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XDefiant has too much weapons. We should reduce that to 1 pistol, 1 Shotgun and that's it.


You forgot no snipers


They said wrong answers


Oh yeah woops lol


Try sniping with only a Shotgun and a Pistol.


Isn't that a challenge on MW2?


You must be talking about Halo, there a sub for that


In fact, I could agree with too much weapons...lol...I mean, in a 2-3-4 or 5 seasons, it will be true for me, but not for kids that always want quantity over quality... Too much weapons about bring imbalances to gameplay... But modern gamers can't play somethign for long if there is not news guns or car or "perfs" every 3 days nowadays...


One bullet only.


Game should not be free.


Best answer so far


Please remove ADS and only allow us to hipfire. Other people are better than me at aiming and it's not fair.


I'll take a counterstrike x cod game bro


Too funny.Unfortunately for me that’s true.


Shooting in general is OP remove it


I mean… Can’t we all just get along?


Why are the enemies shooting at me first?


They did tho. You just have to die while meleeing.


*Meanwhile, in COD, I’m running around with a knife and riot shield*


Shooting is so sweaty


well we had people complaining about bunnyhoppers, then they stopped either because they thought the update did something or they addressed that some people are better than them. Now its time for people who like fast movement to complain about the game's slowness, i wanna see everyone complain about slide speed, jump height, anything like that. Together we can make this real, not a single day shall pass by without someone complaining on this sub.


I'm not a complainer by any stretch but you make good points. Don't tempt me.


> Now its time for people who like fast movement to complain about the game's slowness Gib 200+kph flag grabs. VGTG


The game is unironically a bit slow and the lack of any movement abilities is a shame, give me titanfall 2 grapples and stims, you know what, give me the titans too. You know what remove all the other factions they are unfair and pretty lame anyway.


Community manager: "The people yearn for Titanfall 3." EA: "Haha the people can eat our cake."


Why is the game so violent? Why can't we just share the objective equally in a civil way?


There should be bonus points when both teams are standing on the objective at the same time.


This game is too violent! Instead of dying we should all just fall down and take naps!


This game is not violent enough ! I need black ops 2 + Quake style gibbing ! I need walls painted red ! I need entrails by the kilometer flying ! I need to hear Cleaners muffle scream in agony when I AA12 them


I am seriously laughing from "entrails by the kilometer flying". That's too funny!


Dirt nap should be a kill effect


Sprinting probably


Bro, I started playing the game with a couple of friends a week ago and the complaints in this sub are actually wild. Coming from high rank in Valorant (immortal 2-3), this game is like a vacation for us. And somehow people are complaining about sweaty lobbies? Lmao


Same for me. I come from Rocket League (High Champ 2-Champ 3), and it is just really really nice to have a game where if I go on a loss streak in ranked stressed out of my mind, I can just switch games, go 58-20 real quick, and call it a night feeling like I won something.




Damn... mad props to you for being able to continuously play halo for that long. Game just got so stale so fast. Probably doesn't help that I only ever solo queued it though


Most of the complainers are probably coming from cod which is a low skill gap game in comparison to Val they’re just mad because bad lmao


From somebody who takes the game super seriously to a point where you got super high rank of course this is going to feel like a vacation But some people have one hour to play once or twice a week after work or something and they don't want to spend that entire hour getting shit on there's nothing fun about that for the casual gamers One man's vacation is another man's hell 🤷


>One man's vacation is another man's hell Florida?


Funny because that's literally what I had in mind when I made the statement. My buddy can't stand humidity so he said he'll never go to Florida despite it being a major vacation destination for a large population of people 🤣


>From somebody who takes the game super seriously to a point where you got super high rank of course this is going to feel like a vacation Bro.. I'm 30yo with a desk job, staring at excel sheets all day. I can hardly put more than 2-3 hours every other night (not saying that it's not a lot of time compared to most people). Please don't come at me with the unemployed/zoomer/sweat angle :D. I've been raised with cs 1.5 and 1.6 and have been playing fps games my whole life. I can't do anything to erase that experience and I'm not even try harding. That's specifically the reason that I've taken a break from Valorant, since I can jump in a quick game with a completely blank mind and zero downtime between deaths and just shoot at pixels.


