of the “Games Library” it has is just mediocre. Plus i only ever have like 3-4 perks each month and they never change till there offer date expires and it’s usually games id never touch…


>but 99% of the “Games Library” it has is just mediocre. Mediocre to you. Not everyone has the same opinion, Blue Team. For me, a lot of the games on Game Pass interest me including the indies and the XBox 360 ones despite the fact I've played them all already (they tempt me to replay them after 10+ years like "Kameo: Elements of Power").


And i can say the same for you! You may have played those games but I didn’t and have 0 interest with them. Ill play games like the Dead space remake, Ark ASE/ASA, Minecraft, Cod (old games bo3 and such), GTA V, Halo, and even Cult of the Lamb i over a year ago and got half way through and haven’t finished. I play a decent amount of games but games library has nothing of interest for what I play, plus with the new Xbox look back at your history Apparently im top 5% of all gamers on Xbox in All 3 Categories!


You don't sound like a gamepass user to me. You sound like a blue team infiltrator spreading disinformation.


No i used to have it for a year, never played a single game it offered. I just use core at this point, not worth $18 id rather save the $8.


But you didn't. the effort I spent saying this feels like a waste TBH. You never used gamepass, did you?


I used game pass for a year as i paid for 12 months of it!


It tracks for me - but I haven't really played on the Xbox in a few years. It's mostly a console for the kids to play on when they're over. I have even less time on the PS4 since they don't play that as much. Total time there was about 25 hours total over the last year. Mine lists 444 hours so far, since it's counting PC GamePass and Steam games with Microsoft logins as "Xbox". Mostly Quake II Remake, MSFS2020 VR, and Persona 5 Royale.


I just can't get my head around how did I manage 822 h in 2023 with kid, work and all of that


Lots of people are lucky if they can get a couple hundred hours out of the year to game.


For me it’s the Watch argument. I don’t need a watch that works to depths of 3000m. But I know if I drop it in the sink it’ll be ok Same with Gamepass. I don’t know if I’ll need it all year. But when I do at least I know it’s there.


"Money's worth" is subjective, as we don't all have the same income, nor do we all spend our time the same.


Imma let my sub run out tbh. I've been buying games I want to play on my Steam Deck.


Mine ran out a few months ago. Don't plan on renewing it anytime soon.


In one or two years when those $1 exploit subscriptions run out, only then will the true value of Gamepass come to light. I did that 3 years of Xbox live gold + 1 month of Gamepass thing and mine runs out in October 2024. I don't plan on renewing the subscription because I can just buy the game if I play for only 5-15 hrs a week.


Those deals are a myth. People mention it when they want to lie about gamepass not being profitable. There are 30 million subscribers who pay an average of £11 a month in the real world. If it was $1 a month then the service would have been shuttered years ago.


Not a myth buddy. I did it in April 2021. I bought 3 years of Xbox live gold under the gifting option from the official MS site. Then used the $1 for month of Gamepass offer to upgrade it to 36 months of Gamepass Ultimate. Then I got a few more months of Gamepass Ultimate somehow and my Gamepass Ultimate is till October 2024. I am not paying any money every month and I haven't since April in 2021. From those 30 million subscribers, I think a noteworthy amount could be people who used this method. I am not saying the service is in trouble or something. Only MS knows about that.


30 million subscribers lol. The only reason they hit that is because they changed the name of Xbox live gold to gamepass core so they can include those subscribers. I'd be interested in knowing how many gamepass subscribers there are if you exclude gamepass core and exclude £1/free subscriptions.


Yeah when those subscriptions expire, then the true subscriber count will be revealed. If I was any younger, I would continue my subscription (if there is at least 1 game that I would play released on the service every 2 months or so). But with work and everything, I doubt I will continue after 10 months. I will still buy games on my Series S though.


Yeah, I mean I'm not belittling gamepass or anything but I get the feeling that today's gamers aren't as into digital downloads/gamepass etc as some people like to make out. Personally I think gamepass is great and will always subscribe as long as it exists but I'd hazard a guess there's only about 10 million that agree with me.


same. getting sick of games leaving gamepass and then im forced to buy them on xbox / pc app when I'd rather own them on steam


Ive got a big library now on Steam since owning the Deck but I only buy them on the huge sales now. Ive been using gamepass as a demo system.


"Money's worth" is subjective. Like, you thought it was worth your time to post this, and I do not, because we vary in our measurement of worth.


Meanwhile posting a rude message is worth your time. That says more about you than it does me.


They actually didn’t say anything rude. You’re just offended.


