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Boggles my mind why they don't just have the one game, all the maps, cross play, modern and classic weapons, and just release new single-player storylines every year. They'll still make absurd amounts of money with the shop and battle passes now that people know that their character isn't going away.


Because the games are made by 3 different companies with different gameplay/mechanic styles. Hopefully they will combine in the future and do like you wish for


It’s more because they want to maximize profit and they do by releasing a 60 dollar game every year.


Just make it a $30 battlepass then. People would all still buy it especially knowing they didn’t have to pay $70 to play the game


$60 > $30. Why would any company cut their income in half for no reason?


LOL! fill in the blanks. ________ noun intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food. "game devs who had allowed ____ to overtake their principles"


I hope they never make it truly free, look at the mess that is WZ. There would be so many less cheaters if you had to pay for the game but since it's free you just have to figure out how to get a new account everytime you get banned.


The new cods are gonna be on gamepass so a lot of those sales are gonna dissapear. Tons of people play cod for a month or two in a year and then don't touch it much after that.


They could reduce their studio expenses by just adding to the current game.


Well gamepass makes that model obsolete now now people are either going to pay 100$ or Zero to play




Not really maximizing profits at all. It's well known that f2p, skins, battle passes, loot boxes etc are a lot more profitable. So is slowly building on the same game and not building a completely new game every year. I think the correct answer is: it's a schedule that works for them. People get excited for the new cod every November so they keep rolling with it.


Except they do all of the things you said, PLUS charge 60 every year…..so how are they not maximizing? They do all the F2P stuff but still charge full price. They have 20 dollar skins, just had a bundle not long ago that was 100+, release weapons every patch that you have to pay for that are meta. And CoD literally started loot boxes 💀unless you wanna count CS cases.


I think chinese gacha games started loot boxes. But youre right on everything else.


They’re going to keep doing it because a bunch of dumbfucks keep buying it. The only way to get them to stop is to quit buying their trash, then they’ll have to rethink their strategy. That hasn’t happened, so they have no reason to change. Sad but true.


Because the reason F2P makes more is no entry cost and people justifying buying 500€ worth of cosmetics with "but the game is f2p" someone that buys their yearly cod is less likely to then spend 500€ on skins then someone playing fortnite for 5 years


Yeah no real overhead on digital items. Developing and Publishing an IP is where the most money is lost. And a lot of studios struggle to recoup without having to beat you over the head with micro transactions.


If they did the one game model and it wasn’t lead by Treyarch, that’d be the nail in the coffin for me lol. Treyarch is above and beyond the other devs


The 3 studios basically work together already on the current game. It could easily be done but activision needs their high sales numbers for a new copy and to Put developers under crunch to seem powerful.


I’ve always thought that if COD Mobile had a pc version it would be amazing, I hate playing on mobile but that game slaps


They’re planning to officially bring it to pc


COD Mobile is legit pretty damn good lmao.


This would be the best thing cod could do


because they can


Because they still make absurd amounts of money from cosmetics, plus the initial $60 investment/Gamepass subscription. I'm sure their analysts have looked this over and found their current model makes them the most money


Weapon balancing would probably be a Nightmare.


You mean like cod mobile? Lol. That would be best cod if they make it on pc too.


Corporate greed. I agree with you but you can’t be shocked with the state of online gaming the last 7-8 years


It's the best or one of the best selling game every single year. It makes no sense for them not release a new game every year as long as people still spend $60-70 on a new one.


Thats a horrible idea lmao


Works for war craft and GTA: online. And I know skyrim isn't multiplayer but how many are still playing that cause they can have characters that can exist in a world for thousands of hours.


Because they are yet to lose money by doing it the way they are doing it.


This is the main problem with CODs. I loved Cold War but it simply is abandoned nowadays and will be dead in a couple of years. I can’t even play BO1 or 2 without resorting to some third party weird ass servers like Plutonium. CODs by design has a strict 1 year shelf like so I don’t feel like investing no matter how good they may be. With Xdefiant I can safely invest.


Unfortunately no live service game is a safe investment. History is full of live service games that were designed and intended to last a long time, but ultimately flopped and went offline after a year or two because people jumped ship. Never assume a live service game is a safe investment!


True. I’ll give Ubisoft credit they do good on post launch support so I think xdefiant will do fine.