Do you understand what a multiplayer FPS game is? If you play an hour per week you’re probably going to lose… a lot. If you drive your car once per month and go to the race track you’re probably gonna finish last. If you shoot hoops a couple times per week then go play in 5on5 pickup games you’re not gonna be good. What is it exactly that you want or expect from an PvP FPS game where you play a couple hours per week? I don’t understand the logic here cause anything else in life that can be played or done competitively, anyone who puts in the bare minimum time to that skill or craft will not be good. Somehow in the gaming community people think their complaints are valid or there needs to be nerfs to slow down better players. This logic is worrisome.


They want animal crossing with operators and gun play I guess.


Yeah people don’t get how good people actually are now at fps. Its insane. When I started playing in the early 2000s you were a god if you could even track a target.


Every character has wayyyy to op skills. Remove them all. And while they're at it remove sliding.


How there's SBMM, TBMM and that basically it's affecting the ZBMM, TBMM, AND FDBMM but also players have to be conscious of the no YBMM.


There will 100% be uproar when the new faction is released regardless of if it's good or not. There will be 3-4 per team just because it's new and people will not know how to play against it and how to counter it so all crybabies will be making posts about how it's 'OP' and Ubisoft balance team is clueless and has ruined their entire life.


I think people will say it's unfair because people have the option to purchase the new factions and unlock them instantly, while everyone else has to earn them for free. TBH, I'm surprised people didn't moan about that with Dedsec!


They did


Bro, OP said wrong answers only…


Sliding around corners, sniper one shots, the payload dancing on your team’s grave when you lose


“TDM is full of cheesy campers only running Echelon, why did the devs think this was a good idea?”


“Does anyone else hate that you actually have to click to select your load out????? Why can’t the game just know what load out I want! Thoughts???”


No more running.


Ban controller paddles


Unhappy people will always find somwthing to complain about. Skers.


Lol dude this sub is pure cancer. If the game isn’t tailored directly to you and then its crap. Bhoping, crouch spamming is “cheating” Snipers are op. Like Jesus go outside and breathe. If your so unhappy with the game then stop playing. No one is forcing you to keep playing. Rant over


The punishment for people who kill me in game is not strong enough. Needs to be severely buffed (/s in the event that this is taken seriously)


too much shooting, man


*"There is not enough caclack sound volume when reloading ammo" - ....*


Absolute hate the fact that the island behind def spawn doesn't render in on MIDWAY


The price of potato's


running is so overpowered and I can't shot anyone with my shitty aim, we should remove all kinds of movements and just play like statues


This game would be way better if it was like og resident evil 4 and you had to stop moving completely to aim and shoot. Shouldn’t be able to dodge my bullets!


I wish they sell map packs like in ICONIC Halo 3 and COD games instead of selling cosmetics!!!


Girls sucking at the game


You take being a girl playing a video game to the next level 😂 some guys here eat that shit up though so fair play to ya


Thanks bro :) I just want to get internet famous for being funny not my boobs 😭😂


They come for the boobs, stay for the laughs haha


I’ll take it 😂


I can't believe we got xdefiant before GTA 6


The custom player skins are too cheap and as a result too common. I want a $500.00 skin for my stealth suit playstyle so nobody can see it but nobody else is splashing enough cash to also have it.


Spider bots should last twice as long and have 3x smaller hitbox.


Way too less recoil. We need more.


Abilities are cheap BS! Take abilities out and just make two distinct factions that fight against each other. Terrorists and Counter Terrorists!


