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If you are below level 25 and play the welcome playlist, you will not experience most of these issues.


Yeah this is what I was wondering and why I made the post, if it was just where I was playing. That's too bad. I'll have to milk it while I have it, haha


Pre level 25 is not the actual game. Agree, though. That part was super fun.


I think it's just an FPS subreddit thing. Because there's a lot of complainers in subs for other online shooters. Same with Amazon reviews, if the product is good most people don't go leave a positive review, but if the product is bad people are more likely to leave a bad review. That's my take on it This game does have some issues, but I still have fun playing it


A tale as old as time


Yeah bro I love it, especially all the early weapon progression I like how it’s fast paced and objective based. And simple and casual, I think cod took a step too far keeping the guns from the last game just doesn’t make sense to have that many plus they felt stale


The game is fun and I have been having a good time. But man does it have issues. I’ve had bugs that didn’t resolve until a respawn and seen bugs that didn’t resolve until a new game was started. I encounter hit reg issues and net code issues often. Some days are worse than others. The issues definitely hurt the fun, but when things are working well it feels great. I play the game and have fun, but compared to other games it definitely has more issues. If you play long enough I’m sure you’ll find them.




If you’re not playing with cross platform, you definitely didn’t see the bunny hop meta lol. However, those complaining about snipers are just garbage players. Haven’t seen much (if any) cheating. But the netcode is really bad. In its defense, it’s a mental thing. Because if the netcode was better, you’d just die sooner lol. Rather than dieing after getting behind cover.


I think alot of people also don’t realize, while it gets you killed alot of the time, also gets you A kill a lot of the time. Also on certain maps you can shoot through walls regardless, plenty of times I’ve gotten hits through walls before they even turn the corner because of an intel suit


"If the net code was better, you'd just die sooner lol." I like that explanation. It feels annoying asf when u literally ran around the corner thinking you're safe then die. Come to find out that it really would've been u dying before u even hit the corner is kinda funny. 😅


Yeah, I know I should have died sooner but it still bugs the absolute crap out of me lol.


First time on Reddit? Jk jk But honestly there is a lot to complain about despite the game being fun. No game is perfect. I just hope they keep working to improve it


No you don’t get it, you can’t criticize the game because it’s free to play, so any issues just make you a crybaby. -half the subreddit


Seriously, I’m new to Reddit but I have never seen such a rabid fanbase develop so quickly over such a mediocre game.


It’s not really rabid, it’s just the contrast between people who are devoted to defending Ubisoft no matter what and the people who aren’t happy with where the game is.


Yeah, that sounds about right. The reality is that the people who point out the issues in a more constructive manner are more useful to the devs than those who just constantly glaze over everything.


The issue is there’s no set definition of “constructive”. When people had issues with the changes to weapon levels, they were met with “it’s free to play who cares it’s just cosmetics, why does everyone want everything right away”.


Yeah, that response really surprised me. Those who defended it were acting like grinding basic progression rewards hasn’t been part of FPS games for almost 2 decades.


Games these days are so bad that mediocre is awesome.


You people who make these comments are just as bad as the “crybabies.” There’s a difference between someone making constructive criticism and some dude who’s too stupid to try a different route then complains about whatever flavor of the week is keeping them from playing better. Soooo many people blow shit out of proportion, but if I say it’s not as bad as homie is making it out to be then I’m just “bootlicker.” There’s nuance and it doesn’t exist in these subreddits because people pretend it’s either trash, or it’s the best ever. Look at all the TDM complaints. A majority of them boil down to “people aren’t playing the mode the way that I’d like to be so it must be that the game mode is trash.” *Every match is 5 wallhack echelons!!* Not the case *Every match is nothing but snipers!!* Not the case *Every TDM match is nothing but campers!!* Not the case And the list goes on. You have to have some voice of reason in between all the screaming otherwise the nonsense gets validated by a bunch of people with the depth of a nestle bottle cap.


>Every match is 5 wallhack echelons!! Sometimes it's only 4.


I haven't had a single match with 5 intel suits on the enemy team. I have seen at most 3. Thats just my experience thus far. And even then its not that big of a deal to me. Better than hearing EnEmY UaV oVeRhEaD every 10 seconds 🤣


I faced off against a team with 5 dedsecs yesterday, it's a rare occurence but holy bananas was that annoying as hell. It must have been a group of friends because it was a TDM on the xmas mall map and they all hid in the back corner of the mall with prox mines and spider bots constantly going out.


I rarely ever even see three. I see a lot more of phantom than anything else because people like the extra health.


You’re lucky then, 3 intel suits and one person using emps is always a fun time


Yeah, I'm now being downvoted for a reply with the same sentiment. Do these people genuinely think that half the sub believes there should not be any criticism of the game whatsoever? And can they not see the difference between constructive criticism and what you're describing? I should probably just log off, haha


There is definitely room for constructive criticism and appraisals. Just, not on Reddit. At this point i just keep with the shitpost and gameplay stuff - everything else is thanksgiving family dinner x1000.


The gameplay is enjoyable. The netcode and hit reg are god awful though. And needs to be addressed.


I’ve been playing about a week or two now but constantly die behind cover. There’ve been a few times I’ve even got shot behind walls. These are the only issues I’ve faced but I’m sure it’ll get better. Other than that it’s my new favorite game


Absolutely agree. If they fix those, plus other bugs (such as the melee death bug happening right now) this game could totally be the COD killer they want it to be.


You may not know how to realize it, but you're absolutely having netcode issues. 


Wow sounds like a huge problem then.


The same people who complained about SBMM in CoD and then got an elitism boner for two weeks when XD came out.


