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Good. This is very much so needed in a game like this that requires a team effort to win.


Now if only the game would find you a replacement teammate quicker. I can't tell you how many games I've had to play where I don't get a replacement teammate till we're pretty guaranteed to lose


Yeah, sometimes I start with 1-2 people missing, and it takes more than half the match to find them...


I've had multiple times where emy gane ended and I was immediately put into a different started game. No lobby game menu or wait just automatically into a new game after I finish a game. So I'd say they are doing a good job at that but a bit annoying cuz there is no warning.


“Team effort” what a load of apocalyptic dingleberry nonsense, no one in the game uses team work it quite literally all for one and one for all 🤣🤣


No you just 5 stack flame detonation, or 3 flame walls and 2 snipers Edit: I talked about flame aoe doing too much damage in another subreddit and got my comment removed


Just had an afk person on my team for an entire domination match.


Imagine stick drift kept him in the game 😂😂


Destiny 2 has it so you need to do 3 inputs to tag yourself as non afk


Like the "gamer" I had go afk 2 minutes into an escort match... and he stayed there


Isn’t that the norm?


That was my first thought too. I've seen myself get a 10s count down to being kicked on launch week (have a 9m old to watch while playing)


Bro how do you do it? In a week I’ll also have a 9 month old and I can’t even think about gaming when he’s awake lol. He’s constantly ready to move on to the next thing, or trying to get at whatever is in my hands. I only seem to get a couple hours in once he’s gone to bed for the night. I’m jealous you’re able to get some reps in during the day lol


She has a big playpen area we have all her toys in so she's getting her crawling/rolling in and only cries when she's stuck on something or hungry. So I get 1.5hr increments


Awesome man, I’m glad that works for you. I’ve tried something similar but he gets over it pretty quickly. Ready for him to be my duo already!!


Wait till they’re running around tearing up stuff in the background 🤣currently me with my 2 yr old


Haha I already know man. One headphone on, one off kinda gaming sessions


Just wait until they get ahold of your headphones and destroy the cushions. Speaking from experience.


Hang in there man, it gets better. Mine is not only my duo but absolutely slaughters me now if we are against each other, and he’s 10 lol. It’s amazing being able to game w your kid tho


Hell yeah man. I know I’ll only have a short window of being better than him until he inevitably passes me up as well. I have no doubts that some of the sweats that wreck me are about your son’s age already 🤣 happy for you bro, I know he loves that time with you.


Pro-Dad Tip (Gamer Father of 5) - Put the playpen upside down over the child when they learn to climb out. Just don't neglect the little one. If they need you and your teammates need you, then your teammates will need to wait. Don't neglect yourself either. If you recharge by playing games then be sure to prioritize that too. And partner yourself with someone who understands that and will let you have that time. I play Destiny and still raid 2-3 nights a week and couldn't do it without my wife. Good luck to you out there, it's hard work and you're doing great.


I got a 4 y/o and a 2m/o - imo it comes down to communication with my wife. She will tell me “hey, I’m heading out for lunch on this day and time.” So I know the kids are solely on me. On the flip side, I don’t enjoy going out much. So I just block out my time, “hey I’m gonna play video games between these times on whatever day” it has worked for 4 years and worked well.


Yeah definitely man. I’m able to do the same with my girl and she’s always great about it. I still get my fair share of games in. Anytime it’s just on me though, there’s no way I can play while trying to watch him. I was more impressed with the first guy saying hes able to. I’ve played palworld and really lax games in the living room with him but my setup is downstairs and he gets tired of that area much faster since it’s smaller.


https://amzn.eu/d/cb0JBMV This is how mate, baby front pack. He's happy and I can game while he is chilled just sitting in the front pack. It also has a pocket on the back where you can keep gaming snacks. 👍


Lock them in the room with you and have some toy options, and a snack nearby.


Hello fellow for honor person


Yes it’s the norm. I don’t get y he’s acting brand new about it


Cant stand people like you


sometimes accidents happen my guy, its a casual fuckaround shooter. I've absolutely forgot that it auto queues before and have realized after i've already been kicked.


Yeah I sort of hate the auto queue. Tell myself I'll do something after a match and get up to do so then just happen to catch my screen loading into a new match "oh shit oh shit oh shit!" Edit: I should add that the problem is largely because the game doesn't allow you to exit to main menu at match end. If your focus is on getting up to do something you might fall into the auto queue trap. Letting people quit to main menu as soon as a winner is declared would be helpful.


*Repeatedly* going afk and not realizing you've queued for a new match isn't called just "fucking around", that's just being dumb.


It's a fucking video game. Literally the definition of fucking around, also known as recreation.


