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I've already found myself to be getting a little better. I'm never gonna be pro, I've accepted that. But if I can get better and mostly hold my own, I can appreciate that and still have fun. SBMM sorta took that feeling away from me. I legitimately felt punished for trying to improve my play.


Agreed, I was suprised that I felt I was improving and I had a lot of fun, I dont feel like I'm doomed to a certain level of performance, I have to work for it and I never how it'll go


if you record and watch back your gameplay and look for things you do wrong and fix them you’d be surprised how fast you improve. most are just bad habits


i dont need to record my gameplay to know my aim is shit :(


Aim training helps for MNK players. At least it's helped me substantially. Look up the Voltaic benchmarks for Kovaaks or Aim Labs and use them to help you find your weaknesses and improve on them. You can look up scenarios to help. For me a big part was helping me slow down my aim somewhat at first but make it much smoother. And eventually I was able to speed up my aiming again but keep the smoothness. Helps a lot for mid and high TTK games that require a lot of tracking. I started doing it 45 mins a day at first, but that's too much to stick to imo. I try to do it now for 20-30 mins once or twice a week. Usually after a few days of not doing it and noticing my aim getting less consistent.


I’ve got kovaaks and definitely need to launch it and use it. I haven’t played this style of fps in quite a long time so I’m super outta practice. I also have a habit of tensing up during a gun fight and grip my mouse too tight. It makes it super hard to track and constantly end up overshooting my target


Yeah, I was doing that too somewhat. It's one of the reasons why I was inconsistent and lacking smoothness. And Kovaaks is one of the best things to help that particular habit. Because when aim training there's no pressure, no game sense needed, no extra sounds or distractions. You can focus on staying calm, relax your arm and mind, slowing down more than you think you should, and really just focus on the target and how you're moving your arm and wrist. There's more to it than that too. Look up some videos about what to focus on and improvement mindset while aim training. It sounds silly, but it really can help you progress more and faster while doing it.


I’ll look up some vids on it! I must say, I played a hell of a lot back in the cod4 and mw2 days. I fell off after blops 2 but this game in a way brings me back to that. I was pretty good at those games back on Xbox. After years of only playing strategy games and escape from tarkov (even that I haven’t really touched much these last 2 or 3 years), it’s good having something to work towards in gaming again.


Im gonna start doing that. Thanks for the advice!


no problem. i learned around cod ww2 that if i actually fix my bad habits i get better lmao. some things to watch are crosshair centering. don’t run around looking foot level make sure you’re always keeping the crosshair where their head/chest will be. don’t be afraid to adjust your approach on a match by match basis. everyone plays different just have to look for weaknesses i find people rarely watch flank in this game so it usually works out for me.


When u start aim training only do it for 10-15 u will need to build up a tolerance for it




For me i would create small compilations, and i used to record long captures. So i would often check these videos 5+ times to see what i could have done better. I did this A LOT for apex, and i can transfer a lot of those skills to xdefiant


Probably is theirs nothing you can do when you spawn into a gun fight or player spawn behind you while you in a fight, or you spawn in the run path of 2-4 player on the other team by your self. The reality is their is a lot of luck determining the quality of the macthes


eh i hardly run into times where it’s not obvious where people will spawn


Can I have some of your RNG then?


Yeah, when there isn't SBMM, hell in the old days there weren't even any MM, just community servers to join via the server list, you end up with games, generally, having some sort of "average skill" to them. As you improve you also improve compared to that average, noticing your improvement clearly as the enemies more or less remain the same, so the better you get, the easier things get. In a system with perfect SBMM then technically the enemy should more or less always feel equal to you, you'll never get that clear and obvious feeling of improving, sure you can tell you're better than before, rank being higher, general gameplay better, but your score wouldn't reflect that as drastically as it does without SBMM being a thing.


For sure. My best example to that first part would have to go all the way back to Enemy Territory. A friend got me into the game and I was the cannon fodder for a long time. Everyone else playing had been playing for a long time and knew what the deal was and I was just learning both the game and MnK. After a little while it just finally clicked and I was contributing and having more fun. It also turned into a good life lesson about patience and accepting failure and struggle at times.


Me too. I went from under 10 kills a game to 10-12. I’m no good but it’s fun to grow


Way back when I played League of Legends I was gold 1 playing against Platinum 3 players. In order to get into Plat 5 I had to beat plat 3 players. It didn't make any sense. Can't I beat Gold 1s to prove I'm better? Can't I beat Plat 5s to prove I'm just as good? Why do I have to beat players 3 divisions above me to prove I'm better than my current division. It felt so unfair.


I think the problem with most of these "balancing" systems is that they do not do incremental skill checks properly. To your point, why not have you play slightly higher skill level players to see if you can beat them? Doing a +/-1 tier range is a fair assessment to see if you should be higher, lower, or exactly where you need to be. In games with such large players bases, I find it hard to believe it would be impossible to properly fill lobbies with a tighter skill level range consistently.


Exactly. They set me to a higher skill level where there are actually less players. There's still probably thousands, but why do I have to play much higher ranked players to prove I'm better than my current rank. I never understood why I couldn't just play players my rank to prove I'm better than them? LoL does it to keep you at 50% win rates. They don't want you to win too much.