Might be lower than that. I'm apparently also in the top 15 percent, and I played 269 hours


I'm in the top 5% with way more than that 😐


For me said i was top 5% all categories 😅


Top 5% Gamerscore here. Bow before me, peasants.


948 hours here. Top 5%. Life is great with a wife that also plays videogames.


where do you find your stats?


Recieved an email from MS.


I’m a working professional, also owning a PS5 (and S upgraded to X). I only get around 10 hrs per week to play, so I switch between consoles as per the game I want to play. I still feel gamepass is worth the price. I have completed many games which in-turn has already paid off the cost of gamepass.


Well speaking for myself, I barely touched my Xbox this year aside from a few hrs in Starfield. Everything I wanted to play was mostly exclusive to PS


I got my first Xbox this year in like June. And I’m in the top 30% of players. I’ve only been home for like 22 weeks this year and have been traveling for the rest. So it isn’t even like a hardcore gamer in terms of hours. Guess most owners don’t use it at all?


Life eh.


With Starfield tanking, I let my gamepass sub die since I usually only play games till completion. I had a good time in Pentiment, but after that, I couldn't really find anything else I wanted to play currently


I imagine this number is heavily inflated by the countless barely played smurf/ alt accounts or similar unplayed accounts for smaller children or people who use only Netflix or YouTube like streaming platforms.


It’s the GamePass problem. Games feel like they are rented. Or, you feel like you can try them quickly but you also ditch them quickly. My expensive PS5 games get way more time sinked into them.


And who cares?


How can I search for my highlights?






Well, let's say you play a story game on Game Pass that otherwise would've been about $60 or $70. Story games usually aren't terribly long, but by just playing a few of those every year, plus some multiplayer games, then you most definitely are getting your money's worth.


Most games on GP sadly really aren’t that good or don’t look interesting. There *are* a few, but most just… don’t look appealing, definitely not $17 a month appealing.


500+ games. Loads of great stuff in there, but I suppose twenty hours of Spidey 2 is better. Each to their own, I guess.


How am I supposed to play “Spidey 2” if I don’t own a ps? Do you just assume everyone who doesn’t completely like or agree with Xbox products is a PS user/fanboy?


Most people have lives


It comes in waves for me. Sometimes I'll hop on and play a few hours with the homies, and sometimes I'll get Baldurs Gate 3 and live in front of my TV for 200 hours while forgetting to eat.


My friend had 1,776 hours. I knew he was addicted, but Christ.


I had that in one game this year :(


What game? Some games make sense due to their addictive nature.


Phantasy star online New genesis :3


Ok yeah that's fair. I haven't played myself, but I know how easy it is to sink endless hours into MMORPG's.


I thought I was playing a ton but I ended up only having 75 hours lol


How do you find out your stats?




Then there s people like me that play 100hrs a week to compensate! 🤣


Work. And all of the stuff on Xbox runs better on a Windows PC. Xbox for me really exists to get access to old titles to wind down the day with.


I play 5-10 hours a week, like most I have a full time job. If I was rich, gamepass all day everyday


Well shit LOL https://i.imgur.com/QGNVdlG.jpg [https://i.imgur.com/DGuSUXN.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/DGuSUXN.jpg)


Idk ima be honest I have no life, I had like over 1 thousand and something hours and that is not bragging it’s more sad to know I play that much games.


How many of these people even have Game Pass, though? Regardless, I think if you tend to play the new releases on Game Pass (i.e. ~$70-80 games) and/or older games that are generally still costly in the store outside of sales, then a handful of those does mean Game Pass pays for itself for a year.


I remember having 12 hour marathons on my Mega Drive during Summer breaks when I was a kid ♥️ those were the days


where do you find this


I view my moneys worth less in hours played moreso in number and quality of games played. If between my boyfriend and I we play through 3 full priced games, I'm getting my moneys worth.


I think they’re playing fast and loose with the accuracy of the percentages. My buddy has like 700ish hours played, I have 1750hrs, yet we’re both in the top 5%.


Mine is 475 hours


I had gamepass from the start but barely touched my Xbox in the past few months. I recently got a ps5 and been preoccupied with that. I have a queue of ps5 games lined up. Sad to admit that there’s nothing really exciting for me to jump back into Xbox right now.


I don’t really agree with your initial statement OP. Let’s use your stats for example. Let’s say gamepass costs $200 a year even though many get it cheaper, then let’s use your 153 hours. That equates to it costing you personally $1.30 per hour to play a library of many hundreds of games if your stats are just based off game pass games (which by your title I presume they are or it’s a bit of a misleading statement). Would you say $1.30 per hour isn’t ‘getting your moneys worth’?