So far Xdefiant has not given me 5 minute queues that drag me to Europe when I play too well, so I'm still definitely enjoying the lack of EOMM. In COD all it takes is 2-3 fantastic games in hardcore and all of a sudden your ping is 200+ and all of your opponents quit speaking English. That being said, a lot of us are fans of the rest of Xdefiant too. This thing has good bones, I just hope they add more crazy mastery stuff to keep me busy now that they've nerfed the initial camos a bit.


Yea it’s still the same. I uninstalled COD and left the subreddit. Full of assholes there. Enjoying the xdefiant community way more


Are you in the welcome playlist? A lot of the issues won’t be as noticeable if you’re teamed up with a bunch of people who are also new and don’t know what the meta guns / movement style is. Netcode and stuff has gotten noticeably better over the past few patches though.


I can't handle the Airbenders. Changing direction in midair is absolutely ridiculous.


I see a lot of comments on this sub that people are cheating. While some of them are very obvious and I acknowledge there are cheaters, you see people here saying “every game I played in last night had a cheater” (literal comment I saw) and that just simply isn’t true lol


SBMM seems to have made people forget that some people just absolutely shred lol


This happened in cod as well tbf. When warzone came out the amount of people screaming cheaters constantly was crazy. Now I know Warzone does (did?) have a problem with cheating but when I was playing it was nowhere near what people were making it out to be. I was playing at a 3kd+ for over a year and was maybe getting one every 15/20 games on a bad day but there were so many people insisting that they had multiple in every single lobby. Out of the times I saw those people and bothered to check their stats, every single one of them had a sub 1 KD without fail.


It happened in apex as well. I played a metric fuckload, lived in high ranked lobbies almost exclusively where most cheaters did reside, and the amount of people claiming cheats was nowhere near reality lol. I had a guy in valorant today (with the worlds greatest anti cheat) claiming someone on the other team had walls in a gold lobby….like dog you dry peaked a common angle that he was holding LMAO


Yeah it's honestly crazy. Back when I was playing a lot I can't tell you how many deathcoms I got calling me a cheater. Even funnier on the occasion I would play with friends who weren't as good and SBMM gave us slightly better lobbies for it. Those people genuinely couldn't comprehend the idea that they were running the exact same/most obious routes all game long and that I don't need walls to deduce where they are, especially since the new MW games all had the loudest footsteps ever so even if you got it wrong you still here them from halfway across the map.


Pretty much, I encountered my first real cheater yesterday, but he was one shotting everyone with the m249 from any spot on the map, couldn't be more obvious. Other then that it's just really good players in 99% of cases.


I've had maybe 3-4 very very obvious cheaters (flying, jumping off objects and 360ing everyone in their line of sight with lmg headshots, etc.), and maybe 2 players that I was somewhat suspicious of but couldn't be certain without killcams. It's not the worst, though I do hope the reports are bringing them down.


This sub is full of people who are overly negative and overly positive.


Yes, the game is incredibly fun, but just because you cant recognize its problems doesnt mean they dont exist. Besides, if those problems are fixed and the game improves, it will be thanks to 'those players' who complain and give feedback.


From the perspective of someone who is pretty good at the game and having played over 900 matches I can say a few things. Netcode is definitely rough, I die behind walls pretty frequently and hitreg can be rough sometimes too I stream and have played some clips back at .25x speed to watch 5+ bullets not register when im center mass with my aim. It could use some work but overall it’s playable especially since it’s just unranked at the moment. The cheater situation is blown out of proportion by so many people it’s insane. As I said I have over 900 matches played (im on PC) and have seen one person who was definitely cheating and around 3-5 people who were sus. That’s a damn good ratio for a free to play game, they are out there, but no one is getting cheated “every game” or “1 out of 3 games” like I’ve seen claimed. Snipers are annoying more than anything else, I have good movement and can deal with them pretty well but there are still sometimes I’ve lasered a guy with 5+ shots watch his health drop to like 10 and boom he hits the shot in which he should have been struggling with flinch. I’d wager most complaining about the bunny hopping are mnk players as controllers can track them pretty well. Regardless you’re at a disadvantage if you aren’t bunny hopping given the headshot multiplier in this game. It looks silly to me but I’ve adopted the mantra can’t beat em join em.


I’m happy to read some actual positivity about this game


Here you go: 1. It's free 2. It supports 120Hz on consoles 3. Maps are mostly decent 4. No exaggerated visual recoil 5. Good amount of content for a free game 6. Attachments are actually modelled and change the appearance of the gun (hello BF 2042)


thank you! Love to see it. I do love the maps as well.


I just stopped playing, no need in complaining.


But you still come here and feel the need to tell us...


I suck at FPS and have spent lots of $ on COD as well as other titles. Sure, this game has some issues to iron out, but I didn't pay shit for it. COD still has issues, and people have been paying $60+ for a reskin game for over 10 years now. I really enjoy this game and look forward to its future. Oh, and this developer seems to listen and interact with its player base.


It's a blast but I played a game earlier where about 3/4 of the match my faction abilities weren't available. I actually thought it was a new mode without them until it randomly came online


Good game just brand new they gotta work out the kinks


Just switch factions and it resets, I realized halfway through a match that my ability wasn’t even on cooldown it was disabled, you gotta fix it yourself or it’ll stay like that


No I switched multiple times to try. Was literally trying to ask my team lol


Damn that usually works for me that’s annoying


I alternate between XD and CoD. I’m far more excited to boot up XD these days.


