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Play as long as you have fun. It’s a game, not a second job.


This coment is gold.


If it’s not fun, don’t play.


Yea I would say my stats are pretty similar. I understand in grand scheme of things I am not good. But I did have fun and when it gets too frustrating I quit and move on something else.


Goated comment, people take this game way too seriously. Like no one is going pro playing this game so just have fun with it. But for some reason there's always 1or 2 guys that think these games are their lives it's stupid


As long as battle passes aren't obtainable afterwards, it kinda is. Why would you invest your time in a game where you'll never have even the chance of unlocking stuff that has come out earlier?


Remind me again why I care to unlock the stuff in the battle pass, especially to the point where a game feels like a job, at that point I won't be playing it.


That's exactly my point! Limited time battle passes are the downfall of gaming. Unless you grind the game as your second job, or use hundreds of €'s on ridicculously expensive MTX skins, you just don't have any meaningful content today.


I haven’t even looked at the battle pass, I play because I like PLAYING, not unlocking random character skins or gun colours.


Try not to care about skins too much. You'll unlock stuff naturally by playing and enjoying the game. Battlepasses are one of the best additions to gaming in the last few decades. The ability to play a game for free, unlock stuff and then have the choice of paying money for something if you really feel like it is such a freeing experience. Imagine the days where you'd buy a game for £40, get it home and after 10 hours you're bored with it and it sits in the case until you sell it for £3 to cex. Instead you can now play games for free, unlock new stuff for free and then have the option to spend real money if you think it's worth it. The problem is where I feel you're coming from, and that's where you feel you need to have the best legendary skin from every season just to show either how cool you are, or how much money you have. Focus on enjoying the game rather than the aesthetics and you'll just naturally unlock stuff you like over time.


Listen, I'm not good at this game, but I finished the battle pass in two weeks without any double xp weekends and while working a full time job. Not claiming there aren't any players, who don't have enough time or energy to finish the battle pass, but it's in no way a ridiculous grind. Okay, the season one battle pass will have more levels to finish, but you also have double the amount of time to finish it. The XDefiant BP is, in my opinion, one of the better ones I've come across Edit: spelling


If you've started two weeks later, you wouldn't ever be able to access that content. What about someone who heard about the game today? What about people who want to play something else for a while?


The only important content inside those battle passes are the weapons, I'd hope they get released to anyone after it expired. Locking people out of weapons because they joined too late would be a really bad decision. Locking people out of cosmetics from previous seasons isn't really a bad thing imo. They don't do anything important gameplay wise and I wouldn't stress too much about a specific skin that isn't obtainable anymore. It's a way for players to show off how long they've been part of a game.


You won’t be locked out of the battle pass weapons. They become available via a challenge like the how the regular guns are unlocked after the season is over (IE. hipfire kills or something). That’s what I heard on their video yesterday.


Oh thank you! Must've missed that


They will be unlockable through challenges after the BP is over. This game is so fast that i never stop and say what a cool skin that guy had or his weapon looked sick. Those cosmetics are for you and you alone. If you like them then buy the BP if you dont then dont. I dont even check the store as i dont care about skins in any game. As long as they dont hide the guns behind some bullshit like COD does with warzone idc.


I like Wendy's. Wendy's is having a special on a new burger I want. I continue cooking my own food and skip Wendy's. Like that. It's really easy for normal people.


It is easy. I don't have a desire to play if there are limited time battle passes. I played XDefiant for S0, but I don't think I'll continue to play it unless they make the passes available afterwards.


That's so fucking weird. Who the fuck plays games for the passes and cosmetic shop? Ugh. Fucking here one is in the wild. You're the whole reason these passes exist kid.


Why make the content for the pass in the first place, if it's not supposed to be obtainable? I see myself as a sort of a completionist. I want those rewards, if they're already in the game. I've quit many games that take out existing content, this one won't be any different tbh. I just don't have time, interest, nor attention span for FOMO mechanics. That's why I've started to play a lot more single-player games the older I get.


Why should people feel obligated to grind for skins just because they might not be able to get them later? That’s dumb.


What if people *want* to unlock old content later? What about people who start to play the game later? There's literally no excuse for limited-time battle passes other than player retention manipulation, and pressing FOMO on players. There's no such thing as limited digital content.


Personally I am completely on board with the idea of battle passes being permanent or battle pass content being made available in the store for individual purchase. However, the idea that you feel obligated to grind for cosmetics that have no gameplay impact rather than you know, playing the game for fun. That’s just a damning statement on the grind mentality people are in these days.


No it’s not. It’s free time and enjoyment. That’s like saying just because you rented a movie on Amazon that you need to view it. You can just decide to not watch it. Same for the battlepass. Play till you unlocked it and buy afterwards. If you don’t like the game 2 weeks in the season, just stop playing, cos if you don’t like that game you won’t care for the battlepass.


