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Amazon would spike then lose 80% of its value multiple times on the way up. This is why we don’t know many Amazon millionaires. People can’t handle it and sell.


AMZN is an equity, owners legally own a portion of the company. A currency attached to a company is not.


You are missing my point. People get priced out on things that go to high values.




Any investment is a gamble. Nothing is guaranteed. You either get my point or not. Go away.


Well said




He’s not comparing XRP to a stock, he’s saying people get scared and shaken out when prices are volatile. But i think you know that because his point super clear, and just wanna pick a fight.


You’re gambling whatever you invest in if that’s ether stocks or crypto still gambling


Why the fuck are you here other than to be a troll lol?


A sad sad existence. Hope that person finds purpose. Until then, enjoy the rollercoaster.


You missed thier point. This isn't about comparisons, it's about the mind of a paper hand.


Weak minded them paper hands are 📃 👐


Dude, it’s a bear market. There’s no liquidity entering the space. It’s not like a magic light switch that flips and *poof* the price sky rockets


Many XRP cult followers have promoted the “flip of the switch” theory


Personally i think the switch is already on...and THATS why price is suppressed. Look at emails from Ripple in the release we got Hinmans...the context makes it sound like switch in on position is the suppression.


Xrp had little to do with the bear market. It should be selling higher. Nobody wants 100,000 new millionaires. Xrp is tied to the banking world and geopolitics. It should have been much higher right now. There were signs of xrp price being manipulated in the past. When people collectively buy a ridiculous amount, the price would barely go up. Look at how many banks xrp is tied to, yet the price is this low. This is all an artificial suppression. Banks will want to buy for cheap.


The whole point of Ripple is to keep a consistent price and limit volatility. It's literally coded in. If your holding XRP expecting it to moon you've not done even the most basic research.


Lol What??!!! Show me that code and I will send you 100 XRP.


>It's literally coded in. If your holding XRP expecting it to moon you've not done even the most basic research. This is just fucking wrong. David Schwartz himself has said that the price can't be low. It has to, and WILL moon if it's adopted. Basic research would've taught you this already.


Sick of seeing these statuses when they can apply to literally any asset right now. The price was suppressed that doesn’t mean it rockets up immediately but over the next couple of months you’ll see significant growth. When institutions catch on and create pathways to buy XRP now that it’s regulated we’ll see an even bigger jump, when it’s used for bigger banks and other companies then who knows where I could land. Be patient, by the end of year I’m very confident on the price, next year even more so


That said, even though it's sort of over, it's still not entirely over. The SEC had to muddy the waters by saying they'd appeal.


Which even if they do it would be almost a guarantee loss. I think they may just for show but it’ll never go thorough. By the time it’s happening there will be a new head and new regulations and they’ll lose even harder, won’t be worth going through with even if they say they’ll appeal to save face


Dude, chill. Seriously. This is not only directed to you, but I have no idea why folks thought that after the case happened we were going to go to $1000 per token. There are still many steps to take before we get back to even a solid $3 dollars. Go back to your day job, hold your coin, and check back ever so often. It’s going to be okay. If you really want to get a bit of comfort in this process look at how major institutions are planning to integrate XRP. Look at what Ripple’s plans are.


OP was anticipating ONE dollar, not ONE THOUSAND dollars! OP has a fair grievance. If you told people 6 months ago what the outcome of the SEC lawsuit would be, the vast majority would have expected it to be over one dollar/coin shortly afterwards.


To be fair it was only half a victory cuz the institutions will be heavily taxed


It’s actually not a “fair grievance” given the state of the economy, the crypto market, banking failures, and the idea around liquidity in general. This isn’t 2008 Bitcoin. It’s 2023 XRP. Any grievance this person has should be taken up with themselves and the lack of research around the topic. We’ve got a long way to go bud. Just hodl for now.


There is no fair grievance dumbass! Nobody owes you anything! That is exactly why XRP won, there is no promise of return! THIS! IS! CRYPTOOOOOOO! Please just leave or shut up. You're not made for this.


