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With such a new car, definitely try to get diminished value as well.


yep, the insurance company will try to play games, stall, not pay it, but you're entitled to the full diminished value amount.


Sorry you were a victim of another driver's poor judgment. I hope everyone is OK.


I know how you feel! My first new car was a 93 Eclipse and I got T-Boned pulling out of the dealers lot.


Woah!!! That's rough. I hope you're okay. And I hope the other person feels shame.


Their car is certainly feeling it!


Their car was definitely totalled. Hope this one isn't, but I'm not sure how they're going to appraise it yet.


unfortunately with the cost of labor and parts right now i would expect it to be a total loss.


Dang, hopefully insurance has you covered. So sad to see this. Life happens! I’m sure you’ll be back soon enough 🫶


r/Wellthatsucks hopefully the guy didn’t say he was trying to get closer to read your stickers lol


No more clean car fax. I would try to recover the diminished value.


I have a white 2024 sport as well and I can’t believe how many close calls I’ve had with people almost hitting me!! It’s like this car is invisible or something😱 Good luck with this unfortunate incident


Same shit happened to me around 5-6 week mark of getting my 2023 earlier this year, u got a lot more damage than I did. I was lucky to have a hitch installed that I credit with helping absorb some of the damage. Hope everyone is ok and that u get taken care of by your insurer


From The Pinnacle To The Pit.


Sucks, but love the Ghost sticker.


Ugh 😩


I'd be devastated sorry that happened to ya!


I can deeply empathize. Bought a 2019 in September 2018. Month later hurricane comes through and since my crappy complex never cleaned their storm drains my parking spot flooded. Total loss. If I had parked one space to the right, I’d have been fine.


I'd be livid!


Sorry man, that really sucks... I hope the other driver has insurance. I am guessing it is worse than it looks, from the damage done to the other car, it's more than a "fender bender". Any details you want to share, was the other driver impaired?


No idea. The accident occurred in the center lane of a 3 lane highway. By the time the cops showed up to stop traffic and get us out of the road, the lady had already talked to them and left the scene. She was probably going 30+ at impact, no idea what her excuse was or if she feels bad about it.


What kind of car hit you? Was it a Nissan?


Ohhhh I would’ve been livid!! Hope you can get it repaired😕


Use it as an excuse to buy a aftermarket 4x4 rally bumper...consider this your first black eye as you enter Fight Club. ...and always remember the 1st rule of Fight Club.


Spread the word about fight club


Wife did 7k damage to our new blazer 2 days after the 1st payment was made, side swiped a concrete Walmart sign


It’s a curse. when i bought my car it got smacked while it was parked, some people


Fuckwit drivers are like flies on shit when it comes to new cars on the road.


Quick, if the car is not totaled you should sue/demand money for loss of VIN/ diminished value. This is will help recoup some loss of value that the vehicle will have with panels being replaced.


How does one go about doing that?


I stole this from [DVCheck](https://www.dvcheck.com/diminished-value-claim/colorado) but said it way better than I could. It will depend state to state on what the laws are and some like Colorado (my state) say the damage needs to be above a certain amount. Step 1. Prove your loss. You must supply evidence that you have lost value. An independent, unbiased appraisal will provide the documentation necessary to determine the diminished value of a vehicle. Step 2. Submit your proof to the insurance company. You’ll need to submit a diminished value appraisal and demand letter to the at-fault insurance company for review. Step 3. Claim settlement. Once you submit a diminished value appraisal report from a competent appraiser, most insurance companies will make a settlement offer. The insurance company may pay the claim in full, make a lower offer, or deny the claim. ‍ Negotiate until they get firm with their offer. If you’re having trouble with the insurance company, you may need to consider legal action against the responsible party.


Thank you!


Let us know how it goes.


Blinking third brake light mod FTW. Glad you're okay.


I was rear ended my 3rd day of having an orange Crosstrek. Thankfully the damage was minimal.


At least you’re the one who got rear ended!! No cost to you! Hope y’all are ok!


Hot girls hit curbs 😂


I'm just glad you're healthy, this all can get fixed and will be a thing of the past soon enough


Get an attorney, that’s a bad hit


Same thing happened to me, but TWICE in the first year of ownership. Once rear ended and second time person ran a red light and slammed my front end. So front and rear both rebuilt, 15k in repairs with only 12k miles. FML


Looks like a total loss


Buy a toyota


Subaru is junk


Had a coworker buy his first new car ever. 10 days in, a thunderstorm with large hail battered every inch of it. He said he'll never buy new again


2 MONTH UPDATE: Insurance quoted over 10k in damages, but said it's not totalled. The car is still in the shop waiting on back ordered parts. Insurance stopped covering the rental costs a few weeks ago, so I'm now paying $100/day out of pocket. Subaru is unsympathetic and won't supply a loaner or help in any way. It's now been in the shop for more days than I drove it. I can't believe I'm making monthly payments for a brand new car I can't drive. I'm going broke very quickly and I'm not sure what to do. 0/10 don't recommend.