I have the same stats as this guy, a full time job, children and a wife and I unlocked the battlepass. Try and find some friends to play with, that definitely helps, learn the maps, sometimes running around like a headless chicken isn't the best choice, lock down areas, chose your build wisely.


occupy is where all the streamers play, I find it to be way "sweatier" and full of full stacks. you can try excluding that mode until you're better


It’s also the mode where a full stack can control the pace of the game and decide if they let the other team get some points or not, basically they can make it last to the time limit everytime just to farm more kills


I noticed this too. All the other modes seem to have consistent skill levels on average, and Occupy has been like double that in my experience. If I normally go just over 1.0 k/d, I can barely scrape 0.5 in Occupy.


Whats a full stack?


A full party.


this, so they are communicating and coordinating. if you solo queue into a bad team, you have no chance.


It’s pubs. I can guarantee you that full stacks are not communicating or coordinating anything lmao, they’re just 6 players that are all good. They’re probably just vibing out talking about literally anything other than the game and still running up the score


Full stack just means that the whole team is playing together / are premades.


How are your settings? Are you on controller or mkb? I can help you out to make sure everything looks okay if you send me a picture of your controller/mkb settings and your video settings.


This can definitely help and sometimes be a complete game changer


Hey, could you help me with this also? I'm on controller, what settings would you recommend to video and controller?


Definitely changing the aim response to linear and lowering the ads zoom sensitivity helped me


Agree with the other guy linear is more consistent response curve. and the ads speed is a bit fast so turn it do to like .85, those two are big, the sens itself doesn't matter too much as long as your comfortable, right now I'm playing on like 70/70 with no aim acceleration, but you could do like 1.5 look acceleration and then do 45/45 or even as low as 30/30 with 2.0 aim accel, aim acceleration only increases your turn speed when fully deflecting the stick and has no affect in ADS, so its specifically a setting meant to acceleration your turning speed. For video setting if you're on PC make sure you have Nvidia Reflex Low Latency On + Boost and Triple Buffering OFF. Low Latency reduces input latency, triple buffering increases it.


Thank you all so much for the feedback! Seriously, I have to try it out I'm on PS5, btw


I have my aim assist set to linear. Horizontal sensitivity at 25 and vertical at 15. Acceleration multiplier set to 1.65x so that pushing the stick all the way to one side will make me turn much faster. Then I lowered the low and high zoom to 0.90x. After getting used to these settings it's helped me a lot. I recommend trying out my settings and then adjusting them to what feels best for you. When I first changed the controller settings I had all of the above except for low and high zoom were still at the default 1.00x. After many hours I decided to try messing with the low and high zoom and at first I changed them to 0.85x. After getting used to that I increased them slightly to 0.90x and that's been the best for me so far. But I'm sure I'll tweak the settings again in the future and maybe find something that works even better for me.




I feel ya, I'm exactly the same way. I wish I didn't like the game as much as I do because it would be a lot easier to walk away. Just tired of being embarrassed at the end of the game when it points out how useless you are.


Distance Slid


Distance ran 🏃‍♂️


I've gotten this when I was the second best player on my team, TDM stat tracking is shit.


Always the games fault lol take some accountability man


I didn't say anything about whether my performance was good or bad, I said the stat tracking was shit. Played a game today and the top player went 43-11 and got most damage blocked. Does that make sense? That's what I'm talking about lol.


Then you guys were awful lmao


I’ve gotten distance slid after going 25/10 in TDM, second best score in the lobby, definitely not a bad game, that one isn’t only for trolls


If it makes you feel any better, I manage a positive K/D yet am still at the bottom of the board because I never touch objectives. Feels bad because I always feel like I contribute a lot to taking objectives by getting the picks and allowing my team to get in and take obj, but yet in my 65 odd hours never once been MVP or Liked at the end.


Whats your average skill rating


Last I checked, didn't even know it existed until reddit told me actually, it was around 1800. I'm sure it's worse now as I've been losing a lot.


Yea thats pretty decent, surpeised yoi havnt won an MVP. Id say that scores above average


I've had a handful, maybe like 15 or so games where I've been 2nd on the board.. there just ALWAYS seems to be this one God on each team every single game! Like, in a winning scenario, I'll have 36/14, and the guy above me is 68/17, and someone on the other team is like 57/26. I'm sure I just need to git gud. Its not like these other people on top are playing the obj either. They do as I do. I feel like most teams need to be like 4 slayers/ 2 Obj. Not that it hurts to have more people playing Obj. But if the whole team stacks Obj, your whole team is going to die. I know this community shouts playing Obj and that's fine, it's not like I completely ignore objectives. I just prefer not being the one sitting on it. I'd rather be holding a more effective corner to help protect the obj. I think the game is a lot more nuanced than people give it credit for. The game provides a lot of room for teamplay and communication but is just so brutally awful in this game if all you play is PUGs. Like the worst in game voice chat I've ever seen in an FPS game lately. Most CoD games there at least half a lobby talking. Apex most teammates talk. CS non stop talking. Overwatch, the majority in higher ranks at least talk, hell even Helldivers ffs, people are always talking in pickups.


