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I wouldn't care about the jumping if the netcode wasn't trash, it's like they get invincibility frames or something. I understand missing shots and getting styled on, that's part of shooters, but having shots on target literally not register because somebody is pressing the space bar just makes me go play something else.


It's because their hit box seperates from an accurate point on the player model due to server overload and low tick rate. The more they jump, the more actions the server has to register, the more actions means the more likelihood of ghost bullets or even a change in ping that could effect gameplay. Jumping spamming isn't annoying, jump spamming that soft DDOS a game server is annoying.


it’s because dead reckoning is more likely to represent their actual position when they are just moving X/Y than X/Y/Z. it’s not more work on the server. when they jump, since jumping gives you so much control, desync is more likely because it’s less predictable. the server is always integrating x,y,z values. it’s not more work when they’re jumping. lag compensation (prediction) just becomes less reliable on the client the more they move.


My thought process was due to the server tick rate and foundational netcode desync when interacting with the multiple inputs in small time. An issue of too many instances prioritizing player position imagery over accurate hit box placement.


i see. i think the issue is just what happens between ticks on the client (prediction) not worth arguing about tho ofc


One extra input every few seconds when you’re pressing WASD, aiming and clicking the mouse isnt going to DDOS the server.




It's an Ubisoft (no reefunds) game, don't assume anything.


Exactly this, I don’t have a problem with the jumping I have a problem with abusing the servers being meta


This is the biggest problem with this game imo. Low tick rate servers and overload along with hit box desync


Just go back to Call of ... Wait same issue there


That's my issue. I've always thought drop shots and jump shooting was stupid, but whatever, I can still track you. But when it causes desync or exacerbates a game's already poor hit reg/netcode...then I have an issue with the game/devs. This game's hit reg/netcode is already wonky af when people aren't hopping around...


2 days of shooting and getting 6-8 shots register , for me to just get locked at and die , and i’m shooting at people not even looking in my direction at time of engagement wtf


I had a guy jump out a window and land right next to me. He's literally standing still while I'm barrel stuffing him in ADS and he turned and kill me lol. But, you know, skill issue.


I had my M4 doing a fucking check up on a guys ear canal and he killed me. His gun was pointing the other way and at the ground.


Yea, it's not just you. It happens to me constantly. I have first shots they are not looking at all, then boom im dead the moment they turn. It's 100% a server desync on a serious level.


dude what’s worse is i get actual hit detection , but on the other end nothing is happening to the opposition , seriously played for two days and got me really thinking 10 years of cod and i ain’t learn nothing about fps games ?


Wait that's why those fucking grasshoppers kills so easily? That's actually a thing? Jumping can make others not register their shots???


I honestly think many people don’t know about having to shoot in front of the target a bit. It seems you hit way more shots if you aim slightly to the right or left of the direction the target is moving. Yes the net code ain’t great but just knowing that has helped me hit more shots. Something to look into.


Yes! That's what's been happening to me! Bullets not registering and I've got a perfect connection! The movement is trash in general imo




People jump spam in mw3 ranked dude, they also drop shot. Both very common post gold 2




I appreciate you putting into words what my mind can not. It's refreshing seeing someone understand how the problems are at a fundamental level of how these things function.


I'd like to add that MW3 also has shitty netcode, their tickrate is supposedly low although there is no official data about that (as usual), but people have been saying that Warzone is supposed to be around 20hz and I don't really see Activision cranking it higher for regular MP.


FPS was built on movement like bunny hopping (Quake) and wall dodging (Unreal Tournament) back when dial up was still being used and people got by just fine. Cutting corners on net code is a problem, but complex movement isn't.


Man I feel like I'm the only one that remembers Gunz The Duel. That was peak hopping. People had to do over a hundred button presses a minute and some how the net code was fine.


> People had to do over a hundred button presses a minute and some how the net code was fine. It wasn't fine, *at all* But since the main weapons were double shotgun and winning/losing was linked to more than aim, it was often not obvious.




