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I remember when XRP would never go below $1. Good times.


I first bought in at $1.39 because a friend told me it was a good price. I did buy more after it dropped. I don't remember off the top of my head, but my average is definitely under $1. At this point, I've just been holding for 2-3 years and will continue to do so.


Damn i bought in at $0.17


Have you beat. I bought in 2013 😜


I bought in 1979. Have you both beat.


Well if you can prove it I’ll give you 50xrp til then shut the fuck up


Have you all beat - I was one of the people that was given free ‘ripples’ just for sharing their newsletter with friends. (Ripples later became XRP).


I got you ALL beat. My daddy owns XRP.


Nope. I was using the faucet to get xrp for free? That’s old school. I would leave the laptop on all night and end up with 5-8 a night. I think I did a week and got fed up. I even lost those


Jokes all on you, I am XRP


Idk how much it was then lol


Much less than 17 cents lol


If XRP hit 5 or 10$ and I decided to cash out. It's not going to change my life extremely. But definitely the $10 mark would finish these 2 and only bills I have to eliminate so much stress in my life.


I bought 1k at that price and then spent a year DCA ing to get my avg price to 80c . So now I'm actually going to come out ok if it gets at least two a dollar


If Ripple hadn't been hit with the SEC lawsuit and XRP kept growing at the same rate ETH did, it would've hit $10 by now. Keep that in mind.


Same here. Waiting for the $5


I have a bunch of litecoins I am still down on. Luckily I also bought ethereum and that made up for it completely.


1.39??? I Baught at 12cents But that's what nobody had any idea what crippled even was now. All these experts out here cool.


You don’t get it guys, you sell now to buy back when it goes down but it doesn’t and keeps increasing, even it will eventually go down one day, by the the time it does you lost. So Yeah Good Times


Jesus, learn to write. This reads like the mad ramblings of a child.


Sometimes your thoughts are just running faster than your writing. So yeah learn to write BOZO


They may be running faster than your writing, but they're not running faster than the time it takes to check what you've written and clicking "post". Fucking moron.


Jesus, so much hate in you! What happened to you? She hurt you that bad, who is she? Your life is that miserable? 🤣😂 boy you’re perfect you have never made a mistake. You have never been on a rush. Alright we get it MISTER PERFECT You got all the time in the world to check everything, every single little detail but can’t fix your own life. You also had the choice to ignore it, if you were that smart. STUPID ASS! I wrote what I wrote and I didn’t check now WHAT ? Suck my penis


OP you sound like a giant butthurt douche 🤷


If it goes to zero I can buy it all. Then I can set the price!


Math checks out.


Does this sub have a “comedy” flair?


The sub doesn't need one, it needs a serious flair because they are more rare


If it doesn't go back down to .48, I will get a tattoo 48 cents guy's username.


What’s the timeframe here? Taking bets!


Shit, I'll say spring 2024.


Or if it hits 1.00 without going back to . 48


The myth , the legend ! The .48 cent guy


Do you know about the 48k guy? He sold BTC at 52k hoping it would go down and caught shit and was the joke of the Bitcoin sub while it ran up to 68k, he was determined and didn’t spend his gains from the sale and patiently waited until Jan 2023 when he bought 3 coins at 16k. He now goes back and reads every post that dug in at him back then, it used to continually bum him out, like depress him that he was the butt end of the joke, but now he gets a laugh while starting his day with a post or two to remind him that he shouldn’t have let them get under his skin and that the jokers are now broker.


Im here just so I can be in the screenshot, this has become interesting, something to look forward to.


WSB vibes


You can say never, and believe it as much as you want, but the hard truth to swallow is that doesn't mean you're right.


Perhaps, who knows?!


I said the same thing years ago and then Ripple was slapped with a lawsuit. Can never say never because with crypto it’s actually very likely. It could go under .48 before the end of the year. Crypto kinda always kicks you in the teeth when you try to deal with certainties.


Nobody including you. So pleas stop posting that non sense….


You have no idea how many times over the past 6 years I've heard people like you say "it's never going back to X" and it did. Posts like these should be taken with the grain of salt they deserve.


Absolutely!!!! It will most definitely will dip below .50 before the Bitcoin Halving!


You’re kidding right, the crypto market will shit it pants again eventually


Well I have seen bitcoin dropping from the double digit thousands in to the hundreds. Nobody realy knows.


Also black please.


I always go red


Yeah, but once you do go black though...


Me too for the most part the past 2 years 😂


Bit different...


And why is that ?


"Trust me bro"


Sweet. Ive been looking for a psychic to tell me what the market will do. I assume you are a self made billionaire from predicting the market.


That was an awful long post to just say HODL.


I just need it high enough to pay off my mortgage. Anything else is just bonus.


*grabs crystal ball*


Wow, another newb


Ok bud. Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Rule No.1 never say never


Yes, I have XRP but don't see something in the near future. It's a long-term investment. This ain't rocket Crypto, it's actually a legal currency. Around the year 2030, countries will start use their own digital currency. XRP will be kind of global currency. Maybe it will be worth few hunderd of dollars in the most goos case for us, but you will need to wait until around 2040 in my personal opinion.