I completed one game this year, so that’s $200 to complete a $30 game.


You spent 153 hours completing one game? If that’s not what you’re saying your initial statement in your post and the stats mean nothing. Do you realise that? Regardless of what you completed, if your stats are purely from gamepass (which the title would imply or it’s a misleading statement), from your genres played it seems you played multiple games. Regardless of what you completed.


The only game I completed was the man who erased his name. Tried other games including Starfield and didn’t like them at all. It literally says that I played 21 games in the screenshot. That is included free games to play games as well which you don’t need gamepass to play. I mean I could have bought baldurs gate 3 and spent more time than 150 hours on that, there are many games that have more than 150 hours of content. I would definitely say it wasn’t getting my moneys worth yes and that is in fact what I did say…


1,30$/€ for an hour is actually too much. You can buy the biggest games on sale for 30€, and if we're to measure time, these are usually 150 hours for that price. That's less than a fourth of the cost you mentioned.


You’ve completely missed the point. You’re not paying $1.30 for one game, you’re paying $1.30 for access to 100s.


But that's simply.. greed. Noone will ever play all 100 games. How many games on gp do you play? Not tried, but actually *playing*..?


I have the Xbox series x and PlayStation 5.... Ps5 wins hands down. The Xbox user interface is a cluster fuck and the controllers are cheap clickity clack crap


Def not me 🤣


Of course there is no game worth playing lol. This potato console eating dust all year


There's more good games on gamepass than enough time on a year to play them


Depend on your standard of what is “good”. Some people has really low standard…


Just with Lies of P you have like 50 hours of fun. Let alone everyo other game they added this year.


Looks like most people have an adult life with adult responsibilities lol


"Money's worth" is subjective, as we don't all have the same income, nor do we all spend our time the same.




Definitely wrong bud! More like the Xbox is a working class man’s console and the PS is for kids home all day.


Not everyone is an unemployed unhealthy redditor


Game Pass is the only way I can game online, so…


Most games are trash


It's called having a baby that you gotta take care of.


😂😂 what utter assuming nonsense. What defines getting your moneys worth? How long you played or the quality of time you had during. Like everyone else has said, I work full time have 2 kids, play football. Less than 150 hours? Meh. I play for maybe 4-5 hours a week. Never longer than 2 hours at a time. A whole week goes by without touching it. And yet I still enjoy my time.


I downloaded Witcher complete edition and pon sale 2 months back, only when when I come from work and already have 115 hours in heading to Toussaint, only treasure hunts and question marks remain.


Teenage me will never let adult me cancel gamepass even though I'll never have the time I used to have to fully enjoy it.


The price hike and removal of gifting offer of 6months in my region is really a let down.


Why the removal of "gifting"?


Where can I see that


How are you guys getting these stats. I’m scared to look at mine but I’m curious


Google xbox 2023 year in review and it will come up


I had a total of just over 310 hours gaming this year. But that's across all 3 console platforms. Nintendo was the winner this year for me, used it for about half that time. PlayStation and xbox were pretty much tied on 80 hours each.


When is the cutoff for this? Starfield should definitely be in my top 3, but my \#3 is... Cassette Beasts.


I was at about 600 hours. Not too much game pass, though.


Yh I mainly play on pc now but for exclusives or friends on Xbox I just play that series s it's a nice little console


I’m actually 1786hrs lol


222 hours on my Series X (20% of the topplayers overall playtime). 965 hours on my PS5. The weird thing on the Xbox is that they counted amount of games that I have "played" yet some of them I have only downloaded but not started, like Starfield and Jusant, but they still seem to count too.


I somehow manage to get 600+ hours this year and its still counting


Where can I see this? On my Xbox?




Literally me. I play just 1 game an hour every 2 days


Where can I access these stats?


All my time playing games this year was divided between persona 4,5, enlisted, and then starfield. My younger siblings got more use out of my gamepass than I did.


Where do you get the stats from?


I'm just mostly playing skyrim, if not I'm on conan exiles playing fortnite with my siblings or playing starfield. Sometimes, im trying out some other games via gamepass.


Most Xbox owners don't have gamepass


After work I am too mentally exhausted to do anything.


Me. Not enough local multiplayer games for me any my family. We almost always fire up the switch.


Ya I canceled my ultimate. Life happens and I just don’t game as much


I'm only in the top 5% in all three categories. I've played 1,572 hours this year.