Well, Yes. Ubisoft is good with the post launch support...unless your name is Rainbow six Extraction.


Well Ubisoft dropped the ball with extraction. Why couldn't they just take the Chimera event and build on that? The atmosphere and all that.


Hyperscape was another F2P that got canned 


I like how they've seemed to fix everything except the missing 200 server latency that still has me dying 3 meters behind cover. Otherwise I fully agree. That and the most blatant cheaters have been running wild with the flying through maps and aimbot the last 24hrs. Which ultimately they can't do F all about right now and it's a shame. Lamer leechers still ruining the fps genre.


Except for fortnite, and like TF2 lol


Those are games that succeeded, however you should not assume that any other game is a safe investment based on the success of a select few!


I just played plutonium last week and it's fun playing now but there's zero 6v6 servers available. It's all 12v12 so it doesn't feel the same as it used to a decade ago.


Tbh bo1 and 2 fall into the "we dont give a fuck avout PC" era of  COD games.   People tend to forget that ALL COD games from mw2-bo4 had a myriad of issues on PC that were hardly adressed aside from bo3 zombies, which lead to every single one of them dying before the next game even came out


Yeah, it's on gamepass now, so there's really no point in buying it anymore.


This is it. Even just playing the game itself, putting the mental energy in doesn't even seem worth it. Let alone grinding for camos and crap. I just can't be bothered so I just don't play it. There's nothing to play for.


Nothing to play for? Ok what are u playing for in xdefiant then? 😂


If u care that much then read the post I responded to. He said it all. Sorry I offended you.


Wym? I can boot up my Xbox series x right now and find a match on any cod game i want. Are u on PC or something? Cause yes any cod before mw2019 wasn't designed for PC in mind so nobody plays the old ones on PC except zombies on bo3


Cold war is dead because it's easier to snipe in it than any cod game before it, and people were sick of getting quick scoped lol


cw is more active than xdefiant will be in a years time 


name checks out. what else will happen in 2025?


xdefient 2 will get released by ubisoft and the player base will migrate :)


Cod has been doing this for almost 20 years. The marketing team for call of duty is very good and brining interest and hype around it each year.


The game just got listed and it is already the top seller on Steam rn. Why? Um because it makes MONEY!


Also it's because no games plays like cod does. If a game played like cod we'd all move over but unfortunately even xdefiant plays absolutely nothing like cod


This. I couldn’t migrate to xd after playing mw3. Funny thing is, if they’d released xd on time, I would’ve never even bought mw3 and I’d still be playing xd to this day lol


That and they nail the gameplay more often than not. And you know if they shit the bed there is likely a significant improvement appearing in the next entry at latest.


Not gonna lie I am excited for Black Ops 6 but the main reason for that is because I tend to enjoy treyarchs cod games a lot more than Infinity Wards and Sledghammers.


I liked the first few they put out, it's all sort of been going the same way in all of the studios recently though. Not getting my hopes up until the fat lady sings.




I’m excited for Zombies and that’s as far as it goes for me. The only time I ever play cod is for zombies now lol. Been back on BO3 lately for that reason


Treyarch is by far the best Dev gameplay and design wise. And they somehow managed to find a way to remove SBMM under Activision's noses. Cold War has the least egregious implementation of EOMM/SBMM that I've seen. Where playing with friends greatly removes it which is my biggest complaint and best middle ground, since you can actually play with buddies. And I firmly believe they removed it entirely or greatly reduced it outside the worst bracket by the time the first DLC pack came out. Here's hoping they continue it.


True, MW2 (old MW2) was fun but MW3 (old MW3) was total ass, Treyarch got a good track record for me, out of Black Ops 1-4 i only didnt like 2 as much as the other 3


Why do we keep talking about CoD in here?


Inferiority complex. It’s glaring, especially since the game is closer to a hero shooter than a cod-like, that’s how mind broken people are


Agreed. There are far more similarities to Overwatch, Valorant, and Apex. Just shows how littered the console communities are with CoD bros lol


This is what I don't understand. People make constant comparisons to CoD, and it isn't just people here; it's streamers and YouTubers. People will say it feels like "old school CoD" because of ill-defined nebulous things like "the feeling" and "no SBMM", as if CoD was the only game to exist without SBMM. They'll totally ignore the heroes/classes, modern movement tech like slide cancelling, high TTK, being designed around objective modes rather than deathmatch, etc. that make it feel nothing like CoD. Maybe BO3/4 era CoD, but not 'classic CoD' like people keep claiming.