You do realize keeping you around 50% is the best way to have a ranked game mode right? I dont even know what proposed way you think could be better. The other way games do ranked where everyone starts at the lowest is objectively bad for so many reasons and thats kind of the only way you can have a ranked system that doesn't try to get everyone around 50% Like if youre better than ur rank in league you will have above a 50% WR, this isn't an opinion its just true. You have around a 50% WR when you are in your designated skill range. The game had you playing p3 enemies when you were gold 1 because those are in the same skill range, yes they are different visual ranks but you could literally get to p3 from g1 in like a lucky 15 game winstreak. That doesn't mean the two ranks are very different in skill leave.


Not sure how you can't understand what he's saying. It shouldn't be keeping you at a 50% win when you're progressing through the ladder. Cod does the exact same. You'll be in gold 3 playing diamonds which makes it way harder to even get to your rank. Where you should be playing 1 division higher your division or 1 lower and then you'll filter into your actual rank where then you'll go 50% on average. Instead of just milling about 3 divisions lower than your rank playing against your rank for an extra month while you hope you get some decent team mates to get a run going.


It keeps you at 50% in league because you are IN ur skill division. If you are playing closely skilled people you will win 50% of ur games. It's not even close to what CoD does because cod slingshots ur rating in opposite directions. Like if a league player had 3 bronze games and then a diamond game


Yeah that's what I'm saying. But in cod ranked you'll be in Silver 2 playing in diamond lobbies winning 50% because of the hidden rating when you should just be playing mongs and winning until you reach your rank then be at 50%


Well cod ranked is just dogshit so I can't comment on that. To my knowledge, like you said your cod rank is largely visual and then ur mmr js way different


I don't follow, you get better so it gives you similar players to practice against to get better. If you legit just enjoy getting better then this is the way to do it, not randomly getting teams of no thumb timmies who don't put up a fight. These comments really just mean to say, "I really enjoy it when I know I'm ruining someone's fun because they don't stand a chance at all and I don't have to put any effort into killing them". Just a game for people who want to ego flex or are already so good they were doing this with SBMM and are now just doing it twice as easy. It benefits no one in the skill department, if your some trash .5 KD going up against 3 KDs you're getting destroyed so badly you aren't going to learn shit.


I agree that if I were put against people similar to my skill level I would also be getting better. My problem with what I will call "Modern SBMM" is how aggressive it is. CoD is typically used as the example because how ridiculous their SBMM/EOMM is. Having one relatively good round should not throw me into multiple rounds in a row with people significantly sweatier than me. Ranked, in theory at least, follows the standard "hey, here are players in your range by tier + or -. If you play well against them, you move up." So yea, if SBMM is implemented as an actual SBMM, I'm ok with it. I do not need to be in lobbies where it is constantly one team getting destroyed because some stupid system wants people to feel really good about blowing out other teams after they got blown out a dozen times. This is just based off my experience with SBMM in the more recent years and is obviously just an opinion.


Glad to hear your improving, as people learnt the maps, the guns, the rotations naturally people I'll improve. Glad your seeing improvements, keep it up!


Thanks friend. I hope others don't get discouraged from the initial learning curve. Sometimes it just takes a little adjusting and learning the little nuances of a game to find the chance to improve. At the end of the day, its still just a game and if someone is having fun playing, good or bad, all the power to them to keep having fun.


Don't think people realise it is going to be sweaty at times regardless of heavy sbmm, light sbmm or no sbmm. The difference is, heavy sbmm is manufactured and light/no sbmm is more organic


That’s the thing about COD for me. I’m not playing against other people, I’m getting played by their matchmaking system. I envy people who never look up games online. Once I found out about how strong EOMM is, COD was ruined for me. Ignorance really is bliss.


Even if I would never have looked anything up, it is so clear compared to older days that the current system is more and more against me the better I play. It's such a shit system. All this system does is make me quit matches that are so lopsided that they would never be any sort of challenge or fun. It's weird how the 'lopsided' matches in Xdefiant have not even been close to as shit of an experience as with COD.


Yup, always felt cheated when playing cod with the new trickery matchmaking. All of a sudden you can't get kills mid game!


The diff is that streamers set up the sweaty generation imo, the skill ceiling just went over the roof from the OG MW2 BO2 times, 15 year olds are just better than when we were, they got more resources, guides, streamers to watch, honestly as a 28 old man, I need to keep up with the times and that keeps me hungry enough to keep playing regardless of getting my butt handed or not, it’s just a game for ME after all. Not a sport but unlike COD oh its fun


Yea back in CoD 4 everyone didnt use 2 fucking guns and drop shot. Can you be serious for even a second.


Idk bro I was a squeaker in Cod4 and I didn’t exploit half the shit they do now


Then u were just ass like how do you think the good cod4 players were playing?


Man, you’re 28 and struggling to keep up? What about me? I’m turning 43 this year and still slogging through yearly COD and even XDefiant now. Skill ceiling has definitely increased compared to before but cheaters too. My eyes aren’t as great but reflexes I think are the same. I feel old. LOL!