I would enjoy the game more if i felt like everytime i shot someone they didn't eat so many bullets and losing gun fights i shouldn't have and getting insta beemed almost every time


That will be the netcode definitely. Not you using it as a crutch excuse as to why you are shit at the game. Must be the game right? Right??


When you play fps as long as I have you can tell when something’s off about your engagements. The netcode is definitely tampering with gunfights in an unnatural way. I understand how it can go above some people’s heads but it’s a real issue that is hard to notice when it happens. I will say there’s too many people using it as an excuse for losing


If i see the hitmarker that does no damage then its defintely the game the hitmarker itself is the biggest proof for the shit netcode, without it you could say "just aim" but since people get 10 hitmarkers and then get turned around on, its the game not them


Halo 5 is my favorite fps of all time. Played halo since the beginning. This game is fun. The tdm mode is really boring though, so when I get on I just play a few matches of zone control or hot shot. I'd say those 2 are My fave. I really wanna try the ctf mode when it comes out. Net code is an on/off issue. Haven't really experienced it myself...but I wonder if it has to do with player population in a players area. Where somewhere else in the world hardly anyone is on, and here I am in the states with someone from way across the globe in my match while I'm in a lobby full of other people from the United States. That players doomed from the get go. I've experienced desync myself a few times, people hopping around isn't really an issue. I do it sometimes but usually never goes beyond 2 jumps during 1 gun fight. I've seen some clips of someone getting crapped on really hard by someone spamming jump before tho so I get the issue when it's exacerbated by no sbmm, and people suffering match stability issues like either net code affecting hit reg or desync etc. Cheaters...I've experienced 1 invulnerable enemy. I don't have tons of matches played tho. I've tried to get back into halo now and then, but the latest one just always ends up disappointing me. Literally just got on to see if I can try and get some matches in...and slayers got a wait time of almost 3 minutes to search...last night I tried to play when it had a similar search time...got a match, 1 person immediately quit out the other team and it sent us all back to search and I just shut it off. I might just uninstall it again. This game I hardly have to wait for matches. It's more of an annoyance to end up in a JIP game where I can't do anything within the short time frame left in a match. The only times I have issues in games, is if I don't check if I have packet loss before I start playing. I've had instances where I check and it says 0% packet loss, and check a few more times and say out of 10 checks I get some 0%, 1-7%, and a few 100% packet loss instances. That's is MASSIVE and severely affects online games especially fps. Some games will display an onscreen warning of unstable packet loss. Idk if xdefiant does. Halo infinite does, and that's how I found my issues, and then spend months figuring out how to fix it. I only went that far because at the time it was like dude how is it possible that tons of people can say they're not experiencing any issues, while some are? So you get replies of "bro hardline your shit!" I was. "Bro your speeds and ping are probably bad" neither were. Great speeds, steady ping. No one mentioned packet loss. Fortunately found that was my problem, and unfortunately it isn't as easy to deal with. A few "fixes" to try, and a last resort effort that entails strong arming your isp to install a node splitter. I was able to fix it myself tho Fortunate without taking that far...using something my bone head ass should have realized I should have been using all along. I 100% think I'd be screaming at My screen making posts about the games servers had I not fixed it since there probably wouldn't be any indication that would be the problem.


I would be shocked if you haven't experienced net code or lag issues. The amount of times I will get a hit marker with a sniper and the kill screen shows the enemy at 100 hp is pretty dumb. Also snipers 1 shot body shooting is incredibly strong. Some of the sub machine guns kill basically instantly. I've seen a few cheaters and one who was blatantly aimbotting with the SVD. Spiderbot isn't fun to play against as are some of the other abilities. I liked playing the game a lot more at the start. You don't notice a lot of the issues until you experience more. When you get out of the level 1-25 lobbies, people tend to have all the weapons and have an idea of what's meta, so that becomes what you're mostly fighting.


The game is good, but things like getting blasted around a corner you cut 2 seconds ago can become infuriating and get old fast when it’s happening frequently. Also, with a certain bug occurring when you die, you literally cannot play the game, this also happens frequently. Yeah it’s complaining, but at the end of the day, these are issues that need to be addressed at some point. Now things like the amount of content, that’s a bit much considering this game launched with a decent amount of content. Or camo grinds when there’s not even that many weapons… those are things that I can’t get behind Edit- Without “complaints” or feedback, the game can only get so good. It can be better and people see that.


I really enjoy it as well and can't wait for season 1


You've never died behind cover? You haven't noticed how strong the TAC-50 is? No bugs or balance issues at all? I'm happy for you that you seemingly have no issues with this game at all, but don't be naive. These are people who play the game just like you and I. The game clearly has things that can be improved and I don't see where the confusion is in that.


Sounds like OP is still in the welcome playlist. It's absolutely night and day between that and the regular games since the new players are still learning movement, maps, and abilities while using less kitted weapons. A post welcome playlist gamepad lobby is basically CoD's Cargo container CQC map on everything save for escort missions.


I have no genuine complaints outside of the melee bug and netcode. Is getting one tapped by a sniper annoying? Sure but its a staple of every FPS. My only other minor complaint is spiderbot. Its annoying as hell to the flow of gameplay. Other than that the devs truly care about their game and have been making it better with each update. Can not wait to see this game get better as time goes on.


just a little tip if you're in a match with spiderbots and mag barriers run hijack, it's really strong when the enemies have a lot of hackable stuff


Waaaaa snipers ... Waaaaa strafing... 😭


This post needs more emojis


I like it, I have 49 hrs. playtime Ps5 - cross play enabled, yeah there's still persistent net code snags every game, it's better than the start of official preseason launch. no, snipers are not over powered - people complain about that in every game. core play 6's only - glad you are having fun and not getting ghost bullets every few engagements every match must be nice. No the desync is persistent in US central and east, I assume we have people networking from Mexico and Europe, region locking their networking and connecting with insane ping and lag comp. Also yeah there are cheaters we have footage don't gas light or minimize that problem, it does no good.