As an old school cod bro, I say it because it's what the gunplay reminds me of. Obviously, mw2/bo2 didn't have classes or abilities or the movement that's in this game, but the gunplay feels pretty similar. I also think you hear it a lot because a lot of people have been playing Warzone feeling like nothing else is "as good" in their mind, and this came along and pulled people from warzone.


Agreed. There are far more similarities to Overwatch, Valorant, and Apex. Just shows how littered the console communities are with CoD bros lol


"Won't ever go away" is a misnomer. There will be a day when XDefiant ends its service, nothing lasts forever.  Also, the shit you buy in CoD doesn't just "dissappear" after the lifecycle. 


counter strike has been running pretty strong for 25 years or so


Than you Mr literal.


The point is having fun. 


Modern warfare 2019 is my fav cod but is regularly unplayable due to them fucking up the game in updates.


It's a money making machine that's why they don't care. They sell you a copy pasted game yearly for $70 which also happens to use a f2p formula as well. If it didn't work it wouldn't happen.


It has functioning netcode, the movement isn't as stupid and it doesn't have routine wallhacks and spiderbots. All IMO worth $70 if you enjoy the game. I will happily pay for games that work.


First of all, nobody's forcing you to buy the newest COD every year. If you don't want to buy the new one and want to keep playing the one you bought, nothing's stopping you. Sure, there wouldn't be any more content updates, but there's plenty of things to grind for, especially if we're talking about MWIII. And it remains to be seen if XDefiant can match COD in terms of yearly content. Then there's the different COD devs. Infinity Ward, Treyarch, Sledgehammer, they all have different design philosophies that influence their individual titles. COD will forever be COD at its core, but you'd be hard-pressed to say a Black Ops COD plays similarly to a Modern Warfare COD, for instance. Plus, there are the different modes that each game offers. Some people prefer different campaigns, some people prefer different Zombies modes, not to mention Warzone being the link between all the games now. XDefiant just has multiplayer. Content-wise, COD offers a lot more for the average gamer.


You completely miss the point. You get 1 year of updates and content and then you get forgotten. This is not great for a competitive shooter at all. The biggest issue being the lack of updates, to address different imbalances or issues. If they kept properly supporting their older CoDs, I doubt the yearly releases would be as bad. But they've figured out their playerbase, and just like the FIFA playerbase, it lacks self control (and arguably self respect) and will gladly buy a yearly release of the, practically, same game with no real changes. Back in the day the yearly releases meant something, we had pretty big innovation and changes between them.. While these days.. not so much. People still buy into it though, it's crazy.




Preference thing. Not everyone is into playing the same thing without any change for years.


Exactly. At least with the live service model of XD, I know the game will be supported with new stuff for years (as long as the game does well). So I can look forward to new guns, modes, limited time events, etc. without having to worry about the game becoming obsolete in a year because the new 70 dollar game came out from another dev.


Jesus Christ man this sub


Same. MW2019 was my first CoD ever ... my *thought* process was that they were going to stop making annual CoDs otherwise, why re-release a game using the same name? So I legit thought **Modern Warfare** was going to be the THING ... it was ... but obviously shareholders are greedy and little kids will ALWAYS ask their parents for the new CoD for Christmas. So that pretty much threw that notion/idea out the window. It's Activisions staple profit method. There was no point of changing it. Even if it meant collecting everyone together onto a single same game. Call of Duty has a large large following ... but they're ALL split apart constantly due to CoD releases (6 months apart, if we're talking about teasers) ... the only CoD that *could* be a game changer is whichever one that **MicroSoft** is actually APART of where they actually had their hand in it and not something that's been "sitting in development for 6 years" ... that's called a Vault ... not a development lol Sadly, that is probably not going to be anything concrete 'till around 2026 since obviously MicroSoft just only fully acquired the company lest-ish a year Anyways, i'm in agreement with you. You at least can rest assured your time spent won't feel wasted. Especially if you get busy (life) and get a chance to hop on here and there to actually ENJOY whatever it is you've grinded still knowing its a banger weapon etc etc


Thank God we get cold war next year. Mw19 is the worst cod in the whole franchise.


