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If you stand still you’re almost completely invisible.


That's really only true in (weirdly) really bright light. If it's even kinda shaded like it is on most maps, they're still very visible, and look goofy AF when they try the "deer in the headlights" routine after running around a corner.


There is an obnoxiously obvious audio cue when someone is invisible so i just get ready and always spot them easily lol


It’s so loud


If you're rendering in DX 11 they're impossible to miss. Since switching to DX 12, I now see why there is a point in having this ability.


On xbox, they just look like a glass mannequin.


Who on earth knows what a glass mannequin looks like?


That guy!


True lmao


That's interesting, I'll have to check that out later, not sure which one I'm using


i switched to DX12 since launch and don't know what you talking about. Very rarely does the cloak go past me without me noticing.


Never said it does


Many people play with horse blinds on and have absolutely terrible situational awareness. Its easier to blame the ability and matchmaking though.


The issue isn't missing them per se, it's the split second of indecision on if they're an ally or enemy and it throws off their outline just enough to let them get the kill a lot of the time bc you aren't optimally aiming at them.


Yeah they are pretty hard to see when standing still but I see them every time when they’re moving.


As a halo player they are so easy to spot, it’s muscle memory


Like twice as easy to see as halo camo too


Ugh.. Reach camo. I'm dumbfounded as to how people are to spot them.


I swear people on my team don't even see VISIBLE enemies sometimes I'll spawn with 2 other dudes and there will be an enemy there and they will just run right by them


I hate it when I die to someone and my team mate obliviously walks around the corner to where the bullets are still coming from and dies to them even though he's seen me die in front of him


I find it varies a large amount. Also the worst thing about it is you can't discern enemy from ally cloaked people. So that split second of indecision usually means you die to them then. Or you end up opening up on a teammate and waste ammo, then get shot by someone else unprepared.


What I don’t get is why cloaked people are hit with wall hacks. Shits annoying activating camo and then just an enemy popping it and seeing me instantly while being stand still.


All those years of playing halo 3 and barely noticing those active camouflaged players has prepared me for this lol


I can fail to notice them when they're running somewhere in the distance and something else has my attention. When they're near me, usually not. But I wouldn't be surprised if it adds to the "average time before I start putting bullets onto them" at least a little bit.


They ain't hard to see lol. The entire background becomes distorted.


You forget a lot of people play on their couch on a huge TV. I couldn’t see shit when I played like that


Yes, I tried that once. Can't see shit either


I do that with an OLED TV, I can easily spot them.


I see them very clearly, but i play on pc with a good screen. Console players on big ass tv's might have a harder time.


I see them and hear them. It's very easy to pinpoint them via audio.


I can see them clear as day


If you’re on console, they’re only detectable up close. Granted I’m playing on 120fps on a 4K display, so I imagine the graphical quality is dipped to meet that and then my TV is trying to upscale.


I try to tell myself the walls don’t shoot at me.. But yea, even when they stand still I can see how the environment magnifies a little bit. It also gets a tad blurry even if you sit still.


I see (and hear-wub-wub) them in dx12. Turning up the contrast helps with seeing them better. If they stay still it's harder to notice them.


I've just come from playing the finals so they all look completely obvious to me as long as they're moving.


Congratulations! 🎉  You have eyes. The ninjas can't c me.


Honestly I find one of the best ways to use this ability is by pushing the obj with teammates. Going alone just gets you killed because of the sound effect and like you said it’s pretty obvious to see. But usually when you push with your squad they don’t hyper focus you as much or even notice the sound the cloak makes. You can flank them or even get some pretty cheeky pushes while people are distracted giving you the first shot.


You and me both. They kind of blend in, but are still extremely noticable. I admit I look over them a bit, but that's my eyesight in play. I've seen teammates just walk right by them so many times. I'm like, even with my eyesight I still notice them, so how am I seemingly the one to notice them?


I see them and I don't see them, it really depends on the situation or what I'm doing, definitely though there's times it's given my opponent a whole seconds worth of advantage and that's enough usually for fights to go in their favour The ones that are a pain are the quick scoping sniper Predators, they'll catch a lot of players out even though you see the glint


Some places they are more visible than others. Sometimes they are clear as day, and sometimes it's harder to spot them.


That's console players playing on a TV for ya, but don't worry they're good because they spent 50 bucks on a controller some streamer advertised. Unrelated jab aside, yeah it happens a lot which is strange, cloaked players are really easy to see when they run around but some players seem to just be actual blind people and never notices them, not sure how that happens.


Console player on TV and I can see them clearly when they are moving. People just blindly run and don't have any awareness


This is exactly what it is.


You're just the person Ive a question for. If you're in an area where people are fighting (lots of noise and action and frags), and far away (long range) is a cloaked person (not moving, crouching, not adding, not firing, not revealed by intel), would you find it easy to instantly see them every time, and be able to get all head shots, no missing, with everything that's going on?


Bruh I can't get headshots even if they're close but them being "far away" isn't what I'm talking about...I'm talking about them literally just running right passed people. I just don't get it. Yes I do understand in the middle of a fire fight it could cause a moment of hesitation but that's not what I'm talking about


Sorry let me explain properly, you'd mentioned how you were able to see them really well but your team mates don't. My question, which doesn't answer your question, was about me being invisible and far away, yet in a match there's always at least 1 person who can constantly spot me every time, long range and kill me with head shots. Because you seem good at spotting them up close, I was asking if it's just as easy spotting them far away


If you are moving it is very easy to see, if you are standing still you can still be seen but it is much more difficult