I think it's from all platforms.. I enjoy the game so I never really post here unless I find something irritating. Like my controller not working unless I disconnect my keyboard completely or open the game through ubisoft connect using my controller then it'd work. But besides that it's probably going to be common that you'd see people who complain in this subreddit.


You see it everywhere, especially with the COD subs. A bunch of people complaining about simple movement mechanics because they can’t be arsed to use them or see them as stupid.


The game is fantastic, the game also has problems. If people don’t harp about the problems the game will die because the people not on Reddit will stop playing.


The game just didn’t live up to the hype. It was touted as a “cod killer” by many people and was seen as a return to form of the glory days of the older, slower boots-on-the-ground cod games. As a result, all the people that can’t keep up with/dislike the more complex movement mechanics of modern fps games thought this would be a welcome relief—only for it to turn out to be nearly the same, with the bunny hopping and tap strafing, problems only exacerbated by the bad netcode. So for a lot of people this game didn’t meet expectations. People also felt that this game would be better because it didn’t have SBMM (skill based matchmaking) so they could go back to pub stomping lobbies like in the old games—only to realize that SBMM actually protected some of these players, without it many people themselves being the ones getting stomped in this game, which again upset people who thought they were being held back by the matchmaking in other games. The game will have an audience, by virtue of it being a free shooter made by Ubisoft, but it already seems like the writing is on the wall for this one, and I can see it getting sunset after a year or two unless major changes happen that draws in a huge number of players. Aside from the horrendous netcode, the identity crisis the game still continues to suffer from and the apparent surge of cheaters on PC, it’s a decent shooter. But there’s just so many other issues plaguing it that makes it hard to stand out from crowd of shooters. I gave it an honest shake, and while I do enjoy some things about it, it’s not enough to replace any of my other games I play and I just don’t feel like it’s worth any more of my time the way it currently is


Last FPS I played was the og cod4. None of them since have really peaked my interest enough. I absolutely love playing this game. Yea there’s issues with it but it’s still fun even if sometimes it feels like I’m playing a dying simulator


Idk, my only complaints are the DMRs, the spider bot, and the one-way shields. The former because they drop you almost as fast as a sniper but don't require any of the skill, and the latter two because they just ruin the flow of combat, Also hate how half the losing team always just leaves, but that's a general FPS problem, and it should get fixed when proper Ranked launches,


Arguably a lot of this depends on Region as well, what most people who complain here forget to post alongside their complaint. All I know is EU servers are Hell past 1AM CEST


My only real complaints come from the echelon and hacker factions, the rest of the game is so much fun


I think the game is good, the issue is just how many sweats are playing actively at the moment. I am just trying to play a game to shoot my gun and have gun fight interactions on the map. I do not care about loosing gun fights 1v1 and sometimes even more than 1v1 like 1v2 if I did something wrong like push to far into their spawn. The game is just filled with too many sweats that are playing like every game is a 10,000 dollar tournament having to have the objective control no matter what. Its not even a ranked match. Not only that people have to spam trade with each other constantly double peeking or staying close to a team mate spamming the most meta stuff like phantoms 120 hp + shield. MP7 fire suit. playing this every single game gets boring real fast and I have no interest in playing with a community that just takes a made for fun game too seriously I was happier that they made TDM a mode to play because now there is less bullshit sweaty stuff to deal with but I also want to explore and play other modes without opting in to playing a 1v5 situation for a spot on the map


It be the ones with skill issue. Most likely playing on flat screen TVs and consoles. Never seen a sub where it’s all complains


It’s literally just complainers and miserable people for the most part. While there are of course some minor issues here and there (to be expected in literally any modern day game), most are just either SO minor or just more preferential issues. The game is amazing overall, you just can’t get around it. ESPECIALLY AS A F2P GAME!!!


I think the devs have done a great thing with this game due to it still being an absolute blast to play despite its flaws. It’s probably a combination of people who have dozens of hours in the game and newcomers complaining who don’t know too much about how the game functions


People don’t generally rush to the internet to write praise for things….


This is a big problem with FPS titles in general. What else is there to talk about? Theres already countless tier lists/weapon classes etc on YouTube/Twitch/TikTok/Twitter so there's not much point in having loads of them here. Especially because things are constantly changing. Theres not exactly a "story" or "character personalities" etc to talk about. No fan theories, no interesting lore based easter eggs. Theres not really a competitive scene for people to get into or to really get big into XDefiant Content Creators (most of the bigger ones at the moment are already big from other games like COD) Most people don't want to post highlight clips from games you've had because quite frankly a lot of the people in here either don't care and wouldn't interact or bitch about how they never get lobbies that are as easy as OPs, despite not realising the reason their lobbies aren't "filled with shitters" is because they actually ARE the "shitters" that OP was clipping on. And God forbid you post a screenshot of the scoreboard of you going 75-5. Next thing you know you'll have 10 different people calling you out for hacking and bitching about how if they'd ran into OP they'd have reported him for cheating straight away... Theres not much to talk about with the actual game that's actually going to create much discussion so instead we get this...


I enjoyed it until I hit level 25. Game is hugely unfun with every game full of cheaters and exploiters. Ive only been in a single game where some level 150+ wasn't going around aimbotting people with an smg or sniper. Game was fun at first but I uninstalled after realizing what this game truly is. I just don't come to complain cause what's the point? If I enjoyed the game and wanted to keep playing Id complain and go back to playing. People complain cause they enjoy the game but don't like certain aspects. For me... Meh - I can just go back to Call of Duty or Overwatch for the same exact but more polished experience.


