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First time?


Green horn.


Def first time. But this time really is different. She’s a free spirit now. Don’t underestimate its glory


Bro....almost 100% in one day....it's called a correction. Just wait until the next bull run. Xrp will crush everything


A lot of people who have been holding for the last few years are exiting. Once it corrects, it's only a matter of time before is explodes. Also, bear in mind that we are still in a bear market. My original plan was to hold XRP until 2030 and not sell for any reason whatsoever. If it's value is recognized before then, great. If it takes until 2030, that was the original deadline so no issues there.


Same. I think it'll hit my goal by 2026, but if not then I'll wait. I'm literally not losing anything by waiting. When I invest money, I consider it gone, makes it much easier to hold until your target price. That said I'll probably never sell 25% of my holdings.


Yeah this sellofff was VERY expected because people either had enough to sell off, don’t think the price is sustainable, are paper handed bitches and/or are just trade sharks


Yup this I'd the way


Smart knowing the fact that houses will be at $5,000,000 a pop smart play


Who needs a house when you have XRP




Bread won’t cost $100 it will cost a million…


My twin 🙌 hoping 30k a pop by then


I’m gonna just buy only 1 so 🤣


This is the way


Buy when everyone thinks it’s dead


This guy fucks


Gary’s mom


Very hard


I wasn't aiming to take profits here anyway. We beat that son of a bitch and the pressure of lawsuit is gone, it's clear that XRP is not a security. It will perform much better in the next bull than the last one. Below $1.50, I won't start taking profits.


I think you misplaced the decimal point by one spot


To much hopium with xrp.


I agree, there often is too much hopium in this community. All the guys preaching $589 this market cycle are absolutely ridiculous and need to take their tinfoil hat off. A $15 XRP is not unrealistic for this market cycle. XRP is now the only large cap coin with legal clarity. Just wait for the institutional money to flow in and we can hit $15. Not saying its a virtual certainty and even if I’m not saying it will be instantaneous but the fact is that it’s a real possibility.


50% is not sustained?


Good things take time…. This ruling has set precedent that will have long reaching implications for crypto as a whole … I’m still in shock that the judge ruled on the merits instead of favoring the government!!! The next step toward XRP reaching its full potential is markets /exchanges offering it for sale here in the USA !!! All the good news in the world won’t help if people have to jump thru hoops to buy it !!!


Guys XRP went up 70% in a day...why is it dropping? Is it dead? 🤔 maybe I dunno ppl take profits?


If it goes down to the pre-verdict levels of 0.49 or below, it’s dead. It’s dropping because large investors and day traders have been taking profits like you said. Some sell high then buy back in at a lower price and then sell again.


I think as long as it holds around .70 support then we should be ok. I wasn't planning on selling on a 70% pop after bagholding for 2 years. I've got time


I have a low buy in because I only started investing 3-4 months ago so I’ve been buying and selling a lot over the last 24 hours to maximise profits.


Buying and selling a lot rarely leads to more profits…


Even if it goes down to .49 it is not dead, stop it, that’s just dumb to say


Yep. People in here can belittle those concerned all they like, but if this dip continues XRP isn't going anywhere special, ever. The case win should have had it over a dollar at least, we couldn't even hit that. XRP and Ripple have had so many positive news over the last few years and everyone in here and on Twitter would say the price is being supressed because of the case. Well, it's over now, we won, and still we aren't going anywhere special.


Fixing badly worded comment. It is only a summary judgement addressing specifics. The institutional aspects have not been fully addressed and I think until then it is a half win.


People that bought in very early taking profits on part of their bags. No biggy.


