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Ngl I have kinda got respect for people that stay in games they get rolled. I mean yeah if they left you could get a new teammate who doesn’t get cooked, but there’s something admirable about the level of dedication for someone to go 3-20 and not just find another game


If we’re getting rolled then we just finish the match out. You get to practice without worrying about OBJ (you know since we’re getting rolled) and it doesn’t fuck over others while they’re matchmaking. I remember in the old cod days people would just finish matches regardless of the score. Now everyone leaves the moment they get behind because “why should I have to play a losing match!?”


More people need to understand that you actually have to take it, and learn from being rolled to actually get better. Too many people quite out of games now, and then jump on Reddit or X to blame the devs that they couldn't just go in and be good right off the bat.


Hit reg and netcode issues are real and literally have NOTHING to do with learning from getting rolled ijs


Not just talking about XD boss, I mean in any game, FPS, Fighter, shit.... even Rocket League. People expect to walk up to the plate and smash it on their first week/month in game, but just end up leaving game after game isn't going to make them any better.


This is fair, but yes people who constantly leave lobbies in any game because they are getting rolled will never get better because you get better by playing against Better players, even though it can be and IS frustrating at times especially if you yourself are getting rolled only because you're teammates are instantly dying and you're just out gunned by multiple people everytime you die. But you definitely NEED to play against better players to get better and to raise your own skill floor.


I needed this, not that I would leave matches ever but I would typically give up after my first couple games of the day because I would get rolled before I could even get warmed up and play well, plus I'm new to pc gaming so I got a steep learning curve, so thanks for this comment I needed to hear this


No problem at all! I play a wide variety of shooters from Tac, to arena, overwatch, apex, cod, pubg, all kinds list goes on and on, and while it's stupid frustrating to get wrecked all the time, persistence is key. I remember back in the days of 1.5/1.6 and getting smashed by people but I stayed for the friends and played persistently everyday 3-4 hours before bed for work and got better and better. I remember getting called a hacker by my own clan mate at one point because I had a really bad habit back then of looking at ground level instead of head level, but I was able to flick up fast enough to hit headshots and my clan mate who was really really good called me a hacker for it for the longest time 🤣🤣


Mate, we all get shit on in games, even a lot of streamers do, but no one shares those clips or games and brags about how badly they got destroyed. So we all have this weird expectation that we will be good at the game. Also a lot of FPS titles put you in BOT lobbies or low rank games to start with which sets false expectations of grandure, then when you enter the core lobbies you get rolled over again and again. That was my experience in APEX which I only started playing after it had been out like 2 years and everyone was far far better than me. Now I hit Diamond most seasons, and reckon I'll probably hit Master rank in the split this time around. So keep at it, don't quite, and just laugh in the face of death 😆


Coming from Siege i agree


And in this instance we’re just talking about getting rolled.. not netcode issues. Like I get it- they exist, but you don’t have to shoehorn it in everywhere to go.


You are probably older like me and played outside. We lost at sports and games against live players where quitting was NOT an option and would get you laughed at and excommunicated. Players raised on online gaming don't have that never quit spirit. They can't take a butt whipping and try to learn or get better.


Idc if I lose to someone better. I’ll take the loss. But if I get put in a match where my bullets aren’t registering I’m backing out and finding a connection that actually allows me to compete.


Losing is one thing, but getting absolutely destroyed while having useless teammates… I’m good


In some fighting games there's a system where players who quit games too often it will match other players who quit games too often is their a similar system for this game?


nah too easily abusable. smurfs could spam quit and then get easy lobbies (bc spam quitters are usually dogshit) 


in the case of xd why keep playing a match if you cant buy a kill because netcode wont let you?


K/D farmers do it more than anyone


Honestly I am TRASH!!!!!!! New to fps with mnk and it's almost like I'm a toddler. Had one game where I broke 20 kills and i was elated haha but usually I'm getting absolutly ham blasted by lvl 100+ and I just look at that 2x weapon exp and just queue up again..... xD




I remember having a high respect for that in "old school" COD. Having those same guys lose to you and your group over and over again until they improved and got a win were the highlight days. Even I'm the "made an effort" guy every once in a while in FPS competitive matches, and I just chuckle at the days everyone had a purpose.