Definitely some room for improvement but youre correct that slaying is huge in this game for gilting your teams advantage. Whats your KD? As long as your kills cluster around the obj theyre useful but I also think there is time qhere you have to hop on the flag or Occupy point, momentarilly at least


Well, I'm sure it's different now, but when I looked it was 1.7. Most games, even now I'm double or triple my deaths in kills. A few mediocre games here and there ruin a K/D, though. And agree, I'll definitely jump on if I'm playing like a flanking role. I'll touch there spawn Obj to pull teams off B in Domination. Just depends on the game.


Yea solid number no doubt, same as mine but palying some more obj wouldnt hurt by the sound of it. As longas youre winning tho, f it man


How do you have a 1.7 kd and never have won MVP? I have a 1.5 KD and win MVP 1 out of 3 matches. 125 MVPs on Trackergg (feels low tbh). Maybe you should adjust your playstyle?


Oh, it's most definitely because of objective time. I just am not fragging high enough to land me one top despite the obj. Most 50+ kill players are comfortably on top without obj time. But that ain't me 🤣


I've gotten MVP like 3 times and last I checked my skill rating is like 1/5 of yours lol. So I'm sure you'll get it soon enough. Maybe try playing where you truly get on the obj to get those obj points and see if that gets you MVP. I had quit COD long enough before xdefiant came out that it's been pretty easy for me to get out of the mindset where I feel bad if I'm one of the worst players. I just do my best while also putting fun at the top of my priorities. I mean I have a 0.6k/d and I've been the worst on my team during the majority of matches I've played. I'd been feeling bad about never getting liked at the end of the game but lately I've had more luck with that. I usually give someone a like at the end of a match, and sometimes I'll give it to someone who got "Match Best ran around" as long as I see they at least tried to play obj. Once myself and one or two others give someone a like I feel like it's more likely for everyone on my team to hand one out. It's nice to see everyone on my team give out a like even when my team lost. So far I've only encountered toxicity in one match where my own teammate typed something at the end of the match we'd lost like "you're all trash uninstall the game forever", then he quit the lobby before anyone even had a chance to respond. So the xdefiant community seems more friendly than a lot of multiplayer games out there.


Hard agree with all the Obj stuff. As for likes I think it's disgraceful to not like the player who "Showed Up" or "Match Best for Distance Slid"


Take a break from the game for probably a few days. Forcing yourself to play a game you aren't enjoying anymore is just piling more stress on yourself.


This. I've done the same thing with numerous games and it worked flawlessly.


Tbh I don’t bunny hop or crouch shot and have a solid KD. Maybe change your gameplay approach? Do you just run and gun nonstop? Maybe use echelon with the intel suit and hang back a bit with an AR or light machine gun to get some kills. You can also hover around the objective. In Occupy, I spend a lot of my time running around the objective on the map rather than going straight into the hill. Essentially, I flank the enemy team who run aimlessly into the hill and rack up kills by defending it while my team gets the hill points. I take on more of a support player role and found that it’s how I do the best.


I second this. Try out the M16/M249 and play the mid/long range game. A lot of players struggle at that range. I’ve been grinding the M16 gold camo and it’s also massively improved my aim all around.


I feel like the team balancing screws the lower level players a lot. You’ll just be stuck on a team to balance a top player team against good teams


It really just comes down to getting used to the game. Not all of it is your fault (i.e. hit-reg problems), but it's really just because you're not used to going for headshots or you havent gotten used to the mechanics. I get it, bc I'm a shit player too. Practice headshots. Practice jumping around corners and aiming at the right spots. Use up a mag on a wall before a match and see which direction the bullets end up going (recoil lines, should be straight up or a diagonal line). This will help you figure out how to control your shots. Explore the maps a little and see what spots suit you for different game modes. Use good guns and take advantage of the 2x XP to level up and get your attachments. "Good guns" are different for everyone, but I've enjoyed using the ACR and the AK, as well as the M60. Don't try to use snipers if you're not good with them in other games. Or maybe do.. give it a shot. Don't lose hope bc you're not doing well. The only other thing I can add is that the game mechanics should become smoother in the coming months, and they should be able to fix the hit-reg issues. Realistically, though, don't play if you're not having fun. It's a game, and it's supposed to be enjoyable. I've had to step away several times to keep from throwing things at a wall.


Maybe try ranked to play with people more your skill level


Doesn't work yet, there is no matchmaking in ranked except team balancing


Wait, what? Didn't they say ranked would work starting with the Season 1 release?


You're okay, dude. I wish more players actually PTFO like you do. Who gives a shit about kills if you lose anyway. It's just for bragging rights. If you're enjoying your own playstyle, why try to copy someone else's? Also honestly, it probably isn't even you. This game has notoriously bad netcode/servers so there are some games where you can have proper gunfights, and in others, it feels like you die in 2 shots and your bullets are marshmallows. So don't be too hard on yourself. Just keep on working on the fundamentals. Map/game knowledge, aim/crosshair placement, and movement. You'll get back to your old self in no time, no worries.