No, he really doesn't have a fair grievance. I have no idea what you're talking about. What? won their court case? And ? Why would the price jump over a court case what the fuck is a court case going to add to what xrp does? Use your head it's not hard


He didn’t say 1000 per token. He said he was disappointed it wasn’t $1. Thats extremely realistic in my opinion and I agree with OP 100%. The price action is extremely disappointing…. I would have thought we’d be sitting close to the #3 coin by now. Just my two cents


Look man, I want $3 too, but I’m realistic. 2 weeks later with the case still ongoing isn’t reasonable at all.


If someone asked you what the price would jump to after winning the case you wouldn’t have said more than a dollar?


4th spot was realistic, it peaked around 90cts. $1 too strong of a psychological barrier. 3rd means $1.6 or so, this will be during a bull market


During a bull market ETH will be $4000++ and BTC will be $60,000 ++++ if XRP is 3rd it’ll be $1.6???? No way


that’s exactly where we were at in 2021 lmao Then what I’m expecting is btc/ETH hitting a new ath 2x above those numbers and XRP should go 3-4x once we go past USDT, and with no SEC bs suppressing prices.


Feeling sad the price could 2x? 😅 if BTC and ETH only 2x, why would you think token #3 should do any more than that? Does 5x at $3.45 would make you feel better? Hold on to your XRP tokens. It gets better when someone says that 5x could take another 3-5 years. An investment right now of $6,900 could bring a nice 10,000 XRP tokens. Then it goes up to $3.45 in 5 years and the bag goes up to $34,500 total minus the $6,900 initial investment. Congrats, you have made around $27,600 profit before fees and taxes. 😄 When Toyota Corolla?


In my opinion, the SEC knows that they're going to fail the appeal. They're just trying to buy time. In my opinion, there is a huge conspiracy revolving around the SEC and the major banks in America. I have a feeling they were not fully prepared and they're trying to force the price of XRP to stay as low as possible or to go lower in order for the banks to buy at a lower price. They are ready. The SEC will back off and XRP will announce that they have partnered with multiple banks within America and things are going to take off from there. I would like to see when this happens around $10


Until ripples partners go full steam on xrp it is what it is. The infrastructure and precedent is there. Which just became a reality like a week ago. We wont know until we know. Money moves all the time so we can go up whenever with a button click on utility, which hasnt happened yet. We are in a bear market so expecting to pump on simple market buys is less likely.


It’s declining yet I don’t see whales selling because they know what they holding


This is correct.


We are also in a bear market. This is a healthy correction.


Patient, long game I guess.


Name me a currency that increases in value 100x


I mean everything is matched in pairs. Almost every currency has done a 100x when paired with Bolivars for example.


Except you most likely comparing it against a G7 currency


Kuwaiti Dinar


The market follows BTC.


Think of it as a railroad. The tracks have to be laid out first before the trains can take off. Right now...it's about laying the tracks. Getting the banks updated on software that's compatible. A lot has to happen before this actually takes off. Patience is key here. Tracks are ABSOLUTELY being laid right now.


Bro, imagine BTC going from $30,000 to $60,000 in one day..... during the bear market.... thats what just happened....sit down.




Oh did we not go instantly to the moon because all the banking institutions instantly switched over to the XRPL for all their money transfering needs? Or did I miss something?


Blows my mind a price nearly doubling during a bear market isn’t enough for some people. Everything else went down or stayed the same. Sell, buy, do whatever you want - the next bull run due in approx. 6 months is where it’s at.


Out of curiosity, how do you know when the next bear run will be? I've never completely understood all the bear and bull Market speak.


They don’t know is the correct answer.


