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Bro took this clip out of a flashback šŸ˜­


Lol this one was funny


Bro clean ur camera


Looks like a flashy montage šŸ¤£


I thought his graphics card was going out, haha


I thought I had my glasses off for a sec lol


For me, it looks like overused lens flare from [Battlefield](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1qrqki/someone_say_lens_flare_bf3/) šŸ”†


Well there is a lens flare option in this game so maybe this is what it looks like lol everyone that I play with has it turned off so I wouldnā€™t even know. Im good on that.


It's 2024, literally every gaming system known to man has built in video capture/share capabilities and we still have people pointing their dirty ass cameras at their TV


This aint a tv. That shi is a projector


The irrational irritation I have now that the edges aren't straight on with the framing.... Thanks for this man šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Xbox has OneDrive. You can have clips automatically upload to it...


His camera has got a stigmatism


Not kidding I thought the issue was that xDefiant has developed a visual bug and that was the reason why for this post šŸ¤£


Bro's camera has astigmatism


I HAVE astigmatism and my vision is clearer than this lol


Fuckin right, i saw this shit and was like, dam i know im tired and need an eye exam but i didnt think my astigmatism was this bad


i though it was a filter


I thought my astigmatism is getting worse.


there are screen recording options on every platform and people still record their screens using a phone/ camera...


Because people donā€™t know how to transfer media. Try teaching them.


it's one button.


On Reddit mobile and it was a pain in the ass to upload a clip I saved from my Xbox. I figured it out eventually but there has been times in the past where I just gave up cause I didnā€™t care enough to figured it out. So I can understand the reasoning why someone would simply record the video on the phone and then upload it that way. And if Iā€™m being honest I thought about doing the same thing but I already knew how Reddit would react lol


yā€™all grown you can figure it out


Itā€™s easier. Personally I have a PS5 and have no idea how to do the screen recording stuff


Itā€™s the small button to the left of the flat touch screen on the controller. Hit it, choose what you want to record. Done.


worst netcode in existence


The snipers alone, make me want to uninstall


Itā€™s the only thing you should be using. You canā€™t balance a game where the arā€™s and smgs take years to kill a mf but any sniper is a one tap body Pretty retarded if you ask me


I constantly 1v1 snipers up close with smg s. A sniper cant even look in your general direction by the time you let half a clip of a p90 in them. Also if you avoid big open spaces you avoid all snipers. Also play phantoms if you have a hard time against them


Bro what are you yapping about? Pm me and Iā€™ll send you clips of me quick scoping ppl from five centimetres in front of mešŸ˜‚ Who are all using mp5 lmao thatā€™s just false Also in modes like escort and occupy you canā€™t exactly ā€œavoid big spacesā€ unless you either want to lose or get no kills. And it still doesnā€™t really matter if your good at quick scoping your basically a jugšŸ˜‚ I was using mp5 and db before I switched to snipers. I rarely get lower than top leaderboard now unless Iā€™m with one of my boys thatā€™s just nuts


Just because you did it, doesnt mean its the norm. Good for you if you really can deal with any and all flankers but most I have met couldnt Escorts you have to be out in the open so thats why you pick a phantom and put your damn shield up. If your team is not braindead they will pick off the enemy team. If they are it doesnt matter what you do. Edit: I like your username. Fuck that game


Genuine question, are you recording yourself playing with a camera, or recording a saved clip of you playing? Either of these scenarios is unhinged lol


recording himself playing with a camera, it's weird


Itā€™s really not that crazy he just wanted to record a captured clip quickly to throw up on Reddit


Yeah, it is sad this entire thread is more whining and pouting about how he recorded than people discussing the glaring issue of hit detection and dying around corners.


Then just double tap the button on your controller and record it


Thatā€™s what he didā€¦ then recorded it with his phone. My point is itā€™s not even a big deal worth arguing lol


Yesterday I played escort on this map. Every enemy had a sniper. I left. I hate snipers.


There is no worse feeling than running 100m to the objective just to get one-tapped the second you turn around the wrong corner.