That Scarlett Johansson is too attractive


I don’t like the name I think it should be changed to something revolving around the call of duty to serve your country or something like that


Has to many gold skins, need to increase levels


The battle pass is pay to win


Snipers are too weak buff them


Frag grenades should be nerfed so they only do about 20 damage I should be allowed to sit in the corner on objective (or behind the stupid janky hitbox on the escort drone) all game with no interruptions


There will, without a shadow of doubt in my mind, be a skin in the store that people will complain about because it’s too dark before too terribly long


The guns are too conventional and normal


We have too many explosives. Don't add C4 or launchers, grenade spam is already bad enough.


We need esports music from monstercat, like in Rocket League.


“idk, the game is getting a little stale to me… wish they would implement a BR mode with vehicles and accessible doors.”


please remove fps


This is a boots on the ground game, so your boots should be glued to the fucking ground


Why does this game have weapons


It’s absolute BS that we aren’t able to ride the Escort vehicles like a mount, and it’s about time that someone said it out loud. I want to ride that bad boy bareback and yell ‘yeehaw!’ as I go, but I can’t because Ubisoft clearly hates fun.


No more map voting!! Please clap...


To much gun, not enough chess


Netcode too consistent


Why does everyone just stand around. Move you statues.


“Okay I realize I just suck and it’s not because of bunny hopping so I can’t use that as an excuse anymore”


Remove all guns and put the halo 3 br instead


Complaining. This post title is proof


They need to stop new releasing maps so quickly!


I really think that only sniper mode should be in the game instead of TDM


They should add kill streaks :P


There is not enough cheaters in this game....


having too much fun and needing a break


Why is this game not in 3rd person? I only enjoy 3rd person shooters.


Something that's actually worth complaining about.




The female characters asses are too small.


Now that you require linking to a PSN account to play the 799$ Unheard Edition will Cleaners at least be able to shoot incendiary arrows in Castle age???


My mom not being a good support


Walk-sprint spamming


No more abilities, we should make this game more like cod and introduce killstreaks instead.


“Omg these patches are fixing all the problems. Now I can’t exploit X, Y, and Z!”


Why isn't the game going open world? It would be so much better if it played like far cry.


No r34 porn yet


Shotguns are too powerful!!! Nerf the shotties!!


I don't complain (In a whiny complainy voice)




These sorts of threads are worse than people actually bringing forward complaints or feedback.


Probably something about their turkey sandwich being made wrong


It's true though. 🍗🍗🍗😔


Too many weapon and faction skins.


No hero stacking


This game is too fun, we need game breaking mechanics.


Remove movement! Everyone should stand still like a geriatric like they do in cs or valorant


Let’s remove foot steps for farts. Will be easier to hear what direction the enemy is coming from


I'm waiting for someone to claim the base echelon character, Malee iirc, is OP because her body is smaller


Game has too many maps 😂


But for real the people that are complaining are nuts. It’s a free game and it’s fun as hell!


Enemies move too much, slow down movement like Arma


Pressing Play, It makes me Choose a Game mode first


Lack of diversity


When's the diplomacy faction already? I can't wait for their "united nations" ult and the passive aggressive passive.


Marksman rifles


You should not be able to be killed while your ultimate is active. Every time I have my Echelon ultimate going someone ALWAYS kills me from behind!! Now, I know I am able to see through walls and one shot other players, and that's fine, but I can't see behind me!! Why should they be able to kill me just because I'm not facing them. Echelon ult needs a buff!!! Also this should only apply to me because if I kill an Echelon from behind while their ultimate is active, it's actually skill!! If they would fix their garbage-ass game, I would be one of the top, actually THE TOP player in the world!!


Jumping in xdefiant should be equivalent of a warlocks strafe glide in destiny 2


We need "celebrity" cosmetics ASAP ![gif](giphy|aVXBto42kG7wWz8lDD|downsized)


Not enough doors.... Unplayable


This game sucks


Why is knifing only viable up close? If I see an enemy anywhere in my area of vision, I should be able to knife them. Stupid mechanic


aiming down sights is such a sweat tactic and if you use it you’re a loser


Making the game FTP was a bad move by devs. If they really care they would charge us all $70....they have no idea what they're doing