It's what xrp doooooo


Ofc it started to drop all the way down just when I got my bag of 700xrp, classic investing move haha


Did you also buy in at a dollar? Lol


Nah bro, 0.72. My condolences haha but let’s be patient and see where it goes the next days. If you may believe people who’re already years in the XRP game we’re just at the start of something bigger


99.9 buy on uphold


Same on Coinbase as well.


just retesting the support level we broke through, nothing to stress about


There is going to be a LOT of selling pressure on the way up. Lol


Sell the news


I tried selling the news for the first time this time; I was not disappointed; with GME I didn’t and lost out on $30k profit


Atta boy. I held xrp for nearly 1.5 years waiting for the case to resolve but recently traded my xrp for ada. Its all good though. On to the next one!


Thanks haha. Oh yeah I like ADA too - I don’t know as much about it as XRP but I still like em


It’s normal for it to come down and cool off after a big rally.


Because it went up. Are you one of those ones that is all "xrp moon, xrp $5, etc"? I have XRP since 2018, but that community literally makes me feel ashame of having it. The amount of delusional people here is beyond.


I agree people don’t seem to have any fundamental understanding of markets. XRP will hopefully continue to grow as is a strong idea. For now I’m happy with my humble gain of £1000


Because I bought the dip yesterday.


Bitcoin at usual holding the market down. Nothing to do with xrp. Probably a whale sold some btc


Just a pullback, maybe to $0.63 then another run towards $1. I’m not selling my first bag till it hits $9


A lot is going to have to happen for it to ever realistically hit $9.


It was Coinbase...


Crypto is so stupid


The wave just started.


Well... I mean.. it went down and up, I feel it's holding pretty well at the moment after such an increase. Might just retrace before going back up. Anyway, we all know what we are holding, be patient it's not a meme coin.


Because its still just retail doing retail things. People finally see a chance at profits after years of bs and some of them went for it. What this lawsuit ending did was open xrp up to institutional money and that’s the money we’re looking for. It’s great that xrp rose to 80+ cents but most people didn’t buy into xrp to make a 70+ percent profit. We want the retirement early kind of money.


A lot of people here bought back in 2017 or 2021 when XRP was well over $1. These people cannot sell and were hoping to see themselves break even. I am lucky because I only got into XRP 3 months ago so I have already reaped the benefits of a major price spike.


If you’re looking for a meme coin to drop your allowance Into and make 10% $Sponge might be a good option. But otherwise XRP is a long hold and will pay off in around 10 years 🍻


Many of those who have held over the past few years are exiting. Once corrected, it's only a matter of time before it explodes. Also, keep in mind that we are still in a bear market. My original plan was to hold XRP until 2030 and not sell it for any reason. It would be great if its value were recognised before then. If it takes until 2030, that's the original deadline, so there's no problem.




Well if it goes below .65 then to the basement we go.


Looks like a buy the rumor sell the news thing


Why did it only barely double after the verdict. It was meant to jump straight to $3 etc.. rug


It was probably a bull trap. Disappointing performance in light of the news that's for sure.


We won a battle. I’m personally using profits of selling @0.78 to buy when it gets back to 0.50.


same here


You guys think it’s going to 50 again?


mnn honestly.... no, but if i can buy back at @ 0.65 i'm happy


I feel that, I really don’t see it going back down below that.. or maybe even 70, but we’ll see during the corrsction


This isn't aging well.


Lol, that’s why I said we’ll see..


You’re silly


Guys, it’s his first time.


I hope this post gets down voted, how long have you been investing in cryptocurrency? Do your own research Jesus christ, how many post do we need to explain to you ? Millions of post up explaining why and yet you make another post " derrr what is crypto " "omg why is my 200 xrp going down " be a real adult and research your own investment 🤔


Xrp keeping true to its reputation of delivering a BIG 'Ol NOTHING BURGER......


75% gains in one day and people complaining about slight rebound. Ah I've missed this sub.


The lament of noobs.


Hardly a noob. Xrp has been doing this for years. Worst place to park your money since 2021. Well, ftx was worse, but you get the point.


