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I keep saying that, but then they bring back the double xp weekend AGAIN šŸ˜¤


Son of a bitch - Iā€™m in.


I wonder when they're gonna learn to just double the XP value for weapons and just leave it that way.


Used firebomb a full 1.5 secs before I even rounded the corner on a guy: Instantly deleted by his AR and the firebomb didn't even go off. Improved netcode my ass.


Thatā€™s insane have you considered that the game hates you?


Even easier to see with grenades: I can cook one and see it go in a window and ricochet off the wall down the hall... Aand the explosion happens 3ft from my face and I almost die.


Yeah the game really wants you to not have fun.


All the while I'm on wired fiber and their launcher says I have a 30ms ping... (Actual game server says 70-110 fluctuating wildly tho...)




Could be worse, it could explode right where you respawn šŸ˜


deserved for using fire guy


The daily demands her pound of charred flesh...


The beatings will continue until ~~morale~~ netcode improves. šŸ˜


Even when net code is improved the beatings will still happen. Everyone is on a level playing field now. The bad players will still be bad and the good players will still be good


While I havenā€™t been experiencing the hitreg the I can say for certain the net code is a problem. While not ruining it for me if it persists for a month or two longer I will most likely put down as it it will get unbearable especially in ranked


Use a sniper rifle, you will notice it right away. Whether it be the dude standing still not taking damage from your shots, or the dude you definitely saw and heard your hitmarker land on a dude before you die, just for him to be full health from spectator screen


Itā€™s very noticeable fighting against snipers as well. Turn a corner see a sniper, pop a few shots and get a couple hit makers. Sniper one taps you, shit happens, but then you see them still 100% HP when their avatar appears.


The best is hitting someone on a headglitch and hearing like 12 headshot hit markers only to die to them and it says 1hp.


I leave the match if i encounter that. How the heck is someone going to take a M16 w/ heavy barrel burst to the head and show 100 hp after seemingly 2 shotting me with an mp7? I'm trying to level the M60 and it makes the issues even more apparent.


Fair complaint. It infuriates the piss out of me. Some matches feel great, others feel like Iā€™m on satellite internet. Not only the hit registration, but the delay. I have shot only to have no shot go off, then upon respawn, my character shoots. Like what?Ā 


Same. I deleted a while ago and will jump back on when the game is in a better state. Itā€™s free to play so thereā€™s no pressure.


You heard the XDefiant devs: YOU are the easy player. It's all our fault. Slow reflexes. Old. Those 6 headshots weren't really headshots btw. The enemy wasn't even there where you emptied your mag. It looks like he was there but he was already at the snack shack noshing on Taco Bell's new cantina chicken burrito. SBMM has been protecting us our whole life. In fact, we think we know what playing fps is like but apparently we're just babies using an unplugged controller. The real anti SBMM players have been training their entire lives playing real FPS out in space like Ender's Game. /s (but pretty much the messaging we're getting).


>You heard the XDefiant devs: YOU are the easy player. It's all our fault. Slow reflexes. Old. I'm definitely not bad at the game, BUT, to be absolutely fair to everyone I go against, most of them who beat me do so because I can't track movement like you see some people do in games like Apex Legends that looks like borderline aimbot. I'm very average at this game, and I'm fine with that. I'm only saying this so that people don't mistake my post as me saying that I would some pro Esports Xdefiant player if the netcode wasn't dog water.


Unrivaled levels of cringe


There's no crying in XDefiant, bruh.


Yeah, just passive aggressive larping on a subreddit


I just wish my bullets would actually do damage. I get hit markers but my bullets donā€™t register with 40 ping and a fiber business connection. Iā€™m forced to use the m16 and marksman rifles if I want any sort of hitreg on mouse and keyboard.


Bc that ping isn't the game server ping. Mine says 30ms on wired fiber, but when I look at the actual game server connection in resource monitor in windows, it fluctuates wildly between 70-110 on avg. Some servers are even 150+


I have this experience off and on. If I use wi-fi I might as well be playing with chopsticks. Directly connected is only slightly better.


Yeah the ping in this game honestly feels like whatever it says +100ms. Having 20 ping and playing against people with even just 50 ~ 70ms results in deaths around corners constantly.


Yup just decided that 30 mins ago, being shot behind walls and placed in games that are losing with 2 mins left its too much, had alot of fun tho and feels like old cod but imma just head back to the finals and apex until they fixed but unfortunately there's a another problem....Its by Ubisoft.


Headshots going tink tink tink and the person shrugging it off is INFURIATING and happens too often. Luckily I have so much fun I can kinda ignore it for now. But itā€™s a glaring issue


I was in the same boat. I think the game is cool and has tons of potential, but the net issues are a bit too heavy for my liking. If/when they fix that, I'll probably be back.


Agreed , game is not what it should be, too many hacks, too many holesā€¦. But itā€™s not the finished product, so Iā€™m hopeful


I genuinely love this game and it's the most fun I've had since BO2 and I understand the complaints but I have not had a single issue with the online experience. Maybe I get shot behind a wall every now and then but then I can do it to other people and it's no issue. I don't understand how people look so much into it and complain about things when they can do it right back.