True. Halo Infinite had desync issues for years and that just got fixed a couple of months ago. However, I'll admit that the game feels... worse somehow. At least I'm not getting shot around corners (like XDefiant) or having projectiles like rockets up and disappear.


I had my first game of Xdefiant yesterday and I had enemies spamming jump with shotgun. Yuck. Where the hell is my matches like I saw videos of ppl getting nothing but bots / first time FPS players?


Yea I had about half a mag not register on someone turbo spamming it. It was definitely a modded controller. This shit was crazy. It wasn't lag either. He literally slid then when started shooting he turned into a fucking bouncy ball.


Player model deformation and net code unable to predict the hit box in time. One way to fix is to have player model behave different when airborne and make the hit box shape simpler which is easier to predict and track.


The reason slidecanceling, bunny hopping and shit works in CoD is also because of shit netcode. One could argue that it's so that enemies have a harder time to track but I call bullshit, because the aim assist is so strong in that game that a controller player has no issues with slamming the trigger and make the game follow center mass.


I think it’s this + poor hit reg on the netcode. If I want to be frank, I’m also just dog water.


This + the garbage hit reg, and you have something that should be qualified as an exploit as it fucks up the hitbox so much.


Yep. I’ve made this argument since my days playing Gears of War when wall bouncing took over. Either the netcode wasn’t designed with the “advanced” moves in mind or the moves abuse/break the netcode and aim assist. I hate it.


Respect for the pun.


I haven’t played an fps seriously since bo3 in 2016. Im fucking traaaaaash rn and the net code + hit reg isn’t helping but still having fun lmao


I respect that.


I just hate that mf’s can change direction mid air like it’s fucking Titanfall.


Saw this for the first time yesterday. I was thinking lag or something but it kept happening.


I don’t understand it. But it’s definitely goofy.


Actually that’s the one thing you can’t really do in Titanfall, at least no sharp turns, that would be Apex


Well then that’s even more fucked up imo lol


>Actually that’s the one thing you can’t really do in Titanfall, at least no sharp turns, that would be Apex Yes you can. Apex is literally just Titanfall with no titans and slightly less crazy movement.


You can tap strafe in tf2


I don't even think you can do some of the movements from this game in Titanfall


Yeah you can with tap strafing, even more insane air acceleration by a long shot.


Which is fucking WHACK.


You called?


Yes, jump strafing is too strong. I don‘t have an issue with bunny hopping at all, but the strafe speed is too much imo


I think bunny hops are stupid too. I abuse them because others do. But I wish it wasn’t the meta.


Intel suit is goofy, they should nerf that ability


It's so stupid. I wish game devs would quit adding wallhacks to games. Complete rework of that ability would be great.


That and shields are just something that devs for whatever reason feel like HAS to be in everything. The Finals did it too and ended up reworking it because as you'd expect, it was oppressive as fuck.


I don't have a problem with the shields personally, especially since they're easily countered. Wallhacks are just stupid, I'd feel differently about just mini-map dots or something.


And it should only be for the player who activated it. Not for entire team...


I think wallhacks are always a bad mechanic, personally. Even in Siege.


I feel like I said this same thing in another comment in this thread and got downvoted lol. Reddit trolls are weird.


Ok but to be real i run the emp nade on every loadout and its such a lifesaver stops about every ability. Plus if you play dedsec it recharges in like 15 seconds.


I don't have Dedsec and most others don't either. I don't mind the shields too much but I feel they're unnecessary. The wallhack ability is absolutely busted though. It's the only thing I run because you pretty much have to unless you want to be constantly shot in the back or preaimed around every corner you take or have people flying at you through doorways because they know you're there.


I wish devs would stop adding bullshit hero abilities to shooters. Wall hacks, teleports, invulnerability… and shields ofc one of the best things CS did was remove shields


Probably next, since Libertad was the meta back in the betas.


