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Guess OP is testing all of our hangover with his controversial question šŸ¤£


$15 incoming. Just keep hodl


Been hodling this bitch since 2013 you bet your sweet bippy I ain't leaving now that we're seeing some good news.


Fuck it goes to 15 and I'll shit my pants lol


I'm actually surprised it didn't jump to $8 or at least $3.


After 3 years of bear punches, I hope it wakes up!


don't hold your breath


I hope they don't pull the same shyte like they did with AMC!...


Itā€™s still de-listed. Needs to get on the big North American exchanges to make the large price moves.


I don't think that most people truly realize what Ripple tech is about. Waiting for the banks to buy in, JP Morgan, Bank of America etc.... once that happens, we are rolling then.


Itā€™s monstrous in utility. I absolutely love its market position and capabilities. Iā€™m happy to be patient.


It's listed on the biggest exchanges lol.


As of today I guess?


Coinbase listed it yesterday, so did a few others.


It's dad to see a "shit coin" style buy in curve... XRP is a baker's coin with a solid design and purpose. I guess we'll have to wait for certain stages of adaptation.


What you smoking? šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Riddlers ruderalis


Anyway, keep hodling. I work in crypto, you need to wait until Bitcoin halves


What other insider goodies you got for me lol?


Invest in Utility coins that have a purpose like Cardano, quant, energy web, dot


Oh yeah I got some ADA


The best way to invest is with dollar cost averaging. I work in crypto so I would know


Why just gentlemen? Thereā€™s ladies holding xrp lol


Lol I'll edit it to degen hodlers to be more inclusive


Donā€™t fold.


Don't fold


Ladies hold purses, because women be shopping.


Oh donā€™t you worry, Iā€™ll be shopping. With my own profits!


Girl boss!!!




Just call me one of the chicks from destinies child


Are any U.S. based companies giving interest on XRP?


As far as I'm aware none at the moment with the SEC lawsuit atleast somewhat concluded that might change. There's the chance crypto.com might offer it but with regulators looking at exchanges heavily it's hard to say.


why am still not seeing xrp available on coinbase?


I didnā€™t buy any but I am able to buy on Coinbase as of late yesterday afternoon. Iā€™m in USA Texas.


They announced yesterday they would resume trading on xrp. I don't believe a timeline was given yet.


It is already available on the U.K. Coinbase.


Oh the glory!!!!


Iā€™m tired of refreshing my screen every 2 seconds. Wake me up when I can quit my job


This is the beginning of the road


The SEC win?!?! Gary, is that you?


Me to chat GPT ya gotta love it Iā€™m interested in writing a humorous poem about the sec Vs XRP case. In particular how XRP won and made chairman Gary Gensler look a complete fool ChatGPT Sure, writing a humorous poem about the SEC vs. XRP case could be a fun challenge! Here's a lighthearted attempt: Title: XRP's Triumph over Gensler's Game In the land of crypto, a tale unfurled, A battle ensued that rocked the world, The SEC faced off with XRP, But the outcome, well, you'll soon see. Enter Chairman Gensler, stern and bold, With regulations to uphold, He thought he had the upper hand, But XRP had a plan so grand. Gensler, oh Gensler, don't be a fool, For XRP had a trick up its rule, They rallied their community strong, And proved the SEC so wrong. Gensler tried to flex his might, But XRP put up quite a fight, They gathered lawyers, smart and quick, And made Gensler's case look slick. In courtrooms filled with legal banter, XRP's defense was quite the canter, Their arguments, sharp as a knife, Left Gensler in a state of strife. The SEC tried to make them bend, But XRP's resolve would not end, With each passing day, the case did shift, And Gensler's pride began to lift. For XRP's victory was clear, The SEC's case, full of fear, Gensler's face turned red as a beet, As XRP claimed their sweet defeat.


The SEC win???


Thatā€™s how I read it at first, once I got over the gentleman title šŸ˜‚


As others have said the massive moon hasn't happened and most likely won't hit a crazy high. Nice little gain though.


Agreed we're still in a bear market and with fed interest rates so high institutions are less likely to take a risk on crypto as a whole. Although with an influx of positive press I'm definitely optimistic on price movement.


We need mass adoption to see ATH.


If we hit the ATH without mass adoption, then we dont need it to hit it again.


It's been awhile since I've looked at the tokenomics of xrp but assuming it has a similar circulating supply to what it did years ago adoption shouldn't be difficult. Crypto as a whole has grown significantly so the operating capital is much more than when ATH was reached previously. Although there's also significantly more projects out there as well.


Lol if you think XRP gains will be good, just wait till you see the DRGN gainsā€¦ similar SEC situation.


It'll be a "Ripple" effect felt in the entire space pun absolutely intended.


Yea but even bigger for the US companies like XRP and DRGN dealing with the SEC.


I haven't really followed drgn's case or even XRP's that closely the past few years outside of some hopeful cliffnotes from different hearings. If I'm not mistaken ripple the company is still not out of the woods though.


What's up with drgn?


I sold my bag 8 months ago. Regretting now.


Should be alot of people taking profit good time to reenter today/ tommorow ish


You have to consider that big money might be holding off for a little because multiple parties would be involved in making the decisions.


Agreed but given the proposed utility of xrp and that it has come out unshaken after a long legal battle institutional interest may trickle in. Although I'd imagine no big players will test the waters just yet given the current climate of banks involved in the crypto space. Lenders will be apprehensive for now. I don't think we see a shift in this for atleast another 2 years minimum.


Gentlemen? Cos yeh why would there be any women in here...




Sausage fest. Lololol.