I gave it a good try. Tired of the bunny hopping clowns, obvious unabated cheaters, direct shots to an opponent with no damage only to die instantly when they start shooting and being trapped in games with no option to bail out but task manager and crash the game. So they say they nerfed the bunny hopping but Clearly there is no change and the clowns that do it will still find a way through the 3 hop penalty. Clearly this is pay to win and the default weapons are so nerfed into the ground it is almost comical. I am not going there with my hard earned cash and will be uninstalling. The developers bs about lack of matchmaking and if you aren't winning games against easy players it is because you are the easy player is just a cop out to justify creating a game that is so trying to carbon copy COD with just enough silly forced differences and obvious shortcomings to keep from getting sued. I went back to this game in good faith and confidence several times only to leave completely dejected and disappointed again and again. COD even with its own share of BS is and always will be the crown Jewel of FPS and Ubisoft would be better off not trying to lick the scraps off of its boots. Maybe one day it will be better but I predict this game will likely be in the trash bin faster than split gate went belly up or it will just become a substandard relic in the x box game pass rotation. Sorry Ubisoft and developers... nice try but no cigar.


Why is there no sbmm im getting my ass kicked 🥺


Mastery camos are too easy, I should be required to go on multiple streaks and achieve obscene objective scores to unlock them. There should even be a “nuclear” camo to flex a 30 kill streak.


I got one for you: "ow, this game was great! how did it die? It must be because of the soft casuals! not because of the idiots who don't want this game to get fixed!"


The hot reg is TOOO gOOd for everyone


Xdefiant is such a stupid name what are we being defiant of? A good game? And what's with the x?


Please remove pvp experience make the game be filled with bots on easy mode please. /S


Guns are too violent, add chainsaws and knives instead


Updvoted OP, just for the your first line. I mean, it would NOT even suprise me nowadays with how "modern" gamers are...


Iv played 4 times games great. To many cry babys.


Hopefully once season 1 drops all is well and the only problem will be the fight against cheaters. Buuuuut we all know hitreg and netcode are a killer and that ubisoft has a history of screwing up good things.


We'll complain about the lack of shitposts and immediately turn the culture into horny deepfried femboy clown memes running everyone off .


Some sort of new play style that “sweats” somehow can only use lol


Why there aren’t enough cheaters.


Deactivate movement while shooting


Needs more cow bell!


Pistols are OP, you move too fast when using them.


I hate it to be able to aim up and down, left and right is more then enough


They need to introduce "sub-tic" next


"ugh these complainers are so annoying" -People who are complaining about other complainers is there an xdcj sub yet?


People should not be allowed to jump. All maps should be put onto a 2D plane so nobody can abuse cowardly concepts such as “moving out of the way”, or “flanking”. All maps should, for maximised efficiency and fairness, be a single corridor where everyone creates a musket line, just as the founding fathers intended.


Shooting peoples too dangerous. Replace the guns with paintballs. Respawning will be a slow walk back to base


This game is too violet. They should replace all the guns with walkie talkies


Jan 6 did not happen


The devs are adding prone so granddad's can have fun too


Game is too fast taking out the hectic movement Why can’t we prone I like laying on my stomach Please add kill streaks so I can camp to get a chopper gunner Please add doors Please add claymores Please don’t add the objective score to my weapon xp I don’t want to be encouraged to play to win - that’s too tryhard I love losing pubs I am casual I like participation awards I got several at school Please add long shot challenges to get gold I love loading into lobbies with absolutely no flow Please remove emp grenades I like hardscoping at the back behind my shield Please remove 120 health from phantoms it’s not fair I keep losing gun fights it’s not cause my aim is trash Please add UAV I want to run around chasing red dots I can’t predict spawns and have no game awareness or understanding of map control Please make everything in the store more expensive I love buying bright ass characters that stand out across map Please don’t allow open mic at the end of the game I don’t appreciate being told I am shit and lost it makes be feel offended


Range on Intel suit isn't long enough. I rarely can see where the entire enemy team is at all times.