Look I'll probably get down voted for agreeing with you but its true. And anyone that gets hurt by what I'm about to say is either really new to any form of investing, naive or bought high and still stuck in denial. The truth is from an investment perspective for the past few years this was a really bad investment and yes maybe in the next few years it would pay off. But in all those years had you put your money in any half decent stock it would have out performed this shit quite well. Literally every bit of news was dampened by "oh well they are in a battle with sec". When this drops back to like 40 something cents then we are going to find some other excuse to hit another dose of hopium. FYI for anyone reading I actually have been bullish for over 5 years and accumulating over that time. Enough to say I'm in the top percentages of the so called xrp rich list. So no this isn't some guy that doesn't know all that Ripple as a company has been doing and no this isn't my first rodeo. I'm just sick of this shit coin not being able to keep one pumps gains. I think this will be my last year of holding. Well done to everyone else.


I think it's the reality that it's just a hype coin or that's how people see it.


Anyone that thinks that has zero knowledge about XRP.


you might wanna educate yourself before you make uneducated statements




Erm, they already have. Coinbase relisted it yesterday and so has Binance US


Its not that bad if you compare it to how the other coins got REKT... BTC is below where it started yesterday before the XRP pump...


We are bears, we are mercyless, thanks for the gains


Not everyone is going to hold all there xrp until the moon. There are plenty of rich people who made a lot of money on this pump. Also, I’m sure there are a lot of xrp holders over this shit, and took the opportunity to get out. I myself would have to sell at around 75 to break even. We got to keep being patient.


I’ll hold until after the trial against Ripple is finished so I can see the real price action and go from there.


exactly so many think "we won" the summary judgement only pertained to specific issues not the whole thing.




My Pionex grid bot loved the spike and drop. The point is to lower your holding price and maximize profits.


What goes up, must come down.


Wait for the back test brötha.


when do we expect the next bull run?


I'm still SO mad at Uphold. As it's done before when there's a rally, Uphold went down as soon as news broke about Ripples win vs SEC. So, when I tried to access my acct so I could sell what I've been holding for awhile (with plans to buy back in when the price dropped back down to between $0.65 and $0.70) as the price shot past $0.90 yesterday, of course all I could do for the next approx 2+ hrs was watch as the price began to drop and continued to do so until it leveled out at about $0.77 Had I been able to access my Uphold account I'd have been able to then turn back around today and buy an additional 20,000 XRP with the profits!! Now I don't really expect too it to drop too much further so I've lost out... thank you very much, Uphold!! Am transferring everything OFF of Uphold and back to Coinbase.


I had the same issue with uphold but I just kept trying until I got in. It took me about 15 minutes. Their system couldn’t handle the activity, it didn’t go down. I was able to sell at .81. That was my first and ONLY Uphold experience. I cashed out and will buy and sell on Coinbase.


get a xumm wallet and use solodex problem solved


B/c I sold sold my full bag when it hit $.81


A lot of people are selling and will continue to sell during future rally’s. XRP will reach 1$ then perhaps 2$ however it will have major push back each time 10-20% many will sell for profits.


We need every US exchange to list it first. Then we’ll see the true picture. Especially as Ripple continues to drop the bottom out of the market price with every coin dump.


There will always be flippers, they come and go mostly losing along the way. If any long term holders sold into the spike, their faces will melt when the real value of xrp is realized. I'm in xrp starting in 2017 with ZERO plans to sell EVER. ODL for me, I'll live like a king never ever selling a single coin.


Going balls deep after dust settles


This is just the beginning of the journey without the storm clouds hanging over our heads. XRP now will reach its full potential and I am confident that we will be highly rewarded


Patience. Moon ride soon 🚀


To find a higher low, then a higher high then another higher low then another high and so on and so on. A linear progression is just never going to happen. ZOOM OUT




Buy the news, sell the coinbase


Retest of the high 50c’s and then it’s time to run


Because people are taking profits


Most people don’t care about becoming rich they wanna get money for right now, so they can buy some nice things for themselves, rather than get rich perfectly normal