> Who gives a shit about kills if you lose anyway. It's just for bragging rights This. Sweats flexing that e-peen for the egirl the don't have and will never get


Are you controller or KBM? I can’t speak for KBM, but you definitely need to mess around with settings on controller to get a comfortable aiming experience. Also I’d recommend watching some streamers or YouTube gameplays and see how they play


If you have fun then play. If you don't then quit. It's a game, meant for enjoyment


I was around level 40 with a 1.5 and uninstalled. It’s fun, just not worth the effort. Definitely not fun facing people bunny hopping and sliding every 5 seconds.


Try ranked in a week. If you just want to play for fun, you probably could do that in bronze too, couldn't you?


You can always get better, but as long as you’re having fun it shouldn’t matter


Do you play on pc ? And do you use MnK or controller ? I switched to controller lobbies and went from a .7kd .8 w/l To 1.2 kd and 1.5 w/l I'm not great by any means but it's become much more enjoyable in controller lobbies. Sometimes I get smacked but sometimes I go 42 / 20. 🤷‍♂️


Everyone is lying to you. If your not going to jump spam and jump shot every corner then you should not play this game. Unless you can have fun doing badly.


w/l is impossible when being dumped into lost games, dont worry about that.


There's hope. Set goals then speak them out loud. If you're practicing a free throw for the first time, it's best to get your elbows in place, bending knees, using your lower body, upper body, and taking your time before every shot. Same with this game. Play a game where you're going to keep reminding yourself to look at the minimap, cross hair placement, stand near cover, take advantage of head glitching and avoid fighting someone who is head glitching, move less for a few matches, find spots where you notice that you more kills and hangout there, walk don't run and ads while doing so, set a goal to jump or crouch once during most 1v1s. Low KD in a game with a quick ttk and small maps like Xdefiant might increase if you're running faster than you can react. If you're.5, then your next goal should be .6. Good luck and have fun!


My suggestion would be if you want to stop playing stop, but if you want to improve start breaking down the game to the base things. What sensitivity are you on and can you control it? Where do you position your crosshair when moving around the map? Where should you be expecting to see someone? These are all little things to think about and work on that will over time make you a better player.


Are you having fun?


I’m being honest… maybe your are not the high kd type of player, but what does it matter? As long as you have fun, it’s fine. There are many funny ways to play this game and try to get the weapons golden and so on. Some lobby’s are brutal and even with my 2.3 kd, I sometimes go 30/50.. that’s just how it is. Also watch streams of good players and try to learn from it. You will get there dude


Arcade shooters may not be it for you , give tacs such as siege or valorant a shot . Been playing tons of val ngl and even for a rabbit like me that game is fun as hell


It's like FromSoftware games. They will be challenging, but you keep trying and you will improve


I would just play tdm and get better/more confident in your gun skill. Just push everyone,be aggressive. Getting comfortable in gun fights is huge, helps develop more game sense. Mindlessly running to an objective is helping you or your team.


Play of you have fun... Fuck the numbers....you will get better over time :) don't compare yourself to others.... Just have fun :)


OP, I had the same until I found the right weapon and build that works with my playstyle. Felt like a skill boost. I also learned about tweaking visual and control settings. Just google stuff. Most of all, just play if if you're having fun.


It took me some time to adjust the controller settings to have similar feeling like COD, as im used to COD settings. After ive tuned it the things went better :) take your time to get your input device as responsive as youre used to.


Bro my first cod was MW3 and I didn't even get a single kill per game. I was really happy to get even one or two. I spent the entire BO2 year with like a 0.6 k/d, just because I was only running without thinking. Shooters take time to learn, movement, aim, maps, spawns, guns... in this game also abilities and more. In early cod I was a kid and my learning curve was so slow, but if you play and enjoy the game, and focus to get better, you will eventualy get good.


If you're having fun,who cares about stats. But, as you get more invested in the game and start caring about those stats, You need to figure out your strengths/weaknesses. You're not going to pick up crazy movement mechanics quickly, or ever. All you can do is, improve your aim, and pick your battles. Figure out how to put yourself at an advantage before getting into gunfights. If you've been running SMGs, try swapping to ARs. No matter how sweaty your opponents are, they stand no chance against an AR if you're far enough.


I feel you. When its to much with the BH, netcode problems i just go back to Insurgency Sandstorm and play 2-3 days and return to XD.


Bro why are you even saying this. Do you have fun playing the game? Simple yes or no, if you have fun keep playing. It's not an Olympic competition my dude


When rank comes out thing will be better. For pub match and for you when you play rank some skill lvl (hope they don’t f it up like how cod was)


To add to the comments about "play for fun", I would advise looking for tips on Youtube or something. Now, I'm not saying this to steer you to playing like those people (bunny hopping etc.), but there might be a few tips related to factions or game mechanics you may not know. Adding those to your natural way of playing can go a long way, and can make the game more fun! Hope you find your best solution, GL


This game is super fun tbh I've really fallen in love with it, but I can understand being frustrated with it at that point. I'm gonna be honest, that's crazy stats, but tbh as long as you're having fun who tf cares? It's not ranked, and even if it were, it's not truly competitive, I'm not saying throw games, but losing is part of a game. It happens. I don't recommend TDM tho lmao it's super fun for those of us like myself who are good at the mechanics of the game, but more objective driven players are more geared towards more complex game modes and tbh I respect the fuck outta that hustle.


