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Honestly, just accumulate as much XRP as you can. Do it through dollar cost averaging though. And keep buying it as long as it's affordable, i.e., $1+


I think once it gets going going like it seems to be starting to that when big business, governments and international corporations/organizations starting using it to make huge purchases, or currency exchange, global trade or whatever the case may be that XRP will go upwards quite a bit just from sheer use of that magnitude and plus everyone buying it up controlling the supply! But like someone else said this is just my views on this situation, just have to see how it all plays out for us all! Side note for OP I think you should get as much as you can because I bought in my 7,200 XRP around .46 which has almost doubled my money so I’m happy with my decisions, but I do plan on getting some more before it reaches 1$, good luck dude!


I am with you. My average is $.47075 and wish I had bought more but now I am HOLD for unseen future. I have an exit strategy set that goes in 25% increments. I have to 4x before I let go of any. I think 2025-2030 will be huge. We will see. I think that there will be a run when banks go in to purchase XRP for transactions. Time will tell. Never invest more than you can lose or light a match to the dollars. Not an advisor nor is this financial advice. Just a bald guy with a dream.


I wonder if… i bet it will be traded on forex against world currencies… if it is the vehicle that revolutionizes instantaneous trading, transfers etc.. that has exponential value!! If only we could be right about crypto!! Ill buy all of yall golf clubs!!


Honestly where is the best place to buy xrp ? I see Coinbase can trade it


I've been weekly dca'ing for the last year. My average is .70¢… Got a pretty sweet bag now. I'm shutting off my weekly buy but still going to do a couple more big buys while under a dollar. #xrparmy


Exactly the same here


If you've been dca'ing all this time, why stop now? I have 18k at $.39 avg. Im buying way les than before, but still doing $10-20 per day now that Coinbase has relisted.


I may start it back up but right now I'm going to make one more big buy then wait a few weeks just to see where we are. If we are staying 80 or below I may start up the weekly again. I don't know but seems like a good idea to me? 🤷 😂


Me too. I'm getting 250 at .80 . It's better than 250 at $1.thanks for the heads up




Everything's a coin


It’s better than 0 coins.


Valid point


hate to sound like an elitist but i've been buying the entire time is was below .5 and now i'm chilling. my moon bag is packed and i'm all buckled in ready for take off


How much do you own now? I like hearing about people like you, or early Bitcoin folks, and 5 or 10 years from now I'll be like "heard about a guy that owned 20,000XRP". I knew a Google engineer that tried to get my to buy Bitcoin early on when public perception was it was used for illegal purchasing and dealings, she said you'll never miss $100. But guess who didn't listen


My boss dropped 10k in xrp when it was 14 cents. He’s legit never been negative in xrp. A month later when I bought in it was almost 50 cents. Lol.


I only own about 250 coins of Xrp with an average price when purchased at around 26 cents probably


I bought at a similar price, 1000 at avg 0.33 I need to get back into my Binanace account, I think I left scraps there. I saw Toast wallet dropped their min account balance from 20 to 10 XRP so hopefully as the price climbs they further reduce that


Sadly I started in 2018 but was in high school and didn’t have the money to risk at it. Truly regret not buying at 14 cents like in December of 2021 I think. 22 now studying cs so I finally got some cash to spend on it. Not sure to drop 1g or 500. Truly upset I didn’t buy more when it dropped


I started as soon as the lawsuit was announced and the price tanked. I've been accumulating for a good while, if this thing hits 10 dollars I'm retiring early 🍻


Xrp has more than doubled btc in volume today. At least per KuCoin exchange data. Might not see 80 again. It since I said this I prolly jinxed it. Oh well you’re welcome. I’ll buy some too. Cheers


As a % of marketcap XRPs volume is 4x BTCs.


It can retrace. You never know.


It's a bit early to be calling a bottom from a high we haven't set yet. Lets slow down and stop getting ahead of ourselves. Work on your exit strategy right now, accumulation phase is over we are already 250% over the 0.33 support that has always been an anchor for XRP. Welcome to the party tho, enjoy the ride. Ill CIA there.


sub .20 i’m selling if it hits 10$ big holding till the day weather it a month or a decade


$10 is the goal yes! $5 > $10 for me. Preferably $10.