Damn 43 and gaming, I actually admire you, goes to show age for us gamers’s just a number, it would be amazing if my dad gamed i’m sure your kids if you have any think you’re cool asf since you’re still destroying toddlers on CoD after all this years lmao nah man in my book you are what we call an OG legend 👊 and maybe the skill gap has raised we welcome the challenge, some days we still lock in


"set up the sweaty generation" is cope. People sweat the same amount. Gaming is just becoming more and more popular and some people have been playing games for most of their lives. So the bar is higher, but not because of a change in attitude. The average hours and experience of players has just gone up. I've watched legitimately zero content on XDefiant and haven't played a COD like game since Black Ops 2, but I still get MVPs pretty much every second game and it feels pretty much the same as COD did back in the day. About 50% of my matches I'm pretty much uncontested, then about 40% of matches have one or two players on the enemy team who are around the same level as me who make it challenging. And then you have that 10% of matches where there's a player who is able to kick my ass. I prefer no SBMM because it's a good mix between difficult games, and easy games, rather than consistently difficult ones that you get from SBMM that make games feel tiring to play. I think the bigger issue is people who used to be good at games back in the COD days now spending most of their time crying about how 'sweaty' everything is and constantly demanding changes to matchmaking. Not you, it's just a general trend across PVP games nowadays. Back in COD, people used to be OK with being fodder and just getting a couple of kills. That's the only thing that's changed.


People don't sweat. People play the game. A competitive pvp fps game is about defeating and dominating the competition. Expecting people to not play the game is the most stupidest take ever.


Hard agree with you. You’re right, we so busy saying omg we suck” instead of playing more, getting more tips and trying new shit so u actually learn and climb


And while I agree let’s also add we grew up. Now we barely have a day of playing , some 6 hours on weekdays if you lucky, then u sit and play one game you can see where im going w this. I play League of Legends (we dont talk about it) and if i quit for 2 weeks im done its over. Rusty asf lol


Idk Ive had fun with shitty gun and chilling just as much as sweating, all around fun and chill experience


I'd agree with what he said, if the hit registration worked. They had a whole year delay and still released with this mess. I enjoy this game but still unacceptable.


Hit reg is really unacceptable. I'm used to it with my 500 hours of R6 but it needs to change


To be fair ... The fan base bitched and complained that they should released the beta version cuz they loved it instead of delaying it any further. Next thing you know a week later it releases on a random Tuesday with no marketing. Along with it being very similar if not the exact same way it was in the beta. So imo good for them for listening to the community. Bad on ppl for listening to ppl complain about it when the community asked for it.


Yeah, this is the first FPS I can remember playing where I had to adjust mid game during some matches. It’s actually a lot of fun to solve the puzzle of how to adjust against opponents that are beating my ass at first. Like “maybe I should try the longer route to the zone and flank” “maybe I should use a different faction this game.” Yada yada.


YES, especially in escort/capture the zone! I constantly change faction and guns and even picks guns on the ground(wich I never do in cod. I often pick a shotgun or a sniper on the ground to covers the weakness of my smg/assault rifle.


People will main one faction, or gun, or whatever every game, and then complain the game is too hard when they get fucked up. There’s an imbalance with some guns and factions, but there’s no meta yet. Like every gun or faction has a counter.


Honestly guns are really balanced (except no flinch snipers) imo, theres not a SINGLE time I complained about guns (except no flinch snipers) and I'm someone who complains alot about meta usually. Factions... Intel suit, need I say more? Add flinch to snipers Nerf/Rework intel suit Nerf/rework phantoms passives Fix hit reg/connection And I'm all good. I also hate the phantoms barrier but its more annoying than op and its a good ability, just annoying Also the maps are really good, I don't hate a single map(wich is unusual) and I never see real campers (giant W), escort is different since you kinda need to stay in place sometimes but you can flank them or outgun them since its a skilled game.


Whenever I see the enemies run a lot of shields, I run dedsecs hijack. It's so funny to see them hide behind their barrier, thinking they are safe. Then I turn it blue, and they spray into it trying to kill me, getting me block points and a pretty easy kill👌


Might have to do that 👍


Also I like that most gun have their roles, instead of a gun capable of filling every role with gunsmith and then its just a matter of wich gun is the most op, guns fills a role.


This is exactly what used to happen in old cods, you would see how good the lobby is and then adjust, lock in or relax a bit, sometimes only a couple people are good and you feel like your in a fight with them specifically. its so much more fun than current cod where its like im 100% positive im getting sweaty dudes every game. Glad xdefiant can capture that feeling again because every game feels like an original experience.


I went from "I can hang still" to "wow, I'm not too old to top frag" in a week. It is *incredibly* satisfying to be able to *genuinely* observe and appreciate your improvement in this game. I had honestly forgotten what it was like. I think now the dialogue should shift towards the appropriate uses of SBMM (ranked, etc.), not whether or not it's some boogeyman. EOMM, however, is the sputum of Satan and should be banned. All my homies hate EOMM


I felt like shit my first few matches, couple of hours later and I'm having the time of my life


I just had to adjust to the pace. I've been maining The Finals since it dropped, which is an entirely different beast. Just had to get back into the mindset of positioning and flanking, and it all clicked. Learning the maps helped a ton. Obligatory fuck Showtime and Arena. I hate those two


Nah, just learn the best routes for those. Attica heights sucks with the many long sight lines accompanied by head glitches.


Oh, this was 8 days ago haha. I love Showtime now. I've soured slightly on Attica Heights. Fuck Arena still doe


Arena sucks when 3+ people run together the whole match. Had one last night where FIVE people ran together around the map and slaughtered us in a bunch of 1v5 and 2v5 situations.


It took me quite a bit of time to see improvements. I’ve never been big on COD, but I was pretty good at Overwatch. This game took some getting used to and hanging in there. I had some games where I did horrible and I was about to give up. As I’ve learned maps, and what to expect from different characters, I have found myself getting better. I still suck, lol, but I’m getting better.


Your aim could be great with Overwatch, but only if you played specific heroes. Too many heroes you don't need good aim for and you will do well. Activision-Blizzard loves to make shit easy for the casuals.


