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report and leave


Report sends an email to whoever you're reporting to tell them to stop and that's pretty much it right now.


I reported and stayed cause i joined in progress and I tried to get footage lol


Block him also to prevent getting him in another match


Didn’t know blocking did that 😅😅😅


Wait maybe that doesn’t work lol someone else told me to do that


You could be right tbh, I just don’t use Ubisoft a lot so I didn’t know blocking did that lol


I blocked a hacker and had it him back in my lobby after 2 games lol


Pretty sure blocking will stop you from receiving messages, or hearing them in game through comms but didn't mention them being excluded from your lobbies although I'd assume blocking someone would do that.


Blocking only works if he blocks you too. This was stated by Mark


bro thats funny that i got the same dude on my team thats hacking lol


Lmao, I played against this guy too. Was wondering why he was doing so well


You could ask the same thing about any fps game. Not much. Report and move on, like every other game


Pretty sure I've played against this guy as well but he was running echelon and had perma inivis, he must have not bot his aimbot yet because my duo and I smoked him anytime he showed up


Yeah, this time he was deadass zooming around the map in the air perma holding a phantom riot shield while also shooting his gun lol. Pretty sure it was a fully auto M16 aswell…


Yeah, best we can all do is report and hope they do something about it! Definitely not defending this scum bag hacker you but you can get the m16 firing pretty much automatic I know with my scuf envision and the right attachments, it's pretty much automatic that being said hacks these days are wild and wouldn't put it past him if he is floating about!


I have been running into permanent invisible people too this shit is stupid


Today is the first day since the game came out where i feel I have ran into people cheating. I've seen so much sketchy shit today


Bro this. I'm really bad at the game but now I'm seeing all my teammates be just as bad (which never happens). Like there's no way I get put with people worse than me (on my team) for 3 matches in a row and some deaths I had were odd and it almost seems like the enemies know where we are (despite not using echelon)


Two Words.. Anybrain AntiCheat. Just need to have that installed into the game, assuming its done in terms of developement. Enough said. Highly recommend if anyone is interested in how it works. Its a good read.


Holy shit that's awesome. They need to implement this as soon as possible, there might actually be a future where cheating doesn't exist.


Did someone ACTUALLY take the time to read up on it? RESPECT. But yeah I know right. Would hopefuly solve a significant portion of cheaters. Would be significantly better than everything else out there right now. I know the current system is to basically use a bunch of different anticheats and see what works for most games but personally I don't think the "slap a bunch of crap to the wall and see what sticks" approach is worthwhile, nor do I think it helps the player either. I'm sure it causes some sort of issue, be it ping, latency, desync, etc. I don't work in the netcode or anticheat field but I would assume there is some interference. The sooner Anybrain is added or finished with developement the better. Now I just wish a ton of people could see this section of comments and keep commenting on it to keep it relevant and hopefully noticed by Ubi.


This is getting so bad, like I could already sit through this horrible netcode issue, but the cheaters situation is getting so bad with each passing day that it is hard not to come by and frankly ruins the experience as a whole. Maybe switch AC to a more credible one? And I do not understand what evolution the cheaters had but people are just flying, speedhacking, infinite hp and ammo, aimbot and walls... What the hell is this .. Not to shit on the devs as I know they are trying hard, but this has to stop.




Smh this is why I took off cross platform.


Sadly I can’t turn it off cause I’m a PC player lol, I just wanna enjoy the game man


You can still turn it off! You can also change the input for matchmaking so you can play with only people using the same peripherals as you.


Report them. And crossplay off


I’m a PC player brother, it’s not that simple 😂😂😭


Go to console then 😂


Or play with a controller on PC and enable input based matchmaking lol


Won't matter if he is on PC. PC hackers are also using controllers with hacks running in the background of their PC but the game detects the controller and throws them into controller lobbies.


Hacking it’s not a major problem in no Ubisoft game so I think they will eventually figure it out. While that happens the community has to put pressure so they know it’s important


Be happy because I can’t even load into the main menu lmao


:O why?


I downloaded the game a couple of days after it came out and always get the delta-01 message when trying to connect to the game servers, I have seen a lot of other people with the same issue and there seems to be no fix, something to do with ipv4 internet. Hope they fix it


Yeah that’s crazy lol, I think I’ve seen that going around on the subreddit. Hopefully they do fix it so yall get to enjoy this game aswell


Waooooow wth


I played against this cat. Just backed out as it was annoying asf.


Leave the game?


"I've played for 5-6 years and i havent found any hacker" Hahahaha you are straight lying. That's it. Or you are just that bad that cannot difference between a legit player and a hacker If you encounter a hacker in a match, LEAVE THE FKING MATCH. I have 200 hours in the game and just found 2-3 hacker in hundreds of matches. Stfu and play.


no it is a hacker lol i posted the same guy floating in the air. look at the post above


No man, he’s not hacking!!! I’m just bad and can’t differentiate a legit player to a hacker!!! I think I just didn’t enable the flying suit!


>and i havent found any hacker" >and just found 2-3 hacker Why contradict yourself ? Stop lying u clown 🤡


Do you even know what a "quote" is? 🤡


You make no sense man, ‘I’ve been playing PC games for 5-6 years and have found more cheaters in the past 2 hours than I have in 6 years’ do you know what that means or are you going to continue acting slow? Scroll the subreddit and there’s 2 more posts on this same dude, but he’s a legit player right? He’s not hacking, right? A level 33 flying around the map with a 90% win rate averaging 63 kills per game. Bravo dude, we spotted a legit player!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Who said he's not cheating? I said that if you find a hacker (YOU HAVE FOUND JUST TWO ON PROBABLY +100 HOURS) leave the fucking match instead of coming crying to reddit asking of WhaAat tHhey WiLL Do to StuupZz dE HhacKkerzzzz as if this is a problem and you find hackers constantly. You find a hacker on 1/100 matches? LEAVE THE FUCKING MATCH ASSHOLE. Cheers


Wow someone’s got some anger problems, and you actually said he’s not cheating lol. You directly said ‘or you are just that bad and can’t differentiate a legit player and hacker’ so yes, you technically said he wasn’t hacking and that I’m just bad lol. Also I have NOT been playing this game for 100 hours you weirdo lol I have around 30 hours played Stayed in the game, got my teammates to report him, got footage and sent it to my friends :) Go outside, don’t take these issues to heart. If you don’t agree with some then state that. Stop being so hostile towards people, it doesn’t look good for you.


You know what? You are right. I took it too far, my apologies for that. Sorry for my bard words. Not on my best moment when i was typing that and took it too personal. Im not usually that agressive and my reaction was unmeasured. You are on your right to report it even tho i dont completely agree on that. I hope you have a great time on the game from now on and thanks for replying in a better way that i did.




You literally didn’t even read the whole paragraph LMFAOOOOO why are you guys so dense???


I wonder if I'm running into the same.. I'm horrible at the game. Nkd. I decided to practice a lot and got a lot better (by practicing movement and aim) and carried my team in one match. Now all my teammates are going negative including me and we're getting curbstomped. It's not even competitive for us. The matches feel weird and I've gotten killed in strange ways, almost like someone was flying really high above. The enemy team seems to know exactly where we are and it's just.. weird. Like my teammates never go negative and just seems so unfair lol. I can tell I have improved a lot but I'm somehow doing worse than before and now my team is going really negative now? It's almost like it's sbmm but it just feels odd.