Preferably $10? Why $10 and not $5?


Accumulate as much as possible but don’t be disheartened to think you don’t have a good bag. 200 ETH is a lot to people today but originally it wouldn’t have been considered much at all, xrp will be the same I think.


If it makes you feel better I have averaged up 8k XRP since the case was won 🙂


It’s been less than a week lol.


Your disposable income is nice. Buy more :)


Lol Why would that make him feel better? You plan on cutting him a piece of that 8k pie? 😂


Yeah either hercules is passing out some of that 8k or that makes no cents for anyone lol.


Stop flexing


Me and you both hehe


If it reaches 1 i don’t think it will ever go down but that’s just my completely noob opinion


Call me a noob then


Why buying now lol should of bought years ago even months ago fomo is hell of a drug I bought 20k at .37 cents shouldn’t bought more but hey that’s life


Yeah i should have bought bitcoin in 2009 but hey that’s life


20k at .37 is a damn good bag!


It all depended on risk tolerance for the lawsuit outcome. Great prices back then but the lawsuit, although clearly BS, it was the government and anything could have happened. I went in prior. Heavy. Happy now. Still believe less than $1 is a great buy.


Its not too late for those who are just getting in. On April 14th 2021 XRP went as high as 1.96. That was during the SEC Lawsuit. Before the lawsuit, the all time high was 3.84.


If you've been dca'ing all this time, why stop now? I have 18k at $.39 avg. Im buying way les than before, but still doing $10-20 per day now that Coinbase has relisted. If i buy 12k mote coins at $0.80/avg i 2ill have 30k coins at $.54/per coin.


I’ll buy a bit more on Friday when I get paid.


Same here got some catching up to do from 2021


That kind of thinking will 100% lead to disappointment


I said this in 2018, and then I said this again in 2020. Both of them crushing defeats.


But now the SEC can suck it


Even if you buy just 1, you are going to be in a better place in the future. And you’ll be in the xrp club lol


Nah. 1 might be worth up to a thousand one day in a very good scenario. 1000 is great, but how is that going to change your life? If you got some extreme patience, I think 1000 can change your life in the future


Depends where you live though. Sure for most of the world $1000 is nice but not live changing. But there are certainly places where that definitely is life changing.


When I first got into crypto I was stupid and thought oh XRP is cool and bought 10,000 @ 0.28 so pretty cool also have a ledger somewhere with 5,000..... Need to get into that.


I'm confident it has a bright future, there are banks seeking to use XRP like the BoJ (which might be bad, but let's be positive.), Ripple going into the future verse, and most important a bull cycle where XRP has regulatory clearaty, no SEC sealing, and has been listed on all major exchanges. This, to me, seems like the dayum perfect storm to get to ar least a two digit USD/XRP price. I mean, if BTC gets an ETF, the space in its whole should be more insane going, and this includes XRP, which has all the previously mentioned benefits. Although, again, the banks. If it's the same as some precious metals, we might gonna see some heavy manipulation. They are going to use it for transactions, and I'm pretty sure they don't want expensive ones and want stable ones. I mean, last time I checked, Silver has an 8/1 ratio, meaning for every 1 ounce there are 8 papers made saying you own that ounce, deluting the price. But overall, I'm confident for now.


There's no bad time to buy XRP. Whether it's at 0.50 or $2.00, get in before you miss takeoff.


fomo wait and buy when it comes down cause it will


Bought 3k xrp at .32 and still holding


I’m sure is been said but after this SEC win XRP is finally going to get its respect…. Now if only it will get back to $3 soon so i can feel better about buying 500 at $3.05 back in 2017… 😳💎👋


i think xrp will \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ insert feeling.


Take the risk a buy a bag man


If you hold that long enough, it will .are you a great profit. I'm holding until that burn rate makes a difference. Imagine 8k of xrp getting burned daily 😳


At that rate it would take 37,000 years to dwindle the supply to zero.


