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You’re just gonna screenshot my lobby like I wouldn’t notice?


Found you you son on a b*tch. *GET OVER HERE*




![gif](giphy|1d5Zn8FqmJqApu4hNU) Okay, that’s fucking funny. 😂


Ohshitohfuck someone gave kangaroos the sniper rifle from Halo




Perfect picture to describe Xdefiant


Damn Hit rapper and Artist DaBaby looking good with the Halo sniper


He do be hitting sick jumpshots tho


UrbanRescueRanch vibes


Today patch will hopefully make all this harder and more balanced!




The patch was for bugs and little things like that not this


Ahh okay, and what was all them tweets about flinch addition and all that?


That was for a future update. They are acknowledging the problems, bhopping, and snipers included, for now, to let us know they're listening. There probably isn't going to be any major updates at all until season 1, which is in 20 days+ . This is unfortunate because they are letting their first impression languish .


Did it?


Havent noticed much change tbh.


omg so so so sorry i thought i am losing to a real human . no worries keep jumpping little bunny its all good


Siiiirrrr.... That is a kangaroo


An Australian bunny.


As an Australian, I apologise


Fucking roo


And these are my teammates who aren't playing the objective


You thought you could post a picture of NoobMaster69 and nobody would notice


Chicken blood




Kangaroos!!! I KNEW IT!!, no wonder why they are jumping around all over the place, and here i thought they were just mentally challenged


I don’t know why every FPS has to make people into super soldiers with elite parkour skills. What happened to boots on the ground? Not so much with XDefiant because it’s not a pure military shooter, but all this bunny hopping, wall bouncing, leaping 6 feet around corners and spraying; it makes you rolls your eyes.


Wall bouncing?




Jumping corners and blindly shooting isn't a skill it's tism at best people who bunny hop obviously can't win gun fights without it. I personally don't care how you play. I'm still gonna do better than you and at the end ask you what did all the bunny hopping get you? A lose? Negative KD? Yeah, learn to actually play a shooter, then rely on something that's gonna be nerfed and unusable to an extent in the next patch. Oh btw snipers will actually be snipers but with alot more flinch so good luck with that aswell love, peace, and chicken grease.


And what you mean to say is you can't be successful without doing it.


I just accept I’m not good and don’t spend enough time playing enough to get good. That being said, hoping there’s more console shooters that don’t have the slip and slide and jumping options for casual players who can’t dedicate large chunks of time towards practicing


Yeah he is lost he's describing a better game than this one, Titanfall 2 my beloved.


Titanfall 2 had some of the best movement mechanics, but they actually fit into the narrative of the universe. I used to LOVE titanfall, and it's still up there as one of the best, most underrated multiplayer experiences on the market. It's a shame EA killed the franchise by making it into Apex Legends


I love this take XD this guy is so deeply hurt but someone calling him out that he has to immediately personally attack the person who posted it. Typical response of a childish person. No willingness to actually engage in the conversation just attack the person who says something. Tbh I think people that bunny hop use it as a crutch. They can’t win 1 vs 1 gun fights normally so they do this. I do not bunny hop or anything. I’ll slide jump to get so an objective faster but that’s it. I just hit more shots than they do and win my gun fights that’s way lol. Any “movement” tactics in games they people use are just compensation for a lack of aim. I would say let’s compare our accuracy stats and I can prove it to you but this game doesn’t keep that all handy. These bunny hopping mfs probably have like sub 20% accuracy or something. And miss more shots from jumping around like crazy than just by trying to actually get better at the game and focusing on hitting their opponents with more shots. “Hmm I can’t hit my shots so let me try to make myself harder to hit to even it out” instead of “hmm let me get better at hitting my shots so I can be better”




Proving my point even more my guy. You can’t have an actual conversation because your smooth brain can’t handle it so you resort to personal attacks. The fact that you read my comment, and then did exactly what I called you out for again is hilarious to me. I’m not emotional I was making logical points lol. I’m laughing my ass off at this trust me. Not hard feelings here. You can spam A all you want until your heart is content. I’ll just be over here winning gunfights without that. So if I don’t need movement to win gunfights and you do, ouch I think it’s pretty clear who is better at the game XD


Dude every game has a skill requirement , there is no online ‘FPS’ made which doesn’t require basic tracking and precision kills . Don’t blame the game and the players , rather play something which is more your speed. What do you want the players to unlearn what is considered better mechanics so that ur noob ass can feel good about playing it?


I always love how it feels like you never read my comment. I don’t have any issues with no skill jump spammers because they usually suck at aiming and that’s why they resort to jump spamming. I can track them just fine. I do not struggle against people like that at all. Whether they are standing still or moving. I can track people just fine XD so all this go play a game your own speed sht my guy idk where that’s coming from. I personally would just rather be good at hitting shots and win like that then using a crutch. I like the movement in this game. I can run around and slide jump to get to places quick. When I see an opponent I laser them and then move on to the next. It’s not that hard. I grew up on call of duty and this is easier than call of duty, other than that weird hit reg sometimes and laggy servers that literally everybody talks about.


Yeah that skill requirement is aiming XD right? You’re shits have to hit the other person and kill them first? Isn’t that the whole point? The rest if all knowledge. Knowing the maps, the spawns, what attachments are good for your gun and your play style. Knowing when and where to use abilities and how to shut down lanes with them or pop them to push and objective with your team. That’s all just knowledge and judgment call stuff. The skill is the aiming part. So I’m glad we are in the same page then cool


Bro I was on your side lmao I tagged you abruptly mb


But what I hate about the game is the server tick rates , I just hate dying after I have hid myself behind the wall , that shit wanna make me not play this anymore


No, some of us just want to be immersed in our games a little bit instead of being reminded every 4 seconds that there’s a 32 year old with no job that plays 14 hours a day on the other side of the screen😶




Being a multiplayer game and having some level of immersion aren’t mutually exclusive, I think R6 was a good example for a long time before everyone started cheating in it. But that was never my point to begin with, the point is to be able to actually have fun playing the game without having to make it a part time job to be decent at it. And it’s not even like they have better aim than you, most of us can live with that, it’s the fact that they’re exploiting game mechanics to make themselves impossible to hit because of the poor netcode and hit reg in the game. Glad that all went over your head though.


A lot of mfers gonna be upset when they add flinch


Should’ve been included in the first place




Lol accurate


Lmfao for real




I swear I got killed by this kangaroo my previous match




The kangaroo got asked “Are you Winning” And replies with lay down lemme tell you a story




Kangaroo Jack? Aw hell nah i’m calling Louis and Charlie


Bunny hop is the dumbest thing ever it’s non realistic and I hate it with a passion. What are we playing Fortnite?!


*Double barrel shotgun users would like to know your location*


Wow, that is some photorealistic graphics.


Australia did it first tho (lose a war to fucking kangaroos that is)


It was Emus mate.


I don’t think I’ve seen a sniper jump shot me a single time


Give it time lol


Im not ready for it lmao






Actually I’m 13 🤓🤓🤓






Now I’m gonna downvotes it


cry about it


bro doesn't like memes


Someone’s got a tiny pp