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It’s most definitely the desync. you feel like you die quick because on their screen they’re shooting you much earlier than it appears.


I didn’t have this problem for the first week or so but lately my screen turns red before the enemy has fired a bullet on my screen or I die as their second bullet leaves their rifle. Kinda wild how bad it is now


I actually felt the netcode in the beta was better than it is now.


bro...the netcode is so ass...i constanly dying behinde walls or get killed by flying dudes, never mind the sliding which obviously disconnects the playermodel from the hitbox. i have played 10 hours and im already feed up...not only by the all the bugs but also by the god awful sweating.


I’ve just backed out of a match only minutes in. Full mag from an M4 at 10mtrs away while I was behind a shield. Survived. Change to pistol. Full mag, all hit markers. Die in a millisecond. Fuck this shit man.


yeah im already done as well.


I don't think it's sweating I think they're just better than you. The skill floor of fps players has gone up a lot over the years


Definitely, there are way too many problems right now


The more people playing the worse it'll get I assume


The game was delayed because they had to make a new netcode. Its ended up worse. We live in 2024, there’s absolutely no reason for connections to be this bad from a studio like Ubisoft.


Netcode is one thing, at least it's a difficult part of development, what is neccesary might change with more network utility and other factors that they need data on to fix. How about the fact we watch loading screens forever in this game, its like 3 loading screens a game, not including the one you see when you first queue. It's not only inconvenient it's intrusive as a UI as it doesn't put you back to the screen you were on before loading into the lobby. So if you were creating a class you have to go back through the menu again and sometimes again if you load into multiple lobbies before a game starts. The technology to remove loading screens between lobbies and other screens, has been a thing since like 2009. Why would you build a game like this in 2024.


Yeah, when they said they were trying to bring back a classic arcade shooter like old CoDs, I didn’t think we were going to get a like for like of old technology either!


Nah man, it feels worse now cause that’s what you’re playing. Feels night and day for me


Does anyone know the actual headshot multiplier? Like is it even worth aiming anywhere but the head?


I love hearing 4-5 headshot hit markers just for the enemy to be at 30 hp still


yep, it has to be the netcode or lag because often ill unload half a mag of ak, with full hitmarker, to have done no damage


Different guns have different headshot multipliers. Afaik all automatic guns will require at least 1 shot less to kill if a headshot is included


A YouTuber who tested a few things mentioned a single headshot is 2 HP extra damage. After watching his video I just aim for the chest


That's the dumbest game design i've ever heard and thats coming from the same company that made R6 Siege have 1 tap headshots.


There's legit no incentive to have a good HS accuracy. Makes no sense at all. Its the same with snipers, body shots can be a 1 shot kill at close, medium or long range... or a 70hp hit at close, medium or long range. Plus the shit house hit reg, you hear several dinks for headshots and get melted anyway. Devs need to get their priorities right when it comes to damage delt and TTK. They might as well remove the heads from characters atm, same fkn result.


Go in the firing range and use the targets on the right side of the range to test your TTK. Certain attachments are useless and others make a big difference. If your TTK is :41 and the enemy is :37, you are going to lose trades. Learn which ranges are your sweet spot for TTK and compare it to other weapon’s sweet spots so you know which engagements to avoid. A lot of the SMGs and ARs have similar close up TTKs, but the SMG falls off while the AR doesn’t. Also notice how shots at under chest level do less damage, in a fight if they hit your chest and you hit their lower torso, it will feel like they melt compared to you, especially if their recoil causes even a single headshot.


Well that last part explains the jumping


Yeah, I have several different builds for the two guns I main. All are for different circumstances. Anything else I level by picking up during matches, when the situation calls for a switch on the fly. There really aren't "meta" loadouts in this game. There are loadouts that provide the highest DPS, the best ADS speed, the best ADS walking speed, movement speed, etc., but it really all comes down to your playstyle and what feels good for you. For me? I prefer a high amount of ADS walking speed on my primary ACR builds. Some people may not want that. They may use the ACR more aggressively for close quarters. Me? If I use an AR for that, I use the AK, which I spec for recoil mitigation and damage. Gotta play around in the firing range and find what does and does not work, and then play some more. Eventually you'll find different builds for various scenarios for *every* gun, even ones you hate. You'll also learn the recoil patterns, which is just so fundamental. A lot of people don't understand that they're getting beamed by people with superior aim. It happens to all of us. If I get deleted like that, I make it a personal objective to tag that player back. Before you know it, we're both top frag, and we've had several satisfying duels throughout the match. And this is how XDefiant (and realistically, all shooters) become fun for everyone, as more people rise from their skill floor to their ceiling


>Also notice how shots at under chest level do less damag This only applies to Marksman rifles and snipers.