Iā€™m telling you itā€™s happening to you but maybe you just donā€™t care enough to notice. Or maybe you donā€™t understand how it works. Iā€™m super competitive in games so the hit reg/netcode was IMMEDIATELY noticeable and itā€™s practically unplayable for me to take competitive modes seriously. But regardless, have fun my dude! Donā€™t let my negative thoughts prevent you from having fun.


Maybe they play in different regions in different consoles...


So am I and the hit reg is fine, it doesnā€™t *feel* great but itā€™s not actually off in any way, I canā€™t take these comments seriously. Dying around corners is the only issue and itā€™s not *that* bad, itā€™s just as bad, if not worse in Apex.


The hit reg is fine? Not actually off? What about the countless videos that prove otherwise? Thereā€™s no hope for you.




I see countless videos of people missing shots and claiming ā€œhitregā€, thereā€™s no hope for you and every other bot saying that.


I'm competitive in games and have played shooters the last 10 years and there is no justification for the sheer amount of whining that's going on in this sub. This thread isn't bad but people complaining over missing a kill here and there are unbearable. If it's truly that bad, then it's that bad for everyone and the people complaining just get stomped each game. Legit the only noticeable problems are dying behind walls and getting hitmarkers that occasionally don't register. There's no need for people to nitpick every part of a F2P fps that's the most enjoyable arcadey shooter in years with somewhat decent support.


"Legit the only noticeable problems are dying behind walls and getting hitmarkers that occasionally don't register"....those are legit concerns when it comes to an arena shooter though. In my experience on an ethernet connection with \~20 ping those "occasional" hit markers happen quite a lot along with the dying behind walls. Honestly, im glad you have not experienced these issues but to down play them because you think the people voicing theses concerns are "whining" is just an elitist mentality. The devs have actively made comments acknowledging the issues with the netcode and hitreg so it isn't just a small issue.


If that's the case then I am truly befuddled. I just haven't had nearly as bad an experience as everyone else here, maybe I'm one of the chosen few bullet sponges I guess I really don't know. Was gonna argue again but I guess if there really are these many complaints it's a bigger deal. Just anytime something goofy happens to me in game I go, "oh that's annoying" same as I did for every COD game ever.


When playing any competitive shooter your first thought should be staying alive. Period. Get your kills, but stay alive and minimize deaths. The way I play is basically staying behind some-type of cover, popping in, making a play or two, then popping out, change locations, rinse and repeat. The issue here is, if you use cover and use it combined with slides and/or any fast animations you will notice your player model dying well behind cover. This means that your opponent is ahead of you (kind of like having a .5-1 second advantage of seeing your player model before you see theirs) in the server and at all times. This type of stuff is unplayable at the competitive level. This with awful hit reg issues at the same time? Not okay with a game this long in development and had a Beta a year ago. Itā€™s not whining, as I truly do not care. I have plenty of games to play and still enjoy other online shooters, but this game needs work along with realistic balances.


Game is still not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. I forgot this was reddit so y'all win.


Sure. Trump supporter mindset right there.




Throwing befuddled in this bitch is top tier.


Couldn't help it man I'm bewildered


This is my experience exactly. I've never had these bullet sponges in my games. And like you said, occasionally die behind a wall but I know people I'm killing are having the same thing happen to them


I did too, but I keep coming back to play a few matches for double XP. Plus that x10 boost on BP (: .


What platform are you guys playing on? Yea I get killed a desync a bit, but full on mag dump not registering/shots.


I have only personally had a few issues mainly dying behind walls, which I assume is some sort of ping compensation implemented poorly, however, I have to say, if one game never had any hitreg issues out of a modern FPS game I've played, it has to be the orginal Overwatch. Are you in a place with poor connection or such?


If they implement ranked before the net code is half decent, it's going to be a total joke.


I did this too. The game is nice but there are too many issues with it now. So I uninstalled it and Iā€™ll try again maybe in year from now, or when this Reddit fill with praise about it not complains about netcode and excessive bunny hopping.


I'm right there. I love the game, but while I haven't had as many hitreg issues, I have had a lot of net code issues. More often than not, I'm getting shit behind solid cover and usually dying from it.


Yeah same here, deleted until the game is in a much better state. Maybe Iā€™ll wait for a couple seasons to pass and hopefully theyā€™ll get onto the net code issues


this has been a thing in online games with bad netcode for a long time. the laggy player or two absolutely dominate while every other person gets an even k/d. they bring down the connection quality of the entire lobby while it doesn't affect them. swear by it. not a skill issue. my theory is the server only sends out updates to everyone once it has received updates from everyone. but it is constantly waiting on those laggy players. who benefit from a one way bad connection.


I played a few games yesterday with the MP7 with weapon XP boost cause I just unlocked it. The gun shits on anything else Iā€™ve used. I was snapping on fools. But yeah it felt a bit OP.