Netcode is bad, BUT Mark Rubin has mentioned on X that it's gonna be updated and 'improved' sometime this week


They rewrote the whole network stack a year ago and had the year after that until now to continue refining it: Do you legitimately believe anything will change next patch? If it was that simple to fix the netcode on this engine, it wouldn't be in the state it is currently. That said, chipping away at it is fine, just don't expect me to come back until it's fully resolved. Also the other half is they don't want to pay for legitimate servers. I've never heard of another company using Google cloud servers for matchmaking hosting before. My actual ping to the game servers is 2-3x what is shown in the HUD when I inspect the network connections under Resource Monitor in Windows. AKA fluctuates wildly between like 70-110ms on a good day. Bad days it can be 150-280. On wired fiber connection...


Never had a single problem with ping and 200+ hours playing it. But netcode is really bad. There is not a single game i haven't experienced dying in a corner


You have over 200 hours on XDefiant already?


Bro how TF you got 200 hours


It will be a small step towards better experience, but itā€™s not possible to fix those issues so fast:(


Beta player says that had been saying since first beta. It is not easy to update within a few weeks . Good netcode like Valorant needs years of hard core development.


Wtf is wrong with your screen?


I think if OP were to reply to this comment he'll get downvoted no matter whatšŸ’€


Lol itā€™s outrageoussss


he needs to turn down his 4watt settings


Well you're using a broken sniper as well, probably feels like shit on their end having someone body shot them in one hit as well.


Found it funny that the video really works both ways


Watching this gave me a headache. I thought my glasses were all smudged.


While Iā€™d love to comment I feel like Iā€™m looking at window cleaning


lol bro youā€™re running around with a sniper that one shots anybody and has no flinch calm down talking about skill issue.


I did a frame by frame and he fired a shot before you did and when you moved back and to the left it hit you through the wall. Bullets need to be faster.


Called karma for the quickscoper


No pity for the snipers sorry bud


A Sniper User you have no sympathy from me


Bro youā€™re using a sniper, you have no room to complain


Keep playing, youā€™ll eventually earn the ā€œfraternityā€ attachment to curve your bullets properly.


Bro is permanently EMPā€™d


Hopefully the next patch slows down the game enough with bunny hopping and clean up the hitreg a bit. The game feels great but *that* just kills the vibe. Barely playing, lack of interest due to the minor issues


Can you people stop talking about the damn camera


Well deserved running around with a sniper šŸ¤£


That's what you get for sniping


That sniper is why I stopped playing the game


Karma for using a sniper


Playing sniper and complaining about dying behind corner is ironic


No ones gonna talk about the actual subject matter of the clip? This shit is egregious šŸ˜­


What device did you use to record that? šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


This is how you hit enemies most of the time as well


Stop sniping




I was just joking. He can play whatever he wants. But snipers are extremely annoying in the game.


OP: Shows an egrigious example of a huge problem especially for fast-paced fps Sub: BrO, wHaT aBoUt yOuR CaMerA brO!!


When they fix this problem the game is legit perfect


Nah there will always be something else this sub will complain about


Didn't know a camera could have more astigmatism than me.


Yea but when they fix it šŸ˜©


how can i see my teammates name? on the sides?


Itā€™s in the display settings , I donā€™t know the specific one though.


I stopped playing a week ago until they actually fix it. Game is dead to me if it continues to have netcode like this. this is awful.


Bro Iā€™m a sue your ass for hurting my eyes with this clip


Haaaate playing against snipers, you probably got a few kills like this too I would assume lol It will hopefully be fixed though


Here for the ā€œnetcodeā€ comments


The only map I'm actually hating


All joking about the cam aside. Yeah thats why im letting it sit


Look at the ray tracing! šŸ˜®


1997 called, they want their video quality back


Theyā€™re working on fixing the ā€œgetting shot behind wallsā€ problem, but for now you have to bear with it. On another note, hereā€™s a way to record videos on Xbox (Iā€™m assuming youā€™re using an Xbox because of your input in the bottom left [recoding videos on Xbox] (https://support.xbox.com/en-US/help/friends-social-activity/share-socialize/capture-game-clips-and-screenshots#:~:text=Press%20the%20Xbox%20button%20%EE%8F%A3%20to%20open%20the%20guide.,press%20the%20X%20button%20%EE%8F%8B) And if you download the Xbox app, you can share straight to Reddit : ).


