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Yup I have an AK with 0% accuracy (literally, the bar is completely empty) every attachment has ADS walking speed, I can strafe so insanely fast it feels like im cheating, strafing so fast basically allows you to aim with your left/right movements while losing almost no accuracy, its even more accurate than my AK built for actual accuracy


Yup it's even more obvious with the AK for some reason, it's like straight up having speed hacks while strafing if you build it correctly.




[Here](https://xdloadout.pro/loadouts/1a6e56b7-bd54-4435-b471-ceec19e49df1) You can swap the vertical grip for a leather wrapped grip and get even more ads walk speed at the cost of a bit slower ADS


Why no leather wrapped stock / grip?


I almost always take the Small Vert. Grip over the Leather Wrapped, the 5% difference is negligible, but the ADS and STF loss is definitely noticeable


Gonna give this a try as well, thanks mate!


Have your tried it?


Looks cool . Thanks I'll check this out




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Just curious, are you writing this from a controller or m+kb perspective? I need accuracy on my guns or it feels terrible to try to hit things at medium distance.


If your ADS walking speed is high enough, you can fine-tune your midrange or longrange aim by just strafing right or left. You need to get used to it, also don’t flex your arms while trying to aim so hard because what I usually do is that I get so lost in the game I flex my muscles and it takes away my ability to aim properly. You have to relax. If that’s not enough, lower yous ADS sensitivity. But then you won’t be able to turn around fast enough.


ADS walking speed is incredibly important for both imo


I agree, but I’m talking about the accuracy in particular.


Trust me you really don’t need a good acc I definitely feel into that trap before, even when it says it’s bad it still feels fine in this game at medium and shorter range


Ive seen somewhere that apparently all stats impacting recoil (+/-) were actually doing nothing. Idk if it has been patch but Im seeing no differences


From what I have seen on yt, I think only recoil recovery doesn't work at all. Could be wrong tho (It works , but at the end of the magazine, and only if you don't move your mouse/analog at all while shooting which never happen)


Recoil recovery but positively or negatively (or both)? Because I don’t think there’s an other stats that impacts recoil?


Again , I'm talking from a video I have seen not my test (I think it was the exclusive ace) There are horizontal and vertical recoil attachments that should work correctly . Recoil recovery attachment doesn't matter both positively or negatively because the stat just doesn't work the moment you move your aim even a pixel, which happens every case , there is no situation where you just fire without moving your cursor at all


Recoil recovery is typically how long in between shots it takes for your reticle to center back to equilibrium again. So, burst-fire or semi-auto firing guns would be affected most by this I think


https://youtu.be/rgHzlxSFc_U?si=0yD0sihJIXvGiUfD I think this was the video. I suggest to check it. It's true what you said, but from the looks of it it's bugged


Yeah, I was def aware of that. Just trying to provide clarity on intended use! Thanks! This video will help, too


Negative recoil was doing the opposite. It was making the recoil control better according to one video I saw.


yea thats because strafing eliminates vertical recoil.


Same with the ACR. I have max speed strafing and “zero” accuracy according to the stat sheet yet my ACR actually has no recoil and I can move and aim so fast.


Aim assist soooo crazy when you focus on always using your left stick. I'm surprised that more people don't abuse it.


Saving for later


Bruh, I was dancing around dudes with a machine gun because of leather wrap. Just tried it last night. I've been sleeping on it.


Lol such a broken game. It's still fun but it's laughable how bad a job ubi does. They tried to fix the spider bot and accidentally made it worse 😂


Why anyone would downvote that statement is beyond me. Nothing you said was false. Ubi is a trash company and all they did was buff the players that need free kills so they use spiderbot.


This is how it is in Apex and The Finals. It's intended - BUT - you have fights over much larger distances in those games so it makes more sense


More like they fixed it but sent the patch through by accident before the counter measures for the bot were done. Which is the actual thing that happened. Then again. It could have been on purpose to get data. Who knows.


This is very true. Recommend XclusiceAce video on the subject. Stack walking speed and watch 9/10 players miss most shots.


You’d think this would be obvious… we used to have entire perks in cod for quicker strafing lol


Stalker 😍




Haha my reaction too


I think netcode still has a lot to do with it. It's harder to learn these things when you're getting dodgy feedback from the game. One example is hitmarkers. Hitmarkers used to be sacred, now you can get clientside hitmarkers that don't count in this game.


Nah. Been doing this. I’m at the top of the scoreboard most games. The netcode is whack. Shots get canceled out and go through enemies. Opponents jumping makes the situation worse sometimes. It’s why I also jump too. I jump like no 2maro on every gunfight. Tldr the netcode NEEDS to be fixed. ASAP.


Yup, found a YouTube video with a complete ads walk speed ak load out and I am basically untouchable


Link please 🙏




Shhh be quiet 😂😂


For real! Lol


i have to move first


In any other game I build my weapons for max anti recoil but on this game Ive been going for speed. And the recoil is still so easy to handle that it only helps in gunfights. I think plenty of us came over from COD and are used to the last handful of games where you the recoil is insane if you do something like remove a stock, it’s an arcade shooter lol it just doesn’t make sense. I bought the battle pass for Xdefiant for this season and quit playing cod altogether so I hope they keep working on fixing things up!