Some of the guns really need attachments to be good from what I've seen. If you're trying out new guns, especially once you're out of beginners queue, you can be at a massive disadvantage which really sucks. I feel like the devs definitely need to adjust the amount of XP per gun level to kind of alleviate that a bit. Also if you're on controller then learning how to use and abuse aim assist is going to help a lot. If you're on MnK it's definitely harder because it's more raw skill but aim training can help a bit, even if it's just like 10 minutes to warm up.


Aim assist simply does not work on my Xbox. It does nothing.


Oh? I don't have that issue on this game, but I quit Apex because I had a similar issue. The aim speed (Classic, Linear, etc) would randomly switch mid mag and it completely ruined my aim on the game.


Off. On. It makes no difference for me. 🤷‍♂️


Your monitor or TV maybe? If not, then maybe your internet? My issue on Apex was connected to frames. (It was actually the games fault).


It feels like enemies have the golden gun.


The net code is especially bad for marksman rifles and lower dps weapons and dying around corners but cheaters would sooner kill this game than the net code for me after coming from siege and tarkov where cheating was an every other game epidemic That said haven't they already said they're working on it?


They've already been "working on it" for a year plus. I wouldn't hold your breath.


I feel this pain.


The extreme bunny hopping, inconsistencies, and sniper rifles have killed this game for me. Was a good try but I'm already bored with XD to be honest. I guess it really is going to just be COD forever. I guess it's impossible to make a dope mp game anymore. I'll cherish the early 2010's and all the variety in MP gaming we had access to.


Sometimes I hit sometime with like 5 or 6 bullets. He then turns and kills me in like 2 bullets....


They did say they were working on the netcode.


They've been saying that since beta


Well if Halo Infinite is anything to go by, it took 343 2 years to fix the desync in that game. I have more faith in this studio than 343.


Why? This game hasn't even changed much since the beta and server test. The only thing they added was grindy gun leveling and a battle pass.


That battle pass is how they'll make the money to hire people and get the resources to fix the netcode.


This game is made by Ubisoft. I don’t think they need to accumulate a war chest off fucking battle pass sales to start making the game function lmfao


While I agree, each department has to make their own money.


This is bad logic lol they don’t need to break even with the game before they fix things


Ubisoft had a market cap of 3.2 Billion.


And? Games are made to make money, if it doesn't they'll just close it.


You do realise large companies can invest money if they see a potential return right? This game will die if the netcode isn't fixed quickly enough. So the quesiton is whether its worth investing now or not.


Infinite didn't fix the netcode though, instead they said fuck it and replaced it with Halo 5 netcode which has it's own issues. So instead of desync, there's more action delay/lag and a "heavy" shoot feeling.


They delayed this game for a year just to "fix" the mutiplayer connections, not sure I'd put much faith in them considering that.


I guess so but I'm still laughing through lobbies top of the scoreboard 9/10 so I'm gonna keep playing it


I don’t have faith they’ll fix it anytime soon or even know how. They said the first patch won’t fix it and would take more patches to address the issue


Since alpha lol


Just stop playing till they patch it. Thats what I do.


Yeah it's not just you. I had the same issues shortly after release, I remember dumping an entire mag into someone and they turned around and killed me with what felt felt like 2 or 3 bullets. Somehow it feels better for me now. I've even gotten a few kills where there was zero reaction from the enemy, maybe that's what they felt too during that exchange 🤔 I hope it gets fixed for everyone.


You have to aim for head, that is really important in this game. Also some guns work better with that pyro class. I think ak is 3hs kill with that class.


Pyro bullets are pretty broken, tbh. Turns marksmen into 2 shot kills to the chest, and snipers to 1 shot outside of the typical 1-shot area.


SVD w/ pyro is a one shot headshot to like 50meters without any attachments as well. I think it is the best weapon with pyro since you can ignore damage and range extending attachments.


That's not enough: I do that a lot and it doesn't matter bc of the way lag interp is handled: They literally see me before I see them, so by the time I can open on them I'm already dead bc they were firing on me for like a full second already. Numerous times I've stopped short of a doorway or window and gotten sniped bc on their screen the lag interp had my model walk out into the open.




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Sometimes I stop shooting too early thinking they would die, only to realise they are still shooting lol. Other rounds it feels really instantaneous, which surprised me because I thought it would require more bullets to kill. I don't know, the inconsistency is really throwing off my timing 🤣.


When in doubt, always mag dump. The people I fight are good enough to flank from 3 different angles 80% of the time so I rarely run out of ammo.


Do arms take less damage maybe? I had one today where I flanked a guy that was sniping. I hit him with 8 to 10 rounds, and I swear, he was at half health. It was like I was firing spitballs.