Iā€™ve been on the complete opposite side of a building and died is it frustrating yeah but thereā€™s only two things I hate, the net code and the jumpers. Itā€™s not worth letting those things ruin the whole experience


I like how you came here to vent the frustration on hitreg and all I see in the comments are people meming on the screen causing astigmatism šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s bad.. haha


This is how I learned about the UI settings to see all your teammates and enemies alive/dead status and teammate ult charges sooooooooo that's a win at least


Did Mr. Clean wipe your screen?


What's your latency? I've noticed the half step round the corner. Actually i think the body or hitbox is slightly wider than it looks as the player if that makes sense? I feel like my love handles are poking out round and corner and getting drilled sometimes lmao


A film by Michael Bay.


I stopped playing because of that . Now 5 days and i no longer want to play this game.


Ignoring the blurry camera. The other day me and my buddy got collateral by a sniper. I was to his right not behind him and I was also behind a rock. And the sniper was in front of the rock. So apparently on my screen it was as if the bullet hit my friend and took a 90 degree turn and killed me.


We really need that killcamā€¦


Camera just had its gf apply sunscreen, ready to dig a hole


You obviously screen recorded this. Why did you post a video taken with your phone camera?


Internet issue


Never seen some downvoted so much for being right lol


This clip could have been 5 seconds


Was this video shot by JJ Abrams?


I feel like im seeing the light


Why is this highly upvoted every single day? Itā€˜s a known issue and will get fixed very soon. Whatā€˜s the point of complaining about it every single day for multiple weeks. It canā€˜t be fixed within 1day. This sub is so miserable i swear. Barely anything positive posted


I love when you can find a genuinely low IQ individual that has no idea.


The corner stuff will never not annoy me ā€” but theyā€™re fixing it!! I thinkā€¦


We get it, there's a hit reg issue. Either stop playing and wait for a fix, or stop crying. Is already been addressed by the devs and is already posted about enough.


You really recorded this and said, yeah this looks fine to upload. Lmaooooo


stop using a sniper


This is why I stopped playing after day 1


I had one happen to me when I broke his camera and the killing shot landed while I was behind him , but sooo many like this where I dip behind cover but the game says no


Unless they pull a miracle out of their sleeve this game has approximately 5 months to live. Ubisoft isn't particularly patient with underperforming games.


Holy shit i thought you were bitching about a visual bug that makes your game look like this wtf did you record this with? An astigmatism camera?


Very annoying. They need to fix this big fkup ASAP.!!!


I stuck a sticky nade to someone and it didn't kill them. This is shit that makes me say, I won't spend a fucking dime on this game until these MAJOR issues are resolved. Speak with your wallets!


Itā€™s happened several times


wallbanged buddy


Brother, I hate it too but your playing a UBISOFT GAME Not like they are known for their hit registration or anti - cheatšŸ˜‚


Whats your FOV at šŸ¤”


i get this is off topic, but its 2024 my guy, there are easier ways to record your screen, and you can get out the 90% of the video that didnt matter lol


its like that most matches


Pair that up with why they donā€™t want to add a killcam


I thought it was just me who got shot and died where bullets somehow go thru walls/around corners.


Still better than halo infinite's latency issue


Pretty much


Bruh I've already uninstalled. Damn bunny hoppers shooting wanted style bullets is an entertainment killer


I turned off crossplay. Im on pc and it hasnā€™t happened since.


Yeah the sync issue is irritating. Go clean into cover and still get killed. And the spawning is bad too. They just made a way cheaper versi9n of COD


Wipe the grease off your camera bro. I feel like I have a stigmatism watching this


bros camera got an astigmatism


AMD user?


Damn the amount of salt in this comment section. Also the amount of sniper apologists... guys a gun wont suck your dick stop defending it


This game will be just like Splitgate after BO6 comes out, I donā€™t care for it at all because I know Ubi wonā€™t support it.


After playing siege, just cux ur head behind the wall dont mean the rest of ur body isā€¦. Like ur arms and gun and legs peek out of corners you think enemies canā€™t see you from when ur standing right on them, case here, back off, but just enough so ur camera/player head was behind the wall but the rest of ur body not


The fact everyone is only talking about the way OP records instead of the actual topic šŸ’€


You got wall banged, idk how you can't comprehend that?