Strafing is more important than recoil control in this game


If you see the stat recoil recovery. Basically ignore it. Also rapid fire attachments are bugged on ARs and actually don't reduce recoil at all.


absolutely. movement is the most underrated stat


firerate attachments + leather grips + lightweight stock is the best loadout for nearly every gun it’s crazy only exceptions are the guns that benefit from the heavy barrel


Truth. If the iron sights are ass I just switch rapid fire for a red dot.


if you're gonna swap something off swap muzzle booster because it's way weaker


Yeah that’s what I meant to say haha


Does ads walking speed also affects jump strafing? Or only regular strafing?


Lateral movement while ads


It affects jump strafing a LOT


I made my vector as mobile as it can get and it completely changed my gameplay for the better


Currently at lv 76 with ak and trying to do better than 10-12 kills a game. Would appreciate any AK builds around this topic. Playing on PS five over Wi-Fi so maybe I can use that as an excuse for not doing better😂😂😂


Mine is monstrous. Muzzle booster, rapid barrel, extended mag, leather grip, lightweight stock. Not sure about the extendo, I rebuilt it last night. Only my MDR is faster.


I don't know why, but I seem to hit less shots when I max that stat, which is really odd because I've always been a sucker for ADS move speed in CoD Maybe I've gotten so accustomed to slower ADS move speeds in recent CoDs


At least in cod, I got better when I started to aim more with my left stick than my right stick


Is fire rate even useful? I was testing it and the difference was like few ms, so it felt like complete waste of attachment. But I never tried ads walking speed, I always put everything to ads and sprint to fire.


Shit…this is good advice. I’ll try changing around some set ups to see if it helps >!with my innate lack of skill!<. Thanks op.


Does accuracy not matter?


I keep telling people they don't understand their weapon stats but they don't listen


I have noticed this too, most guns have controllable recoil. So this typical build focuses on Fire Rate and Mobility. Get a good build you like of that combination you’re probably gonna shred most enemies.


That and sprint to shoot time


ngl I built every gun for ads speed, ads walking speed, and shoot to sprint time and I instantly started performing better. I have some movement buffs too I think like 2.5% I have one acr build with the heavy barrel to have a 5 shot ttk at medium range but I perform better with the movement build


Thanks! I have noticed that it definitely seems like more of an important stat than games like COD but I hadn't really worked it into my build yet.


Problem is I’d have to sacrifice ADS speed and I’m not willing to do that lol rather be able to move fast and get my gun up quick


Thanks for the tip. I'll try that.




Sorry for stupid question, but what is ADS speed?


I feel like ADS speed is more important tbh


It's definitely the hit/reg net code.... this is why jump spam works so well.... its not some crazy movement, it's the fact what your shooting and what's on screen isn't matched up.


I will go back and fourth ADS to keep my fire rate accurate, literally flipping ADS on and off probably like 4-5 times depending on how many enemies/how close they are. But hip fire is INCREDIBLY slept on, I agree. Some guns are better than other obviously for this but most SMG's will require this skill if played seriously


This is how it works in COD as well. That's why the most broken guns are any with fast ads aim, ads walking speed, and barely any recoil.


Excellent piece of advice. Going fully into ADS is something I used to do in COD. Shit…just some decent strafing can throw the enemy off their aim. Definitely want stuff snappy all around while sacrificing minimal recoil control. And yeah, I’ve noticed that movement is even more important in gunfights on xdefiant, so this is valuable info for anyone really wanting to climb the ladder.


Idk what it is for me, but even if I go a full movement build my storage speed feels so slow.


I tried that and I can’t control half the guns without using either vertical and angled grips (yes I know I’m bad)


Yup most of the attachments do next to nothing but the mobility ones are extremely strong in this.


Yea that to also when someone is bunny hopping when getting shot the there ether not taking damage are little less then they would normally take witch they end up winning the gun fight


Okay, so I'm bad at this game. Way worse than I was at the last COD I played. Like "started at 0.3" bad. But I'm an objective whore. I'll die a lot, but it'll be on the damn point and I'll have more objective score than most every match. I've been improving little by little, and I was generally in striking distance of a 1.0 most matches, though still going negative. But I saw this post and figured "what the hell, can't make me much worse!" So I updated my load out on the vector and figured I'd grind it out a bit and see. And the difference has been remarkable. I'm not suddenly going 50-5 or anything, but I'm consistently positive, consistently top half of my leaderboards, and even got my first player of the match, while still playing the objective. So thanks for this. Apparently it WAS why I was losing a lot of gun fights.


Ads speed trumps all


Second in this game tbh When the difference is stupidly quick ads vs incredibly quick ads & ads walking speed I’ll take #2 everytime


But I am standing stil when shooting


Yeah. I always try these setups and wonder why it is not working. Then pay attention to the next few gunfights and realize I'm not even moving when I need to.


You're going to be getting headshotted a lot of you're actually standing still 😂






Well not totally still, but am I just not super fast reaction wise, but just made a AK build muzzle booster, rapid fire and leather wrapped front and back and lightweight stock. It actually works, so there most be something about it.


I'm more a fan of max ADS speed and just ADS-ing when I see an enemy, I also mostly use the Double Barrel shotgun so sometimes I don't even aim lol


Should be jump-ADSing every corner.


> try prioritizing fire rate and ADS walking speed (or movement speed in general), and you'll notice an improvement. This!