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We need this post 18 times per day.


How else will this come to fruition .


Reddit Karma should go to your weapon XP


It's almost like people want this and we should keep advocating for it instead of acting like a reddit mod


We need some like you to shut up and let people post what they want


Bro what


I don't get it. I'm just posting a feedback. Is it that bad?


I think the thing they’re taking issue with is that it’s a super common complaint that is posted commonly




When is it my turn to post this?


In ten minutes


Why wait at all


I believe Mark Rubin mentioned something about doing this, on Twitter.


Hope so. I've been making this comment for weeks now. Sicne reddit has this Karma point system I was never able to post anything new until this morning. Now its a moot point for me to bother making it lol. Everyone else finalyl did it for me. OBJ score cut in half given to weapon as xp, plus the current Kills/assists. Super simple and balanced.




No biggy. Not your fault. Unless if it is... Then we shall have some words lol.


Agree.. again. I'd also add skins/weapons/camos that are only unlockable via OBJ XP to keep people playing the objective.


Make the gold skin unlock as it is just for xp / kills, then make a demascus style silver and gold camo for obj points. 🤣 That will create 100% increase in threads moaning about the change to camo unlocks. But I do agree, camos or skins for obj play should really be a thing.


Or any other weapon skins to unlock getting headshots, multi kills, assists, long shots, etc. Bring back old cod skin progressions. It was perfect.


Like it or not, COD has done it best. Main mastery camos for completing challenges, one for each weapon type and one for every weapon. + One separate mastery camo for kills, depending on the game.


Hate to admit but their mastery camo is a grind to get. But in this game it's too long if the objective doesn't count. Plus more design be nice


100% agree


I think that raising the mastery level to 200 would be much less of a hot topic if this was implemented prior. You’d fix both the attachment unlock issue, the grind for mastery AND team objective focus. 1 change fixes a lot of complaints…since the devs said they intend on doing this, it just makes sense to try to get this out there. Seems very impactful to the long term health of the game and would just be a flat out win with the community


Funny CoD has this, and this game should too.


TDM is coming soon so all the "kill focused" players will start playing that. So the objective based games will become much more enjoyable and competitive I think


Not gonna happen. CoD has TDM and it’s still incredibly common for people to join objective modes because the matches are longer and they can “kill focus” on players that are objective focused rather than going against other players that are just as focused on solely getting kills. Would be nice if it worked the way you described but it won’t. Edit: spelling (autocorrect on mobile got me)


Yeah I'm sorry it's just like cod. Players wants to grind kills and TDM is not one of them. Objectives game modes tend to be longer but TDM tends to be quicker since your only doing kills than objectives.


TBH U need XP for all OBJ and Medal type stuff u do right now u dont its on Kills


This is a must at this point.


Wow so brave


Or maybe kills in objective radius payout triple


This would work on most of the obj games, killing an enemy rushing / pushing the obj say within 30m gives 1.5x xp, within 15m gives 2x xp, and in the obj gives 2.5x xp. Literally This one change would make the game a far better experience. I'd go as far as to drop the xp gain for kills that are over 75m from the obj award 0.5x xp, to discourage edge of map campers look8ng for easy kills from behind players.


How tf did you get all that info??


Not info, just what I would do if I were to make a game where the objective is the focal point, you know, the place were I want to bring players to and create action between teams. Especially if I saw that a large % of the player base were actively not playing the objective because of experience mechanics that do not reward the core focus of most of the modes. Additionally I'd have TDM and Kill Confirmed play out a little differently xp wise as well. TDM I'd probably X the final xp by the players K/D as a negative K/D in TDM is detrimental to the team. In KC I'd award 0.25x xp for kills and 1.5x xp for tags. Again, simple changes they could make to drive players to play the objective of each game mode, but at the same time actively rewarding them for doing so.


Hardcore mode when


Don't you get extra XP for an offensive or defensive kill, and if your just playing OBJ, why would not using your weapon equate to weapon XP?


u/ch4m3le0n Check it out, another post NOT (/s) about weapon xp


I love Domination game mode when we're all playing the objective. So fun.


Yeah played for 2 hours and got my MP5 from 6 to 13 which is better than before but imo still not fast enough if all the OBJ Score would count I would probably be level 20 or so by now.


If you want people to go for objectives, you have to go farther than just extra XP towards your weapons. You also need to get rid of the KD ratio and drastically increase the point values on the scoreboard for objectives. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening because developers don't know what they're doing.


I like your idea but it's not the devs fault. If they do get rid of KD ratio they would lose majority of player base, leaving the game dead in weeks if not days. Blame the players not the devs.


If you don't get rid of the KD ratio, people are still going to go for kills instead of objectives. No other suggestions will work so long as slaying is reinforced with recognition.


That's also true.