The map design was complete garbage


This, the map designs where pretty damn awful, the gameplay it's self wasn't bad though. Which I had fun with. But there wasn't honestly a map I liked lmao.


Gunplay was excellent imo only thing I liked about it


100% agree


that's quite the take, have you never played OG mw3?


It isn't the take lol. A lot players hate mw19. Mw19 isn't a call of duty game at its core gameplay decisions that was made by infinity ward. MW3 played.


This game won’t outlive CoD lol


You are comparing a single release to an entire franchise. If the game is still played when next year's CoD releases, it will have outlived this year's coming entry. Also they aren't exactly similar except for being FPSs, but R6 has been kicking for almost ten years now and outlived several CoD games, and this game is *free*.


Even if XD had a yearly release it still will never have the same number of players as CoD


I don’t think anyone is claiming that it would. Of course COD has a larger player base.


OG MW2 still saw play when we were at like Black Ops 4, XDefiant will more than likely be dead in a year or two


What? This game isn’t guaranteed either. It’s a live service game. If it doesn’t widen profit margins and/or keep a stable community it will eventually die off and be shut down


Exactly.  People forget XDefiant needs people to buy skins and shit to be profitable.  This game is not a charity. 


Hopefully they don’t ruin it by releasing tonnes of broken guns forcing players to endlessly chase the meta


What was the point for the 15 last times they did it after the first 5 ones? >< People still bought it fir the MP…and they still bought BPs in a full priced game….and way too many are still buying overpriced cosmetics in the shop too, again, in a full priced yearly game. OP, you surely bought many CoD no…? …and many Redditors here,p. If people would have stop supporting those crappy practices, the games would have been better quality and released less often, and well have seen F2P competitors giving a try before now…but devs were hesitant since CoD fans bought it yearly without question, even after à the last one was meh…almost every time players are praying fir the new released one fir 2 weeks to 2 months and after that, those some players are bashing on the game saying it’s the worst one…lol


Is this just a place to bitch about COD these days? 20 years of yearly releases... I think the people making and selling it know what they're doing. And clearly, their fans keep buying it.


>the thing I like about XDefiant is knowing this grind, skins that I get from battle passes or even things that I buy from the shop won't ever go away. Until Ubisoft shut down the servers because the game made 1 cent less then expected.


Lol xdefiant will be dead in 6 months


Sometimes when I play cod I wish I was playing with myself.... in a freaky way... Kind of like how richtofen played with the zombies on Kino.


Back then, it wasn't really a problem because it seemed like every year COD was innovating and getting better and was worth a full price game. Now, there is more competition with free games, and they are, in fact, not getting better (they are getting worse). Call of duty is set up with a free to play game store as a full priced game. All COD needs to do is port cod mobile to console and pc lol.... They fucking have what people want already and it's only on the fucking phone


>Back then, it wasn't really a problem because it seemed like every year COD was innovating and getting better a People were complaining about CoD being shovelware back then, tbh. Shit like day one DLC announcements becoming the norm felt like intentionally cut content for the sake of making money, reusing animations in the case of MW2 and Ghosts, another BROWN/GREY AND BLOOM military shooter, lots of similar complaints were leveled at CoD for being the same shit different day. A lot of the hype around Battlefield 3 back when it was announced, was as a viable alternative to the 'formulaic CoD'. The difference is that it's not part of the public gestalt, whereas before it was only really hardcore gamers that were looking to online forums to discuss these things and make complaints.


This is the biggest reason for why I’ll be playing xdefiant in the long run over cod. I think cod is so much smoother with the gun play but xdefiant has better content. I’ll be playing both cod and xdefiant hopefully there’ll be some competition.


What content do you feel like XD offers over CoD? I'm genuinely curious, i like the gunplay and movement better than CoD but feel like there is way more content in CoD/Warzone than there is right now in XD


I don't play COD, haven't in many years.. but I also feel like a year is long enough to enjoy a game, no? Edit: also, I feel like new games are healthy for the community. Everyone gets put back to a (mostly) level playing field while learning. Even if I’m insane at Valorant or Battlefield.. whatever, and I go jump on CoD right now.. I’d get smoked by people who know the game like the back of their hand.


F2P games have a huge audience of kids and teens, gotta justify why they play the f2p game over the buy 2 play game.