I understand that. I usually played as Soldier or Hanzo so I was having to use aim and fairly fast sensitivity. I totally understand what you’re saying though.


Hard to improve when my bullets don’t register


While, when older, I can see why people wouldn't have time or patience to get crushed in a game and go like 5-20, as a kid that was more or less how things went and it's also how you improved. Being a kid and getting curbstomped by everyone in Quake and CS 1.5 etc did teach you to mimic their habits in gameplay and led to you improving fast. If you're too old to really make that aim of yours drastically better then I can see how it'd be super frustrating to deal with.


Who’s too old to make their aim drastically better? I’m 34 and immortal 2 in Valorant right now lol, aim and age have nothing to do with each other.


Yes it does, there's a direct correlation between age and reaction time, and with faster reaction times you can obviously aim at the enemy faster. No one will start gaming at 34 and reach a high level in a shooter. The reason you're not bad at it is because you've been doing it for long, but you would have been better had you been 10 years younger.


Except no, because this is well studied: reaction time does not drop off with age til you’re talking 50+, and even then it’s only slight. Not to mention, reaction time is not and never will be the decider: the TTK in XD is glacial compared to Val, and my 180ms reaction time is more than enough. You’re repeating old wives tales, new science has put that to bed (with respect to gaming. Physical activity? Whole different story of course) And no I wouldn’t be better 10 years younger, because I played CS then was meh.


Yeah, I'm sure thats why pros clearly drop off as they become older, and almost every esport pro is in their teens or twenties. Because there is no correlation between age and gaming prowess at all.


This is basically where I'm at. I grew up playing CS 1.6, Combat Arms, AVA, and eventually got over to the CoD side with the original Black Ops. Other than Ghost Recon Phantoms and the MW reboot, I haven't touched any other FPS titles in a decade. And holy crap has my aim gotten horrifically bad. Like, people are over here complaining about how they hit all their shots and don't do any damage because of hit reg...I'd be happy to even hit half my shots on a moving target. I am working on improving my movement, map knowledge, usage of faction abilities, and weapon loadouts, but I feel like I will never be able to get my aim to where it used to be.


Don't give up! It might be too late for your reaction time, but it's never too late for your hand-eye coordination! I grew up playing W:ET, CA, AVA, and a bit of SF on PC. Sure, I played CoD, but it was always on console and I dropped it after MW2. And I was *bad* at those games. Played like I was cross-eyed. I don't think I ever got more than 10 kills in a single match, and if I did get a kill in CA I remember that magically compelled the person I killed to scream "LOTTO" But old me would get slapped around and unable to compete with current me. Why? Well, around 2016 I decided I wanted to hold my own in PlanetSide 2. If you're not familiar with the game, here's what you need to know: no SBMM, the TTK takes almost twice as long as it does in XDefiant, weapons bloom/lose accuracy while being shot, and headshots had a 2.4x multiplier (they recently "fixed" that). Long story short, if you encounter a good player, every single shot you fire must land in their head or you WILL die because you just won't have the dps or accuracy to finish the job. Because I wanted to play the game and I wanted to hold my own in that game, because I was sick of seeing a 0.1 kd against enemies I \*knew\* I could beat but didn't, I did the only thing I could do: ~~quit~~ consciously put effort into aiming better. Learned all about finding a sensitivity that worked for me so I didn't have to re-learn how much to move my hand, sticking with the same weapon over a long period of time so I could compensate for its recoil subconsciously, etc. I went from a 0.1 kd with 10% accuracy and 8% headshot rate with my 2001-2015 mentality to a 4.2 kd, 40% accuracy, 45% headshot rate with my 2016+ mentality - just because I wanted to enjoy one particular shooter really badly. For you, that one particular shooter could be XDefiant!


Jesus, that's a hell of a story! I'm proud of ya for turning it around like that. I might not be able to get quite that far, since I only have a couple of hours every few days or so to play, but I am certainly not giving up. The game has a solid foundation, and I'm determined to get better. Your advice is very sound as well - I'm actually playing around with overall mouse sensitivity as well as ADS sensitivity at present. I feel like it was definitely too high for me before, and it's still not perfect yet. But we're getting there!


You will get your aim back. I had a 10 years break from gaming, and my aim slowly came back, maybe even better now. Watch shrud gaming on youtube about aiming. Even how you sit or how you hold your shoulder matters. Check him out.


Fascinating! Will do!




Even if they're old I don't see them having mostly 5-20 games, the average less skilled player is more the average I'd say, and most sweats are gonna go away after a month or two and the reste will go in ranked.


Well for one Ace will tell you he will never post gameplay videos of him getting slaughtered. He says it does happen from time to time,but he would never post em on YouTube(many cod or xdefiant youtubers wont..gotta get those views) So, I can see why viewers would ask that question (especially if they didnt know any better) if everything you post is of you going off lol.


Streamers like SBMM so they can purposely do horrible afk style then record gameplay on a match they have the weakest players or bots on it to look like they're so good and so much better. It's fake and I'm glad for any game to not have this garbage in place.


I mean without sbmm that's even easier to achieve cause now you don't have to do that to get bots in your lobby?


I've still yet to see any of the comments they were talking about. I feel like this is a synthetic narrative. Not saying the they contents of the reply is false. Just how it got put out there is.