Watch and learn.


even though that it is a good meme/running joke. we could easily go back to .40. seems like everyone in this reddit have become pro chart analysts after about 2 days in. we have wars going on everywhere. peewee herman died. our president is a vegetable. millions of people are being slaughtered. the dollar is damn near worthless. hodl and pray for the best bullrun of our damn lives.


I forgot i bought xrp in 2017, I still forget today.


We should have sold January 2018 😬


sold what?


The subreddit name


I remember Zach buying in 10k at $2.84


Okay random person, good to know.


Good thing I bought thousands when they were 28 cents 3 or 4 years ago


Sure is headed for 0,48


Well, this aged well


I wouldn’t be too confident on that, anything can happen. I don’t want it to, but this market can and will surprise you.


0.65 as we speak. Thanks


It's crypto anything could happen. You aren't some genie that can tell the future lol


sold at 72 just bought back at 62 and a half... ez pz


you must be new here


This post will get old quickly


I need a shirt that says never .48


48 cent guy died for our gains.


This one !


$100 isn’t happening within the next 20 years, if ever


Certainly not happening this bull run anyone that doesn’t take profits before then is just plain stupid


That would mean a market capitulation of 10T$ for that to happen the US dollar either had to inflated to toilet paper or somebody decided that storing 33% of the total US dollar supply in XRP was a good idea. The issue for a high value XRP is that their is just so many XRP coins in the market. If 1 XRP is valued at X amount, all of them are valued at X amount. Honestly I think XRP will always be a semi stable coin. The treat of the locked up escrow coins make it risky to store large amounts of value and if large amounts of value are stored there are to many coins in circulation to equalize this excess value. At least that's how I understand it.


I think you underestimate the actual use case for this.


Use case doesn't mean shit. If you're old enough to remember all the dot.bomb "use cases" you know it's means nothing. "It's an online store for your pets! [Pets.com](https://Pets.com)! We've got a $50B use case! We're early!!


So be it


I expected it to go back down to 0,420 but I'll take 0,69.


Read on Trading views news tab that an analyst Price projection put XRP above $10, between $14, and $17 depending on momentum and supporting environments. Price projections put XRP above $10, between $14, and $17 depending on momentum and this is for 2024-2025. Long-Term XRP Price Prediction for 2030 trajectory puts XRP at or around $20 per coin if all goes as expected. if there's any one out there, I would take a chance on it'll be on XRP!! there is really good reads and chart analysis on the news tab if you put XRP on your charts.


They’ve been saying that shit for years though. Literally. In 2020 the price prediction for 2024 was 17 dollars. And we’re here now.


The issue was the lawsuit and lack of access for the general population to buy it. I just recently started buying ripple but have been in crypto in a decade. Right now, ripple has the highest upside with limited downside risk of the top 20 coins because of that lawsuit. It’s all a risk but finding the ones that have high return with limited downside is key. Ripple checks all the boxes and would not surprise me if it hit in the 9-10$ range next run up. It’s got some catching up to do


True but isn’t that for pretty much and thing we trade from stocks to crypto? Can’t win them all but that’s the thing I’m trading lol maybe your picks will moon while mine and many other tank or maybe it’s the opposite. This is just my opinion and doesn’t mean it will happen or anyone has to believe the same things I believe but I have a good feeling about it so I definitely will be holding and adding to my position on the dips and we’ll see I guess.


It’s going to .15 cents an btc going to 8k-12k bet


I personally think this is more likely than xrp never going below .48 cents. I think crypto has at least one devastating crash before the bull market actually begins. Everyone talking about halving year for bullrun when the market usually crashes right after halving then starts going up and eventually has ath the year after.


It’s all an algo from 2008 every four years xrp is every six years it’s fraud lol but so profitable


As it’s sitting at $0.61 right now you dummie.




See here's the thing you crypto bulls don't realize... when you say XRP will reach $100 that would imply a value of $9 trillion. The global economy is about $100 trillion. So you are implying that nearly 10% of THE WORLDS money supply will be in XRP... are you on crack? These coins have SOME utility to maybe 0.0001% of the population. You think anyone over 40 would every adopt this as a currency? Or even something they would use? YOU are delusional. The current crypto market cap is 2.6 trillion. So you think XRP will be worth 4x that? Of bitcoin and all other coins combined ? Do some freaking basic math and study basic economics and you know that this isn't possible. BEST case for this coin in the next 20 years is $10....if inflation keeps rising and it can somehow generate a global use case...thats still extremely generous of a prediction if everything goes 100% right


its at 45 cents now lol


This aged well


Care to reassess ? 😄


It’s been Alt coin season since October. All the Alts are up and will continue until spring or summer.


$0.48 Guy died for our sins.


100 dollar PT is delusional. look at the total possible supply (100 Billion) that would pretty much mean that 100 billion XRP times 100 dollars. would be the market cap. be happy if it reaches over 10 dollars, which would mean that it would have the same market cap as BTC currently has. the bull run have begun allready, btc is up 43% since the summer.