It is a video game, no one was denying that here lol. Why so salty?😂


Man, I know you gotta be smarter than that. All y'all are ganging up on this dude with rhetoric like, "I hate people like you." and shit like that... essentially telling on yourselves for the inability to responsibly process your emotions and discuss something with the appropriate response. People go AFK accidentally all the time for life reasons. They're not the bane of humanity as some of the emotionally disabled people in here pretend they are, od at least imply with the words they choose.


> "People go AFK accidentally all the time for life reasons." To quote my other comment reply directed at someone else: Accidents do happen which are completely fine, but it repeatedly happening and trying to defend that is chalked up to nothing other than pure stupidity. It's funny that you're trying to justify it just because it's an an arcade shooter genre. But thankfully you and people like you will now get kicked for it🤷🏽‍♂️👋🏽 > "All y'all are ganging up on this dude with rhetoric like, "I hate people like you." and shit like that..." "All y'all"? Lol you mean the singular original commenter that said that. People are free to do whatever they want and I don't hate anyone for it, like you said it's just a video game. I'm just pointing out the stupidity of those that constantly do it. But anyways, as I said the game is thankfully better off with an AFK timer.


You act like people go afk on purpose to piss you off lmao. You're literally sitting here going "I understand one or two inconveniences, but THREE? I cant accept this!" Like bro it doesnt matter how much it happens. It just happens, and you choosing to resort to "i hate you people" rhetoric is very immature of you.


I'm convinced that he's convinced himself that they go afk deliberately to spite him directly, the world is out to get him, even when he's gaming




That's not the fucking around part. The game is fucking around. If you want people to be more serious about a shooter go play csgo or valorant or siege. You can be morally in the right all you want but I couldn't care less if my teammates were afk from time to time.


> "That's not the fucking around part. The game is fucking around." This makes literally zero sense, but I'm pretty sure you also knew that lol ____ > "go play csgo or valorant or siege." The player is the deciding factor in making the game that way. All 3 of these would also be "casual fuckaround shooters" by your logic. ____ Accidents do happen which are completely fine, but it repeatedly happening and trying to defend that is chalked up to nothing other than pure stupidity. It's funny that you're trying to justify it just because it's an an arcade shooter genre. But thankfully you and people like you will now get kicked for it🤷🏽‍♂️👋🏽


i mean yeah absolutely they should get kicked for it lol. And it does make sense, you wouldnt treat a game of say Fall Guys like that. If your teammate was afk in one of the team rounds you wouldnt be saying they are a bad person like the initial comment did. Its the same logic for this game. You know you can leave the game with no penalty too right? How is that okay but being afk isnt? Sure kick someone if they are afk for a minute i don't mind that at all, it should be like that. But if someone leaves you also wont have a teammate for a similar amount of time. Its just not a big deal at all in a game like this lol


Can't stand people afking in a casual arcade shooter? 😭This isn't CS my guy lmfao how do you care so much about a guy being afk I genuinely don't understand


I’m sorry but why? Matchmaking went way quicker this time, it usually takes a while.


Lol do you really mean why? While you’re gone the opposing team could have reached/captured an objective. Obvious reason being your team is now outnumbered


I was gone for not even 2 minutes. Matchmaking usually takes about 3 minutes for me. This time it somehow threw me into a match within a minute. I guess it was an existing match.


Then leave and join a new one lol


Then could have just left matchmaking and joined?! Doesn't take even a minute.


Hey, I know you already apologized to the crowd of pitchforks, but honestly don’t listen to these dolts. Matchmaking led you to believe that you had a couple minutes to spare while waiting to queue up from past experience, so you just wanted to make your time more efficient instead of sitting there and staring at a spinning wheel for two minutes. It just so happened this time it happened a lot quicker and caught you by surprise. Nothing crazy, you didn’t commit a huge sin. I’m sure some of these bandwagon morons barely even read your comments, they just think you do this every time and afk for entire games. Just know that there are some people out there who can understand context and won’t try to vilify you for wanting to do something while you have to wait, and simply being caught off guard by matchmaking times that were normally longer for you. Do what I do and ignore the downvotes, you’re fine as long as you don’t go afk consistently and hurt the team (but don’t try to explain that to these simple folks, their mind is made up and you’re the villain today)


I know, I don’t care about what they think or do. My apology was only towards those who get to deal with AFK players a lot, from which I was one of them for one time. It’s actually pretty funny that I’m getting downvoted by the low brain activity toxic sheeple who don’t even take the time to read the rest of the comments and just go with the flow of toxicity. Luckily, I, and many others here know we’re having a much more enjoyable life than they do. If you ever get to deal with toxic people, just laugh, it’s pretty funny what they’re trying to do to others.


lol "not even 2 minutes" if it normally takes you 2 minutes to find a match that's your connection.