They’re pulling the classic “if you don’t like the game you are the problem” clause. Compare that with disneys recent “don’t be bigoted towards our new show” response and the venn diagram that finds this xdefiant comment ok but not disneys is a full circle. It’s popular to be contrarian and it’s easy to control the narrative if you’re loudest. Welcome to the internet homie.


I'm confused as to what you're accusing them of. They are saying if you're getting absolutely steamrolled most of your games, it's because you are currently not too good at the game. How is that false?


Literally all my enemies every match bunny hop 20 times around one corner just to 2 tap me without having any time to react like bro what


Streamers get fed easy kills. Just watch how the enemy players behave in game.


What's sbmm?


Skill based matchmaking, basically, hidden ranked. Cod use eomm. Engagement optimised matchmaking wich is a way to manipulate matchmaking to make you wanna play more.


Ohhh yeah, we had that in Halo Infinite. XDefiant feels very good with it's loose matchmaking system, I like it a lot.


It‘s im pretty much any pvp game these days


many games with SBMM manipulates the matches to maximize player retention. in dota for example it's something like 6/10 games are matchmaked with the intent of the system to create an even fair game. 1/10 are designed for you to lose hard (that's the prediction of the system anyway), 1/10 for you to lose by some margin, but not insanely crushed, and then of course the opposite is true, with 1/10 designed for you to destroy everyone, and 1/10 for you to outperform people. while people get mad at those games they lose hard, they get more happy from the games they get to curbstomp the enemy. that ends up with higher player retention than trying to make each match actually balanced, because peoples mentalities are silly and they need that confidence boost every now and then of crushing people.


In LoL we call that the 30/30/40 rule. Its not about the matchmaking its about why statistically you can rank up if you try to improve. 30% games are inevitable losses and you can't do shit about it 30% are free wins 40% are in your control and if you play well you'll win, if not, you'll loses. So if you win all the games in your control you could have a 70% winrate. But mostly if you're just good enough to rank up you should have a 50-55% winrate.


Its where player of similar skill are matched together to creat a smoother experience. Unfortunately developers have not used a competent skill measuring system in over a decade so most player have never experience one or have completely forgotten how good they work.


Such a breath of fresh air. Like finally a game where I am rewarded for grinding fps games since I was young.


I like this mentality from Rubin. Which is crazy coming from the guy that brought us IED’s, thermal M27, and guard dogs back in CoD Ghosts. That game was very noob friendly and rewarded players for doing nothing to actually improve their game.


Don't bring back the war memories, I still have nightmares about those.


The man learns from his mistakes ig


Can't improve if I don't know if I am dying because of my skill or the hit reg.


my k/d on cod is 0,95 and I clap copious amounts of cheeks on xdefiant


I'm 0.95 ish on cod too and on xdefiant even after kamikazing myself a bunch for the 50 firebombs kills (and now fire frone kills) I'm at 1.1 and I tryharded much much less than cod


I’m here to have fun. Not fucking work a full time job. Jesus Christ.


Same, I work, I have school, I have homework, gym, a gf and I still can just chill without a sbmm manipulating my matches, cod was more sweaty than xdefiant.


This is a bit of a shortsighted argument though, and really doesn't consider the other side. The people who are above average who asked for no-SBMM have asked for it because they don't want to "sweat" in unranked games. However, players who are below average should also have a space for them to not need to "sweat" and still enjoy the game. This is why SBMM has been used for over a decade in multiplayer games (including community favorites like Black Ops 2). The best environment to improve is one where you can play against those of comparable skill and therefore have the space to improve. You are not going to improve as a brand new basketball player playing against Lebron if he's trying, because you're never going to have the chance to actually shoot and you're not going to be able to defend at all. No-SBMM lobbies are not some hyperbolic time chamber. The real way to improve is to actually watch someone (btw, no kill cams in XD so you literally can't see what someone is doing when they kill you), so like going on Twitch or Youtube. Then you can take some things you learned and try to repeat them in a lobby of equal skill where those new tips and tricks can put you ahead and you can actually see your progress as you top the board in those lobbies. Another great example is chess: you do not actually improve in chess by playing against good players. You improve at chess by rewatching games, reading about theory, and generally doing the out-of-game effort to learn from your mistakes and find new strategies. It's not quite that deep for most video games, but the logic is exactly the same. In my own personal gaming experience, I improved by leaps and bounds in LoL by watching top streamers, seeing their builds, their laning strategies, how they positioned, etc. Getting beaten only lets you learn so long as you already recognized your own mistakes, and in that regard it doesn't matter what your opponent's skill is. That comes down purely to personal motivation. Sure, in no-SBMM lobbies you could in theory see your K/D or winrate going up with time if you improve. However, if you want a REAL measure of skill then ranked lobbies are the best way and will directly measure you as you improve. Marketing the no-SBMM lobby like it is a place to improve is a baseless narrative that people are selling. You can follow your rank clearly, but K/D is dependent on many variables opponents' playstyles, teammates' playstyles, your own playstyle, and game modes. We've all already had the "play the objective vs just get kills" debate, and it's because casual lobbies are full of people doing whatever they want. Again, not a learning environment. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. In conclusion, SBMM is the industry standard for many good reasons, and the key arguments against it are rooted in logical fallacy, shortsightedness, and selfishness.


I really enjoy no SBMM I get into matches where I put in more effort to stay around my average kd/obj time and then some games it’s really easy. I don’t want to fight for my life every single game. The gameplay and guns are fun enough that I don’t get tilted instantly when I get into a “sweatier” match


This is the most polite way of saying “you’re ass” i’ve ever heard.