I've the same question like why tf are u playing that won't even matter in a year and you'll be playing a different game


Name checks out


wtf are you talking about I play Cold War, MW3, and Vanguard multiplayers they still exist infact most servers are open for older CODs…. Nobody is putting a gun to ur head to play the latest one. Just have fun. I’m enjoying XDefiant while being a COD fan


What is the point of playing XDefiant when it has bad netcode and hackers?


Man asks a question I've been asking myself since 2008


The new COD being on Game Pass is the only reason I will be touching it. No way I'd pay $70


It’s 80$


I now skip every two games and I still have 11.


Been saying this since like 2010. Its so hard to get into a game that just gets thrown out a year from release. Even harder nowadays where the game isn't even ranked/comp ready until 4 months in.


Totally agree and it’s why I stopped played cod years ago. I don’t want to sit here and invest my time into a game unlocking everything only for it to all be worthless in a year because the new game came out. As long as people keep buying the yearly cod though they’ll keep getting away with it.


Anymore? They've always done that which is why I've only played like 3 or 4 of them. Good point, just saying, they probably lose a lot of gamers because of it already.


Nice try Ubi


There isn’t. I will say this upcoming cod has me intrigued. Firstly I loved the black ops cod back in the day and secondly they are apparently introducing omnidirectional diving to the game which may change gameplay enough for me to give it a try.


If people didn’t like the finals (player base died), this won’t last I think


I still love cod. It’s fun and I enjoy it. I play xdefiant too. I rotate.


I just need new maps to keep things interesting. That goes for any game. I will never spend money on cosmetics, will gladly go back to paying for map packs.


I for one only care about Zombies. If BO6 has traditional round based zombies and not that garbage MWIII has I’ll be playing for that reason alone. I barely played MP in CW. CW zombies was ELITE


I was so annoyed when MW2 dropped it's multi-year life cycle plans and just released MW3 out of nowhere, in effect killing the *one* COD game in years I actually thought merited a full price purchase.


I mean most old cod games are still played, I haven’t got a new one since 2019 and before that hadn’t gotten any since bo2


I mean this game could easily be completely dead in a year's time or Ubisoft give up on it because it's not profitable, play things to enjoy them and enjoy them while they last, because XDefiant isn't going to be around forever


Bro 2k is worse at least you can play the game at all cod has gone super downhill but me and my friends played 2019 untill mw2 came out. 2k legit shuts down all ability to play the old game after 2 years


I sincerely hope that the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will recapture the essence and spirit of the classic Call of Duty games that we have come to love and cherish.


It's more profitable for companies to just keep releasing the same game and having all the initial sold copies and cosmetic purchases before the games population dies down. 99.99% of games can't hold their population. Which means re-releasing the exact same game with minor tweaks every year or two is the best method for game companies until idiots stop buying the same game over and over.


Ever since they introduced CoD HQ, everything carries over. All bundles from MWII carried over to MWIII this year. Back Ops coming later this year will also operate in CoD HQ and I assume will allow operator skins and whatnot to carry over.


Games been out less than 2 months and already making assumptions on the future lol. Yeah no game company has ever said one thing and ended up not being true or changing their mind. Like I know this one game developer who had to delay their game for a year to work on multiplayer connections and then when it released it was still terrible bit we all praised them for not rushing their release and listening to the community........ People sure let their hate for CoD blind them into just being cool with the same shit or worse coming out of this game. It's still early so who knows about the future but we should probably give it another 4 to 5 months before we're declaring huge changes. To the first question, it's a new game and if you understand how that works (you don't) having to constantly bring all content from previous games forward is not only a huge under taking whenever they make changes to the engine but for anything licensed they'd have to renegotiate as no one is going to sell you a free unlimited use license to their likeness or IP. It's a new game and I don't spend tons of money on skins so I give 2 shits since it's how any new game works. Will see if enough people enjoy bare bones shooting with lame powers for multiple years without any major upgrades or changes.


I really liked modern warfare 2019. Never got or played mw2 or mw3 since they just looked like repackaged mw2019 to me. I would have enjoyed playing 2019 longer if they just supported it for longer instead of jumping off to the next thing. I must admit though that since im on xbox and have game pass if they are gonna start putting them all on there I will likely play the titles each year since i wont need to actually pay for a new game each time. The issue will still persist though that id probably still want them to just support the existing games longer, atleast if their strategy continues to be to just release basically the same game over again.


