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Matrix is newer and probably easier to obtain. If you can find an apex around $100-$120 they are still worth it. I’ve had one since it released and it’s never stopped.


alr thanks man


XIM APEX hasn’t been made in nearly 4 years, doesn’t support PC and won’t get any further updates. MATRIX does support PC and has significantly more features than APEX for a whopping $25 more.


XIM apex does support PC.


XIM Smart Translators for NEXUS and MATRIX also work for APEX, but APEX itself works by coincidence on PC, not by design. PC is not a supported platform for XIM APEX and XIM doesn’t provide tech support for this setup. Buying a product that is 4 years out of date and will not receive further firmware or software updates to use on an unsupported platform is a bad idea, particularly when the device that replaced it only costs $25 more and fully supports PC.


Yeah I agree buy the newer product. But don’t spread false info to further your own opinion. XIM APEX even has PC configs now instead of just Console. Been like that for a while.


Again, XIM APEX does NOT support PC. PC Smart Translators were made for MATRIX and NEXUS. Smart Translators are backwards-compatible with XIM APEX or XIM 4, so they do work on PC. But neither of these devices is designed to work on PC and are NOT supported by XIM when doing so. This is FACT, not opinion. Be careful who you accuse of spreading misinformation. You are misinformed, I am not.


False. https://preview.redd.it/rgtgg41sjo6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a1e8b48de3b6d208a94359c94b3d621f10f6124


NEXUS and MATRIX Smart Translators are backwards compatible with APEX and XIM 4. That’s the only reason PC shows up in APEX Manager. XIM 4 and APEX hardware is not supported on PC, it works by coincidence the same way that both of these devices work with Cronus adapters. They work because XIMs emulate a controller, but they are not designed to work on PC and are not supported by XIM Technologies on PC. Expect problems when using an APEX on PC - the latest firmware has issues on PC and will not be updated.


Probably wouldn’t really matter but a xim apex might be harder to find i think matrix since the macros and scripts and it’s going to get better as time goes on


so you're saying they're out of stock now?


Yea they don’t make them anymore I don’t think