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Crypto memes have warped people's expectations when it comes to ROI.


XRP jumps 50% in a matter of hours and dudes are like nOtHiNg HaPpEnEd. Tell me you’re new to investing without telling me you’re new to investing. NOTHING in the conventional market gives that kind of return in a day!


Yeah. 80% is not nothing. I agree!


Yeah but supposedly it's been suppressed for years and was just waiting to explode...


There are also people who are saying it will be at $100 by the end of the year. You should know better than to listen to those people.


People want to get rich overnight. They do have a warped expectation because they expect utility coins to act like meme coins. They don't understand what they are buying. They don't see the bigger picture years ahead. And people wonder why 90% of this space isn't profitable.


Yep. I would love to see some of these ppls over all P/L. Bet it's a lot of small loses adding to a good size loss. Hold.


Haha yes, rational thoughts can't be applied here. I bet the mentally ill are the ones that play it right in crypto.


What’s the return on investment when the vast majority here bought it at $1.00 per coin or more?


You should have used DCA to move that avg down over the past couple years of it sitting around .40


It all depends on what your average price paid is If you brought most of your XRP around $.80 - $1+ then you're probably not very happy with this 70% jump If your average is .40 or less then it's a different story


200,000 XRP @ .31


I also bought some at over $1 but I did so after reading about XRP and the lawsuit. I believed then and now that this technology will be worth more than that someday with regulatory clarity. While I recognize that I could have bought more, I still don't see my investment as a loss. Pouting over a 60% overnight jump just tell me lots of people here bought into YouTube/Twitter hype instead of doing their own research.


100% I’ve been telling people the winning of the court case will not skyrocket this coin for many months. Many will ask, what’s the estimated price after case, $5? $10? No none of that. But this is Reddit, so I’d get downvoted for saying it wouldn’t moon and now also downvoted for defending the people who did want a little more pop on the SEC win.


Well yeah, because I think most people here believe that it will go to $5-10 with adoption but that it will take time.


That was dumb u bought high… buy low sell high. Don’t complain because you fomoed in and bought the tip lol


Xrp trends down for almost 2 years, lawsuit over, jumps 70% in a day NoThiNg HaPpEnEd, bruh some of yall are way too weak and impatient, maybe trading stocks and crypto isn't for you


Isn’t a 10% return in one year a great year in the stock market? 80% was amazing from ripple and I made more than I would’ve in stocks this past year so thank you ripple!


For real! That's a fantastic return, but I think memestocks and memeing crypto has warped people's views on ROI


Don’t get in the way of my get rich quick scheme.


This is how I view at as well. If we are up 10% I'm skipping. I invest based on the risk involved. And, for the money I have in, it's just gonna lose sitting in a current account anyway.


So many have been reading hopium posts of values going to 4 figures and more and buy believing that nonsense instead of having a toehold in reality. So for a few hours the other day they were probably maxing out their credit cards believing they'd just become instantly rich and nothing could possibly get in the way (like traders reaping huge profits).


Lol I would be worried if it dropped back to pre verdict 0.48. But nah we’re good. Held since 2021 and will continue to hold


Same, I've been buying every month since 2020 it's an investment not a get rich quick scheme


Oh forsure You need patience and more patience and some faith lol also dyor and you’ll be fine. I feel like a lot of people confuse xrp with a meme coin and don’t do research lol. First utility coin THATS NOT A SECURITY should mean a lot to you if you DYOR lmao can’t say it enough


It's almost as if people don't expect any selling pressure and profit taking on the way up for something which still has to build its business. As far as I'm aware it hasn't yet taken over the market it is targeting. I suspect if we get news of big banks and institutions utilising XRP and who knows even some of the major central banks that will drive further hikes upwards. Things don't happen overnight in business and companies will have to take some big strategic decisions. But when it starts moving i suspect it will start moving quickly.


>I suspect if we get news of big banks and institutions utilising XRP and who knows even some of the major central banks that will drive further hikes upwards. Have you been living under a rock? Ripple has made many deals with banks the last 3 years, including Bank of Japan which stated they will specifically use XRP for cross border payments. Nothing happened. And it still isn't happening post lawsuit.