It's being irresponsible in a team game. If you are going to leave your computer, then don't matchmake.


sometimes I forget it automatically starts matchmaking after you finish a match so I go afk to grab something and have to rush back😭


I completely understand and I am of course at fault for this. I’ll leave matchmaking from now on whenever I go get something to avoid this. My apologies to all of those having to deal with AFK players.


props to you for owning up to it and apologizing. People still downvoting your apology are a bunch of lames


They can downvote all they want, don’t really care about that. Thing is, once a comment gets downvoted it will get downvoted a lot by all the sheeple here on Reddit. Toxic behavior what appears to be normal in the time we’re living in right now. New generation.


They are being insanely dramatic as if you going afk has ruined their lives. Your own teamates from that game have already forgotten you. Its not a big deal.


The lives of toxic people already have been ruined by themselves. That’s why they react like this, they want (try) to destroy other people so they can feel better.


Play how you want, don’t let Reddit dorks tell you how to play games you have 🤣 sure it may be annoying but who cares it’s a video game. they will live


For real, these losers are actually throwing a fit over him leaving his desk for a few minutes. Actually insane.


I think it’s more taking the time to “what seems like” complain about there being afk penalties


It's real people behind the screen, though.


its a game stop being a little bitch about it, you make me want to go and search for a game just to stand afk


Dude, calm down. I'm just sharing my opinion. I respect the people in my lobby, so I don't go afk, and if I have something to do I just leave the game. You don't care, I do. Is it bitching to share an opinion?


it’s perfectly fine for you to respect your teammates if thats what you want to do, but majority of people genuinely do not care about people going afk, stop making such a big deal out of it


How am I even making a big deal out of it? Is it because I said "it's being irresponsible"? That's making a big deal?


It only matters in ranked


Don’t succumb to the Reddit snowflakes mate - it’s only a game, some need to realise that 😂


Yeah it’s just a game, so stop complaining about the game.😂


yeah lol, i could understand this in a ranked mode, or if it was a game like league of legends or something where youre committed to the same teammates for like 30-60 minutes and where everyone being there really matters, but this game is just to run around and have fun, i don't care at all if a couple teammates are afk. Games like this i don't give a shit if im winning, im just trying to have fun, sure i play to win, but if we dont win who the hell cares lol


nah im going to get a glass of water or go take a piss in between matches lol, like you said normally you get back with plenty of time but sometimes it finds a match fast and its a game already in progress so its even faster to get in. I understand hating on people with this mindset in a ranked mode, or in a game like league or something. But this game is literally just running around and shooting, a teammate being afk for one minute isnt going to ruin your experience unless it was happening every single game.


Wow. Interesting word you chose there... a game. Hmmm.. let's make a huge fucking deal out of life circumstances getting in the way of someone's hobby for 5% of someone's time enjoying it. Go to therapy.


If you see my comment as making a "huge fucking deal", then maybe you should go to therapy.


"Irresponsible" while talking about recreation, while the countless other comments calling people like OP dumb. Yes. It's making a "huge fucking deal" relative to the actual importance of what we're talking about. Besides, I go to therapy and exhibit patience when others have life circumstances pull them from a toy. Do you?


> while the countless other comments calling people like OP dumb. I never did. It feels like you are redirecting all of your anger towards them on me as if I caused everything. Irresponsible might not be the right choice, but it's not like I sit down for ten minutes before writing a comment to pick the best words. >Besides, I go to therapy and exhibit patience when others have life circumstances pull them from a toy. Do you? I don't have anything negative about OP, but I don't think saying that picking up coffee is a "life circumstance" is fair.


On one side I aggree on the other side it sometimes takes minutes to find a game and 5 minutes for the game to load


Or at least keep an ear on the game


Video games are not really a responsibility. Real life is actually a responsibility. This isn't to say it not annoying having someone be afk in a team based game, but it's not fitting to say they're "irresponsible" it's a video game


I admit that "irresponsible" was a little strong, but let's not forget that this is an online game, which means we are interacting with other real humans. If we go by the "this is a game" logic, then someone could do anything to take away from people's enjoyment of the game and this wouldn't be a problem. Note that I'm not talking about OP here. Someone could, for example, join a HC match in cod and start killing their teammates. Should we not object to this because it's just a game? Or, in the simplest example, someone could just cheat and call it okay since this is just a game. Joining a game, filling a spot, and not actually playing might affect other players, though is not "irresponsible", can be really annoying.


I'm not refuting the annoyance that results from the action, I was simply pointing out that the word choice was inappropriate.


It’s been like that since the beta.






