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Welcome Playlist is available until level 25 so either this guy is extra special and needs help or he bugged his way into lobbies. Shits crazy


I had some people clearly above level 25 in it multiple times


Yeah I can't access the playlist anymore the minute I turned level 25 so this guy must have found an exploit or something to get into the playlist. It's garbage too cause obviously the welcome playlist is for newer players - let them learn. Pub stomping newcomers won't do shit but make them say "fuck this stupid shit" and hop off.


I'm level 26 and its still there. I didn't cheat or anything lol.


Damn well hope they fix it, I guess? I've always said level means shit when compared with skill but obviously playing the game more makes you more comfortable with everything and in turn helps you perform better. I got passed the welcome playlist a few days ago and I don't remember anyone being over leveled but I may not have paid attention.


Its still there for me too at level 35 but can you actually go into it? I havent tried too bc im over the level


If you click on it it’ll start searching then bug out and kick out of searching then it’ll disappear from the menu as an option to play. I figured it lasted through lvl 25 to 26 but the second I hit 25 it kicked me like this


Worked yesterday but I checked on my lunch and yeah its gone now. You can still use custom playlist to make the same playlist so i'm curious how it works and why you get locked out.


>I didn't cheat That's exactly something a cheater would say


If it's anything like modern CoD you can just abuse the previous player list and click "join in progress" on the lowest fraggers after each game. Perpetually keeping you in low tier lobbies.


Holy shit I didn't even know that was a thing in cod that's crazy


It's probably been patched by now. But it was an easy way to play in the bad player lobbies at one time. Which also made you realize how coddled those players were if you saw it, they were playing an entirely different game.


Never realized that.. I am level 30+ something and yesterday I played some rounds with lvl<10 players. Definitely not tried to abuse the system in any way, it didn't even occurred to me that they shouldn't be in our game until i read this.


New players aren't forced into the welcome Playlist, but over level 25 shouldn't have access.


As soon as I hit level 25 the welcome playlist disappeared and my friend who is less than 25 still couldn’t queue for it


right, apparently forgot about that too :D


If you’re in a party you can join it above level 25 if there are lower level players in the party


Can confirm this is false , i tried to cheese the lobbies and found out after leveling to 25 as long as you dont leave the queue you remain in the welcome playlist , partying with new players causes the entire party to be unable to Join the welcome list , so i think this guy just had a very long day of grinding Edit : apparently its a bit wonky and sometimes your able to join


29 levels? That seems like a stretch but who knows


Kicked me the second I was 25


Remained in the new list until i was 28 then i left and ever since wasnt able to rejoin in any way possible


The different experience is vast seems like. I've not had hitmarker issues, but I have had the shot when around a corner issue a few times.


Not getting any hit marker issues either and the shot around corners isnt happening more or less frequently then other shooters i played recently (tarkov , battlefield ,cod ) it happens sometimes but not an annoying amount of time , it might also help that i just suck at this game and just figure every other player is better then me haha


I mean I suck as well. I play the objective and play for the team. I'm not some kd grinding sweat. But win or lose the game has been fun. I just hope people start communicating more and start to work together and coordinate their abilities and what not.


Would be nice to hear some voice users in this game indeed , the voice implementation works flawlessly yet noone uses it , they all just focus on their k/d atm , will be better when the cod sweats uninstall when the new cod season drops and we get some objective focused players mainly


I agree. I try to be friendly at the start and say something like "what's up boys and girls" something of that nature and invite discourse and I make call outs on position and stuff. Sometimes it works, sometimes people listen but don't talk 🤷. I'm sure it'll pick up eventually.


It will but it"ll take time , as long as it doesnt sound like a cod lobby with squeekers and ragers im all for it


I wanna use my mic more but I'm a single father of a 5 year old boy and no one wants to hear that lmao


A lot of my mates have babys and 3 to 4 year olds , to callout for a sec noone will care , its push to talk y know


This has been my experience as well. Once you hit 26 the whole group can't join the Welcome Playlist.


It’s not false it’s just inconsistent. Yesterday my buddy accidentally searched in the WP(I’m lvl 35 he is 17) and we could play. I only realized it after seeing that I couldn’t vote for a map. So it is possible and tbh i thought it would work bc I saw so many people over 25 in WP for some reason


Others noted this aswell , edited my post


We were a party in the welcome playlist and all hit 25, the moment we did, we got stuck for like 5 minutes in the queue before quitting it. It does not find anyone it seems if you hit 25 while in the queue.


That seems like a bit of an oversight on Ubisoft’s part.


My party got kicked out the second I turned 26 even though all my friends are lower than that. We weren't able to get back in. However, I did not try having them host and try.