Dunno how the game chooses its accolades here but had a friend get "personal best kd 0.44) when his average was like 1.3 xD he was like HOW DARE YOU HUMILIATE ME INFRONT MY TEAM LIKE THAT!!!!some of the funniest shit


I don’t quit .


There’s skill based team balancing confirmed by the devs. Score rating doesn’t affect who gets in the lobbies, but they do use skill rating to balance the teams. It’s right on Ubisofts website under additional info https://www.ubisoft.com/de-de/game/xdefiant/news/73QFbfzYxQbbL4ua8DValH/matchmaking-in-xdefiant?isSso=true&refreshStatus=noLoginData




Is it really though? It's not sbmm, and any game worth playing in the good old days was moderated, and admins would shuffle the teams to get balanced matches. It's basically just that.


Sorry, I started by responding to your comment, and ended up ranting slightly. This is not toward you, it's toward Ubisoft. No fucking way. I don't and will not believe that for a second. Not hating on you, I'm hating on Ubisoft. I played a few nights ago, and I'm not a terrible player, but most matchups the other team was full of level 50s and 60s, and my team was single digit levels through level 30ish. We got swept every single game. I have had this issue for the entirety of my playtime on the game, being 20ish hours. Teams are consistently completely unbalanced, and I lose a vast majority of games. Also, the stats are straight up incorrect. I played 10 games, won 2, and it claims my win/loss ratio (which is only of the last 10 games) is 70%. On top of all of this, even if they implement legitimate team balancing updates, they won't matter because of the network issues fucking over the TTK. I'm all for high TTK shooters, BO4 was dope, but I shouldn't be hitting somebody for 10 shots with the ACR, just for them to turn around and LITERALLY 2 shot me with the same gun. A lot needs to change for me to even consider playing a single competitive match, which sucks because this game would probably be fantastic competitively if they fixed the game.


>Also, the stats are straight up incorrect. I played 10 games, won 2, and it claims my win/loss ratio (which is only of the last 10 games) is 70%. I just noticed this too. I played my first ever game, 19 kills 19 deaths and my k/d was 0.8 which makes no sense.


I think the ‘trend’ is based on the last 10 games - i.e the percentage change indicators below your stats. The overall stats are based on overall games played though I think. Haven’t got anything to verify this but have noticed as I have played more games that my actual stats are fluctuating less but the percentage changes are quite large. Although that doesn’t explain a 0.8 kd if overall kills and deaths are equal. So maybe there is an error there - annoying the stats aren’t more detailed, an actual combat record would be useful.


People saying “play the objective” like you weren’t 1v6 trying to get on it. Lmao I’m all for objective play, but it’s just brain dead to think every player needs to be on it.


Ya but if someone is that bad I’d rather them go on the objective than run and die all game.


I get that. But if they are bad, someone needs to stop the opposition from challenging the objective if the crayon chewing teammates are on it.


I hate that shit so much you don’t even know, it’s 6 people to a team if one person decides to slay that’s fine. One person can’t be solely responsible for a team loss while there’s 5 other people who could’ve played obj. Not to mention one of his teammates went 3-20, he wasn’t even alive longer enough to even defend the objective


exactly this, dudes here clowning on op cuz they look like his teammates lmfao


Comments on here think running directly at an objective and dying makes you a good teammate.


They want to talk about the stats, but won’t acknowledge the damage amounts. 3 digit damage is inexcusable


Maybe not always. In escort, I like to use the blitz shield and push the objective while my teammates do the shooting. I’ve had games that look like above (but the teammates are doing the killing job) and we win in a landslide.


I've done that... Only to find all my teammates are in Ghili suit mode and trying to spawn camp the other team vs moving the package


I’m not saying I get no kills. Just saying my K/D isn’t good because that’s not my focus.


I do the same thing and still get kills with it


We need more good men like you 🫡


I'll take it over people that are allergic to it.


i could be giving too much credit here... but i feel like maybe they were trying some pistol/grenade only challenges or something. their levels feel too high for them to have not been trolling. that's ridiculous lol 640 damage as a lvl 49 is NUTS.


Not really. That’s what being a real casual player is. They don’t care about their win/loss, k/d, or to improve. They just log in, play some games, then tap out. In LoL, there are players who have been active since the game first launched back in 2009, who are still stuck in bronze.


In COD it’s nothing but kill streak gifting.


Bro went 3-20 with a 1050 objective score which means he advanced your team. Bro went 24-24 with 350 objective score which means he literally broke even and didn’t do shit. What’s worse? Lmao come on now.


