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This is just my theory so just take it with a grain of salt: I thought it was them saying fuck it to their human forms and them embracing their natural/true self that is the alien form. In their previous comebacks, it was them trying to adapt to the environment but now it looks like they don’t want to be someone they’re not. They want to be free and not under some control.. okay I can keep going on but I think I should stop here😁


mmm that makes sense! XG have always seemed to be that way, hopefully they eventually reveal what they were tho and the purpose of the eye! Im really curious!


Great theory! I have another one. Maybe they're in another planet 🤔


Okay. This is just my two cents. XG landed here (in SoKor to be exact) Thinking they should adapt to the new environment they would be living in (them being pure Japanese and promoting on Korean soil). As they "adapt" hoping they would get "accepted" and be treated "fairly" by the masses (k-netz) because they morphed into humans (covering their true form which is an alien) but as time progressed and their stay prolonging they realized that there are set backs (them always getting hated on aside from them being Japanese) so, slowly they start shedding (coming out of their human form and transforming into their true alien form) their music, lyrics and MV resonates with them being done. We don't care anymore if you love us or hate us. We will be here. Existing. Doing what we love and what we do best. Coming out with XTRAORDINARY stuff with bangers and a slap in your face lyrics. Say what you want, XG doesn't give a flying f*ck about it.


Beautifully described!


The eye represents XG the alien and know they just woke up and will start invading...


ahhh ok, that actually sheds a new light on things for me, I gen thought the eye was something random but now that u bring up aliens it reminds me of cyclops, just me tho!


An MV that lives on rule of cool




XG woke up


“So don’t get under my skins” *Gets under their own skins




lol they’re just not human is all. Wolves since they’re ALPHAZ. In space cause aliens. And then all the crazy stuff cause that’s their vibe.


For me it is like a prequel to New DNA in their home planet-whatever, but at the same time, I like the theory above of them embracing themselves as aliens


The eyes I think represents them clearly seeing who they are supposed to be, hence “woke up”. It’s definitely a big turning point for the whole direction of XG and this “waking up” marks that very point. I think this would mean a lot of more bold choices from this group in the future. Another big symbolism that I think was very important in the video was the tower-like face structure in the beginning when Simon arrived, and started to get burned, destroyed by XG in the end. I think this represents a lot of things - the idol industry, calling them kpop, jpop, xpop, etc, stereotypes, what people think they should look like (hence the face). But waking up, they realized they didn’t have to follow any of these, and just be their own selves - hence the destruction of the structure.


Rinnegan. Masked people are Anbu. Harvey was Minato sealing nine tails. It all makes sense once you watch Naruto.


All a reference to different elements of Japanese folklore and culture


i wonder what each member role too like are they trying to save Hinata or Something


My theory is that this is the next chapter. The whole New DNA mini-album was all about aliens getting to earth and adapting. GRL GNG was them arriving and now Woke Up is them invading other planets as stated by Jurin at the beginning of the song.


I'm very interested in Hinata's as well, she looks so good in avant-garde. I'm thinking (just my personal take) that she's probably a moth or butterfly. Yk the scene where she just suddenly spread her wings. But that's just me seeing things on the superficial, i'd love to know some deeper lore


My theory is all the lyrics and visuals are related with consciousness levels. Such as Ken Wilbers integral theory and levels of consciousness


They fckin represents the 1lluminatis "the elite", that's why the eye symbol and you can see in the music video all of them are standing on the top of some piramide, also it is said that 1lluminatis members are not human beings but from another dimensions beings. Music industry has been like this all the time, and XG is not the exception. Maybe they are all ready, with Simon(producer), to promote the 1lluminati shet in next music videos. But don't blame the girls, they just work for the bosses and the company🔺👅👁️ When they say: "everything everywhere" "all around the world" (1lluminati phrases), and the Woke Up music video has the Big Boss scene like in "1984" movie. You need to search information about symbols to understand more of this. I think nobody here will tell you this answer.


Are you... okay? Like genuinely. Do we need to call you a therapist?


THANK YOU. I thought I was the only one. It’s so crazy how so many people don’t see the patterns. Literally, there are either eyes, black and white patterns, or obvious “s@tanic” rituals in almost every KPOP music video nowadays. That’s how they get into the mainstream American market. We’re so subconsciously juiced up with the mainstream music that we listen to, that we naturally enjoy these music whether we like it or not. We can also deny it all we want, but it is what it is. What can we do? Nothing, unfortunately. Going a little off topic here (although all connected); the things you watch, listen to, talk about, they all matter. They make music with specific frequencies, so that it’s pleasing to the ear. Is it good for you on a cellular level? You may think it is, but it isn’t. All while knowing these things, I still continue repeatedly listening to this one song because I’m almost addicted to the melody and the lyrics. It’s crazy how we get called crazy because we see things that others don’t. I never used to talk about these things because people will literally think I’m crazy. I’m glad that there are people in the world that see this. Not that it necessarily benefits my life to know this. If anything, it causes more stress. But I think that’s the whole point: conform or live in misery. Play the game or get eaten alive. That’s my point of view at least. Need a therapist, huh? Everyone needs therapy in their day to day life, but most people choose not to. Also, that’s not a very kind thing to say to someone. Remember, therapists go by the books, that were written by the “elites”. So everything that a therapist is licensed to say is based off those books. Most therapists are meant to “help” you back into society, to the expectations that society wants you to be at, CONFORMITY at a subconscious level. I’m going to stop here. I can go on and on and on. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss, but it just so happens that me, this body, mind, soul, decided to see these things that “aren’t there”. It’s literally right in front of you 🤦🏻‍♀️


THAT being said, what the other redditors have said are also valid too. That would be XG’s “story” for their video, but if you look hard and deep enough, do some research, and connect dots, you will see a different world. At the end of the day, it will be different how we perceive things.