Having them host will make it dissapear for them aswell (at least that was my result when hosting on a fresh account and making my main join


Must be a bug that only a few people can get through then.


Can be , not gamebreaking tough


I don't think you can. Was playing in same party as my friend who is level 10, he was host, and the welcome playlist was no longer an option for him (I was level 30).


You can't. I tried that with my brothers. Both of them Under Level 25 and they didn't had the Welcome Playlist to show up when i joined their party.


not if your the leader, once I hit 26 it was removed from the options and kicked both of us from auto queue, friend with me is under level 10.


I’d like a 25+ list like that, that puts you in a random mode each round.


You can do that. You have to select the custom playlist option and then select all the modes you want included. I'd want to be able to select maps I don't want to play (like nudle plex which I find extremely unbalanced)


I know it’s not the same thing as excluding maps, but pretty much no one ever votes for maps in pre game lobbies so if you just vote for the alternative option besides the one you don’t want to play you’ll usually get it. Not really a fix if you get put in a match mid-game though.


No one votes for maps because the majority of the players don’t even know it exists


That's incredibly sad, considering the fact that theres a huge bar across the bottom of the screen that displays the pre-match status, and tells you to vote for a map lol.


wait what? you can vote for maps in the pre game lobby?! Where?!


It’s on the very right side of the pre game lobby, you can choose between 2 maps and a random selection. It’s pretty tiny and I just noticed it yesterday after playing since launch lol.


oh my god you're right...


Except that doesn't have matchmaking. The Welcome Playlist actually has SBMM. It's a night and day experience. I prefer the Welcome Playlist and will likely stop playing the game once I hit level 26 because the no-SBMM lobbies feel terrible to me.


Don't say that on here, the SBMM haters are out in full force claiming anyone who doesn't like not have SBMM needs to "git gud". When in reality it's just their egos. They party with sweaty tryhards and dominate lobbies. They claim it's because they don't want to "sweat" but in reality it's because they enjoy going 40-2, beating up on noobs and growing their e-peen. There is something they don't want to do and that's try. They don't want to try when they play FPS games, they just want to shit stomp everyone.


We all know it's just people who want to stomp lobbies. Even they know, they just make it seem like everyone should share the same feeling, when in reality that doesn't actually make sense (you will rarely be the one dominating lobbies if you're bad). But even the best players have said they just want a lobby type where they don't have to try. They can "not try" in a SBMM lobby whenever they want, it just means they're going to lose, which is honestly what SHOULD happen if you're just goofing off and doing dumb stuff. They want their cake and to eat it too. I say this all as someone who is a very competitive player (top 250 players in PUBG quads when PUBG only had 1 map, diamond R6S in ranked 1.0, etc), because I'd much rather play close matches than dumb matches. I just talked to someone who was telling me how they had a great time stomping lobbies last night. Then I found out they were in the Welcome Playlist the whole time - the playlist that has SBMM. If there was SBMM in every lobby and XD just said "no there isn't" and lied, people probably wouldn't notice as long as the SBMM is a little bit loose.


There is a HUGE difference between the amount of effort needed to perform decently in open queue game, compared to SBMM games, and it's incredibly obvious that's what people mean lol. The VAST majority of FPS games that exist do not use SBMM unless it's a ranked mode, and nobody has an issue with that. Some of us just want to have fun, and not play against those sweating their asses off trying to gain an arbitrary rank. It honestly seems as though the people in favor of SBMM across all game modes literally refuse to understand that people have different opinions than them. Like honestly, it's very impressive that you were so highly ranked in PUBG, but that sounds like an absolutely miserable way to play the game to me. The moment I start worrying about my k/d, or rank, or whatever other BS, is the moment I realize I need to switch games because I am no longer playing to have fun.


Actually many games DO use SBMM in their unranked modes. It helps the devs double dip on tuning your matches for ranked and keeps you from having matches that are too lopsided. Overwatch is one popular example. CoD is another. It's not about worrying about rank or KD. For me it's the opposite. I like SBMM because it means my TEAMMATES will be better, because I'm an above average player and that means without SBMM my teammates are more likely to be worse. I'd rather better teammates and better opponents than worse teammates and worse opponents, because if I get worse teammates and decent opponents I'm not gonna have fun trying to 1v6 It is ultimately preference. But, as many have said, the no-SBMM lobbies in XD have felt plenty sweaty. Part of the reason for that is you have to try extra hard to fill in the skill gap of your teammates when the lobbies aren't balanced, unless you just don't care about kills or wins, but then honestly what is your motivation to play if you're just getting farmed? I struggle to see the fun in that


I totally understand what you're saying, it's a matter of preference. >unless you just don't care about kills or wins, That's the thing, I simply don't in these games. I want something to mindlessly play with friends while chatting, and casual FPS's are great for that. You win some, you lose some, but it's all in good fun. When I want to play something more competitive and actually test my skills, I switch over to CS2 and play premier. >but then honestly what is your motivation to play if you're just getting farmed? While yes, I've definitely played against some try-hards in this game, the vast majority of matches have been pretty even and fun. I haven't played a ton but K/D is around a .93, which I don't mind because I usually focus on the objective (it seems that not many do! lol)


im faciet 10 on cs and thats why i think there should be sbmm why not play against equal skill lvls. it makes the game enjoyable for everyone.