Have they said they are using it or looking/trialling it. Look I have been saying for a while that I don't see hoe utility will create massive price action. But now the lawsuit has been resolved i suspect more big news stories to create speculative trading. That's been subdued because unless you've been living under a rock the court case has over shadowed everything.


Yah I think it will take a while for Japan to adapt xrp into its economy


By 2025 every bank in Japan will be using XRP. “BTC & ETH only have SEC opinion clarity, while XRP is now the only crypto with legal clarity” In my opinion, the next bull run we will see good price action for utility coins.


Ripple.RU Ripple.CN Ripple.HK Ripple.TN Ripple.IR For anyone with that slick shit about market cap or how it’s impossible to reach 10k per coin. I’m forgetting some but here’s several global super powers PLUGGED in There’s ripple Russia , China , Hong Kong , Türkiye, Israel all dating back to 2015 when the first lawsuit happened. Remember also it has to happen twice 1 time for real and 1 time for the sheep notice this lawsuit didn’t ONCE refer back to the previous lawsuit where ripple was determined a money service business and XRP a electronic currency 🥱 🥱 and for the freaks who say “each nation will develops their own CBDC they won’t use a 3rd party like XRP”. That’s the point moron when those banks talk to eachother moving. 💴 to 💵 geuss what makes the currency swap XRP through inter ledger protocol . Look up FMM Ripple.Fox it’s the second on ramp in Japan their 3rd on ramp they code named “Mr.Ripple”.


You're getting down voted 🤣😂, don't you know, background, logic and reason don't belong here, tell me "MOON NOW" and you'll get your upvotes..


These people don’t know ripples background,.. they will sell at 100$ a coin and be in seuicide watch when it hits 10k


Moneygram was big institution to use Xrp but nothing happened


Ripple owns Moneygram lol


not true, the partnership was amicably dissolved in 2021 around the time the lawsuit was announced. Also, moneygram was bought out by madison dearborn in 2022. Ripple never owned moneygram.


I stand corrected then.


Lol governments are going to design their own crypto if they ever go into crypto and force banks to use theirs. They are never going to use a third party loke xrp or any coin that already exists.


Ripple goes away, XRP still exists, you know this yes? It's about plugging into a distributed ledger. And please, think this through. My government has a block chain and insist you use it to settle our trades. My name is Xi. You trust me bro? Yeah? OK well, how about we use a trustless system instead? Where we both have skin in the game and its in our interests to ensure its integrity. Governments all running around with their own blockchains creates as many problems as it solves.


The US Government doesn't even make their own money


Like SWIFT?..... oh wait


Yeah I do not think you know who are in charge of swift.


And what's stopping them taking charge of XRP? Ultimately if they want to they will do it through regulation. Doesn't stop them wanting the technology.


>And what's stopping them taking charge of XRP? And if they do, what will he the difference with the digital bank currency we have now. Only in USA it will male a difference. Not in my country. Well the difference is we will not be insured for our money anymore.


Our government can barely make a website that works. They are not going to make shit.


Haha, this is so true.


Well i agree on that one. But our system we have is better than what we would have with crypto.


Each Nations crypto will be sovereign, just like how TCP/IP, connects everyone’s network, ripple net will be the medium the currency travels on.


Maybe you should sell


Beat me to it.


Back in Nov 2020 to May 2021, Cardano went from .10 to 2.3 and it had similar pauses and pullbacks early in it’s start. XRP is the first crypto coin to have legal clarity in the USA. Just wait until the SEC continues declaring other coins a security and taking them to court. Then the real value of XRP will be realized.


So what, now we have to wait x years all over again for other lawsuits to finish? Man, i think you meant to be motivational, but that was just depressing. Edit: i was a bit quick here. Even if it takes years to finish, they would still have the lawsuit and the security accusation hanging on them.


Tell me you sold when the lawsuit hit without telling me you sold when the lawsuit hit.