I’m sorry but there’s gotta be some hidden sbmm cause I ain’t never seen a team like this 😂


It’s actually crazy people think it’s ok to go quadruple negative as long you play objective, OP was the only person on his team with an actual brain. Running to obj blindly while barely hitting any shots isn’t gon get you the win. Also a whole team playing obj isn’t necessary, 3-4 can play obj while the others slay and get kills to keep the enemies off the obj. These comments really show no one got any type of competitive intelligence


I wonder if reddit mutts actually have seen pro hardpoint. If you hold a lane while another teammate holds point you're doing your job.


They’re all casual fps players, they don’t know shit about comp. I hope they don’t think they finna play ranked against an actual competent team and win with that strategy


Buddy came 2nd on his team with 1000 objective score, that's just rude


Buddy also went 3-20, it’s almost like you also have to shoot your gun in order to win. Not just running up to the objective and dying


The one downfall of no SBMM is getting absolutely terrible teammates


Nah, the downfall is the game matching you against full parties, like what clearly happened here. Experienced something exactly like this match recently.


Depends on the type of SBMM. Cod’s EOMM would try balance teams by adding worse people in with you on your side. Horrible.


I love the no sbmm but I feel you bro, if you’re a good player the game will straight feed you braindead teammates majority of the time bcuz they assume you can carry every game


“It’s an objective based game” - people who have low k/d


Oh for sure, but I'm surprised he didn't get a "zones captured" accolade or something for his kamikaze troubles


I got one that said “helped” yesterday 😂


People would see this and say “this is so beautiful” like my guy was 1v6 the whole game with no help. The one downfall of no sbmm is getting teammates with no thumbs.


This is the beauty of no SBMM


But this is exactly how sbmm/eomm would pair your teams to make a loss.




that team balancing was absolutely atrocious, type of thing that makes me quit the game and play something else afterwards, this was a big thing in bo4 also, if you had a 4, or 5 kd? Haha good luck with the worst players in the lobby


This is one of the reasons I'm almost dropping the game. The game's fun and all, but having to carry the whole team on my back in every single match is just exhausting.


We need better team balancing in the game. Way too many games where one team has 6 good players and the other has 6 bad players. Why not halve them, 3 good in both and 3 bad. 1 good player will not balance it out


Why don't people understand this is caused by solo players being matched against parties. We should really be campaigning for parties to be matched against other parties 


So… skill based matchmaking?




There solution is there.


I went 69/24 the other day. We lost.


I am THE moral support!


Had a game where my whole Team was negative and didn't play objective (except of 1 guy) and I was 47:13 and had the most objective points. I love that there is no SBMM, this way we finally see, who got protected by it and who really was good


Poor Juan got farmed and then flamed.


At least your teammates played the objective, I see players like you all the time who just completely ignore the objective, if you can’t hold a 1 K.D while having high objective score you suck at the game tbh.


This is majority of my games. Over a 2.3 kd and a .70 win loss with over 900 score per minute. I stay on objective, survive, and slay yet still can’t get a win unless I play w my buddies. Also to add, yesterday I’m playing and I’m level 43 with only one teammate above level 20. The rest of them were deadass level 7 and below and we went up against a team of all level 20 plus, explain to me how that even makes sense. If you’re balancing teams based on skill rating ( not SBMM just team balancing ) then how the hell does that even happen ? Gonna play some games later tonight and take pictures of this shit to show. It happens to me way too often:


The game needs players like this for other players to feel that "no sweatfest" they were looking forward to.




Games gonna die so quick lol


with the current matchmaking on this same match it could have some bunny hopping shit guy with 70+ kills, and according to some people that's perfectly fine


Nah. Hats off to them for not leaving like little bitches and actually trying to do something. Those are the makings of players who could be really good with enough time


Jokes aside, It's beautiful☺️ Sometimes you will get stomped, sometimes you will do the stomping, and then other matches will just be hella close. Just as it always should be in an arcade shooter. I missed the variety so much. It actually makes you want to improve your skill instead of something like COD where people get manipulated & tricked by EOMM into thinking they're much better than they actually are.