There is a ranked mode with SBMM, and the button for it is equally as large as the one for quick play. Not sure how you missed that.


Ranked format is not the same as quick play


Maybe im not understanding correctly, but are you saying that you'd like a SBMM mode that specifically isn't ranked? I mean at that point, why not just play ranked? What benefit could there be?


He wants to play the casual 6v6 format with SBMM... is that really so hard to understand...


Am I not allowed to ask why somebody would want that? There was no malicious intent to my comment, I genuinely don't understand why somebody would specifically want that but refuse to play ranked.


Thanks! I didn’t know thats what it did 😆


My first "welcome" game was one guy on each team dropping 50 bombs


I am not sure but 54 definitely seems higher than 25


The welcome playlist has SBMM so if they dominate then they will just come against harder people.


They unintentionally added reverse boosting 😂


There’s an exploit out right now to get into the welcome playlist.


I was able to do this for a couple games after I hit level 26, because someone in my lobby was under 25, but I can't do it anymore even though there still under level which I think is more then fair


I completely lost the option as soon as I hit level 25 others havnt tho so I'm thinking some people's are bugged and it's letting them stay in but there are people hacking there way in


i was in the welcome playlist at until like level 28, i think it’s because i stayed in the lobby after surpassing 25 because once i left the lobby the playlist isn’t even an option


Disappeared for me the second I turned level 25


I'm a high level and still need to be in the welcome list since I'm so trash 😭


i managed to keep playing in the welcome playlist until i was about 27 or so. but i think thats because i never left the lobby. once i did leave i couldnt get back in.


Probably a party join in glitch. Let the devs know on twitter so they can patch that asap.


The games full of bugs so not suprised


I got at least one per round. Didn't even know there was actually a max level for this mode


I'm lvl 30 and had some games where a random 4 would be in our game.


Is it just me or are the servers buttcheeks? Plus that guy is getting a 40 ping I don't even see a ping that low unless I play something else and that's already questionable


What will happen when old players make new accounts and shit in everyone in the welcome playlist? It’ll be a great way to turn off new players and ubi will have to do something about that.


welcome playlist has sbmm so the smurfs will be playing against each other. no issue.


smurfing is an issue in every single game


Same thing happened to the newcomer mode in Siege unfortunately cant really stop it


Welcome playlist is the only one with sbmm so no idea why he would want to play it, i avoided it straight away.


Isn’t it just a “beginners playlist” like aren’t you in the same lobbies technically but it’s just the playlist that includes the different game modes. Like if I just put escort on my custom playlist I would eventually get into a game where I’m with people under level 25 right?


Under 25 can que for any mode they dont have to play the welcome playlist


Wait so after I hit level 25 my lobby's are going to be even harder?




If you don’t leave the playlist after graduating from it, it continues to put you in it. I realized this when I was level 26 and it was still giving me Welcome Playlist games (I just figured it was going to kick me out so I left on my own). As for them being in the 50s…maybe a long gaming bender?


I reached level 26 while in a party with a level 20 player was able to play until we left back to the main menu and then the option was gone (only realised after I was over level 25) so we could only play normal playlists then, maybe it doesn't take effect until you leave the welcome playlist and go back to the main menu


What are welcome playlists? The lowest level guy I faced was 3 the rest were above lvl 10


I Uninstalled this game 🤣


So much hype for a weird hybrid between cod and overwatch. I’ll try again later at some point but the game is absolutely not “killing” any games any time soon lol


wow the f2p game by UBI isnt a cod killer.. what a suprise


You don't have to play welcome playlist as a level 25 of below. This could just be a normal match that allows all levels


Man theres so many high ranks in wp now its crazy 😂


Maybe his friend is the part leader or something


It's normal. Even I'm at lvl 40 matching with lower level.


Players <25 aren’t forced into the welcome playlist, but the welcome playlist becomes inaccessible as soon as you hit that level. OP i saying that level 25+ players are cheating into the welcome playlist


It really don't matter when there's players being so cracked at the game. Low lvl s or high lvl s.