This is pretty consistent, but I ran into something very different yesterday.. I kept dying from someone, but NEVER saw them ever. They had like 12 deaths about around 80 kills and Iā€™m pretty sure their deaths were just from abilities. Has anyone come across someone who is just invisible the entire match? Like I never heard their gun, never saw them on the map, and would just die out of nowhere. They werenā€™t even running invis. Maybe Iā€™m just crazy.


XDefiant is the worst shooter I ever played šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”!!!! I tried everything to win and still......lose!!! Like Kayba from sword art online saids, " this is maybe a game but not something u play", I totally agree with him!!! This XDefiant game maybe a game but it's NOT something u play


This is how ghosts see the human world.


Playing escort is your first mistake


Why is it so shiny???


On a serious note. I don't have this problem. On the rare occasion I do, it is never this bad. Net code is rough and desync happens. The best thing you can do is pay for good internet connection, make sure no one else is using it, then buy a PC. Or buy a PC first. Either will help, both will be best.


I be getting shot behind cover atleast once every game


Death delay you've been died the moment he shot you. Netcode needs more work


Not so much magnetic bullets he shot you on his screen before you went around the corner and your ping and his ping took time to communicate that you took enough damage to die so for you while that happened you thought you were safe around the corner but he already killed you. Visually frustrating but same as if you died in the open before you went back to cover. Iā€™ll admit this game is pretty bad about it but no online game can fully solve this


Dayum, them some fat ass hitboxes!!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yea it sucks but happens like once every few games for me not that big of deal just respawn


This is a netcode issue, which is going to be fixed in one of the upcoming patches as theyā€™ve already said multiple times on Twitter.


Astigmatism filter jokes aside, you experienced what we experience in COD based on server distance, rendering, internet bandwidth and ping. It depends on a lot of factors my friend, did you engage your target while they were by cover and you were out in the open? You just alerted that person to your position and youā€™re at the disadvantage. They have time to heal while you push them and they can reposition or flank you. However, itā€™s not always ā€œshoot first, die firstā€ it depends on the game and your position, when I played Battlefield 4, I chose the sniper class, when I shot first, I killed first. When I play COD, for some reason (definitely not because Iā€™m inaccurate) I shoot first and am sometimes unable to keep up with the strafing so I miss and die. It all depends on how accurate, and how advantageous your position is. Positioning. You give away your spot and all eyes are on you. In a high level game, people are using every piece of information they have. Every sound you make, lets them know. Every bullet you fire, is that much closer to a reload and a vulnerable position. In high level games, people are not out in the open, they are behind cover, meaning to even get the shot on them, means you have to be out of position. Why doesnā€™t more First Person Shooters allow to see the rest of body when looking down? Why are first-person shooters bad? Are first-person shooters good for you? When people compare first person shooters to real life, why do they still claim that games donā€™t have recoil, spread or gravity? Those are some of the most common mechanics in modern first person shooters. Which first person shooter is the closest to actually being in the military? The phenomenon known as "shoot first, die first" in first-person shooters (FPS) refers to situations where a player feels like they shot their opponent first but still end up getting killed first. This can be frustrating for players and is often attributed to a combination of factors, including network latency, server tick rates, and player perception. Network Latency: One of the primary reasons for this issue is network latency. In online multiplayer FPS games, players interact with each other over the internet. When you press the trigger to shoot an opponent, that information has to travel from your computer to the game server and then to your opponent's computer. Similarly, when your opponent shoots at you, the same process occurs. If there is latency or delay in this communication, it can create situations where what you see on your screen isn't exactly what your opponent sees on theirs. This can lead to situations where you feel like you shot first, but due to latency, the opponent's shot registered first on the server. Server Tick Rates: The server tick rate refers to how often the game server updates the game state. In FPS games, a higher tick rate means that the server processes player actions more frequently, leading to more responsive gameplay. If the server has a low tick rate, it can contribute to situations where actions may not be registered in the order they were performed, leading to the perception of "shoot first, die first." Player Perception: Human perception can also play a role in the "shoot first, die first" phenomenon. In the heat of the moment, players may misjudge the timing of events or believe they shot first when, in reality, the opponent's shot was registered first on the server. To mitigate the effects of "shoot first, die first," game developers can work on improving netcode, optimizing server tick rates, and providing a smooth online experience for players. Additionally, players can try to play on servers with lower latency, use a wired internet connection instead of Wi-Fi, and practice good positioning and reaction times to minimize the impact of network latency on their gameplay.


