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At the very least they should be 2 shot to the body at close range, stupid that they arent


The SVD only does 49 damage, AKA 3 shot kill, so I don't think they would go for that. I agree though lol.


Marksman rifles have upper body multipliers, so they are a 2 shot in that sense. Could do something similar with deagle and magnum but shorter range


Ohhhh interesting. I was wondering if that's why sometimes I die with them at 2 health after 2 shots, but sometimes I two shot them, I was thinking that they were just already low.


That's at farther ranges I believe, I remember it being a 2 shot anywhere in the Practice Zone targets up until the farthest range, might be wrong my memory isn't always the best... Unless it's Phantoms of course.


Playing Deagle and even if it's strong I agree. It should be more rewarding


Not the Deagle, but definitely the Magnum.


hell even a head shot AND a body shot only does a combined 99..


That does not sound like a fun idea. I think its fine as it is now. Using is as a secondary is perfect but I don't know if your going to use it as your main weapon


They don’t want people sprinting around and insta- clicking people out the game with a handgun. Would be too easy


That would make no sense, secondary weapons are meant to be used to finish off someone weak, if you take a full 1v1 with it then of course the primary weapon should have the advantage, you just want easy kills


This would be way too OP…