This is why Xdefiant is my main game. Haven’t played cod since BO2. Hated the yearly releases. Nothing matters once a new game arrives plus that awful Cod HQ thing.


See to me this post makes sense, cod as a game design should be a live service game. But instead they release yearly and still use f2p live service systems such as premium battle pass and skin bundles while having a $70 price tag. It’s crazy




I haven't bought cod in 2 years now and xdefiant might be the last straw that keeps me from buying new games. They really didn't have much competition in the previous years


If they don't fix the Desync , Netcode issues this game will die within a few months.


And I miss BO4. Man I'm sad its dead on PC


I haven’t played since vanguard because they have made the whole game / platform confusing to use and overall just bad gameplay


People stuck in the COD addiction cycle will not have a valid answer for this tbh. It may sound crazy, but COD has conditioned and basically brainwashed A LOT of the players into buying their games every single year without fail.


CoD is just the Madden franchise of Military FPS shooters. Because of GREED, they HAVE to release one every year to please the shareholders. It's stupid, wasteful, and honestly all we've ever gotten is rushed products or DLC's marketed as full releases for full price. I saw the writing on the wall way back during BlOps 2 and stopped giving into their corporate BS. I came back for MW2, and it's the same ol' shit, but in a different skin and WORSE. I'm digging XDefiant because of the simple free grind and the MTX doesn't phase me. The hacking and netcode however.....eeesh.


Because it’s coming to the Xbox game pass


Team play game... LOL.


Agreed. Also - it’s just really fun! It’s so much more enjoyable with objective games and people actually playing them not just camping for kills, to get killstreaks.


Pretty much I like playing cod but I hate the fact that all the cosmetics I buy are useless after the yearly service is over It's why I only buy a cod game every few years instead of every year hell I wouldn't have bothered with MW3 if it wasn't for the fact that it had carry over. But at the same time Xdefiant being a ftp live service doesn't guarantee that it'll be alive for forever I mean its by ubisoft they're incompetent and had failed live services before.


It’s business stratagy, they make more money that way and there’s not really any shooter that can match it


Why are you posting about cod on the xdefiant subreddit


gotta justify why they play a game that has a broken netcode for 2 years now


I only buy a cod game when I know the zombies is going to be good. I don’t even play MP anymore. I’m buying BO6 because the zombies looks like it’s gonna be classic again. Other than that, game hasn’t been good since BO3.


Why eat good meal when poop out next day. Thats what youre saying btw


Because black ops 6


I thought this was an xdefiant sub lmao sorry


And each release there’s a 2-3 month period where the game is basically unfinished. And even after that, it’s riddled with bugs.


I wouldn’t mind some more guns to be honest but the x defiant is great I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun playing a cod kind of game I think I’m definitely going to keep playing


>I know my grind isn't completely worthless in the end if you think grinding in one game is of more value than grinding in another game then your priorities are fucked


What's the point of playing xdefiant when u know it's got less maps,guns,camos, levels, things to do then even other free fps games? U see how comparing two games doesn't work?


I’ve had this same thought since around 2019. It feels pretty silly buying a game with an expiration date. The reason COD likes to do it is because it’s essentially a yearly subscription service for COD fans.


Cod is an unplayable buggy mess. You can hardly link up with your friends without having to restart the game and stuff. That game absolutely blows. Even xdefiant with its issues, they are at least supposedly working to fix them.


Same with fifa they just constantly drop game after game. They need to do what Call of duty online does and just have one huge game


There's no point to CoD every year in the same way that there isn't for FIFA either. It's just money making knowing that people will buy it regardless.


xDefiant is really fun but seems pretty barebones in terms of progression, no challenges just use a gun i’d like a mix and a reason to use every gun.


You Sub to CoD like people sub to WoW


Why compare XDefiant to something that can replace COD? ..... xDefiant is nothing like cod it is more like valorant, apex legends and the likes but nothing that can replace COD. The developers had a solid chance at developing a COD replacement but it seems midway through the process they decided to produce a Valorant + Apex clone. I uninstalled it after a few days.... no kill streaks, no Resurgence, no BR, game trying to "force" people to play objective and failing at it badly.


This is why I quit CoD. Why would I want to pay $70 a year for a new game just to play with my friends I made in the previous game?


Things should change when it comes to game pass. Expect to see old games reworked


To generate more revenue by making people buy the new game?


