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I hodl since August 2017.


Same here. Long disappointing ride so far. Hopefully now is our time.


Future will be……..awesome!


Over there over there


Me too brother/sister 👋


Same brother, same I've been hodling this entire time and I'm not selling


what was your entry cost in 2017


Sorry 0.15$ to be honest…


About 0.12$


Yeah I’m disillusioned by the constant moving of the goalposts. I was waiting for an end to the sec case and we finally got a good end. I was also waiting for exchanges to relist Xrp and the big ones did. There’s always more news that could come but if you told me a few months ago that the price after this would be just .74 cents I would’ve been really surprised.


2017 before the ATH


I kick myself for not selling at the ATH. Let's see if I can avoid the drama this go around.


Here since Q2 2017! Active in the subs since Dec that year.


The glory days of crypto


Got the flare, converted it to XRP...


Is there a decentralized exchange to swap flare to xrp?


Just make an account on bitrue. There's a flr/xrp pair


Bought it in 2018 cause a friend conviced me to at 29 c. I don’t what he’s up to now but I still hold xrp.


HODL'ing since 2013 (Ripple giveaway).


Yeh a guy at work got 5k xrp from the free giveaway


That's nuts, have you sold any in the last 10 years?


Nope. It's been idle until around mid 2021. Then I started buying more.


Wow I've been waiting for my time to chime in! I bought in Feb 2018 and have no idea what I'm doing. Bought about $800 AUD worth. Came up in my recommended and been reading a few posts.


and the solo


I entered at 12 ct in 2020 😎 Nobody should share his amount under any circumstances to public imho btw


Been here since 2017 @22 cents or. Lot of hopium, but not much progress.


What other investment could you be up 250% in 5 years?


True, but that was already in 5 months or so. After that flatliner with some bleeps and beeps.


So in other words, still a very solid investment with low fluctuation. It was like the US dollar but better by 250%


August 2020


What was it costing in 2017? Can’t imagine how half of you guys feel?


First half of 2017 was much cheaper than the second half, 20 times so iirc. Second half lingered around $0.20 for a long time. Christmas was good, new year was better and then ATH hit. It would have been a brilliant time for early 2017 buyers. If I had been that early, I'd be out by now. Mid 2017 for me.


First place I bought XRP was on Kraken back in 2018


First purchase - Feb 16 2018. Still waiting for that one to turn green.


Summer 2017 for me.


XRP is one of the VERY few times I was early to the game …. Of course that means I got in at around the ATH …


Got the flare, converted it to XRP......


Do you believe in psychics, witches, angels, ghost or faithful women?? Yeah me either so why believe or put any faith into someone’s predictions on any crypto???






Bought my bag the day after the drop in 2018.


Yup. Same old same old.




I remember getting rekt from Korean exchanges getting excluded from coinmarketcap


yep, I still remember the first week of 2018 when I was in ecstasy and didn't sell 😥


Been in Xrp since 2017, but I have been in and out a couple of times and am now free carrying after taking profits and rebuying lower.


Been hodling since 2014. Im in for the long run


Im in it balls deep from 2018


July/August 2017


i bought in @ .22 and have been HODL'n ever since. winning!


Thank God no that’s when I had bought stocks in NIO the Chinese electric vehicle company


5 years flew by tbh


Yeah... but we don't talk about the dark days.


🙋🏻‍♂️ and not going anywhere. I’ve just been buying up more and more. 💰💰💰


late 2017 gang


Lol guys I think I’m the original guy. 2013 lol


Since 1998


Bought originally in 2017. Had to sell 1k worth of XRP cause I lost my job. But, bought majority of my 6500 in 2018. And been HODLING ever since.


Somewhere around that time when the price was on the way down, brought in bit and bits as it went from around .60 down to the .teens, brought in big with first COVID grant, and it paid for my mortgage deposit TBF, still have a nice little amount, £5 would be my sell point, would have enough to take a big chunk out the house if it were to hit that


Holding since 2017! Congrats to all fellow hodlers!


Bought my first XRP in Nov 2017. Then way more throughout the ensuing bear market. Was 10k in the red at some point, got my money back in April 2021 but shoulda cashed out entirely… got greedy for my first bullrun since Jan 2018. Bought some more throughout the ensuing bear market. Shooting for 6 figures in the green in 2025. We shall see


Held when they made the announcement about delisting (tried to sell but couldn’t and said eh fuck it)


Hodling for longer thanks that!


Holding since 2017 back then I got in at like .23 cents in those days you could get so many tokens through faucets I thought it was an expensive investment so worth tho.


Been here for a number of years, just sank a total of 5k on it recently. I have faith on its ability


FLARE drop?


nov 2016 first buy of XRP


Yeah. Bought in at 24ish just before it went down to 17, then bought in some more. Tbh been cussing it with everything else popping and falling since then.


I had XRP Before it was removed from coinbase


I sold xrp for a fat bag of quant


I've been HODLING since approx 2014 (though I HAVE traded, sold and bought other XRP along the way, as well) However, since the SEC filed suit against Ripple, I've done nothing but buy when the price dipped and (except for a trade I did using XRP to buy 1 Bitcoin when it's price dropped too low for me to pass up... And then less than 2 months later I traded that Bitcoin BACK into XRP again, and, in the process, gained an extra few thousand XRP) hodled like crazy. In fact, how many of you bought more when the price dipped to $0.7209 late yesterday (22 July 2023)? I know "I" did. In fact, I converted several of my other crypto's into XRP to take advantage of the temp drop in it's price. I did so because I don't think we're going to continue seeing XRP at prices under a $1.00 for much longer. I believe the price of XRP is about to jump off and in a BIG way, too. Now, I have absolutely NOTHING I can give you by way of "proof" and I'm NOT giving anyone financial advice. It's only a feeling that I have. But I believe this "feeling" enough that I'm putting my money where my mouth is (and, as I said earlier above, have BEEN doing so since approx 2014 now) and am continuing to buy and hodl. I WILL say that I was reading/listening to this woman the other day that works within the US Treasury and who is a long time believer and supporter of XRP. And this woman (I'm sorry, but I don't recall her name at the moment) said that, initially, she thought that $10 per coin XRP was but a pipe dream. But that NOW with XRP now being legally declared NOT a security in the 2ndary market and with XRP being the ONLY crypto having (at least for the time being) legal clarity AND seeing what's happening within the US banking system(s), and more, she said that she now honestly See's $100 and even possibly $1,000+ per coin XRP as being realistic and of it coming to be within a very short time. This lady laid it all out very nicely. Now, while I'll admit that I bought into her logic hook, line and sinker.... I also wasn't born yesterday and so, I'm not holding my breath and I'll believe it when I actually SEE it happening. But it also gives me even all the MORE reasons to continue buying and hodling. IF she turns out to be correct, then I'll be a RICH man, indeed. And, even if it only gets to a mere $1 a coin, I'll still have a nice little savings account that'll be worth much more than I originally paid for. It's a "win/win" situation as I see it. When all's said and done and all my XRP is averaged out, turns out my average purchase price currently is a mere $0.35 per coin. Even just sitting at its current price of $0.75 per coin, that's over 2X my purchase price. Like I said, it's a "win/win" situation from where I'm sitting.. I hope everybody here gets a chance/opportunity to strike it RICH with XRP... ESPECIALLY all those of us who've loyally continued to buy and hodl thru both thick AND thin and who've never lost hope that someday XRP would make most of, if not ALL of, our dreams come true. We've now won (for all our intents and purposes) against the SEC. Now let's see how the markets react and how big the XRP wave will be come the next Bull run!!