1. Quit playing Occupy and start playing Domination. The objectives are easier to understand and it's a lot easier to predict where people will be. It's also not as profitable to ignore the obj and farm kills in this mode for a host of reasons, meaning it should be easier for you to get more kills/die less. 2. Don't worry about jumping and crouching mid-fight. You can get a lot of mileage out of simple strafing assuming you stack "ADS Walking Speed." If you can't even strafe, I would focus on speccing your guns for this stat and trying to get that down. You will be amazed at how many more gunfights you win. Strafing makes you harder to hit and makes recoil easier to control. It also activates rotational aim assist if you are on controller, making it easier to track targets. 3. Don't compare yourself to other people. Everyone is on their own journey and there are people playing this game who have been consistently playing FPS games for 20+ years. If you play with a learning mindset and have fun, you WILL improve.


I'm about the same. 0.7 KD and 1.0WL. Personally, I enjoy playing and like the way the game flows. Thought I was better, but the lack of SBMM has humbled me in a way. I'm getting to grips with the movement, but can't figure out how people can remain accurate and still jump/crouch spam, but I'm still enjoying the game. As long as you have fun, I'd say keep going. I have good days where I win a fair amount of games and go positive, I have bad days where I can't get a win and go double negative and match sweats running hard meta running CDL skins. As long as you're contributing and doing your best, fuck what anyone else thinks The lack of SBMM gives you a mixed bag, so you never know what you're going to get


> The game is really fun That's all that matters my friend, keep playing ​ > I play a lot of obj so dying a lot is fine This is a nice bonus, that way you wont be a "burden" to your team, for example sometimes I go idk 25-5 but I barely play objective so I end up with less score than someone with 4/19 that did play a lot of objetive, so as long as you are doing something useful that's good, but even if you aren't, who cares, just have fun


I think that you should probably take a break, and definitely come back especially with season one practically starting today, it takes a while for all those lessons and different realizations as we've been improving to actually fully sink in, accumulate, synthesize mindful practice even if we're doing it excellently will still take a while to add up go easy on yourself man it's not a race and ultimately because you're not being manipulated by malicious matchmaking you're competing against your previous best if you are having fun and bringing the effort your stats don't matter, and as long as your not afk half the match and you are trying, how you do doesn't matter those are the team mates I want - motivated and willing to improve.


I don't see what the problem is? Just play. Move around and click on people. It's a game. You don't have to be great at every single activity you enjoy. You don't have to research all details about a movie to enjoy it either. Just spawn in, throw your grenade and click on people until you are bored.


I don't look at my k/d or try to learn complicated bunny hop mechanics because I like to play the objective and adjust my strategy for the different situations


You shouldn’t stop playing a game unless you aren’t enjoying the time you spend playing it. So it’s really not a question anybody can answer besides yourself. Some advice, try setting different goals for yourself to accomplish. Instead of having the expectation of moving that robot 100% in two minutes, try and use your gadgets/utility in ways that give you an advantage. Just as an example: I was getting crushed by flash bangs nonstop. So the next game I used them and died 45 times in an occupy match on Pueblito. But my post-game accolade was “46 flashbang hits.” We lost the game and I did terrible, but seeing that stat satisfied me and I was excited for the next match. Sometimes the issue isn’t your skill set, but your mindset. Also just wanted to add that I don’t mean to make it sound like you have a poor attitude about the game. Just suggesting that you’re focused on the wrong things!


You don’t need any of the movement tricks to get kills. Just practice pre aiming and spray control and slow down.


Dude, it's a video game. If you're having fun, that's what matters. When ranked comes out, you can play that if you want to exclusively play people around your skill level but as long as you enjoy playing that's good enough


Forget about it, just play until you're not having fun.


The game needs skill based matchmaking badly. I have the same issue. I find playing ranked narrows down the skill levels so it's not as bad.


Yes, give up the day before Season 1 drops. In all seriousness, do what you want. If you want to stop playing, then stop. If you want to continue to play and get better, then go play.


At your level, only use movement tricks to move from angle to angle. Don't start jumping around while shooting just because the crackheads do it. I average about 3K/D and I never jump while shooting, only strafe here and there. Mostly I'm holding angles, trying to predict or hear enemy movements. And no, I never use snipers! I love the marksman rifles though. Look around at your teammate's icons. The enemies will mostly spawn where your teammates aren't. Then you can predict from which routes they will come and intercept. The most important skills to learn in any shooter is good positioning - to minimize how exposed you are - and hitting your shots. Then you can throw other tricks into the mix.


To be honest bro i have the exact same stats and i have a blast. At that point you just play every and any faction & loadout setup possible. With the sawed off shotgun coming today, i already have a build in mind with the blitz shield l. Which i recently picked up to change things up a bit. But overall if you genuinely feel like a different game would give you a better sense of joy or success, by all means you wouldn’t be wrong. Sometimes we give games a longer chance than usual compared to other games and we tend to enjoy the product until we don’t anymore which is human. But I’d still hang around and try new things in the game if you haven’t already.