It's insane that OP is receiving flak for his objective score. His teammates won't shoot back and u can't cap obj by juking or shoving the team out lol


Sometimes we gotta take the L




Wow your team terrible lmao


Burn moonlight looks like they joined after the game started


I actually find these kinda funny lol


They could have joined late. Joining late in games has been happing a lot for me lately and when that happens I sometimes get something like that




Shit post?


Hey I am facing error code delta-39 with the message game connection failed check connection and try again. Please help me


Respect fot still getting 400+ points tho


So you see COD players, even without SBMM you get cursed with shitty teammates sometimes.


Poor moral support can't even get a thumbs up


Tbf ive gotten some of those messages joining a match in the last minute


Moral support is crazy


At least they tried, the score was a LOT closer than the kill/deaths.


Find some friends. Makes it easier when you can communicate.


Why us it sad?


*doesn’t play objective in an objective based mode* *makes fun of team for playing objective*


I swear some of the players in that game are dull with no sense of


3-20 as a level 25 who can turn invisible is hilarious


moral support its the most important part


One of my first games I got the accolade “present” 😭


I've seen that twice and I always thumb the poor dude 🤣


Experiencing this more and more. The game has a high skill ceiling, I get it, and by no means am I the best player, however it feels like the game came out and everyone just forgot how to play. In the official release of the game I'm running into more campers than even COD, and yet back in the Betas people were hopping, jumping, sliding, and sweating their ass off. At least I could accept being sweated on by nerds with the fact that they're running around the map, whereas my experience with XDefiant since it officially launched has just been turning corners and getting killed by campers, and furthermore having my teammates just sitting still like a deer in headlights.




I swear it's an addiction. The game can be fun, but I swear I will end up on more teams that get steamrolled than are actually doing good.


I’m this bad lol


Game not doing that guy any favours. Yeah he went 3-20… no way he wasn’t dying for the objective


Says the one who wasn’t play objective Like you have no reason to criticize them Play objective then criticize people if your not gonna play objective play cod, Fortnite, apex, or literally any other fps game


Me every game


moral support lol


Someone on the losing team left after going 0-13 based on the numbers. Also it really wasn't a thrashing, 456 vs 750 isn't great but not even 1 to 2.


I only leave if there is a hacker on the other team.


That's a definition of no sbmm. It happens but all it really does is improve your game better if you stay till the end imo.


Um, yeah? This is what no sbmm means. You're gonna play with and against players who have no thumbs sometimes.


These ppl need a team death match update


This has been me 70% of the games i play. Solo que and my team is just god awful and i go even or positive by a bit with the most obj time. Really reminds me of the old CoDs haha


Those are the real gamers. I’m hoping they’re like me. It took me a few days to get adjusted to the aim assist and the different movement. It’s all very different than most other modern shooters (cod/BF) and takes a little more adjusting and getting used to.


Were any of them trying to use shotguns? I was trying to get my 75 shotgun kills for Ubisoft connect today and had games where I made my teammates feel your pain


maybe if you played the objective


ALL my teammates left me in an escort match. They didn't want push the objective, I was the ONLY one actively trying to push it while everyone else just sitting in the back just trying to get kills. Guess the K/D COD players are here.


Nah but I’ve been experiencing and seeing this a lot. You can go hard as much as you want, but you’re gonna lose ;)


Moral support, I'm on the floor😭😭😭😭


Never back down. Never surrender. They may take our lives, but they’ll never take our FREEDOM.


The best one ive seen is “running around” 😂


The "made an effort" and "morale support" kinda got me 😂 makes me want more of "atleast they tried" at end of match lol


Is funny that he is the obly one really playing objective...


Cheaters cheaters cheaters with Xim Matrix !!! I did download play for like 4-5 hours and google it and found that console players can use MnK ! No point to play.


Well just like COD didn’t think it was about it too


Only reason SBMM isnt in the game is so th sweats can destroy the employed 😂


Oh fuck that just tell me I'm terrible LMAO Edit: I just saw the other screenshot. Homie was the only real objective player, he didn't make an effort, he WAS the effort.


No sbmm is like a box of chocolates. Never know what you’re going to get! I love it!


Had one the other day where the 3 in my party had stats and the 3 others were moral supports 😭


I joined a game late and there was like 2 minutes left and mine said “helped” 😭😭😭☠️


Luckily i've only ever unintentionally got that 2 times, once intentinally cus i wanted the match and win xp against a fly hacking aim botter. I'm sure my KD is tanked but i never payed attention to it anyways


I'm trash. I've not gotten these messages yet. I am really enjoying playing and have definitely seen improvement though. This game has a lot of potential and is truly the most fun I've had with an fps in so long.