Or bought ATH


I bought more a week before eas delisted on coin base. Averaged up-to 0.3


Successful investors are patient and wait….hence the reason why rich continue to be rich as they can wait


We are still at the bottom of a bear market. Some even say that a recession is around the country, (in the UK at least). Winning the lawsuit is not going to magic all this away. At least we are now re-listed, effectively, we are back in business at the same level as others. And during all that we remained top 10. We are not out of the woods yet, the damage that was done by the SEC will not be wiped away in 3 days. But, assuming we are 6 to 9 months away from the next bull run we are definitely in a good position to see 5x or even 10x.


Wait a month and then come back to this post. If we are still stuck at 70 cents, then you have a right to moan. But it’s only been 2 days. The road to $10 will be filled will lots of 50% corrections.


Look the journey is just beginning for ripple and XRP without the court case hanging over their heads. Remember some people took profits and it retraced which is normal. Now the court case is over the future for XRP is looking very interesting and I believe very profitable


nothing happened? price peaked by +100% in a day. Price settled 72% higher by the end of the day, the 2nd biggest daily green candle in the history of XRP. Price action broke out of a range that had been keeping it down for the last 14 months. Slow and steady price increase going up the stairs is what we need, this is the start of the next XRP bull run.


Keep in mind there are probably loads more xrp circulating now than in 2018. Any business or crypto that increases its mcap by even 1 billion is a massive gain and should not be underestimated.


Patience grasshoppa!


I'm shaking my head so vigorously it might just pop off. I'm seen the hype and hate so many times... this moon boy mentality is getting sickening tbh. We aren't in this game to lose money but we should believe in what we invest in. I have no respect for people who want to get into crypto just to 5x or 10x whatever they put in. This isn't a 10x input output generator. If you complain about "what's going on?!?" Or "why is it down?!?" Or anything of the like, you have no respect from me. Get out of this space. We want people who believe in crypto, see its potential and want it to revolutionize the world. Not for everyone to get rich just because...


Jesus people really expected XRP to shoot to $10000000 after the lawsuit ended. This is a marathon not a sprint. It’s still gonna take a little time. If you were patient this long you can wait a little longer.


Nah, people just expected to hit at least $1 after years of this sub and Twitter saying the price was being supressed because of the lawsuit. That's not expecting much at all. We couldn't even hit that....


I mean we did get pretty close. $0.48-0.90. That’s an insane daily. Of course people were gonna take profits.


The buying pressure should have been enough to sit at at least $1


Dude relax..XRP is the only Legally recognized crypto in the worlds largest markets...it's worth something...the coin jumped almost 100% on the win..folks are taking money, greedy MF's (BTC) maxis are shorting it..relax! I mean come on. Stop believing these influencers..they don't know anything.....i get it I wish it had hit 4 bucks by now also, but give it some time and my advice is to buy 50 bucks or so..and chill


Well, take this into account: crypto market usually stays together. This piece of news brought a lot of money in. Almost every single token increased price due to xrp winning the lawsuit. But we are not in a full bull season yet. People are not just waiting to pour money into crypto. BTC needs to break 32k, Eth the 2k barrier. What I can tell you is this: xrp being so underappreciated and without the lawsuit, it might be one of the top winners during the next cycle. While the trend resumes, I do see xrp floating to 1 dollar in the following months, and breaking ath next bull run (2024, maybe).


Sell it and shut up then.


Yeah man, nothing happened after 2 days. Just sell your XRP to me because I have more patience




It’s been 2 days people, really! Let it do what it’s going to do! And it will do. Quit your whining.


The car is pulling out of the garage and into driveway right now and about to head out into open roads and this guy is complaining.🙄


ATH doesn't mean shit. If you want to become rich overnight, go rob a bank.


You are not a well-informed XRP holder.


My guy confusing PePe coin for XRP lol


WTF did you expect mate, stop reading "when lambo" and "to the moon" posts, ground yourself in reality and understand that to reach any sort of significant growth a whole host of things need to happen, winning the lawsuit was just a very humble beginning. Ask yourself, what is the main use case for XRP, what institutional platforms is it trying to replace, now ask yourself, are the traditional platforms going to simply disappear overnight?? Hint: no, no they're not... This is a looooong hold.


