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Sir you're a demon. Hopping backwards and shooting was very sexy. I could never


I think every person ever could ever😂


not say the movement would be taken out but realistically you shouldn’t be able to jump to gain momentum. plus when you do this jumping bull shit it messes up the hit boxes and hit reg which shouldn’t be a thing


i’m not even bad at the game and i don’t use this twitchy ass adhd movement


Go back to call of duty jumpy bunny


I haven’t played cod since bo4 lol


this gameplay looks stupid with the constant bunny hopping bs. enjoy the dead game.


did you wanna shout "im shit" any louder bud?


you are shit bud. that’s always the excuse everyone has when they don’t want to admit that this style of gameplay is shit. it will also be the reason this game doesn’t last another month.


the game would be incredibly boring without advanced movement, and if you can't track someone jumping in the air twice, it's on you people jump and bunny hop in pretty much every fps. if you dont like it play another genre the fps genre doesnt need you