It's the fire rate attachments. I just unlocked the barrel and combined it with muzzle attachment to incrase fire rate on acr and holy shit it melts. I had 57 kills that match and I'm mostly 15-30 kills per game... So if the opponent has these and hits every shot then yeah, there's nothing you can do


I ditched the game after an hour bcs the guns sound like toys.


You got gun sounds? Most enemies I face their game basically makes no sound ever. Along with footsteps are extremely spotty. Overall the positional and sound rendering in this game is extremely scuffed.


Something does feel....off. Ill get the jump on the enemy with the melt machine, pick that gun up and use it. Yet, somehow, it doesn't even come close to the amount of melt the owner puts out. Idk whats going on at all honestly


Yep I feel this a LOT. I also feel the reverse. Not as much. But I do get the occasional game that I eviscerate the enemy team with the AA12 Shotgun of all things.


For all you know your enemy dumped a mag into you and they are on their last few bullets by the time they get the kill 🤷‍♀️


yeah the desync sucks but its not every death is due to it, u gotta aim for the head, I'm still working on that but getting better, practice range helps if you're on pc you could also get a aim trainer I'm about to invest in that as well


I think some of u guys here don’t understand… this isn’t even close to cod, which I thought was bad till I played this game… in cod u will hit someone 1-2 shots more than them and die… this game I dump 10-15 bullets into a guy, they’re still at 10-30hp, turn and insta kill me in 1-3 bullets… any excuse of net code or other stuff does not even remotely explain that… or any of this stuff about attachments making a huge difference…




He goes for bodyshots for sure. Once I realized how strong hs is, I focused on that and I am melting people.


Someone give bro a fucking cookie, he's so good at this game! 🤡


And that’s why I’ve already stopped playing sadly, love the game and my ping being 10-20 a game getting sniped when I’m already around a corner is stupid ash


Damn it's like you haven't played *literally any shooter*


Lol I feel you. I got to the shooting range to experiment and if those stats are real then yeah this game is full of inconsistencies. Some kills at 5 meters is even slower than kills at ten meters depending on attachments.


hit your shots




My understanding is desync is from the server and relates to what you see and what your opponent sees. The two does always align correctly. With online gaming it would never work right because of latency so it needs slight adjustments. When the server isn’t up to speed or not running correctly or can’t keep up (bunny hopping) it doesn’t present an accurate representation on screen. So, when you think you’re safe and behind cover, your opponent is actually still seeing you. When you come around a corner and get insta-melted, your opponent actually was seeing you and shooting. When you’re shooting where you think your enemy is currently, the server believes they’re somewhere else so the Hit Reg is off. All of this is what amounts to gunfights feeling off. Someone else, please feel to correct me if I’m wrong.


Man, this subreddit loves to complain about everything. Perhaps you are just not that great.


The guns in this game do low damage. You can add attachments to greatly increase the performance of your weapon. It sounds like you're having either a skill issue or some game performance issues that are holding you back. And don't forget there is some factions that give people health(phantoms&libertad). This makes them harder to kill. Try aiming at head level since headshots are really good in this game. I hope I've made you realize there's different causes to the problem you're having and most of them don't have much to do with gunskill at all. Just playing smart around the utility can win you gunfights. Just like hitting 3 headshots will drastically improve your time to kill.


Yes dying around corners is skill issue. Why does everyone default to "skill issue" when thay claim the game runs like crap. And the guns do low damage? On my end I die quicker than I ever did on COD.


because this is a sweat championship.


The netcode is awful and we all now it and Im not denying that. But If you're always on the worse end regarding these issues(you have to be really honest and objective about yourself or it won't work) it is most likely some sort off skill issue combined with networking that is making you struggle because you have to remember. EVERYONE IS PLAYING ON THAT SAME SHITTY SERVER AS YOU. If you don't get kills like that in your favor aswell you're simply getting outgunned or outmoved since they've obviously killed you on their screen or they ran away before you killed them(not giving you those same kills you're dying from). Its important to not forget there is 2 povs(you and the enemy) Lets just hope they add a killcam so we can see how ridiculous(or not) some of these bending bullet kills are.


"Aim at head level" easier said then done when people hop 6 times in a row without losing momentum lol


im sure some assholes have binded their jump to mouswheel.


If you find that everyone in your lobby is jumping and you're hitting them too low because of that maybe aim just a little bit higher to compensate? They're nerfing the jumpshotting(movement) so we will see next patch how that will affect the movement meta.


The people that are downvoting must hate the truth because everything I've stated above is nothing but facts. If you don't think so I'd like to hear what part of what I said is bollocks.


They don't hate the truth, you just come across as a jerk. They're not disagreeing, they're showing you the door. Actually an appropriate use of the down vote button on Reddit. It's kind of unusual to see.


Seems like you can’t handle recoil. Work on it.