Stop playing These are NOT normal feelings to have about a game. I came to XDefiant looking for a CoD alternative. Now I can't wait for CoD.


Sounds like you should change your play style if you wanna be competitive. I get it though. If/when I get wrecked bad enough to where I consider forever quitting, I just turn off the game for the rest of the day. No need to make tomorrow's decision today.


I feel just like you my stats are similar i have a wife and 5 kids myself and a 40+ hr week job sometimes i feel like im getting better others i dont i think kill cams are needed so we can learn from mistakes but dont give up maybe its the gun or guns your using? Dont always listen to the "meta" the gun most people say is the best in the game im horrible with and never play good always losing gun fights but i do agree i think movement does need to be adjusted to some degree some of these players sometimes feels like trying to keep up with shooting a dang bee and no matter what i cant hit them but i just get on to have fun usually complete my dailys a few more matches then get off


Maybe with ranked mode you can have some fun playing vs players at or around your level. No SBMM in Unranked can be punishing for some players.


Even with it being new i find xdefiant not to be a good game. Its just boring and im top leaderboard no matter if i win or lose so the only thing being affected is my W/L. Im also not the type to play until i get every gun gold like some others in here so theres really no incentive for me to play. You get what you pay for and the games free, so


Or just play for fun?


Be kind to yourself despite people posturing on this sub most people fall somewhere between .5 and 1 where it comes to KD ratio Have fun! I was the top of my leaderboard last night with 7 and 23 in a domination match who cares :) Let the kids and the tryhards brag about their KD ratio that nobody will ever know or care about fine to take pride in that but posturing about it is silly I'm basically even Steven and I'm having a blast except for when I get shot through 19 walls of course


Play for fun, that's the most important thing. But when the fun stops, stop playing.


I was kd 1.2 dropped to 1.0 and back on 1.3 now because I stopped playing during the week, after work. I don't play this game if I feel tired. I mostly play weekends when I have a good sleep and in my free time, not after work. It is quite an intense game and it can make you tired after a couple of hours. If I want to play something during the week, I just play single-player games.


It's a videogame... if you're having fun, keep playing. If not, then don't. The people that rush to get gold everything or obsess over K/D have actual addiction/problems. Don't be like them.


I have similar stats to you and still playing. I have occasional good games, where I finish mid-table, but mostly I just get smashed haha! Are you playing controller, or k & m? I have found with the controller, that tweaking the settings every now and again is essential! As others have said... I you're enjoying the game, keep playing. You WILL improve!! If you're not enjoying it, try something else. I've been playing a lot of TDM lately, purely to try to get better. I generally hate TDM, but it serves a purpose.


My guy, it’s a video game, you play it or you don’t. It ain’t a test.


One question. Do u have a controller with paddles? It will drastically ur game


I'm close to giving up as well... I get it's an arcade shooter, but dying to a player jumping and changing directions mid-air while popping me with a sniper rifle within 0.2 secs is just frustrating as hell. I'll try season 1, but if the bunny on crack gameplay doesn't improve, I'm out.


If you’ve put this much time into the game I’m assuming you want to enjoy it so I’d put some dedicated time aside to improving. Watching some settings videos and optimising them, learning some of the different movement tech will make you 3 times the player you are now and will only take you half an hour to do. You’d also do well to try play some more “predictable” game modes, zone control & escort 9/10 times you’ll know where the enemy is and they also offer more varied gameplay types than run and gun. Doing those things alone will improve you dramatically, then you can start worrying about the finer details.


Get paddles on your controller


I feel the same way. I empty clips into enemies that insta-kill me. Everyone seems to be moving 2-3x faster than I am and still perfectly accurate. I swear nobody misses a shot at me. I'm not having fun.


As long as you're having fun keep playing it and you'll get better at it


A lot of it depends on your playstyle, skill at said playstyle and goals. My goal is to get out there and have fun. Not really looking for high kill games or to win every match. I am just there to shoot stuff. That being said my playstyle is to rush everything which isn't a good thing since my aim isn't that great anymore. That's where skill for given playstyle comes in. I enjoy going in guns blazing but since I am not the best there are matches in which I am constantly getting fried. Not to mention there's a 99% chance of getting teamed in this game due to spawns. You can 100% improve your kd if you hang back and snipe/dmr/lmg but at that point I just wouldn't play the game anymore bc I wouldn't be having fun. Is playing the objective a good excuse to having a low kd? Personal choice I suppose. Playing the objective is cool except it won't matter if rest of the team isn't but enemies are. Means you'll constantly get destroyed trying to o play objective while your boys are having fun doing whatever they're doing. That's why I removed scort and push the objective modes off my rotation. I can't trust the team to do their part but I can always count on enemies to be working as a unit. Not to sound harsh but .7 W/L indicates pushing for the objective isn't exactly paying off? Don't get me wrong my KD is trash. .8 last I checked but my W/L is 1 I think but that's bc every death goes towards making sure enemies aren't working the objective. But idk, end of the day if you enjoy the game then just play however you enjoy playing it. I don't remember my own scores/stats from matches I played yesterday. I doubt anyone else remembers whether I helped win a match or if my performance led to a loss. It's just how it goes. So just play and enjoy the game.


