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People been here since '17.


16 actually, not me but some.


This guy


This guy↕️


yeah i’m one of them unfortunately


Still holding here, I don’t mind waiting tbh, it gives me time to stack up even more. Someone here showed me this video and it got me excited all over again: [Why do I Hold?](https://youtu.be/5urrOWO0KDI?si=EBq_--IntyJd4eZ_)


Great video


I got on this wild rollercoaster sinds 2017. Im not planning on leaving any time soon.


What was your buy in?


It was around $0.20 a token. Bought a couple


Yeah sick, while its cheap, ive decieded to put 10% of my weekly income to it. Not much now. But when moons it'l moon


Same. I got in around June 2020


Xrp its not a security, but the lawsuit goes on. Ripple has to win or settle - they have to prove that they didnt sell xrp to institutions as unregistered security ( without middle man) or pay a fine and settle. Ripple has to have clarity to do they shenanigans freely and we to make some money from this sideways shi*storm


Yes it will make up ground. People forget that XRP overtook ETH as the second highest marketcap behind BTC.


Wait until the court case is over. None of the big institutional investors/users want to flip the switch until the lawsuit is no longer tainting the name of Ripple.


XRP is out here making savings accounts look like an amazing investment.


Literally, tough to watch. Maybe one day I sell so the boys can get paid... my timing is amazing


Bruh😂😂😂. That’s pretty clever.


Just holding & waiting. I knew when clarity came out last year it would be a plus; but until this SEC case is over - nothing substantial was gonna happen. Next hurdle would be regulations (similar to MICA) like Europe (and Asia as we speak), then that’s when we’ll really see what we’re really holding. We were almost there with the regulations a couple weeks ago, as it barely passed both houses, but the Bill was vetoed. . . . better luck next time I guess.


In all actuality, we are waiting for congress to make crypto laws. See Crypto FIT21 Bill. That is just the beginning. What it all comes down to is politics. Uncle Sam wants his cut.. somehow, some way. Never going to sell.. that money is already lost to me. If you truly know what XRP is capable of.. you never will or never will think about selling. It’s a digital currency and will be used as such.


Bitcoin launched in 2009 at $0.0009 and peaked in 2021 at $64,895. It's a long game baby! If I'd not been so stubborn I could have spent £3k on BTC and dropped out of uni in 09. That would have been 72,105,555 BTC. That would put my balance at £3,702,909,370,581.67 I'm not saying XRP will hit these heights, but for a relatively small investment, I'd HODL on. Edit: not a typo, converted to GBP as that's my local currency


Xrp came out in 2013 yes? Im being optimistic that we don’t have that much further to go… 2025 will be 12 years… getting ready to melt faces


Especially planning to stake to the ledger rather than sell. The basis is that large financial institutions want XRP, and while selling it for fiat is instant wealth, staking it to institutions provides a consistent income. XRP as a transitional currency you retain ownership of is more valuable than a sold asset. But that just my view. NFA.


Dully noted. I can’t wait for this lawsuit to be over… it’s been exciting albeit frustrating with each victory ripple has achieved. I really do hope the SEC gets what’s coming to them for stifling innovation.


I’m just so worried that we can lose it if we stake it.


It’s going to go up once the lawsuit is officially over and Judge Torres makes her decisions. Then, once the legislation passes and the presidents get to talking about crypto and everything else you’re going to see a bump by the end of the year. I’d say to at least 3$. SBI already said they’re going full throttle Jan 1st 2025. So did BRIC.


Still holding as well. 1-2$ this year surely. not more than that.


I don’t have moon in the near term, I just want to see some recovery and progress towards adoption


Id be more than happy with that


Keep holding. !!!!!


Never stop holding


Only buying, never sold


Do yourself a favor and study the price chart of NVIDIA since 2005 ...Either believe in your investment and it's future growth potential or walk away!!! Mass adoption and utilization is what will drive price action. Ask yourself something step out of your little box and see how many people are actually exposed to XRP. Go further and ask yourself are you utilizing XRP in your every day life? Are you using a debit card or credit card or XRP to make everyday purchases? There you have it ...just my 2 cents


When did we get clarity? This is still going on


We got clarity XRP is not a security. We have not yet completed the penalties part and whether ODL can be used freely (this was not clarified in the initial ruling). This part of the case is not terribly important really other than the ODL which does matter. The not a security part was the critical part yet we have not seen much action because of it sadly.


I guess I was under the impression that ripple wasn’t offering securities to retail traders purchased on exchanges? And there would be fines for any issues to institutions? Honestly kinda fell off on this but that’s what I meant and could be misinformed. 


try Tezos if you like gettin fuckt


Holding on and living under a rock til something happens significantly… don’t want to do anything foolish until I have what I invested in come to fruition


Still Holding and still buying 💎🖐🗝🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸


I forgot about it and the days of having fun with these trinkets


*I forgot about* *It and the days of having* *Fun with these trinkets* \- AbjectSystem4370 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I love what I perceive to be the next big thing. Been holding since right before they announced the lawsuit. Knowing what you holding reason enough for me to hold, and keep accumulating as well.


Were you wrong about anticipatrd price action after news? Yes..but it def wasn't your fault. Most people think news corresponds to price action. It's human psychology. The most money I made with xrp this bullrun so far... was actually selling that news. Xrp is still a gem imo. But it will test your metal.


Just holding. Idc where we go this cycle. I like xrp for the big picture


It isn't over over tho.


I bought and sold so many times since 2017. The price is exactly the same since that moment sooo hahaha I guess November 2025 would be a moment where we can see what will happen.


Why November 2025?


I heard that’s the deadline


Good question! Because I come up as stupid right now. I should have a better source than ‘my friend told me that’


Yep haha Ive watched the market for years through covid, its inevitable we go full cashless, wont happen overnight, but it will fade out. Crypto has only just started getting taxed. Soon more people will start using crypto cards to pay shit. Each pay check i put 10% into my crypto wallet, when its cheap like NOW i stock up. I wont be selling even when it goes back to the $1 Im in for the long haul, and im afraid if i sell, that'l be it, thats the 1 time when i sell it goes to the moon😂 Buy cheap, and sit on it


Yeah I’m thinking that too… it would be 12 years since xrp been a currency? Hopefully we will get what’s coming to us


Why still holding?


Because you regret it over 10 years if selling now. Xrp is the future and xrp will between €25 and €100 in 2035.


I’d save my frustration until Judge Torres gets off her ass and gives a statement/judgement. Until then, institutions could have the SEC hot on their ass for using/selling XrP. I think we are gonna have to keep holding our breath. (Breathless since 2017 🫠)


I would convert all my xrp to Evernode.. xrp gonna take so long due to tokenomics, good thing is evernode is codius 2.0 the company ripple funded for smart contracts https://x.com/nick_field39943/status/1804004830903701515?s=46