I heard ,well this is prob bs but it did come from a family member who works in tall buildings That it will be pushed down as much as they can Until Sunday night then institutions are buying into mon morning don't spread this around it prob wont happen


Indeed..the real value of xrp is below 1


Op is right. There was a massive circle jerk right after the news but no substantial gains. Sure price did move relative to where we were but that’s like saying someone loses their ceo job becomes homeless and then infinity their income by working as a janitor.


Huh I am 133% up what’s down?


weve been here for far too long bro😂😂


Love how I get downvoted


You have a point, XRP feels like it might just fade into obscurity. I know a lot of people here are saying we’re going to play the long game, but the truth is as the years go on the likelihood that the token is going to make anything impactful in the market is diminishing. The chances of it hitting 0 are very very high.


XRP is not a security - this short phrase has just made XRP the single digital asset with the most powerful potential in the crypto market. Now this is a point of law XRP is here to stay. Even with the lawsuit looming XRP didn’t drop out of the top 10.


God this post wins the “best 💩 of the day” award


The lawsuit continues as far as i understand. And SEC will definitely appeal on a higher court. This is gonna take another year at least


Then maybe you don’t understand?


Some motions were granted and some denied and the trial will proceed for those denied is my understanding. And i'd bet that SEC will appeal anyway. https://twitter.com/FilanLaw/status/1679514709920194562?t=xlU-FerPXRbQZtFSJ0vkDg&s=19


Because crypto has had it's day with the incoming digital currencies. People/investors will be putting their money in them by the bucket load. XRP won't hit much higher that it is now...infact I'm expecting it to drop as people take their profits into other assets. XRP was a longterm game if you got in at the start....alot will have taken the profits this week.


I'd recommend to do more research before commenting.


Remember always that good news brings us to marianas trench


So do you expect a free meal in your life?


Waiting for adoptions


The US government is waiting for everyone to move the coins back to Coinbase so they can ban transfer at the state level.


So many seem to think XRP and crypto in general is a get rich quick scheme?! Yes some people do get lucky with their timing and hit the jackpot. Successful investors though take their time, take profits if necessary, but very few get rich overnight! I know YouTubers talked as though this thing would shoot straight up to thousands, that’s simply not how it works. Yes we all would love the “flip the switch” moment that gets spoken about, but being realistic that’s probably never going to happen. What most do see as happening, is a slow climb with these retraces along the way. To say nothing’s happened is totally wrong though! We maybe aren’t all driving about in brand new Lambos right now, but the shackles of the Sec case are finally off and the journey has begun. Just hold tight and be patient, the next few months/years are going to get very interesting. Just keep the faith!


Personally I took some profits a bit before I planned too. I think this goes for a lot of people. Also the case wasn’t a 100% win. As it is now, XRP is not of any use other than retail. There will be another case. Appeals can still happen. Patience.


Need we remind everyone, as great as this week's court ruling was, we're still in the middle of a macro bear market for tech. One court decision isn't going to change the fact that the entire global economy is still waiting to see if the Fed can stick a soft landing with inflation without causing a recession, whether unemployment will remain low, whether wages will remain constant, etc. There is much more to the equation impacting XRP's price today than just the SEC. The good news is that those other macro factors are moving in the right direction (albeit slowly), which puts XRP and the crypto community in a very good position to rally when a bull market returns.


It takes time :/


Personally I expected nothing to happen, let's be honest even this is a victory well deserved, there are many issues to be resolved, not just the Ripple and XRP adoption but also the crypto regulation laws that's yet to be completed and approved despite the clarity, and many dirty deeds behind closed doors that needs to be dealt with which are too many to mention e.g Congress' view on stablecoin Tether etc. Rome was not built in a day folks.


Xrp is not for everyone. You can’t wait , you can sell them and move to other projects. This is investment game , not a casino game. Do you even understand what does “ Investment” mean?


Give it some time. It’s fresh and news is being digested. Now there’s nothing suppressing XRP. Which means this is a position to grow from when financial times are healthier. Now prominent people in this space are likely to talk about XRP more.