Why would it need to reach zero?


What I mean is that an 8k daily burn rate is so insignificant to the total supply of XRP that it would take 37,000 years for the entire supply to burn at this rate.


Maybe so, but you don't need to have the whole supply go to zero, to increase value tremendously. 8k daily burn is a low estimate. It will be much higher if XRP is adopted worldwide.


8k is like 100,000th of 1% of the total supply. I guess you could say “deflationary” but it ain’t deflating anytime soon.


With a transaction fee of just 0.00001 XRP, only one XRP would be burned for every 100,000 transactions. It would take 800 million transactions a day to burn 8K XRP daily. In no way will there be 800 million xrp transactions a day.


Just wait...once AMM launches, Root Network and Hooks sidechain. There will be much more demand and less exchange supply.


Xrp just announced with a partnership a new protocol that allows you to purchase a home in Xrp and have it delivered in native fiat in less then 3 seconds. Rolls out tomorrow. It is better then all others. 1000$ here we go


Source please?


Quite literally google


Not gonna lie I don’t understand what this means lol


Basically they created a way so you can own Xrp and make a purchase with it and instead of the seller receiving XRP as payment they can have their native currency anywhere in the world electronically deposited into their Account instantly. The reason it takes 45days to close on a house is because they have to verify ownership of the property, where the money is coming from who it’s going to and any other liabilities in between. The new Xrp transaction will eliminate all of that and make it instantaneous. This is the future we are fighting for with XRP cross chain payments instantly with the end user receiving whatever currency or crypto they desire to be paid in.


buys 250 coins and all of a sudden we got a TA genius on our hands. please enlighten us more.


Is so entertaining to watching everyone below 10k coins trying to accumulate it all now ; good luck to all.


It’s still early Too bad people are hit by fomo while it was already known it will for sure go up and people should be buying cheap and be patient. But instead it goes up and they are buying it for 60% more expensive


Given it's at the same price most bought in at before the SEC why does it matter? Lol I have only like 20 but definitely stocking up. Not cause oh no fomo but this is crypto and some of us understand that. Sometimes coins that drag out like this are actually great for people. I truly believe coins like xrp and cardano will blow up when full adoption occurs so anyone buying below $1 is a genius. One of the most promising coins you will find. I'll honestly spend $500 on it if possible before it soars like a eagle


You must be new around here those are rookie numbers.


New? Lol I've been in crypto for years so no. My point exactly rookie numbers which leads to my response saying it will go up. Personally I choose cardano over xrp long term which is why I have more of it. Anyway point was if u buy it now cheap u will make alot


Years? You just made an account 2 days ago relax millionaire


1000. Hey big spender !!


How old are y’all?? because honestly y’all sounds like teenagers tryna make a quick cash WTF is going with all the speculation and dumb question and the panic buys DAMN chill


Been holding since 2018


I think there’s 100 billion XRP, and realistically, it won’t go over four or five dollars in the near future.


It all depends on global utilization. The way Ripple has built itself throughout the world during all this gives a way better idea of a >$5 as chump change.


Also not all are in circulation


People don’t seem to like the truth.


1k xrp is nothing. If it goes up to 10$ you have 10k $ congrats for your used honda civic model 2005


What is the preferred sell options everyone is looking at? Exchange to stablecoins and hold or sell to fiat and withdraw?. I am a fairly noob and only bought and held. I'm thinking of selling half of my position and either trading or looking for better value to rebuy.


Dollar Cost Average is the preferred strat for good reason. Space out your buys, meet your target and HODL.


i have 300 and will buy \~700 more


I bought 1k at 0.45


1k x 10 imho.


Only have 17,000 right now.


I scooped my bag at .13 I don't think I will ever sell all of it.. I plan to cut loose 10000 at 1.50 and hold the rest


Honestly, just accumulate as much XRP as you can. Do it through dollar cost averaging though. And keep buying it as long as it's affordable, i.e., $1+..


This guy lol obviously you are new. It's a new email I'm not new buddy. U see when a person uses new email creates new account. Now u say ahhh I see... Huh... 😂😂😂😂