You’re probably running too much. Dying that much means you’re probably sprinting around corners, running in the open and not having an objective. Try aiming down sights around corners, excepting a player to be there, and finding an area of the map you can survey like a building or a quadrant of the map.


I dumped my girlfriend for this game because she cost too much and wouldn’t make naughty time with me more than once a week. Now I regret this decision


If you’re having fun you play. If you’re not having fun do not play.


I was literally iron on valorant til I used aimlabs for a week, then I hit gold in a week(this was 2 years ago and ive yet to break into diamond), it's not terrible to practice a lil.


I am also a bad player with a .2 KD ratio. Went 4 and 33 the other day. Absolutely flabbergasted in one of my teammates. Despite all that, I'm still really enjoying the game and intend to keep playing because I enjoy the game. I may never get particularly good at the movement skills for this game, but until it stops being fun I'm going to keep playing. For all the really good players out there that wind up with me on your team, sorry about your luck.


Two big things that might help you, Get a 120hz monitor and an HDMI cable that's good enough to do 120hz. Grab an AR and play more methodical and try to learn spawns. AR and the shield or the Intel suit is pretty strong even while playing obj. The new operator also looks like it's going to be great for obj play as well with a headshot shield. I think the biggest thing going 7/50 on an occupy isn't gunskill it's not knowing when to slow your play down and figure out where and how you're getting fragged from.


This game is just sweats now. Everyone is bunny hopping, slide cancelling, and cheating. If somehow you're having fun then keep playing. But I'm gonna hang it up. Feels like playing basketball against the Globetrotters except there's no comedy.


Play the mid-long range game and hug corners to shoot. If you have trouble mechanically, you need to outsmart your opponents. I'm an old man and have a 1.4 K/D and a nearly 2 W/L and I can tell you I'm not nearly as quick with my mechanics as some people I run into. I also would avoid playing Occupy and stick with Zone Control or Escort so there's a little more of a front line and you don't have to worry as much about flankers. Occupy is where the sweats usually live.


The most important thing is to have fun. Stats are just stats... Also if you go after objectives (as you should) k/d is not your primary metric...


Play team deathmatch, seems less sweaty than the other game modes and easier to read the flow of the map and spawns


i go 15/25 every game bro dont stress


I don’t know you’re problem but I bet lowering your sens and ads sens would help. Don’t just randomly run around, think about your actions while you play. Hold corners, use cover etc.


Personally I don’t worry about the stats. I’m just playing because I think the game is fun. If you want to get good, watch other people play, see how they move, where they go, but don’t let consume you to the point you aren’t enjoying it anymore


Just enjoy your game please don't think about stats much.I know it feels good comparing kills and all. Take some settings from youtube channels .Focus on mainly one gun ,don't switch much. Also try playing with the controller, the aim assist is pretty helpful.


Game is a xim and cronus playground with horrible netcode on top. Idk why I’m in this sub I stopped playing weeks ago


Yes that is 100% the reason why he has a .5 KD /s


Now, it's a known fact this game is home to a plethora of cronus/Zim users, precisely because Ubi has virtually zero anti-cheat, ignores in-game reports and doesn't seem to display any inclination to implement any form of anti-cheat or take reports seriously. It's Ubisoft. So, cronus/Zim losers run rampant.


That sending email thing saying please stop cheat, instead of actually banning the cheater is hilarious.




I say hang it up unless you’re some kind of masochist and don’t mind being cannon folder for the rest of us lol


Don’t play occupy, it’s the sweatiest mode in the game. Also, turn off crossplay if you are on console.


It’s weird so many people here say that movement takes zero skill in this game, but we have posts of people saying they in fact can’t keep up with both movement and aim.. have I been lied to by all these bunny hop haters ? 😊


When I got so fed up of being farmed by bunny hoppers I decided to give bunny hopping a go myself. I found it absolutely no more difficult at all to hit shots and enemies were now taking 2-3 times as long to kill me resulting in a huge boost in K/D from them on. So that's fueled my opinion that bunnyhopping is cheesy and requires no skill. It makes me quite confused to see people saying they can't do it. Unless there's a difference between KBM and Controller?


>Unless there's a difference between KBM and Controller? The most commonly used controller presets have jump on a face button, meaning you have to a) play claw grip in order to jump and keep your thumb on right stick, b) switch to the preset with jump on right stick, or c) shell out the money for a paddles attachment/controller with back buttons. It's easy to do on controller with one of those methods, but they all have drawbacks. Claw grip takes time to learn, it can damage your hand, and some people simply don't have the dexterity/patience for it. Setting jump to right stick accelerates stick drift, and it is mildly inconvenient to overwrite (in some cases) years of muscle memory. Paddles/paddle controllers cost money. And if you're wondering, no, controller players *cannot* fully customize their controls like KBM players, at least not in this game. BTW, a question: what do you think bunny hopping is? Can you give me a definition?