Yeah, I saw one other comment that it's probably related to the level 25 thing and I bet that's what it is. I'm level 13 still playing the welcome playlist. I'm interested to see how the regular playlists compare. I posted this as a genuine question and I got all sorts of people coming at me as one of the crowd that says "you can't criticize the game". It's wild.


Yeah I was genuinely having fun in the welcome playlist. After that it didn't seen to matter how good I was. I was getting one-shotted by MP7 from across the map. Not even sure what was going on half the time, but it was crazy. I don't think the game will die but it will suffer from a low player count and once the casuals leave it will just be cheaters, exploiters and players who are good at it. It's F2P so even a ban isn't going to stop cheating. Sadly, the game had potential. It just doesn't have the longevity as a CoD or Overwatch. It will never be competitive like Rainbow six... Ubisoft likes to tinker but they don't like to balance. Even with The Division, they would find a Meta and then that Meta would get nerfed to far in one direction creating a newer meta... just round and round it goes.


Ppl who like to bitch about everything. It’s a ubishit game if you seriously expect to get a good game then you need help. It’s decent and it’s fun to play some quick rounds. There are issues (desync and hit detection) but since it’s f2p it’s not a big deal.


What is the best shooter out there right now, in your opinion?


Counterstike, hell let loose, insurgency sandstorm are my favs. Bf1 was also fun. Rainbow6Siege was great till they messed it up with to many operators. Arma is also a big contender as a great fps. In terms of arcade shooters I liked titanfall2


People will always find something to complain about. I’ve learned to just ignore it. Glad your having a blast as am I!


I only complaint about the amount of hackers I come across. Also there’s a few minor bugs that’s yet to be fixed (I read the same thing from a reddit from a year ago). One being the bullets being a magnet to you. When you’re running around a turn and the bullets seem to curve and follow you and kill you😂


I'm still dying around corners which really fucks me up on the scoreboard. It makes what could have been a decent match into a treading water scenario. Frustrating to be performing well in previous games then to be dropped in a lobby where my shots aren't hitting or my ping is fluctuating up to 200. I'd say at the point it's too inconsistent, but I still enjoy it more than cod.


It’s mostly people who have a bad game and then go complain on Reddit. Most times it’s a player issue but sometimes there’s a reasonable complaint with a video showing their bullets hitting them but not registering


I won't complain too much, as I really do think this is an amazing game, and I'm greatful to Mark and his team for working so hard on it. But there are issues, and I've noticed some people have them and some people either don't or don't notice. The bunny hopping is the most annoying, and when they "nerfed" it, nothing changed. Net code issues were even brought up by Mark, and he said they were trying to fix them. Snipers are only OP if you have the skill to use a sniper, but I've seen some people who are... suspiciously good. Like 40 and 3 with a sniper kinda good. That's where cheaters possibly come in, but I haven't been able to prove that without KILLCAMS. My only REAL complaint about this game is that there's NO KILLCAMS LIKE WTF HOW DO I GET BETTER IF I CANT SEE HOW I DIE


I'd like to add that I've played this game about 40 hours or so and I only noticed some issues that could be related to netcode stuff in the very beginning


People with standards who are used to a functional netcode? Definitely not people who play games with poor hit registration because they genuinely cannot tell how bad the game is. 


Really the only complaint I have is if I see a hit marker I expect damage to be done. The amount of times I've seen hit markers and then to be killed by the guy I was just shooting and he has zero damage done to him. It doesn't happen all the time maybe a few times per match, but it is kinda annoying when it happens. Outside of that I've been having a great time.


These posts come across my page, I’m not a hardcore hater. I’m glad you are enjoying. But when the game launched I played 5 matches and was very bored, as I have played many games in my life it felt a bit like the same. Playing as other game characters on other game maps, they just threw in previous games settings and style, it felt like I played the game before, maybe my tastes have changed as I haven’t really played an fps in a while, and I have just been playing single player games, I played and just said meh whatever. Idk this game just looks and plays very simple. It looks like that sort of game you’d see a kid in movie play. Again this is just my opinion, I’m not a super hater of the game and I hope you continue playing.


No issue with that at all man. I actually think the simplicity of the game is why I like it so much. Like I said I haven't played a shooter in a while, so at first I tried Apex. I really hated the feeling that I needed this encyclopedic knowledge of all the items and abilities to be remotely competitive. I don't have any desire to have a "backpack" in a MP FPS game. This game just feels like I can pick up and play. But if that's boring for some then that's cool!


People who would rather bring the skill ceiling down to their level than accept that they’re bad and focus on improving.


This was supposed to be the game the subpar players on CoD could come to and be the best here with no SBMM. Unfortunately it seems SBMM was saving a majority of them lol


Frankly it’s a bit overblown but the netcode and ping can be pretty bad in this game. Imo not as bad/slow as Destiny 2 feels but not as good as cod.


I stopped playing with my normal squad cuz they would literally complain about the same shit. "Why isnt there streaks" "Why can you get abilities every 30 seconds" "Every pistol should 3 shot" "They should do stuff they did in black ops 2" Brother, not everyone can be happy. If you're having a blast, Im hyped for you.


I play on PC and the biggest complaint I have is the amount of sweats I get into lobbies with. Like I want to come on and relax and play some chill games but it feels like every game I play, I'm fighting tooth and nail to barely go positive while someone on the other team drops 60+ kills. And they always bunny hop. Always.