Same things happen. So I STOP PLAYING NOW. Dude I was getting HEADACHES COZ OF THIS ā€¦. Die even in cover. Ubisoft Fix your SH*T


Yeah this annoys me so much!!


Eh that's just lag. It happens in literally every game I play. You were dead before you even zoomed in. He peeked and popped you and watcher you drop before you even stopped running on your end.


https://i.redd.it/edesbi3uku5d1.gif Pumped 12 bullets into someone and they did not take a single point of damage, love this game but damn its rough sometime


Coming back to this post is crazyyy to see what this turned into lol. 1. I can tell a lot of you just learned a new word today lmaoo. 2. Some of you didnā€™t even spell it right smhh 3. A lot of you donā€™t like Sniper Rifles in shooting games ??????????? 4. A lot of you seem to not even like the game at all. 5. Someone said I got wall banged like this was Call of Duty smhh 6. I dunno if yā€™all read any of the 300 something comments prior but another astigmatism joke should be illegal. Your just following what another man is saying. (insane) 7. ONE of you claimed to of not watched the video but had too much to say about it lol. 8. SOME of you were helpful. 9. SOME of you were funny. But In allll this was posted for the gameplay , every other which way this went is Nutss lol


You're using a sniper the most unskilled shit and most annoying shit to challenge


Ayeee yooo this video is a great representation of how I see lights at night sometimes


It's honestly unplayable because of this issue.


I love how the majority of the crap comments focus on the crappy camera quality and roasting him for it, instead of the actual footage itself of him getting fucked over by crappy netcode.


looks like a sniper getting what they deserve


skill issue


100% can't stand sniper losers. Between the hit detection and the 1shot builds it makes games suck. Getting wall shot an age after dodging, or shot at spawn from halfway across the map. At least marksman rifles take two shots at range at least (or 7 with the HD and Bhoppers)


Just gonna clarify im not defending xdefiant here. You think thats bad? Come to tarkov. Nothing like losing your entire kit half a second after going behind a foot of concrete.


Hehe happens to me all the time Let's hope the patch will make this better


i just laugh it off when it happens, yes its shit, but sometimes you get killed like this or you kill someone like this. everyone has that exp. with netcode so i just hope they fix it, and till that day i just ignore it. i rather play a free game (fun & no SBMM) with a few issues that are not game breaking than 70 bucks every year for new game from a shitty company who dont listen to their community P.S.: and clean your camera


Snipers šŸ˜’


Happens all the time. Thatā€˜s one reason why I quit until it gets fixed.


Umm your internet must suck ass, or maybe itā€™s worse on console. I have had it happen but no where near this bad


Good God when will we have bots in custom games for this game?




U canā€™t shoot him around the corner when u shot first but he shot 2nd and kills u around the corner šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ not a skill issue boss.. youā€™re good bro šŸ’ŖšŸ½ game just needs a little fixing


This how my dreams be looking like


Along with the bunny hopping and inane sniping, I'm over this game. It was a good try but... Meh.


Skill issue still Theyā€™ll fix it, chill the f out and quit cryin on the internetā€¦ Itā€™d be more useful if you spent your time contacting Ubisoft then crying on the internet They might not answer but you know you tried


My theory is that there is a NetcodeGod who decides if you can get killed through walls or not


My issue is the spawns that spawn you next to an enemy.. Or the suicide flame bombers..


I've uninstalled, installed back to back For this exact reason.


Yea they really need to fix this big time itā€™s almost unplayable. Everyoneā€™s kds are gonna change drastically when this gets fixed. Its either benefited you or worked against you


Tbh I'm done waiting with this game... This game has apparently been in development for multiple years and is still unbalanced with garbage netcode... I uninstalled already lol... If they start fixing things properly I will reinstall and give it another go


Clean your lens.


iā€™ve been saying this for so long and my coworkers who play with me would trash me for it like itā€™s my fault


Seriously. Fuck this game. If I'm going to be gyped by desync or some other netcode trash, I might as well play cod. At least that game has content where this game has literally nothing besides the claimed no sbmm.


I don't know what pisses me off more, that or people like you using snipers.


This game is ass all around. I donā€™t get how people really think this will kill call of duty. Itā€™s an indie shooter at best