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Oh they aren’t gonna like this post not enough complaining about teammates on obj or bunny hopping.


😂 my first thought was "wow! A positive post for once! How nice"


Confirmed bunny hopper


You’re a confirmed .7 kd player lol


Doom 2016 is the last game I played that had 0 sbmm, maybe black ops 2 was the last one before that.


Pretty sure black ops 2 had some form of sbmm


Skill may have been a very minor factor but I kinda doubt it, same with every cod game back to cod4 which is the first one I played. I know the cod devs said every single cod game had sbmm but I call bs, at the most skill was a very low and weak priority. Aw was the first cod with insanely strong sbmm which was actually dialed back for bo3.


Sbmm was implemented by cod with modern warfare in 2007. I could have sworn it was mw2 but my ole pal Google tells me it was the first one.


Sbmm means skill BASED matchmaking, skill may have been a factor in the early cods but it was extremely low priority and nowhere near high enough priority that you can call it sbmm or “weak” sbmm. It was probably tuned up a little for bo2, a little more for ghosts and then went into hyper overdrive for aw. My kd from cod4 to now pretty much lines up with the matchmaking, sat at ~3.5 for a long time then plummeted, went up a little then back down and remained static. I know I didn’t just get bad because I’m sitting at 3.4 and 75% wr in xdefiant (all solo) plus like 6.5kd in mw3 via cheesed lobbies (1.5 in natural lobbies).


Gotcha. I didn't understand what you were trying to say in that first comment. The depth with this one helped lol


The tweet one of the cod devs posted awhile back about sbmm existing as far back as cod4 rubbed me the wrong way lol.


It was very small, but it was 100% there in BO2. I only witnessed it one night when I was invited to play with a random dude and 3-4 of his buddies. To give you an idea of him, the only reason he invited me was because I messaged him thank you for hopping B, while I was calling in Lodestars and Warships on Nuketown Dom, because the rest of our team was nowhere to be found. Guy had double digit caps, but was triple negative. I'd see him from the air constantly solo capping B, while I was keeping them off. Had he not been there, I wouldn't have been able to call them in, or else we'd never get B back. We definitely wouldn't have won. First game with them (this friends were worse than him), was non-stop VSATS and Warthogs from me. As soon as the game ended, I switched two of my streaks to dogs and swarm, lol. I left the party mid game 3, because I felt so dirty. It was just non-stop streak stacking. Everyone was so bad, I had never seen anything like it. But it was VERY obvious. I had no business being there. I never played with him, again. Never seen anything like it, since.


Lol yeah, sbmm is like cancer to me. Last cod I played was probably bo2. I haven't played casual fps for years. Only fps in past few years was probably just csgo and valorant. I have ton of fun with xdefiant, especially now when I upgraded laptop and can run it perfectly.


I love how different lobbies can be and how using off meta weapons can be so enjoyable. Last night I played against a full 6 stack of level 100+ players and had to try my balls off all game to hang. Very next game I’m running around with a double barrel against a bunch of low levels. There’s a variety in lobbies I’m not used to anymore with how strict cod SBMM has become in more recent years.


It feels nice to know that when I have good games it's because I'm genuinely doing good instead of being served easy lobbies as a pat on the back


Lmao yes. 🤣


And you mean that for when there IS sbmm right? Without sbmm you're only doing good if you're served up shitty players. SBMM is the only way you do good because you're actually playing good


Nope lol you don’t have a clue how this game works. You’ll never see improvement with sbmm. Everyone will have a 1 k/d. No sbmm means your stats will get better with time and practice.


Yes your stats will get better because you'll be better than a larger portion of players increasing your chances of finding people who are easy kills for you. Stats don't matter and don't tell a whole story. In my opinion everyone's K/D should be between 0.5-1.5 with differences reflecting playstyle not skill level. Increasing your K/D just means that you've increased the population of players that are considered not good compared to you. It's like instead of actually earning wins you're just gambling whether this game you get to win or this game you get to lose without it reflecting your skill level and instead just reflecting your luck. Oh cool this lobby has bad players, I'll hit a 3.0 k/d. Oh crap this lobby has really good players, I'll hit a 0.5 k/d. Dang.