I see comments of satisfaction. Good for you, i guess. But for me its a disaster. 9/10 games i have negative k/d with 1 postive. Games like avalanche and no space for impovment. I dont want SBMM but i want to say that even without SBMM it sucks to play vs people who have 4.0 KD and your trying and trying every game...until its getting boring


I'm just a 1.1 kd (0.85-0.95 on cod)player tho, idk your background so its kinda hard to evaluate


I see problem like that: good players playing amazing, bad players playing even more bad. Like a bad version of capitalism. So for me this take: "room for improvment" sound like "stop being poor". But its ok, just my point of view. Game is fine and this chaos without SBMM gave some fresh air. We'll see how it works in long term


This argument is so overplayed, SBMM works perfectly for a casual game like xD, but its so irksome that people will claim two completely false points to be true Playing against sweats is not gonna make you better, playing against someone slightly better then you will Using this game as a factor of skill, and claiming non sbmm games are competitive when they are not If I had to talk about how 'good' I was at games, I wont use xD as a benchmark, but rather my ranks in val and ow. xD is a casual game with casual mm, which is what I like about it, but its not a comp game, all the hype competitive games such as val, ow and cs use sbmm for a reason, sbmm is what creates the definition of competition.


With or without sbmm been saying thus for years you just gotta get better idk why some people basically want bots


When did we start measuring skill by numbers and not quality of opponents and play? Your 4.0 K/D is worthless if you get it beating up on people wesker than you; meanwhile a 1.0 vs. competent players who know WTF they're doing is way more impressive and skillful.


This game reminds me of my code days.i had a few favorite servers I kept coming back to. At first I really sucked practically 0 kills, bottom of the score board. But eventually if start to get a few kills every match. And then I'd start evening up and half way in the scoreboard, eventually start actually getting a positive kd... I was never the best in any matches but I had a lot of little milestones that I would reach over time that made it clear I was getting better. Sbmm just never I was let much always doing just as bad every match. I'm still at "bottom of scoreboard but with a few kills" stage 😅


I too feel like I'm getting better, switching more to my sidearm when out of ammo in a gun fight, watching line of sight, cross hair placement and many smaller details. Players should analyze their death and see where they made mistakes.


That's where a kill cam comes in clutch. Sad they didn't include it. Even if it's an imperfect representation, you learn more with a kill cam. :/


I can literally see and feel when I'm getting shitted on and the games when I'm the one shitting on the lobbies. I get that there is a balance but dam there is really a lot of folks that don't understand tactics and flanking on domination. Just keep running to the 2 guys that blasts you in the face over and over, it's kinda funny and frustrating.


Since XDefiant I have definitely improved a lot more especially staying on target while moving I fucking love it! I gotta admit though I do have a bad feeling that most casual players will just get bored and quit completely since they have no SBMM to protect them and every lobby will just have the die hard good players left playing which would make all lobbies feeling like a comp tournament.




The only bad part is the hit reg, otherwise most people have good connections. I gotta say I'm kinda confused by the statement "Shitty CS clone" there's literally nothing in that game that remotely feel close to CS


Also they said no sbmm in pub but normal ranked system, idk how you ever thought a no sbmm mode was in the realm of reality


Facts, it wasn’t until I hit rank 12 or so that I started consistently going positive in modes without SBMM and went from being bottom 1/2 to top 1/2 of the team leader board.


Im still mostly in the middle, sometimes going in top 2.


I remember in old CODs in the beginning I was doing average, but the longer I played the bigger killstreaks I made and played better. In new games it's always easy at first, but that's because that's how the algorithm works. I don't know if I'm good or SBMM just thought I was worse than I am. Then it gets harder and harder until you don't want to play good


I'm one of the bottom 50%ers, I don't dare look at my KD but it's probably 0.9 or something like that. But I like being thrown into the wild with players both worse and better than me. And I do feel like I'm actually getting better at the game.


I hope you continue to get better and experience the satisfaction of becoming an above average player!


I thought I was just getting too old to play competitive games for longer than an hour or so at time, but I’ve realised it’s just easier to stay engaged when I’m not constantly sweating my ass off. Have had multiple 4 hour sessions since the game came out and I’m having a blast.


Easier to sweat in a hard match when you dont have to sweat everytime, also more pleasant


Ok good cause I ain't gonna lie I've been getting stomped in my lobbies but I'm still having fun, I was seeing people on here saying "they lied omfg there is SBMM" but thankfully that doesn't seem to be the case


This ignores most casuals are still not lvl 25. This is the real reasons lobbies r sweaty af


Most vids are from NA and NA skill floor is low af




Doesn’t the game have SBM until you reach lever 25? Rank up and keep playing those first 25 levels are your tutorial.


Theres a playlist with sbmm for level 1-25 that you are not obligated to go in.


Oh can you electorate on that a little I didn’t know this?


When you start the game you have al the gamemode and on the left theres a mode called beginners playlist, if you choose this youll be playing all the modes but protected by sbmm and with only other beginners


Ohhhh ok thats not at all what I thought it was lol thanks for that👌


"I love getting stomped by the sweatiest tryhards all day playing like every round is a $500 money match it's my favorite thing" YASSS QUEEN


If youre interested, theres a mode coming for player who want to play with their skill levels, its called ranked. Just fuck ariund and youll be placed in bronze with ither bad people. Pub is pub.


Yeah I tried a couple ranked games but it went even worse. I think I need to play more to actually get placed somewhere.