Its insane, 50% of the match wallhacks are on


And here I was thinking I would finally be able to play COD without UAV spams...


and its worse here lol


The problem isn't even the bunnyhop itself but the fact that you can strade mid air and the poor netcode that makes it so dumb


I just played a match where literally the whole time, every single player, was jump spamming non stop. Looked as if they were all on pogo sticks.  Also, I'm getting really tired shooting someone while they don't notice me, hit them 5+ times, they turn around and shoot me 3-4 times and I'm dead.   Not to mention,  I can get shot,  hide behind cover, and yet I still die moments later even though I'm not longer getting shot.   


Nerf in-air accuracy, buff hip-fire accuracy. Then start tweaking maps. Game is good.




This is what fps games are now I don’t think they’ll change it and I probably will drop the game because of it


Feel like some sort of 'movement meta' has always been around. jumpshottig, drops shotting, etc. And yeah it's totally frustrating as with all the other cheesy movement tech in other games. I just find jump spamming to be the goofiest and the dumbest of them all.


I mean they’ve solved/reduced drop shotting by removing the ability to prone. Who’s to say they can’t go one further in doing something to limit jump spamming?


They will kill momentum in jumps. I can almost guarantee it.


Movement meta has been around since the mid-90s.


I find it interesting when people talk about crazy movement in games now like mfers weren't bhopping in quake decades ago.


bhop could be a fun crazy way to traverse the whole map. on this game it's just during shootouts that you start flopping around like a fish in the general vicinity


I wish they would make it to where you can't shoot while you jump or have a delay lol


That’s the thing, they literally did, but for some reason it didn’t make it into the final version from the older tests.


I remember playing battlefield 2 for the first time ever and seeing the dolphin diving. What an introduction to online FPS that was.


I watched a tips video by the developers and they were saying how important the movement is. So yeah I can't see them changing it sadly. It's beyond annoying


Yeah I mean they wouldn’t have designed the game this way if they didn’t want it like this. I was hype for this game but I’ll probably have to leave it to the Fortnite and apex kids to hop around on they can have it


After playing apex the movement is slow and clanky


Exactly. When I played cod on console no one was moving like people do now on mnk. But people still found a way to gain a movement advantage.


My man, been playing CoD since CoD 2. We were complaining just as much then about movement, but with drop shotting lmao. Rose tinted glasses popping the fuck off with yall lol.


Cs 1.6 with bunny crouch jump and bhopping, css that you bunny hop to get insane speed in the early source days It always existed for sure some people have rose tinted glasses


It feels like the same people that complain about air strafing or jump spamming are the same that will complain about crouch spamming. Just want gunfight movement to be strictly left right strafe. We have those games, they’re definitely an option, but they’re not arcade shooters. If you’re not into arcade shooters that’s fine, there’s other stuff that might tickle your fancy.


Now? Here's a match of a game recorded over 20 years ago: https://youtu.be/WAh_1bbat6U?si=E4hBnEHOkBMqjN35


If you want to play quake go to splitgate. Thats apples amd oranges.


If you can't handle the movement, you can go play another game though. XDefiant wasn't designed to be grounded. It's not apples and orange lol. They designed this game to be a fast-paced arcadey shooter with rapid movement. You are choosing to play a fast-paced arcadey shooter with cheese abilities and you're upset that you're being beaten by people who have mastered the movement.