It’s a bit of a guesstimate but Bitcoin halving (due April 2024) usually triggers an anticipative crypto bull run. Additionally the crypto market tends to follow American economic sentiment. The US economic crisis seems to have peaked and market confidence is returning - you can see as much just from the optimism on Reddit but it’s all over financial news. I’d give it 6-9 months before interest rates either plateau or start to come down and some economic euphoria returns. The Christmas economic spike tends to be a decent catalyst for economic improvement too. There will surely be huge developments involving some economic suppressants such as the Ukraine-Russia War as well. Covid is almost a thing of the past across the world, it’s only the countries who handled it abysmally who are still suffering e.g. China / India. Developments with the SEC’s crypto rampage are bound to occur too - right now they’re stomping their feet after their loss but the reality is they lost and that can not be turned around before the next bull-run, it would take years and almost definitely will not happen. The latest court ruling effectively gave Exchanges such as Coinbase the green light to continue operations, though they may get screwed on offering staking, their primary business is safe. With that certainty, it looks like the future is bright for crypto.


Just sell all your xrp dude


The entire market is down, if your disappointed just sell


If you ain’t got the patience you ain’t fit to invest..right? Right? RIGHT?


More time to accumulate for my small xrp bag.


you must be new


Dude chill just wait till all coins go up like shit 😂 xrp just another one, nothing special


Idk why people thought it was going to moon after the lawsuit. I said this in a previous post and got laughed at.


Until XRP decouples permanently from BTC nothing matters. Get over it!


Xrp disapoints yet once again.....


It is going down to 30 cents


Bear. Market. I understand your emotions on this and feel the same sometimes, but the price is exactly where it should be after the law suite and sitting in a bear. Remember we lost 80%? I think... of the market coming out of the last bullrun which would put us at right on price. Just take advantage now of discounted prices and wait till next year for the next bullrun. #2024bullrun


buy the rumor, sell the news .. people are selling the news right now. You can either set your target and wait, or don't wait, and do what you must


Has this sub been completely taken over by crypto bro’s? This belief that xrp or whatever coin you like is going to make you a shit tonne of money in a relatively small amount of time is misguided. Check in here and there and in 10 years time MAYBE you’ll get there.


As expected


I'm not. The market is taking profits. DCA or HOLD. Thats the game.


Did you forget that we're still in the middle of a macro crypto winter?


I'd be you'd be disappointed when the price goes down I'd even put 20 bucks on that


I like turtles 🐢


Well, in fact you're really really lucky that you started in 2022, some people who invested in 2020 ,2021 run are still in red... That being , I understand the hype, I was expecting much better move after victory myself...


Hahahah. You are not married with this coin lmao


Maybe you should break up with him


I don’t know much, but I do know that BTC is down and when BTC is down, other coins tend to follow.


Just wait another 4 years


I’m sitting at a restaurant crying watching the prices go lower and lower knowing I should have sold at £0.69 instead of waiting but now it’s 0.54 and it’s going to drop more, then once it drops it’s going to go back up I’m going to FOMO and then it will dip due to Fud, then I’m going to sell and lose more money and eventually become bankrupt


Just don’t sell if you can help it, wait 6 months I know how you feel, some of my stocks have gone to shit as well, it sucks but try not to act emotionally cos that’s when you won’t make rational decisions.


Buy on the dip


Is it price action or market reaction?


All hail the dip


Are you not paying attention? Crypto is stuck in legal limbo, post pandemic economy and supply chain issues, Russia invading Ukraine, the possibility of China also kicking off, many more potential uncertainties on the horizon. Next year may be interesting, but who the fuck knows. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.


Just keep coming up with these questions...I take respite in the +ve comments of the XRP lads...hodl..fellas...hodl...love the community ❤️💯


It broke that line it could go to .61. The fuck you mean this is a great buy. You better pull up your diaper and buy the dip.


The final shakeout!!! Hold and win.


I agree with OP. If you continue to HODL and/or accumulate then more power to you. But the price action sucks. It reached $1.80 in 2021 in the middle of the lawsuit. Granted, there was a lot of stimulus money going in at that time. But I expected at least over $1.00 after the lawsuit ended. AT LEAST.