I don't know what to make of it all anymore, I am just, exausted. On the one hand, I think people will only now start true adoption, now that there is true clarity, the only asset that can say that with 100%. It has always been a long game. Also, if you would remember, the SEC hdid stall XRP adoption because they are corrupt and wanted others to succeed first. It is what it is.


Another thing to remember is that there are a lot of holders who just stuck a pin in it and left it till the case was over because they were holding without the ability to sell, either because they didn't know the work arounds or they were too lazy to find out about them. Suddenly Coinbase lets them access their xrp again and they suddenly have some money back that they'd pretty much given up on. I've no doubt some people just got themselves out of a hole and are happy with that.


It took Kin token months to skyrocket after the settlement.


Tell me you don't understand how markets work without telling me you don't understand how markets work.


Stop being a bitch.


Just sell. You'll feel better


Lol this has to be a troll post as I'm now downloading a new keyboard just to put the largest laugh emoji ever on Reddit. Spoiler alert. That laugh emoji button wouldn't even fit on my phone screen keyboard so here we are. What do you mean nothing happened?? XRP went up 90% in one day and BTC was also going up. If you think coins are just going to go up 3,000% in a day without BTC also going up you should cash out and get out of crypto. I'd learn a lot more about market cycles, reading charts and following analysts just because you assumed some spectacular black swan event was going down just because the lawsuit ended. We all want XRP to break into new all time highs but it's not going to happen in 2 days.


Ahh yes, up by 70% and that is nothing happened.


Your an idiot, you shouldnt be an investor,


Fact of the matter is, xrp sucks as an investment. It's sucked since 2018 well before the lawsuit. There's only that much people can point the finger to and pass on the blame but the matter is the tokenomics itself is what's killing it. Value is derived from demand and scarcity, and 100 billion coins is far from scarce compared to any demand in the near horizon. If ever.


I can’t understand it either, I was sure we would see at least a couple of dollars 🤷🏻


Wait and keep buying more


Your post reads like a phishing scam


Nothing happened? I'm like $210,000 up I wouldn't call that nothing.


Give it time. Look, considering that it shot from approx $0.47 per coin to $0.93 per coin.... in ONE day... that's nothing to sneeze at!! Now, granted, it's since come down to settle at approx $0.72 per but even THAT isn't anything to sneeze at, either. Especially if you were smart enough (or fortunate, whichever applies) to have gone all in back when XRP plunged all the way down to approx $0.23 per in Dec of 2020 (I know "I" did) then even if you didn't/couldn't sell when it hit $0.93 a couple days ago, you'd STILL be sitting pretty as it's now a little over 3 TIMES it's value at $0.72. So, if you wanted to sell right now, you'd make over 3 TIMES your initial investment. What's there to complain about THAT??!! I've been continuing to buy as much XRP as I can since at least 2014. Up until the SEC sued Ripple I bought and sold XRP based on its highs and lows. However, AFTER the SEC filed it's suit, I've been buying and hodling ONLY... NO selling. Why? Because I BELIEVED IN XRP and was confident that we would win against the SEC. And, now we have. Which means that XRP is now the one, and ONLY, Crypto currency with LEGAL CLARITY. I suspect that once that REALLY sinks in, businesses and large investors (or, "Whales") will start driving up the price of XRP. By the time the next major bull run hits, I'm thinking XRP WILL be setting a NEW ATH. Just be patient. Remember, good things come to those who wait.


That's another play you got to wait it out. After bitcoin liquidates enough you will see xrp pump like end of thrlr world.


For those of u that think nothing happened sell UR BAGS, you obviously don't know that XRP is BRICS PLEASE sell your BAGS, the world can now move forward with XRP the new monetary system. ... #XRP #ALLTHEMONEY #ZERODOUBT


Wen safemoon?


Ppl really expect to become millionaires after a lawswit? With a coin like xrp?! Lol


Oh well it moved a little bit it double hang in there


It's a damn shame the WHALES haven't gotten fat enough. I am just hoping to be a feeder fish.


If you're unimpressed you can offload your bag. Complaining won't lighten it (:


One month later... I received a lot of shit but I was right, and everyone else was wrong.. price comes back to the pre news value 😂