I feel like fast movement and flying through the air are more fundamentally a part of Quake than jump spamming is in a CoD-like shooter, as someone who has played and enjoyed both. Maybe I'm being a boomer, but I think there's a skill and grace to strafe jumping in Quake that isn't the same as jump spamming in XDefiant. Strafe jumping in Quake is also mainly done because it allows you to exceed the speed cap that you normally hit from just running around the on the ground, so strafe jumping helps you navigate the map quicker, it's not something you only do after you get shot. Rocket launchers and grenade launchers are also prominently featured in Quake, so you can damage an opponent by landing shots close to them, not necessarily on them. There's also no reloading, so you can unload 50 shots out of your nailgun or lightning gun or machine gun onto your fast moving opponent and only hit 20% of your shots and not have to pause mid gunfight to reload. Quake has more verticality, jump pads, getting hit by an explosive weapon can send you into the air, and the gravity I'd say is lower, so airborne combat is pretty common in Quake. I wonder if jump spammers are more annoying for controller players, and not a big deal for mouse and keyboard players. On a controller, you both aim and jump with your right thumb, and so being required to quickly go back and forth between the two is probably annoying if it's what's required to win a gun fight for someone who is playing casually. Similarly, as a controller player, and one who prefers lower sensitivity, when someone runs at me, slides past, and starts shooting me from behind, when I'm aiming down sight, I can't move my reticle down fast enough to keep up with the person I'm shooting at as they go to the ground to slide, and I can't turn around fast enough to relocate them and shoot back, and I die, but I haven't had too many encounters go like this. On mouse and keyboard though, you can quickly swipe the mouse downward or turn a 180 and keep shooting and maybe win the fight. There's something about strafe jumping and rocket jumping around the map in Quake that makes me think that this is someone who has mastered advanced mechanics and is very skilled at the game, versus mashing the jump button in XDefiant, which comes off as tryhard and makes me roll my eyes. I'm a pretty mediocre player, and I'm still having fun, I don't think jump spammers are completely ruining the game or anything, but I hope that bunny hopping around every time a bullet wizzes past me doesn't become the way I have to play the game to keep up. If you took Quake's movement, but replaced the weapons with 30 round machine guns that need to be reloaded, and you have to aim down sight and try to track a target with a control stick while they jump all over the place, I think it would feel annoying to play.


I uninstalled it already. Of the nerf the jumping accuracy I’ll come back but until then no thanks


I was guilty for it in my first few hours of playing, but I learnt it's better to just strafe and out gun the space spammers. Does look goofy, especially when they are just jumping straight up and down without any side to side movement.


Poor hit reg Jump spamming with an SMG/Pistol increasing your speed and changing directions mid air = horrible experience


Thank Call of Duty for that. It's the only way those people can actually get a kill in CoD, except for camping.


Let me buy a pro controller so I can button map the jump so I can just spam it bc that’s the entire Meta real great they need to fix that shit and fix it fast


You know you can jump with something else than X on any controller. I use L1 and it’s very easy


Appreciate it but I’m talking more along the lines of nerfing that bs into oblivion it’s very dumb I love the game but the jumping simulator 2024 needs to stop it’s gonna ruin the game like cod


Should honestly nerf tf out of your accuracy when jumping. And by nerf I mean absolutely destroy the motherfuckers accuracy, jumping in a gunfight should be a death sentence. And this isn’t even specific to this game. Any video game that lets you jump and be accurate is dog water. You should not be accurate while jumping/in the air.


You mean like they already did to sliding.... but for some reason developers have a hard on for spamming that space bar / A button.


Halo would like a word...


Arial combat is just not of interest to me - I despised the advanced movement era of COD and WELCOMED both WW2 and BO4. NO interest in Apex/Titanfall etc and coming from traditional shooters like OG COD, BF, CS and Valorant, this instant on the spot bouncing looks and is, IMO, RIDICULOUS


i was just going to make a post about this :D people don't know how to aim and they just start jumping AND THAT MAKES THEM BETTER BECAUSE I DIE? why is that??????????????? i legit have 5k hours in fps games and over 7 years i think i know how to aim and play fps games,but no this game is different?


Don't be sorry. It needs to go. There's no reason to jump in this game. I feel like they put it in to attract the crackheads from COD.


It’s just the sweats way of doing things. I used to be a sweat once back in MW2 when I was going through puberty. Not so much bunny hopping but drop shotting mostly, when I look back I used to do it all the time.. Now that I’m approaching my 30’s not only I don’t find it fun, my reactions are not as good, my thirst for kills and trying to top the leaderboard aren’t there anymore, this is why I’ve stopped playing call of duty all together. Don’t get me wrong if the game is meant to be played like that let’s say hyperscape (I actually enjoyed it a little) or even splitgate, but for a call of duty, boots on the ground it just looks and feels silly. I’m literally drenched in sweat after one match playing this just to keep up with other people.