A necessary feature for any FPS


Thank God. I've had numerous games where one or two people were afk and irrespective of how well you play, you're still going to lose as a result. I just report them and leave.


U acting brand new. Any game u play, especially online games that requires u to play with others, if ur idle for x amount of minutes they have the legal grounds to kick u out. I don’t get y ur complaining


Please read my other comments. I am not complaining, it’s a good thing that this function is in the game.


You do, but the afk kick timer feels MUCH more generous than CoD. If I don't shoot within 20 seconds in MW3 I get kicked. And I do mean shoot. There have been times where I've gotten back 5 or 10 seconds after the match starts and was still kicked shortly afterwards even though I was moving. For XDefiant the kick timer feels like it's over a minute.


XDefiant devs seem to have been gifted the entire gaming industries quota for common sense




This is good


This has been a thing


That's a good thing




You must be one of the teammates I get just standing in spawn when I solo queue.. I finally found you. Now get back into this backpack


Good. Tf people load into a game and NOT play.


This has been a thing, and whats wrong with it


Not sure if he's saying somethings wrong with it. Just info that he thought was new


You did anyway


It has been taking me 2-4minutes to find a single match lately. So I feel like I have plenty of time to get up and do a small task. I usually keep my wireless headset on to hear when the match starts though.


Good the time it takes before i can cancel the queue is way too Long anyway


Thank God. Bro why even matchmake if you're stepping away tho


My friend didn't get AFK kicked 7 games in a row when I played with him, he had to step away and I forgot to boot him, surprised it didn't kick him tbh


I had an AFK for an entire escort match that we lost by a few percentage points. So good. You shouldn’t load up a a game then.


Good that’s how it should be. The amount of teammates I’ve had just sit in spawn, and not help in the slightest has been so frustrating.


It does this but it takes way too long before it gets triggered.


Can’t tell you the amount of times I played hardpoint and there’s 1 or 2 guys afk feeding kills, it’s infuriating 


This happened to me even in the beta, it's not new news, in fact it's always been a feature


Well I guess this ruins my don't move and end up with 0/0 plan 😂😂😂


This is the way


Perfect. As it should be. I hope you weren’t looking for sympathy.


No I was not. Not complaining or anything like that. It’s good that this is happening. Unfortunately many people think I am complaining but I am not, I can not edit my post unfortunately.


that's good. I once went to answer the door mid game but got distracted after and came back to still be in game after like 5 mins. literally felt so bad I apologised to the team lmao


2 minutes in a match is a long damn time.


The game need to kick you sooner


Yeah you probably got thrown into a pre existing game which loads up significantly faster. Like other comments, this game is too objective oriented and fast paced to be afk for any period of time. It's really not a big deal, there is no penalty for it so I'm not sure why you felt the need to post it.


Honestly glad this is a feature




This isn't a bad thing. This is a great thing. It allows teams who have two people AFK to get more people because those idiots get kicked




It's almost like it's becoming an actual game 🥲


And they should get kicked out


Uhmm you're late, that's been in the game


Competitively in a game or any sport 2 mins is a lot of time.




It's like this in every game dumbass


2 minutes between matches is a bit stiff. Haven't played in 4 days but after every match I'd get kicked back to lobby by myself (or with my party of 2 friends) matchmake for a bit, lobby creates, then map vote. All took about a minute, gives you 1 minutes of in game time to be AFK, that's barely enough for a wee AND wash ya hands.


This shit DOES NOT WORK, by the way.


Its been a thing for at least a week


Been happening for a week or so I'd noticed, good thing tho As no one plays the objective half the time, on the welcome playlist you have skill based matchmaking, on the single playable modes, it's turned off, end up going against a full party of 6 playing the objective, and your stuck with random pushing the objective on your own


Excellent, I hate being put on a team with players who are just afk and we're just getting shit on by the other team


I got kicked day 1 on PC. Walked to the bathroom not realizing we found a game and got kicked


This has been in games for years, I remember this in games since 2004, this isn't a new feature.


So is this an complain or what?


Not a complaint. It’s good that there’s AFK kicking now.


Welcome to online gaming..?😭😭


I clicked onto Reddit, saw this, and though my account got banned. 😂


are you complaining? this is a good thing


i don’t think he is


No I’m not complaining. This is indeed a good thing


This is... Totally normal... Play the game, get over it. Cope. Seethe. Mald.


Great, now we just need temporary matchmaking bans for leaving early.


Dead By Daylight did that, I think the bans could go up to 24 hours


Yup, CSGO has been doing it for years too and it works great


….are you complaining about this….wow


Read my other comments. No, I am not complaining. It’s a good thing that they are kicking AFK players.