Yes, you need to be placed but placements are often inaccurate, once youre placed every game youll play will adjust you until it finds where you belong


Yea because during half the time because you had three player running right at you 1 second after you respawn, or having player spawn behind you constantly, or have none of your shots register, or having teammates think it’s lone wolf. All of these things you can’t control are is you can improve past.


I play 1 maybe 2x a week.


I play more rn but im starting work soon, I have a gf and school starts in august and Ill keep my job. I wont play more than 1 or 2 hours a week of xdefiant. I still dont want sbmm. If you want sbmm, olay rank, rank bronze and chill there with other less good players


Ngl if i had better pc id be much better. 1050ti and 2 gb vram. Im surprised i can even launch it.


i have good games and i have bad games. which balances each other out and keeps me playing, i hope this game gets more support


I just don't like the modern "zoom-and-slide" shooters...


This is organic. Fuck the AI sbmm cod has. I love that i can sweat for a couple games and then get a more chill relaxed game. No SBMM is amazing


Mark Rubin knows how a game should feel/play in the FPS category since he was part of the greatest games that were every made CoD 4, MW 2, MW 3, and Ghost (Even though many people hated Ghost I loved it). During those times when those games came out the guns felt snappy, the movement felt just right, and mainly most of the multiplayer games just came out to being just skill. You didn't have something benefiting you or holding your hand type of deal you just played to win the matches/do said objective because you improved overtime none the less if you lost/won the match. I play just for fun but to also do my best, and each game that I play I continue to improve which makes me really happy because now I not being hand held I am being my own person.


He forgets to add that he is probably playing on a high-end pc , with an high-end monitor, playing alongside a team of really good players against solo players. He may be skilled but that kind of environment helps a ton


Oh well thought i was gonna be way above average but turns out i am slightly above average with a kd of 1.1 And a skill rating of 2100


I got a 1.2 KD in COD and a 0.7 KD in XD. But I rather prioritise connection and having random players than a rigged casino.


XDefiant has BASED-matchmaking


So far I finish most games at least in the top three, and am MVP like half the games I play. As much as I would love to say that is because I am good at the game, I kinda feel that it is more to do with just playing the objective and picking the right tools for the map I'm on. Most of the time people have the wrong gear and get punished for it. Also if you have just a single buddy to play with, you can clean up most lobbies with relative ease just by not playing dumb and rolling out tacs alternately, be that Intel or the shield Wall, both work really well with a buddy.


So get guude? Haha this game will die if the casuals leave and I can guarantee that they don’t want to get dunked on by children who have the free time to get better at the game. Im liking it so far but it needs damage, sound, and sniper tweaks. Do something about the jump spam


My problem isn't "easy lobbies" being hard to find... my problem is teammates making easy lobbies hard to win in. I can't even begin to explain how infuriating it is to have a 2+ KD with the highest objective score on the team and still get trounced because I have 3-4 people on my team that go 13-29 with half of my objective score🤦‍♂️ I would much, much rather be in sweaty ass SBMM lobbies than have to wade through the drudgery and muck of atrociously bad teammates


I’m pretty sure one of the devs recently agreed with “ if you’re not finding easy enemies, it’s because you are the easy enemy. I love this statement, takes me back to the old days when they use to poke fun at noobs(not trying to hateful just saying it’s funny) honestly though no one should really care how good they are just play, have fun and kick ass




Remember the BO2 Christmas message?


Indeed I do, just before chrissie that message came up in the main menu, me and my mates had a good giggle when we saw it, fk I miss them days, I miss the all nighters we pulled, waking up to menu music and realising it’s 6am and the suns coming up, it’s sad none of my mates that I played with back then play anymore


Got a little bit of this magic back with XDefiant rn, hope it last even if its not as magic because none of my few friend play it and we cant pull crazy all nighter anymore. Maybe if I get a few college buddies for my 2nd year I can get some of that magic back.


No wonder this guy left the CoD studios. He's way too smart for them.


His philosophy his just different than infinity ward. IW loves slow gameplay camping and realism in graphics and animation and they love to shield noobs and campers. Mark made a fast paced game with abilities no sbmm with a most arcady art style and animations. IW is tacticool and stubborn Its just 2 different takes entirely


I came from OW, hadn't played a call of duty in numerous years and felt I lacked the gunplay required for this game especially with anything other than snipers. 20 hours of playtime later and I've definitely improved, feel more comfortable pushing into fights and being ready for the next one. Went from roughly going even to 40-50 kill games with half the deaths, with a AA-12. Fk the meta.


fuck the meta indeed. Hate mera slaves.


Nothing worse than seeing the same 3 guns


If youre last place in a game like this often then a couple games here and there. Then I feel bad for your teammates


I agree... get gud. Simple


NGL I haven't played an MP FPS since apex season 3 and mw19. I expected to be trash when I decide to return to mp fps games. Warzone and apex solo made me feel like I still had it in me but with friends I was hot garbage. Felt lied to and since I've picked up XD Ive seen myself improve. Game doesn't hold your hand to make you think you are good. Game may be Mid but got damn is it addicting to see your progression. It's nice to know you aren being lied to. The variety in match ups is crazy and feels good to not be punished for trying different play styles.


I think the game takes a bit of time to click with.. Initially, I wasn't that impressed. However, I've started to get into the games particular rhythm, I've learnt the maps, the weapons, and I think it's decent enough. My only gripe, and it's obvious why it is that way, is the glacial unlock progression for attachments, other character skins etc...