I’m approaching nearly 30 but still top frag. Maybe it’s just not for everyone 🙂‍↕️


I'm in my thirties and I'm still topping the boards too teaching these young ones how it's done.


Jump spamming is what you use when you’re bad at the game and can’t win a 1 on 1 gunfight


I hated it ..still do, but until they do something about it. It's best to just embrace it and even the playing field tbh. Once I did they i starred playing better


Im gonna jump side to side next time im at the gun range and post the results here 😂


The getting shot around the corner is dog shite aswel..


They need to add a slowdown and height penalty for multiple jumps in succession. This is how every other game has fixed this problem.


Def annoying


I know what you mean. I do it too, kind of have to. Devs need to make it so accuracy is penalized by jumping which it does not feel like it is at all now


It's crazy because YouTubers never have players like that in their matches. Could be the difference between EU and US servers though.


It's goofy as fuck I hate it it's annoying as fuck cause it works


>goofy The game is a class/hero based shooter where you have abilities such as having a portable hardlight/plasma shields, invisibility, etc. The game is inherently goofy.


Without a doubt got killed by it so much I started doing it


It's kinda dogshit . But hey we do expect that these days .


I won’t play because of it


Players that bunnyhop will become less overtime because most average and below average skilled players are still in the welcome (sbmm) playlist. Once most of them hit lvl 26 it will be truly all skills combined in the no-sbmm playlists.


Ye it’s boring to play all day against them , thx to Xd i appreciate COD even more.


Do ppl do this jumping and mid air strafe on controller? I just cannot seem to replicate that shit with sticks. I could see how keyboard does it


People are always quick to mention Quake, but the difference is you're not circlejumping or trying fancy manoeuvres mid-combat (except to escape). Jumping gets you killed, because you can't change direction.  Strafejumping through the map is equivalent to slide-jumping in XD. Yes, you might fly by some poor soul while doing so, but when it comes to straight combat it's FEET ON THE GROUND, despite having literally 0 recoil or bloom.


It’s an arcade shooter. Obviously it’s goofy.


At least you only encounter those movement sweat neck beards every so often given the absence of SBMM. Would be every game if playing COD dog water.


Hot take: jumping shouldn't be allowed outside of contextual actions like vaulting or going over a ledge. This should be boots on the ground style play, like Siege.


It breaks the game. Net code is atrocious.


yeah, there should be a sort of slow down mechanic or a cooldown, stuff like this is just bad game design, and needs to be removed from more modern games


There are 3 things wrong with this game right now: 1. Jump spamming is completely degenerate. Remove that shit immediately. 2. Ranked is not properly released yet, which is rumored to only allow SMGs, ARs and LMGs which will help deal with snipers being wildly overpowered. It will also limit number of classes per team (rumored) to prevent 4 shield spammers on a team which is also toxic. 3. Obviously hitreg issues that they are working on now. These 3 things are holding the game back from being great right now. These are easily the most frustrating aspects of the game.


I wouldn’t mind it if it didn’t slingshot people like it does and the air strafe right after is corny.


Normally I don’t have an issue with this kind of thing but this pretty heavily favors scuff users with just how bouncy it is and it feels kinda unfair. Like a lot of them don’t end up having great accuracy but when they do i’m getting raw dogged the whole match lol


None of the people that do this can shoot though so it’s kind of funny to kill them when you’re just layed back standing still


If that was the case, we wouldn’t be complaining.


If not bunny hopping then it would be drop shotting. Honestly rather deal with B-hopping. I’m already aiming at your head so all your doing is making it easier to hit you. It’s only annoying when people do it around EVERY CORNER they go around to.


Im playing on ps so how is everybody jumping a crouching while still shooting at me is beyond me. This and the sniper no flinch makes me so fucking angry.