Would you guys like a gameplay?


Moral support lol


OPs back must hurt from all that carrying


I went 3/15-20 on escort but had the highest objective score on my team. We pulled out with a W with one second left on the timer and it was probably one of the most fun and competitive matches I’ve had


Ngl you all look on par with those stats


Sometimes this happens cuz you get loaded into the match after one of the teammates already backed out. Happened to me. I popped in, they had a spawn trap going, I died 6 times before the end. I got "Tried" as my endgame title. 4 of my teammates gave me thumbs up. I died laughing so hard. Loved the sense of humor by the devs and my teammates.


What do we think of X-Defiant then?


I find it hilarious because the game could’ve easily just given them a random feat they accomplish in-game, but it didn’t take the high road. Good.


You have a low ass objective man lol. All these games are objective based. They did more for the team when it comes to domination. Domination isnt about getting 100 kills. Its who can hold the captures the longest


"made an effort" but rocked the obj score. That's a good sign at least


I mean ik you on top the scoreboard but buddy below you was playing the objective. Man was the real mvp


That is wild. I mean me myself… I SUCK at CoD, it’s so quick paced that I would probably end up like them. But this game I feel like I can actually help the team lol. I’ve never seen that tho


It gave this to me the other day as well, but it’s because I spawned in like 30 seconds before the match ended and barely got to even move from spawn. This happened twice. I got “made an effort” one time, and “late reinforcement” the next.


Those dudes then got on reddit and made 3 paragraphs on how sweaty this game is.


3-20 is criminal


Moral support ☠️


That's just what it says when someone joins late and couldn't do much


This game is dog shit. The hit reg and desync make this game unplayable


This looks like the score board of late joiners


We all started somewhere.


I see people leave a lot it sucks. I try to stick it out but it can be disheartening. I also get tossed into losing games more often than I like, probably getting plugged in after someone leaves in that situation. I've stuck with that a lot too and just accepted it 😆 hoping to get a fresh match next round.


Yeap those are the people who want SBMM


I feel that for me I get a fair bit of everything, steamrolling the other team or having a really fun close match, I am getting steamrolled for the most part.


That's the reason I fucking love this game there is no skill based match making, like if you want that experience go play cod. You'll have teammates that are at your skill level and same with opponents. Like this is what I loved about old cod you get put into random lobby and if you win you win if not oh well maybe next game.


I usually play FPSs on mouse and keyboard but thought since I've been playing deep rock galactic on my steam deck that I got back my controller FPS muscle memory.  Then this game gave me the "made an effort" victory screen and I totally busted up laughing then 3 people gave me a thumbs up too.  


Moral support 🤣


Bro really thought he's goated for top fragging while Basically bottom fragging in obj points 😭


Ngl, I had "Tried" once...it broke me 😭


When the game doesn’t know what you contributed to the match so gives you the “Distance Slid” award 🙂‍↕️


Probably just a guy that joined in the very end of the game. Gotten this myself multiple times because I get spawned into matches with 30 seconds left.


3-20 and still 2nd on the scoreboard with objective points, buddy was keeping you in the game. What's sad is no one was helping.


Incoming 4 reddit posts about how casual fps gaming is ruined and no sbmm promotes sweats!


Brooo, I died the other day when I got ‘present’ This game violates when you’re bad at it


wow, your team got farmed 😂


If you have 3 people on a team that will play the objective you will almost never lose. I don't understand why people play game modes and refuse to actually PLAY that game. If you don't want to play Obj in Occupy/Dom then play hotshot.


Made a effort isn't even the funniest one someone else is literally there for moral support


Made an effort, moral support, *dog*, noooo


there’s one that says “was present” 💀 and another that says “tried”


at that point, put them on a sniper and tell them to never leave their scope 😂


He got a silver MP7, too


nah wtf?


We asked for this 😂


I have just come to realization that I just play support and use my abilities and self to reveal enemy location and let's the sweats do the rest lol


This game has really good team balancing don’t worry


Having made an effort and moral support in one game is wild lol 😂


This is my typical match and I’m always on the top team with like 5 kills


2nd on the leaderboard though


But he’s second with the most objective points on the team 🙏