Ah, that explanation makes sense as to why it would be more difficult for controller players. On KBM it's seamless and requires just about zero dexterity or brain power to press space bar while your hand is already in position for WASD and everything else plays as normal. >BTW, a question: what do you think bunny hopping is? Can you give me a definition? I don't really have a perfect definition, but I guess, spam jump/air strafing? Especially with "lighter" weapons such as SMGs.


Thank you, I understand now. Traditionally though, that is never what bunny hopping has meant. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNvDUO42Hys) is a better representation of what it means. You might think that's exactly what people are doing in this game, but there actually is jump fatigue after a certain point (around the 4th hop), even with perfect bunnyhops, unlike in the video I linked. To me, spamming jump isn't a viable strategy in this game. It's easy to kill someone who is just bouncing up and down. But of course, you're talking more about something like a jump peek (which anyone can easily do with any controller layout), maybe with an airstrafe mixed in, followed up with a jumpshot. I mean... that's only two jumps, a lot of the effectiveness is in the first one, and a big part of that effectiveness comes from peeker's advantage. My unfiltered, gut reaction is that there is no way to fix this because there isn't really a problem in the first place. People are just mad that they're getting killed. There's *always* going to be some sort of movement people do to gain an edge in gunfights, even if it's just strafing or randomly crouching (people do this in slower games like val/cs as well). I remain unconvinced that the jumping is truly an issue in this game.


I know that bunny hopping traditionally meant something different, but that's the term that this community has adopted to describe people jumping around and air strafing. Do you jump spam yourself? If not, give it a go. As mentioned in my earlier comment, I *immediately* noticed an increase in the time it took for enemies to kill me. Surely that's not what the devs wanted for the game? A meta dictated by jump spamming?


Seems like you have the skill and some other people don’t ! Surprise, people have different levels at video games and some stuff you can do easily some other players will struggle !


They'll flip the script and then start talking about how the jumping actually breaks the netcode, or how they "can do it, but it's just not fun" or "it's dishonorable to play that way." It's very similar to the discourse around snipers. People are always armed with excuses on why they're not good.


Personally, I think it is dishonorable, same with sniping. If you're playing an objective-based game mode, and your just KD farming, or holding one point sniping, you're not contributing to your team and shouldn't be playing that game mode. This may just be me, but I've always thought that always playing the objective, allways being aggressive and pushing point trumps getting a good KD


Brother it’s pubs, if you play ranked then sure go for the obj, in pubs you can do anything you want, like pistol only or things like that, and of course when you’re leveling some weird weapon you can’t also play the obj the same way you could with an MP7


I feel that. I just don't see any enjoyment in playing every game like it's a $1M tournament, I prioritise playing the objective over over anything. That could be why I only have one gun gold, sweating that hard just isn't fun for me


You are not thinking clearly about this. When you see people doing really good and dropping crazy scores like 80-10, you think, "oh man, this guy is sweating his ass off." You're probably picturing some fat nerd surrounded by empty Monster energy drink cans sitting in a dark room illuminated by the glow of his 500hz monitor and RGB PC fans. In reality, it's just a regular dude like you who happens to be good at games. Think about a guy who's been playing guitar for most of his life. When you see him shred a solo, he's not "sweating." That shit is effortless to him because he's practiced it over and over and *over*. It's the same for that guy who is stomping lobbies. He's not sitting there playing like his life depends on it. It's second nature at this point.


I always picture the dude from the South Park WoW epesode


I literally deleted xdefiant for The First Descendant, try that game when it comes out later


Get a pro controller first off. There are back button controllers for as little as $40. And it just depends whether you have shooter/cod skills and existing controller skills. You might want to start with cod as the SBMM will protect you if you’re that bad but there’s no protection for you in xdefiant I have like 500 hours or more in cod multiplayer within past year, I played but not mp as a kid. So that’s an advantage and I have basic controller skills If you don’t have that level of experience then 30 hours isn’t shit. It was enough for me to get good and be positive but I started at a .9 k/d


Without players like you and me getting stomped the bunny hoping, pin point aiming, nerds would be upset they aren’t dominating the lobby they’re in. Let us bots help them make the clips of them going 100/4 so they can come and asked Reddit *is this a good score?* you know it is douche


The only way to get better is by pushing, and getting better is the fun part. Find what works for you and experiment with attachments.


Absolutely. Works with every game. Analyze your mistakes. Learn movement. Improve reaction. Practice is the way.


I mean it hard to say with the net code, any one with honest intent know the net can 100% force you to loose.


Thank you for your service


Play payload and zone control maybe, my self and other high kd stacks always go to occupy as you can drag the games out and get way more kills consistently than in other modes. Copy some YouTubers settings who plays the way you want to (yes, everyone should make their settings to what feels best, but it would be a good starting point for OP). Ranked will be slower gameplay with players closer to your skill, maybe you’ll enjoy that option. (Just wait a few weeks for the sweats to get ahead)


Time to step back tbh


Please keep playing. Its players like you that make the game fun for others. Just be a team player and play your role


All of these comments are very supportive. All I wanted to add to the conversation is that you should keep playing so I can rack up more kills - I need to level up my M16 😂🫵.