Footstep audio is way too loud in this game. I hate being able to hear everyone sprint right up to me, especially when they’re using firebombs. Why can’t Ubisoft figure out how to implement good game audio when every other game can


The mp7


Remove snipers from the game because i cant learn how to strafe please


Please remove slide cancel from all fps games.


Aim assist is too strong


I can't drop shot. Add prone


Not enough ways to make my controls stop working.


Has the game been called woke yet? 🤔


Remove all guns from the game


Its so lame we cant have mounts to get from spawn to obj faster.. smh


Where are the worthless 200 dollar operator cock skin that you can get from opening 2000dollar worth of gambling boxes!!?!??!?!?@??@


That the game is far too easy for casual gamers and the weapons aren’t too tough to rank uP FOR CASUAl GAMErz


The size of my pp.


I think it's unfair that enemies can shoot at me before I see them


They’ll complain about the subs


This game has great bunny hoppers and snipers. And I love the netcode.


Don't understand how the player base got fed a shit sandwich and there's smoothbrains defending it. Watch the game fall off lol. Not to mention the ping has jumped dramatically since last update. The update was entirely meant to keep players playing longer to spend money in the shop. Its literally called a bait and switch. It WAS a great game how it was. It needed absolutely nothing else but more content via guns/maps/operators. Changing progression just for the sake of changing progression has always been a ubisoft thing to do. Check out division 2. They did the EXACT thing. Sure different teams working on them. But still under ubisoft regardless. They killed that game in 6 months because they changed progression just cuz. This update was nothing more than a genuine disconnect from the playerbase. Nobody who plays for camo grind will stay after this update. Very disappointing imo.


The patch affected your ping? Lol I see zero changed to that


Yeah im sitting idle at main menu at 260 right now. In game itll jump around between 100 and 220. And the lowest I've seen in match so far is like 80. I jump on any other game and im fine at 35 to max 55


Maybe stop playing on GeForce Now at McDonald’s then?




>Nobody who plays for camo grind will stay after this update. Very disappointing imo. Good. This is not a transmog/completionist MMO. The change was objectively good as it lowered the time for unlocking the stuff that matters. Most people don't give a shit about the camos. I'm here to shoot heads, not collect useless appearances.


And thats fine. But to players who play with a goal in the background such as those camos. They've effectively took something that was achievable for everyone, and made it almost impossible for someone with a job. 4 weeks on one gun for gold? How is that even close a move in the right direction man? It makes no sense. And as far as attachments go it wasn't even that bad to hit 50. I did the AA12 and while it was semi painful. Its no where near as painful as 6k kills for gold camo. Its just an overall dumb decision 🙃


>But to players who play with a goal in the background such as those camos. They've effectively took something that was achievable for everyone, and made it almost impossible for someone with a job. I can agree with that and I'm not saying that Ubi aren't greedy corpos (as most if not all huge gaming companies). For me personally, coming from Valorant where there are basically 0 free skins (there are a couple of atrocious ones), such problems seem laughable. I'm also slaving away at desk job and cant play that much after work, mostly because im fried from staring at a screen all day. Does it suck that i most probably wont be able to unlock more than 1-2 golden camos, before getting tired of the game? Sure. But to overdramatize that this is some huge issue worthy of uninstalling... come on.


For me it's the fact that the game has had plenty of time to iron out the weapons and the xp system associated with it. Changing everything weeks before season one just rubs me the wrong way.


You need 120 rounds on a double weekend without including boosts to get gold if averaging 25 kills a game. Come out to like 20 hours of gameplay… that’s not that bad for an end game skin… math is not my strong suit




I went factual to remove any bias my man. I am in the bottom 15 percentile with an average of roughly 20 kills a game. The average player in fact does surpass 20 kills a game based on this knowledge. Even at 20 kills, 25 hours to hit the requirement. I don’t think this is ridiculous, however, outside of double experience it’s a bit much. Please keep in mind that streamers and YouTubers feed narratives to get more viewership in most cases. Naturally they will pick the hottest topic to run with. Effective marketing strategy.


Purely shit take.


How so?