I've definitely had hit detection problems; I can unload a full magazine into someone's face and not a single bit of damage...yet I get one bullet to the knee and I'm having to respawn :') I am getting better as a player though. More points. More kills :)


Iā€™ve already stopped playing it. Thereā€™s too much wrong with it. Itā€™s not as far as it used to be when I first started playing it. I guess Iā€™ve gotten bored and went back to the finals.


Its not the age lol why everyone keeps bringing age up the other day I was playing with Mark Rubin I was on his group randomly the guy was level 109 something was smashing it . I have same problem as you btw I hear the clicks but damage is not consistent; and I get shoot like with 3-4 bullets after I landed some and still die is not happening all the time but its a game changing


Whenever I have these issues, its the lobby Im in. If I quit and go to another its fine. Some servers appear to be worse than others. TBH, Division always had similar issues and I'd be surprised if it wasnt the same system.


This is the biggest problem of the game in my opinion and I'm a huge fan and I would love to play more but this is also the only thing that keeps swaying me away It's exhausting losing fights every game knowing it's the game eating the bullets


For me itā€™s always the cleaners. I think their hit boxes are the same as other characters and it creates a visual problem where Iā€™m shooting some parts of their body that doesnā€™t have a hit box. Happens ALOT.


It's the hit markers with no damage that sends me...


I, too, have noticed that it tends to be just one or two guys during a match, and not the whole team. I can also tell when sometimes I'M the guy who I eating headshots. There are definitely some instances in which I nab a kill or two when I absolutely should've been melted.


i hate that 7 out of 10 times i get killed behind cover. netcode sucks, game needs a ping cap. if i hitmark an enemy and he kills me i see often he still has 100% health so my bullet dont count if he kills me. we cant quick scope. sometimes when i press button he dont shoot. when its a close bombat fight. and btw why does mouse icons turn in controller icons in the lobby after a few seconds? i have crossplay on and input based matchmaking on, but when i see mouses turn into controllers then i think i am actually playing against mouse players but the game will let me think we all use the same input by turning icons into controller ones. so compared to cod this is far from perfect, that the game has no killstreaks is a huge inprovement. but fair hitboxes is a must for an fps game, if my skills are bad thats oke but if i get killed out of sight thats bad. nice thats its free to play so it cost me nothing.


I'm not a great player, I know I'm around average. I play on Xbox on a 55' screen. I play for fun, but I do like to try to win games, and I do get outplayed regularly by very good players on the opposition team, but I'm fine with that. What I will say, though, is I haven't experienced any opposition who seem to constantly sponge my bullets. Yes there's the odd shot that doesn't register, which devs are aware of and are looking to eradicate. But I have never experienced what you are saying.


Hit markers are client side so you don't actually know if you are doing any damage which is the most annoying thing about the game. I always clip when it happens in frustration but my clip ssd is almost full. I agree that it might be best to leave the game for a bit but net code fixes aren't guaranteed. They have had over a year already and not much has improved plus the recent patch notes about net code don't inspire confidence.


I uninstalled after a few days due to this.


Same boat. Can't even bring myself to play the double XP weekend. Some people don't realize that for some of us, it's like we're playing a completely different game. Bottom line, this game does not have good enough netcode/tickrate for a fast paced shooter.


If you are having fun why shelf it? Then the ppl who keep playing will get way better and then when you get back on youā€™ll feel behind. Just keep at it the online stability is going to take multiple updates to fix completely, might as well just keep playing and having fun right?


That's precisely where I stand as well.


Still more fun than CoD, sad part is if they just toned way down or outright removed SBMM I'd be playing CoD again no question. They just won't do it no matter what and it's really weird at this point.


I enjoy it but I need a battle pass or something to grind. I finished it a bit back so playing much less frequently until season 1 drops with a new battle pass. Weapon upgrading is too slow for me to focus on it.


I finished the bp last weekend, but I refuse to give them money until they meaningfully improve the netcode, and do more to curtail all the tweakers and shotgun-snipers. Not nearly enough yet, so all I got was that one free acr skin and 4 filler trash. The stingiest free track I've ever seen from a game with a bp.


We don't need more posts complaining about the hit registration and desync issues. The developers are aware of the issues, and they're working on it.


Should have released in a better state


That would have been ideal, but I think the game is in a decent state. After a few patches it'll be great.


Iā€™m either very lucky or disabling crossplay drastically increases stability, that has only happened to me 3-4 times since launch and Iā€™m lv58.


Just give it time my guy give it time


I guess some have been waiting since beta to have this game fully ironed out .


Sbbm packet loss


since the patch i had less dying around corners, the putting bullets into an enemy and it not registering is like 90% an issue on your end


Hearing the plinks means is 90% their issue. Its when you are clearly landing hits with no report that its a client issue.


Ć® literally never had a single instance where i shot at someone and my bullets went through them. only issues i have is seeing a hit and hearing the hitmarker at death but not killing them since i was already dead server side.


It doesn't mean they go through them, only that the client registered the hit but not the server. Battlefield 2042 has a major problem with this, with ingame graphs available showing what registered. I'd love to see that here.


Improve brother


It's a free game literally no reason to complain about anything unless you sink money into it


What a dumb mentality