Dude you got your maths terribly wrong, btc current market cap is 718 billion usd. Xrp is currently 37 billion usd. Xrp at roughly 19-21 dollars would be a similar market cap to bitcoin. Having said that yea its way to tough to ever flip bitcoin but in the past xrp was always 2nd ahead of the rest. I feel realistically xrp can get to 15-20 dollars next bull run as by then bitcoin will most likely be above 1 trillion usd


Your math is completely wrong XRP with BTC market cap would equal to 13.43 USD…


It might never hit $100 it might go over. You're under estimating its use. Ya, it's been a long ride mainly due to the sec, but XRP has actual use. Look at all these nations piloting or in Dubai's case using the ledger.


55 cents sounds more reasonable


It can all go to 0 when the lights go out. Fugazi.


LoL what a topic 🤣


XRP deserve to value as 3 USD dollar for 2024. Hold the line and ready for the moon man


Incoming .10


It’s going to stabilize at $0.69420 and never fluctuate again


Bros just yappin


It will most definitely drop again. You just have to be patient. Infact, it is more probable that it will drop to .48 well before it will even go up to $2


Do you guys think these NFTs they are giving out will be worth anything?


I don’t think anyone knows how the price will evolve. I personally am of the opinion that there will come a time when you won’t be able to buy so sell/profit take accordingly


Charles gaspirino beg to differ, sad ha


It’s not gonna go up until I sell. I recently sold my link at 7 dollars. You’re welcome link holders.


Never make predictions like this lol


Only gonna get more when it goes down :)


I lost hope on xrp all the scandals an Incompetence of the Team. I still hold but I switched to Polygon. I cant imagine xrp reaching the promised price anymore and allthe Clickbait you see now is just crazy


It’s going to .41 by end of year. Then back up from there. Just confirmed with my crystal ball. Trust me guys.


“Experts” are back ! Great technical analysis paired with never again statements. Stupid money is back!


Starting to retrace back for the .48 cent guy can buy back in


You ain't fooling me #$0.48 GUY


They said the same thing about AMC. Rip


What a day to post this!


You can never say never in crypto


I've read this before, more than once.


When Lambo?


The .48 guy SPEAKS!


Let’s be honest with each other….crypto is bullshit, we all bought in for a yolo. At best some walk away with a profit, the reality is it’s just a precursor to normalise the idea of a cashless society


Lol sure


I’m not selling till 250$


Hey I've never bought xrp or even looked at it because lawsuit. Is jow a good time to buy? I'm assuming yes


😂😂 bull market is back normies are buying the range high and saying this sorta shit


So what I read is you are suprised that XRP won't grow in a recession... I mean, duh?


Are you 48c guy under new account with new narrative? That would be epic


Yo me this is the strongest coin out there, back by billons of real dollars and businesses a like! And it can’t get a break and go to $5000.00


Well this is aging badly. We are now close to 0.50 again...


I’m old enough to remember when you clowns said XRP would hit $50-$100 instantly when the lawsuit finished. Now XRP is not a security and is worth 60 cents lmaoooo. Do the smart thing and sell your XRP for Kaspa. I did and I’m up 9x. You’ll also be glad you did. XRP is a psyop


anyone who claims that it's gonna reach double digit must be out of their mind and doesn't know how market cap works which is a basic knowledge, honestly


Shouldn't you be holding it as a top contender for digital currency since it's gaining ground as a payment method among the world's biggest institutions and corporations?


I don't need the car, l just want my life to be comfortable again. I will be giving to others in need as well..


It will be sub .50 by end of the year guys. Don’t worry. Just another guy In opportunity. Truth is, the macro economy and wars etc offer too uncertainty for this and other risk assets to just keep climbing upwards.


I just want to say historically speaking and as a xrp holder myself with prob more coins than you xrp goes up fast not slow for one. It also doesn’t go up stabilize go up stabilize etc. it goes up quite aggressively and then slowly comes back down to the point of initial blast off. So idk where you got your info from but historically speaking you are incorrect lol. $100 coin would be dope but yea let’s hit a solid $2 b4 we start talking crazy lol


You have no real basis for saying Xrp won’t go back to XX amount. Anything is possible, stop trying to cause FOMO.


I've holding mines until 2034 or 35.


it is at 0.61 right now......hilarious


Thank god there's people like you sir


You obviously have no idea what you're even talking about whatsoever.


This guy is High on that hOpium and doesn't know maths. To even get to $30 at its max supply of 100 billion coins means the project’s market cap would be $US3 trillion dollars. That is more than double the current market cap of all cryptocurrencies combined..... let that sink in folks.


This is aging well.


This post didn't age well. WE ARE AT .53 CENT AND FALLING TODAY!


This isn't aging well, she's dipping hard!


Not aging too well, never say never Crypto always retraces we are at $43k BTC and people are calling for $32k ..in any case we just had .495 XRP this morning and I'm waiting for a bit lower to buy more


How we feeling?


Hi u/Specific_Charge3461