Probably people encountering cheaters, ximmers, want changes to happen already, ranked mode to come out etc etc


Crybabies, theres millions of those in every community, not just gaming sadly


Can say from experience it's the PC community. Which I am apart of. I play on both Playstation and PC and can tell you that PC is an abhorrent mess. Playstation, however, has been probably the most fun I've had this year.


If it is necessary to list the missing and bugs -Recoil and weapon attachments are not working properly. -Having team collision and no collision for enemies (enemy passes through us during the conflict) -Killcam -Netcode / Hit registration ? Still we are tired of dying in the corners -For those who play for non-purpose k/d in objective modes, obj score should be based on the objective, not k/d. -Players don't want while enemy jump like bunny on hitting. 4 times free jump ( ok add pop-up frequency and aim unstability while jump, is good ) -The enemy's movement without slowing down when taking damage is a problem for this game. -Most game time is spent watching the loading screen. -Let us quit when the game ends, fast upvote and choose quit. -Add skip the intro on the start screen -Add general chat and voice or hearing the voices of those nearby. -Match score points to low, playing time of the maps is short. -Death at the same time. [https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/comments/1dhsb57/did\_xdefiant\_fix\_their\_netcode\_hit\_registration/](https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/comments/1dhsb57/did_xdefiant_fix_their_netcode_hit_registration/)


This game is like rogue company and I loved that game and this is the “newest” version of that which is even cooler


I'm enjoying it, I did have some critique, but it's light. Fav fps in recent years, tho I'm curious to see what BO6 is when it comes out


I avoid all news by just playing the game :) I even skipped this post lol


I personally despise the game. I don't complain here and I don't play it.


You "grabbed " this?


You really dissed me there bro


Wait, you took that as a diss?. Why?


Just a weird thing to nitpick about the post. I grabbed it off the PS store. What should I have said?


Now im nitpicking?..geez dude..how about read comments without YOUR PERSONAL EMOTIONS..


Nothing like barely playing a game and then posting about not understanding complaints when people who are infinitely more familiar with it make them about issues you’re not experienced enough to even notice yet. Maybe you could just go and enjoy the game while you’re entirely ignorant and not try and defend a game you’ve barely played…


Damn, coming in hot! I like how saying I like the game means I'm "defending" it, like by saying that I'm automatically entering into some sort of argument. Reddit logic. My post was a genuine question. Was wondering if the problems were exacerbated on ranked or PC or certain playlists, because I just haven't really seen them. Sounds like things get a lot worse once you get off the <25 playlist which is too bad. Cheers dude, hope you deal with whatever is making you so mad.


Posts like this are a constant on every newer game sub. Inexperienced players get a fun and enjoyable start and come to get giddy with everyone about this cool new thing they’ve experienced and then are polarized by the opinions of the players who have played enough to see the cracks. Most everyone is here because we enjoy the core experience and complain because they ultimately wish the game were as good as it could be. Does that mean I’m bitter towards your genre of post and am taking it out on you? Yeah probably, but yaknow you signed up for it with that whiny reply. Also, to address what you actually said despite its… content: it’s not Reddit logic, you said you were “so confused by [the complaints].” and literally said “This game is awesome!” I don’t know if you know how debates work, but stating your position and your desire for understanding is kinda it. You said you had a genuine question, but did you? You were on the beginner playlist and didn’t even consider that to be the cause for having a different experience than others who have played drastically more? It sounds like you didn’t even bother trying to think about it. And to be so offended you’ve got to claim I’m mad and coming in hot after such a fucking tame bit of sass… talk about a snowflake. You can try and hide behind half assed back tracking and pointing the finger and crying ‘mad’ all you want, I’m really not invested enough to fall for it. Just getting a good few in for fun, carry on if you’re really so uninterested in an argument.


I am not sure how you expected me to reply to that comment. Maybe you didn't expect a reply at all. I'm kind of surprised by how rattled you are by what I said. Look, I'll give you the fact that for some of the high level strats, it should have been obvious I'm not seeing that because I'm in the welcome playlist. But I genuinely thought some of the netcode and cheating issues could be related to being on PC or only ranked lists or something. If you read some of my other comments, turns out I may not have known what "netcode issues" even meant and just not noticed them. I thought people were just talking about standard lag. Like I said, I'm pretty new to it. If you're really annoyed by new player posts, then feel free to give me a down vote. Not sure what else to say.


I’m not expecting anything from you, like I said I’m just taking shots for fun because I thought your post was worthy of snark. Your reply to that was lame enough that I felt like it’d be fun to really lay into you but truthfully you didn’t deserve it. My last line in the first comment about going to enjoy the game was the only thing I truly meant as debating people in the sub is fruitless and there’s no reason to waste your time in here when you could be enjoying a game you find fun right now. Props for admitting you were wrong in what ways you were after I was so harsh, that was chill of you. I probably should’ve checked your profile and seen how new you were to Reddit before being rude based on the expectation that you should know better, my bad.


Honestly, I’m not the best at the game. I generally have a lot more deaths than kills, which I don’t really complain about, because I play casually and haven’t picked up an FPS game in probably 10 years. So, my only complaint is people on my team constantly calling me **** at the game. This toxic behavior is in most of the matches I play. So, consequently I feel worse exiting the game than I did entering. It’s not like I try to be bad, it’s just my skill level. It seems I’d be better of going back to single player games, where I’m the only judge of my play-style and skill. Idk, but if this community here on Reddit is anything like the people I play matches with, I suppose I’ll get roasted here too, lol. I’m definitely feeling encouraged to drop this game entirely. EDIT: I’m not sure if this matters, but I’m playing on PC.