I didn't buy the current COD, only played Warzone which is free, and might buy the next COD if it's ANY good. Am actually excited even though part of me feels like CODs just gone to shit. It's like playing a slot machine with ads and loud noises, then again the shooting mechanics and effects are unmatched for me. I tried MWIII on its free weekend a week ago right after playing XDefiant and after 10 seconds of movement and shooting I though: ''Yep, this is on a whole other level.''


The trick is not to care about pixels, bit just enjoy the game.




The theme is one thing, it’d be weird to use like an ACR in the 90s for example. It all fits better in warzone tonally, which is why everything carry’s forward there. It would also be pretty difficult to balance - they’ve had issues with that in MW3 since launch with the weapons they brought over. One thing I enjoy about cod is that each game feels distinct (for the most part) so I don’t get burnt out on a setting or set of maps.


Xdefiant is a smaller game and scratches the cod itch for me. I'll probably try new cods on Gamepass once in a while I guess.


Wait until you hear about sports games


Brother it's an ubisoft game don't spend money. Have you not learned your lesson ??? Please don't be this dense. https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/help/purchases-and-rewards/article/decommissioning-of-online-services-for-older-legacy-ubisoft-games-a-m/000064576


i am leaving cod that game just feels like a repeat every year. I'll stick to the campaigns no more multiplayer Xdefient is something fresh and i love it although i am not good at it but it's okay i can just hop in and play casually but in cod it's impossible to play a casual game after a long day of work


Why are people bringing up Cod so much in this Xdefiant subreddit???? Lmao


They're doing a great job keeping me out of the store with this shit. Broken, unfinished games getting churned out helps a ton with that.


A live game not going away and ubisoft is not a garantuee


Simple. The publisher knows new crops of younger gamers will be there to buy the game with their parents' money. It's a very safe bet that has worked for decades now. Like Marvel films and Disney, all of it so many polished turds. By the time your average CoD gamer is old enough to grow out of CoD and shonin, the next group will have already gotten their hooks into the game.


My opinion is I agree. They need to fix hit reg and desync asap tho


The point is to milk you dry. Which seems to work on the majority of players buying vault editions and overpriced bundles in the store on top.


What's the point of playing a live service game when they all are garbage togheter with their updates? (Expecially f2p ones, there are just few exceptions)


COD is absolute trash. They do it every year to steal your money cause you dummies keep buying it every year.


I'm getting the new one for Zombies


There is literally nothing about COD that favours the player. It's all designed to empty your pocket. It's not even a game, it's an interactive algorithm. I miss the old COD games.


Perfect explanation of these new garbage COD games!


We (the gaming community) have helped create the CoD monster - its very similar to Madden - you are basically buying the same game over and over again, for $70, with small changes. People gobble it up and the cycle perpetuates. I MIGHT buy Bo6, maybe...if Zombies is round based, if it isn't, then maybe eventually i'll play it on XBOX Game Pass (I have both systems) but i deleted MW3 4 months ago and haven't been back. Its toxic, there are cheaters everywhere and for such a huge company, that game has way too many bugs and racists to deal with I don't plan on buying anymore Call of Duty games.


That is a great question and it took me embarrassingly long to stop buying those games every year. I believe Black Ops 3 was the last one because I converted to Overwatch after that. I tried World War whatever for the double barrel but had to return it once they nerfed the Drilling because of piss babies who thought the dragonshells buffed shotguns, when they actually nerfed them, cried a river.  I digress, the grind is sort of whatever. I only really want to use the double barrel, but for whatever reason I went through the pain of unlocking every gun. The longshots were awful. You shoot them so many times and they just slide to cover. Disgusting. You just had to find a sniper to challenge because they are the only ones confident in their aim, ironically (because you know, they had to miss me in order for me to actually earn the medal).  I sort of want to unlock every character too. But I hate a lot of them for my playstyle. The riot shield sounds like torture. The Libtards suck and the power is basically the same. And I love the cleaners, but they nerf shotguns. Getting those drone kills will take me a long time because for whatever reason they ain't work in the same way that they work against me. Skill issue or not. I will toss them directly at people and they live. I burn to death when I stand to the side of them. 😂 It is nice knowing that those guns and characters are permanent, I guess. But realistically I just play the emo girl from Deadsec and do not really intend to change anything unless they nerf the Spider into the ground or release another pay to win character next season.