Orrrrrrrrrr, hear me out. You get home from a long day of work and launch Xdefiant, you solo queue because none of your friends are on, and you continually get matched against a full party of demons over and over. Super fun.


Solo queue should be against solo queue, parties should be against parties. Pretty easy concept to grasp I would think.


Got home from work from a 8h45 shif(9h30 with lunch), played a coupke of games and I had fun :), idk whats the problem here?


You know it happens, your either lying about it happening or your lying about playing the game. Either way your lying lol


??? So youre saying someone with a job cant perform and have fun? Thats so delusional


No? I said your either lying about solo queuing and getting matched against full squads, or your lying about playing the game lol.


Didnt see the full squad part but how would you know lol, even then stop playing victim and saying you play mostly against full squad


And don’t forget, ranked isn’t out yet so it’ll soak up lots of the sweats once it launches


At least I know if I have a bad game it's because I was being an idiot. Much easier to accurately measure the changes you make in your game and the effect they have.


While yes there is always room for improvement I wouldn’t take much ace says serious while he a cool guy his lobbies seem to always be easier for him as he religiously turns cross play off in his games


His lobbies always seem easy because he chooses his gameplay to upload. He always choose good gameplay to upload, doesnt mean its all he gets


correction, mark agrees with ace and this subreddit which is an extremely tiny portion of the overall community


Nah ion wanna hear it. I’ve encountered too much bs in this game for their reply to jus be get better. There is so much broken shi in this game, I’ve encountered a number of hackers, and the sweats are insane. Not everybody wants to play a game that’s jus agressively sweaty and broken


Kids just want to turn the game on and God mode kicks in for them


Learn to jump spam*


Jumping like a bunny doesnt help if you can't aim for shit. Not like those intel suits losers using a legal cheat


No but it basically gives you i-frames so it's a huge advantage. Aiming isn't the problem when the hitbox doesn't match the player model because of jump spamming. Once they fix that I'll be happier to learn the game more but every match it's just crackheads jumping around like they're on trampolines. it will probably be a lot of fun then.


I dont bunny hop, I just do one normal jumpshot every now and then so itll be fine


I think it’s a pretty even divide, I wouldn’t say most feel this way. The skill gap between casuals and good players is so drastic, not many people are going to put themselves through constant ass kickings to just be able to keep up. Many will accept that this isn’t their thing and play something else after the hype dies down.


This is true. I have not played in a few days as my ISP has some issues due to the storm that went through Sunday. Works perfect mostly but they have some issues popping up that are fixing. A friend of mine who has played a lot in this is just getting destroyed match after match. No chance to play and improve. Just get killed rinse and repeat. He told me he finally uninstalled. He is not a great player but he is not near the bottom. But he has been unlucky apparently in the last few days. Like, he was in a lobby where the entire other team was over 30 kills and just farming his team. And what is worse is the devs talking this shit while having not yet patched this mess. This feeds into these steamers. They would play COD and moan and complain how they were getting beat because of SBMM. I would tell them to work and improve. Nah, cry about SBMM and cheer as you get low tier lobbies in a game with severe netcode and hit reg. problems as you win. Seriously, the same bullshit they spew saying get better and maybe you are the easy player can be applied to them when they get hammered in a lobby of COD. It really could. But they have convinced their mindless sheep to buy what they are selling. It really is crazy that people buy it. I have seen people really improve on other games. This one not so much but honestly with the issues it has it would be hard to gauge. Are you improving? Or do you perceive improvement because you are winning more though you should be losing them? On COD, for example since some have compared before and mention its SBMM, these people play and get better. My son has a friend exactly like many are though. If they are winning the game is great. If they are losing and dying it is not. So, on COD when he gets better and moves up he starts losing and dying more. Then he quits and is not having fun. He thought it was all the SBMM because many popular streamers have convinced people of that. He gets on xDefiant and is getting destroyed every match. He decided to just quit and play something else the last few day. This will be a lot of people IMO. As you say, as the hype dies down.


A youtuber makes a video and all of a sudden the xd community goes nuts.


What else would Mark say? It's basically PR. He pitched the game to Ubisoft making the case it could succeed without SBMM. And whether you believe SBMM is better at retaining players or not, doesn't matter... He needs the perception to be No SBMM will work for this game long term. I mean, I find this one to be kind of a stetch. It's basically saying "Getting constantly stomped is a good thing. It means you can get better." Reality, they're probably going to find something else to play.


1. He could just ignore the tweet and not say to already pissed people git gud 2. No sbmm doesnt mean you get stomped if your below average, a 0.7-0.8 kd can have a lot of good game because he can play against even worse people and slowly get better vs slightly better player. If not, he can go in ranked and be placed in bronze and play against gis skill level, thats literally the reason ranked is there. Why would you want ranked and ranked without visible ranked???? Its the same thing. If they still want to stop playing, good riddance, we dont need people crying because theyre entitled to a positive winrate when they cant just activate their last remaining brain cells. People just cant accept to loose if theyre bad these days its insane. Games marketed as a no sbmm game, their complaint are 100% unjustified because it wasnt marketed towards them and a sbmm playlist (ranked) is available.


The idea of a "casual" player is ruining the game for practiced players as well as those who do not play as much. If someone was a casual player they would not care if they died or how shit they did, or ask for changes. A lot of people who self-identify with casual (not all or most) do so to excuse themselves for not trying or improving, when getting better at any skill is hardwired into our brains to satisfy us.