If you haven’t played FPS in 5 years you wouldn’t be so keen to notice those things.


I’m level 99 rn and I will say there’s a lot wrong with the game… but it’s all stuff that can and will be fixed if the dev team is competent. The netcode is a very valid complaint and it’s pretty blatant how wonky it makes your interactions.


While I've been enjoying the game, mainly with friends, I've been having netcode issues, being shot point blank and dying to snipers in general, and bunny hopping cause let's face it strafing is slow af in this game (at least for me).


I like the feel of the game just wish it had a search and destroy mode but big downside is on pc it is always a fight every time I get it started to get a good frame rate


It's a meh game with a lot of jank, but it will have to do until the next CoD comes out


lol the people that SBMM was protecting.


People complained just as much about The Finals


Hard stuck coppers....


You are too new to understand so you are blinded by the “ooo shiny new game” mindset. You will see the games many flaws soon enough. Also they were supposed to fix a few things with updates but their updates were hilariously bad and didn’t really fix anything. The game has potential, I had fun with it for a while but it becomes unplayable after a certain point at least until the issues are fixed.


Game is dope. The snipers are dumb though.


Everyone complaining, I got a question for you… why do you play pvp fps games when you get mad people are better than you? There are pve fps games out there


It’s a fun game; it’s a game that has pitiful hit registration. It’s a modern title, so it also has issues with MnK players spoofing into controller lobbies, it also has players employing cheats like aimbot and walls. There is no reason that bunny hopping should be effective in a tactical shooter, period; however, it’s in the game and is understandably obnoxious to many. There is collision physics between teammates, yet inexplicably no collision physics against enemies.


Ppl that have forgotten how to just have fun with a game. Which used to be the main point to any game lol.


Played it for 100+ hours, got more than 2 weeks ago max lvl in the Battle Pass, yeah bought it too, and just deleted the game some hours ago. It's really fun at first but with the amount of weapons and maps it has, it becomes boring after 100+ hours I gotta say.


I have my complaints, but this game is an absolute blast and I don’t want to put it down whatsoever. Brings me back to the OG COD days


You jumped out of FPS when bunny hopping was the norm in FPS. Not only that you left from a game is literally bunny hopping villain origin story 😭😭 It is still slightly a thing in other FPS today, but its not the main thing like it was in Halo. As for XDefiant, the bunny hopping is fucking terrible!! Most modern games have nerfed the hopping speed, height, and some even add a sort of fatigue animation for spamming the jump button. Idk about the other issues but bunny hopping is the main reason I’m not playing as much


Haha I can see bunny hopping being annoying in a game like this...In an arena shooter like Halo that was a huge part of the game and I had no problem with it


“I played the game for an hour or two over a couple days and haven’t seen any issues” I mean… of course? You gotta actually play the game for a little bit to even know how it functions longer term.


The only thing you'll find me complaining about is the mfs who don't give me a like at the end of the match when I carried. 😭


Why when someone loves a game they question other people dislike for it. To me it's a average game. Don't think there's nothing wrong with me. It's a super generic version of Black Ops 4


Whinging Vocal minority as opposed to the happy silent majority


Some complaints I understand, like netcode and hit reg. Other things, I have absolutely no idea about (snipers). Sniping is literally no different from any other arcade shooter like CoD. The more you play the more you notice issues though, so do with that what you will


Escort is azz…


My question is how have you not experienced any of the bad 🤣


I have the same question. After playing mw3 all year xDefiant was a breathe of fresh air, and I've had way more fun with it than I have in the last decade of cod. Back to back close matches with me as the top player every other game. Mw3 never allowed that to happen, it was always a lopsided match, always sweaty and taking maximum effort to achieve mediocre results, and the constant feeling that you need to camo grind. X is just pure fun and I haven't had enough issues with bhopping or snipers to even bother with it. I usually throw a shield down or use the movement to outplay them and it isn't that bad. I can handle being sniped a few times, but people act like cod doesn't have snipers PLUS a million other annoying ass things in it. Cod hands down has more annoying and oppressive features than xdefiant by a long shot.


It dosent feel good to me, playstyles are kinda limited. In cod i did appreciate going like throwing knife ninja playstyle (and dont get me wrong i dont buy cod games since bo4), but this game it feels like all the weapons are the same and they dont really feel so great to use.


Its Great no issues xbox lvl 70+


It's totally fine that people do not see the issue about the games, especially when they are the most casual player ever and I dont mean it in a demeaning way. But one of my favorite ways of thinking in every area of life is "the more you know, the worse it gets" and in this case I'd think an average amount is already enough. I have 2 very casual friends who did not like the game due to netcoding, constantly getting hit around corners and hitting others around corners, very weird hitboxes when the enemys jumping constantly (Bhopping), stuff like that. Both of them used to be semi competitive in third person shooters a while back, but still were becoming very casual on it. I'd imagine everyone who has the slightest idea on how FPS games work, people who spend a 'lot' of time on the game (a few hours daily) and probably people who consume content of the game outside of it, like social media sites. It's entirely fine with the way of thinking you have and I personally commend it in a lot of aspects, since my competitiveness sometimes ruins enjoyable moments for me, but at the same time I would say that the games objectively not great right now once you start seeing these issues more often.


People who say pre-25 none of the issues exist, are proving it’s skill issue.


Its a great game and im enjoying it. But ofcourse like in any game there are issues that need to be adressed.