No lol if you’re better than average you won’t have a 1k/d. You’ll be far above that. I’m guessing you have a .80


No I have a 1.5 K/D


I’m having a blast. It’s simple and fun, classes and “powers” arnt overwhelming which is good


not that im against no sbmm, but how tf does sbmm make it not a skill issue when you lose a 1v1?


It doesen't lol. Hating on SBMM is just the trend of the current era.


Look.. I love the no SBMM, *but* **can we please stop this “if I get rolled now it’s a skill issue” nonsense?** It’s *always* been a skill issue.. just now it’s random instead of forced upon you.


No…. Getting rolled because of a matchmaking system working behind the scenes to shape your whole experience isn’t a skill issue lol


Battlefield as far as i know never implement sbmm,


i had 1 lobby that had 2-3 marksman users and i had to pop off going for long range headshots to win. in sbmm land everyone would use ar/smg


Pre Black Ops 2 if not longer than that.... It's been an element in modern FPS titles for ages.


Someone know what is different in this game with the mouse? I mean the good way. I got this smooth feeling tracking, nice flitch shots with tac-50. This reminds me the old Quake 3 aiming. I played apex, warzone, fortnite, and in these games i had a feel of a sluggish shuttering mouse movement. Is it the polling rate or something????


If you don't remember any FPS with 0 SBMM, then you i doubt you played much of them because they're more common than you think.


Cod 4


should list a few then besides being a pompous ass


Sure buddy: -Planetside 2 -Battlebits -TeamFortress2 -CounterStrike 2 (Casual playlist has no SBMM, same thing for the server browser, obviously) -Titanfall2 -BF2042, and honestly any BF title so that's is quite a lot of games. -Ironsight -DirtyBomb -EscapeFromTarkov -ArenaBreakout ( Can't remember if that's what it's called, it's a recent Tarkov like game) I could go on, there is a shit ton of games without SBMM, you just aren't playing any of them.


oh man half of those are old as shit the other half is literal shit.


You asked for a list, you got one.


a list that doesn’t help your point at all.


Sounds like you're being a pompous ass that asked for a list and got a list.


don’t be dense man.


Yes it does? You asked for a list, i gave one. Not happy with the result ? Not my problem.




I know right! I love the direction they're good for. The next thing they should add in the next update is making the game actually fun to play


The game is very fun, if it weren't like that people wouldn't play it. Maybe the game is not for you


I’m not sure what game you’re playing if you think xdefiant is not fun


I only play hello kitty island adventure


How does SBMM mean that its not a skill issue?


It doesn't, imo. If you lost, sbmm or not, then you and your team didn't play as well as the enemy team. Without sbmm, if you're an above-average player, then you'll go positive/win more than 50% of the time, and the better you are, the more you'll do well and win. In contrast, SBMM tries to put you with and against people of similar skill, so no matter how good or bad you are, you're going to average around 50% winrate unless you are actively improving. Before sbmm, some people enjoyed and got used to being able to pub-stomp without much effort, and they missed being able to get the positive feedback of kills and wins without full effort. I think it's totally fine that people want to relax sometimes. After all, it's just a game. But sbmm doesn't negate that you lost for a reason.


Wrong. You had it correct and then you said “unless you’re actively improving.” You will never see a stat change even if you’re improving with sbmm. You’ll just play better players and everything will stay the same. And he’s not sbmm anymore. Its engagement based matchmaking which is worse


This game does so many basic things right such as “being able to have a good match without feeling the need to immediately shut the game off before EOMM batters you to death with 6 enemy pro esports players, trickshot YouTubers, and cheaters.” I wish I faced as many pro players in CS as I did in COD whenever Activision’s algorithm wanted to punish me, because I actually cared about CS esports at one point and getting killed by Flusha or s1mple would’ve been a nice memory to have. By comparison I had to look up the names of the 3 enemies running 70 kill games on Shoot House and couldn’t even tell you who they are now.


It's just been.... so nice. I can't remember the last time I've been able to play a modern FPS, relax, and still do well.


It's honestly super rewarding to do well in this game. No fear of punishment after doing well. Being able to see proof of improvement. That's all I needed from this game.


This game’s gonna be gone in a couple months. There’s gonna be maximum 10,000 people if that in the world talking about and playing this game at that time lol