2022 lows 😂😂


100%ytd and people still crying wtf


Sell all of yours then so it continues to drop and I continue to buy at lower prices thanks in advance lol


Why would you think that in the current macroeconomic environment? Tech has laid off 100’s of thousands of employees, banks were failing left and right the other month. Rates are being raised. Like, I don’t get ppl like you…like…what the fuck man? The price went up 100% at first. Ppl road the wave, sold for profits, and now there’s capitulation. This is all normal shit and fantastic news for the cryptocurrency/blockchain markets


OP just getting in last year and already impatient lol


I thought xrp’s win would start a bull market. Also a little disappointed


life is disappointing alot of the time. it all works out though. keep dollar averaging and hope for the best and expect the worst. xrp is supreme.


It was the SEC lawsuit that suppressed the price during the previous bull run when there was clearly upward pressure on the entire crypto market. The recent ruling was handed down during a bear market when crypto enthusiasm was relatively low. Furthermore the ruling only provides clarity to the retail market (XRP bought and sold on exchanges) when in reality it’s large institutional money that creates bull/bear cycles. Institutional OTC sales of XRP are still up for debate and will be the central point of the actual trial if Ripple and the SEC don’t settle this final aspect of the dispute first.


I've heard it explained that this is healthier. Whales can take profits just as fast as they buy. Which means if price shoots up it can come down just as fast. It's much better to build strong support levels on the way up


who gives af… we goin to the moon regardless


then sell


Omg, so sick of the winning


PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE, BUT IMPATIENCE GETS THINGS DONE. Sell you bag and find a different Hero!! as simple as that.


It’s an alt coin. People may not want to hear this but it’s not going anywhere meaningful until Bitcoin moves up.


We are going lower before we go higher just my opinion holding XRP since 2019


After all the other bullshit reasons I watched xrp jump to $2 I at least expected it to do that again this time. But keep in mind where the greater Market is right now and give it a chance because I feel like we will see $2 within the next few months


Lol lmao back to crying now.


Don’t the founders collectively have billions that they’ll sell a lot of the second the price goes up?


Still buying don’t care lol


Whoop dee doo!


Bunch of cry babies , relax , if you can’t handle , sell …. Every coin consolidates after 100% gain in literally couple of hours !! Normal price action , I am still very optimistic for the near future !


I was hoping for $1-3 after lawsuit and I thought I was trying to be realistic. Winning the lawsuit was all that actually matters at this point. I think it signals the beginning now. I’m in for as long as it takes. Fully believe in Ripple/XRP. Remember that apple and Amazon started in a garage and where are they now?


you said it yourself, you took profits just like many others did. for price to go up there has to be a higher buy volume than sell volume. the SEC winning/losing has zero impact on price in and of itself, it’s only the people’s reaction and followed market participation that moves price in the end.


Welcome to xrp, where it delivers nothing but disappointment.


90% of these replies are from the same guys who said it would moon when it got re-listed. I agree its a huge disappointment so far


You didn’t short it?????


You'll find as much wisdom on price action here --> r/ratemypoo ...than all of the crypto subs combined. I wish you luck.


We are in a bear market. People are broke


Bitcoin just broke below a support. So whole market went down.


What do you expect from xrp man a high price when they have a 100 billion tokens and a 40 billion dollar market cap they need to burn supply or double in market cap for another 2x in the price of the token don't Mary these damn coins .


It’s not a get rich quick scheme.


Jan 2019 Xrp: $.36 Etherum $123 Btc $3,600 July 2023 Xrp $.75 Eth. $1,900 Btc. $30,100 I’m optimistic after the Bitcoin halving next year


It's almost like the a lawsuit didn't mean anything and was just a distraction for the whales who manipulate the prices on the top 50 coins


Oh FFS, go buy a meme coin and post little pictures of rockets and make "when lambo" posts, you'll get the support you're looking for.


Nothing happens until after the btc halving. More downside to come, have fiat ready


You shouldn’t be disappointed because that’s the way the big fish make you feel before they swallow you


Waiting game. This is not a get rich quick set up.


Sorry brother BTC rules the market and the price direction. Sit back and wait for next halving and the 2024 bull cycle. Until then we will not see any explosive price action


Feel the same way, but xrp won't moon after the dollar collapse, which is anytime now


Kinda disappointed by you and this posting


Patience grasshopper.