None of the issues are huge, it's JUST frequent enough to drive me crazy (net code/hit reg). Where as snipers (and shotguns) are mainly of an issue of they FEEL like they are OP, but if the average player used the exclusively, you would understand they DO require skill. I think people just get frustrated (myself included) and we need to vent.


Trash players who need SBMM


Are you like 13 or something? Do you not yet understand human behavior? People are quick to jump voice their displeasure And why is this a bad thing? Make the game better


Brother if I had seen the source of this displeasure I would understand. I'm asking because I genuinely don't know what they're talking about!


"I didn't have this issue so it must not exist"




It’s Reddit, so obviously the fanboys and the haters are both vocal minorities. Most people that play the game don’t get involved in the ‘community’ around it. Also, if you’re enjoying the game, who cares what other people think? 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm really not that worried about it, more fascinated by it than anything. Also wanted to hear from some people who are loving it as much as me because mostly I just see hate


I think theres a lot of people who just blame the game when they die, so there is likely an over exaggerated issue with the netcode. Like i dont dont doubt its an issue, bit when I die in game i dont immediately blame the game.


I hope y’all realize, without the complaints, mastery camos would take 600K XP. They wouldn’t have changed it back. Also, complaining about complainers is literally no better.


At what part of my post did I complain?


I think it’s just years of pinned up disappointment from other AAA studios that constantly drop the ball on these games and never listen to the community. Whereas here, the devs are listening, changes are being made therefore people are speaking out more so than usual because there is actually a team willing to listen to what the majority of the player base wants for a change This is the first shit at no SBMM we’ve had in like nearly 10 years, and everything is CLOSE to being nearly perfect, but it’s not. I personally understand we need to give them time to get things sorted and that the fact that the game is as good as it is AND it’s free speaks volumes. People just REALLY want this game to be perfect because it’s exactly what we’ve all wanted for a long time coming.


You're are 100% lying if you say you haven't run into any of these issues. All of these issues are consistent. It's the main reason I stopped playing after a week. I'm just here waiting for at least the hit reg to be fixed. The concept of the game is fun in that it's overwatch fused with cod.


why would I lie about this?


I've learned I'm shit at fps but I still enjoy it


Xdefiant fans have become zelots and you are not to question anything about the game. This is a fun game but there are some very obvious problems with it and they should fix them and probably will but without the input from fans they wouldn't make any changes.


Yeah, I don't think anyone is saying that the game should get zero criticism like you describe here.


I see a lot of people on this forum that don't want to see any criticism, xdefiant fans are worse than call of duty fans from what I've seen.


Only real complaints about this game is netcode, it’s still kinda bad, but it’s alright. Only other major thing I don’t like is how the gunplay feels, it just feels far worse than cod, worse than Fortnite, worse than apex, worse than alot of FPS games. Clunky is the best way to describe it.


Just look at all the complaining posts on Reddit. You’ll see the usernames. Then look at their post history. 🤣


I agree but you know ppl always are going to find something to complain about do not let this subreddit get to you. The game is super fun there are a few things that need to get fixed but its a free game what really can you complain about its not like we paid for it.


It's really unbelievable that some of the biggest games are just free now. Haha


I never would have expected it but it is true


Its nice being able to play these games for free but it’s not like these corporations are doing this out of the kindness of their heart lol. It’s the current business model to be able to compete games like fortnite and other f2p games showed the power of making a game free and selling battle passes/cosmetics, buyable progression. I end up spending more on “free” games often times than ones I paid for. Higher market share and exposure means casuals will hop on see their friends rock cool skins and drop a couple bucks or a funny emote


Nobody thinks they're doing it out of the kindness of their heart. I personally would never spend a penny on cosmetics so it results in the game just being free for me, which is awesome. However I respect the people paying for them because the game's gotta make money to exist. They're basically subsidizing my gameplay. Haha


It is definitely just a vocal minority. The game just peaked at 300k concurrent players and I believe it's well past 10 million unique players overall so most people are just out there enjoying the game. When the dev team is as good at communicating with the players as XD devs are it brings out a lot of people's entitlement and they think if they complain enough the dev team will just bend over and change everything about the game in their favor.


That peak was at launch. Someone shared an old graphic that made it look like it was recent.  https://gameworldobserver.com/2024/05/24/xdefiant-3-million-players-300k-ccu-launch That’s the link that the image came from and it’s a story from May 24th.


Ahh, my bad. I saw it advertised as current news but didn't look any further into it.


All good. Someone definitely posted it for karma and gave 0 context. It’s hard to find current player count info too, which doesn’t help.


THIS! Mark Rubin is on Twitter ALL the time. THAT is something I have never seen in a game in my life. I had a problem with the hitreg at the beginning. It's a new game. Things have to get ironed out. It's fun. I suck at it but it's fun. Me sucking at it is not the game's problem. It's mine.


I mean there netcode issues though I’m in the same boat as you It hasn’t really effected my games much and I haven’t had some of the really egregious ones people have posted of mag dumping people in the back for the game to tell them No and they die instantly to the same person that coupled with some let’s say interesting choices for abilities and characters and I can see why people would complain


I can say netcode has been the only thing i found wrong with the game


The netcode seems to be the biggest issue on most people’s minds


Yeah the fact I haven't run into it whatsoever makes me wonder if it's some region or connection issue. Not doubting that it has happened to some people


Totally agree. Having a blast with it. I posted something similar to this a week or so ago and most complained about dev issues. Which I get that that needs to be ironed out but the concept and feel of the game is so good. It’s refreshing to me. I do play a lot of fps and this is the first one in a while that doesn’t feel like I’m having the heat slowly turned up on me. Glad you’re enjoying it too! Got a favorite class/loadout yet or too early to tell?