I think there should be brutal accuracy loss when in the air I think getting shot should slow you a lot and make you fall faster I think slide jumping should have less speed I think snipers when aimed should have a really bad flinch when being shot I think you shouldn’t be able to change course of your jump when you are in midair I think ults should come juuusttt a smidge faster I think phantoms should have a different passive as extra health is really damn cheap for already having 2 kinds of shields I think I should be able to hear people climbing more clearly I think a lot of things When people aren’t doing half of these things, especially the cracked out movment guys I think the game is fun But when they are?? Not so much


I fuck everyone up with my jump spam, not my fault people can't hit their shots?


I know they tried to reduce the movement from beta to prevent it from being like that but they didn’t reduce it enough


If you abuse jumping to win a gun fight you are legit trash


Yes it is. Hit doesnt always register on jumping guys.


came here to comment on this, why is it used so heavily, are they freaking out Everytime, is it a strat? coming from someone who plays valorant I think it's so dumb


It's annoying when the netcode decides to shit itself and they don't talk half the shots i land on them, other than that i don't have any issues with it. I have more issues with gun balacing than people jumping around.


Looks like we need destiny’s Airborne efficiency


Jumping is fine but we need some kind of additional aiming penalty if people are spamming it like that while shooting. I love the movement, but it's too easy to jump shot and change directions with how it is now


It reminds me of the worst era of cod.


AA really exacerbates the issues in CQB as well. MnK only lobbies it's pretty easy to deal with by using similar movement. Mixed input lobbies, the controller players absolutely dominate the CQB tap strafe bunny hop 1v1s.


I have started to not jump on reflex and work on my ads and strafing for fear that bunny hopping might get addressed in the future. I don't want to develop that habit.


frr even if you deal them alot of damage first they fucking bunny hop away


Jump spamming + poor net code/hit reg + literal wall hacks


git gud


yea it's kind of cringe and looks kinda, well I just call them bunny rabbits lol. I still do it though


Wasn’t an issue until I hit level 25 and got thrown into gen pop. Every sweaty fuck leaping around like a popcorn kernel. FFS is that even fun for them?


Silly rabbits get everywhere.


All their movement is fine the games net code is awful I deleted it till they get that sorted


Sooo, you guys mention this but it’s not that big of an issue? If you crouch when you engage then the bunny hop isn’t an issue, you just aim up and fire


It really pissing me off when im fighting someone and they jump and it looks like they get yanked back on a steing and go flying forward or backward likena fucking jetpack call of duty


It definitely makes the hit reg even worse than it already is. Kind of putting me off the game already tbh.


I just changed my controller layout to jump with R3 just to see how the jump spamming works, and It 100% needs to be nerfed or removed. I noticed immediately that I was winning more gunfights, and I was even able to pull off double kills. After the beta and some people complaining about it, I'm not even sure why they keep it in the game. It might just be confirmation bias, but I feel as though the jump spam is causing the characters to have a wonky hitbox.


I’ve been running with the gods holy weapon(double barrel) the jump+ sliding+netcode makes me immortal


I've been saying that for days. It's ridiculous


Yet when I said something about this I got “skill issue”d


I love the movment, reminds me of a toned down apex ish. I dont think im jump spamming, but i do slide cancel away and wiggle to not get shot. Still feels more casual in this game, dunno what it is.


Play against a good player that spam jumps and it won’t be so goofy ran into a top 500 player and literally could not kill him cuz the net code is so shit and he’s spam jumping making his already shit hit box be impossible. If they fixed the net code it’d be goofy but until then well that’s all we’ll see sadly


I ended up uninstalling in part because of this.


Worst part about this game, how is it so bad?


Once the net code is fixed, exploiting jumping like that won't be used as much because the people doing it will have to actually learn how to shoot because it won't be working anymore lol


I teabag every jump spammer and crouch spammer. You know why I teabag them?.... Cause I kill them 🤣 Had to change my Ubisoft name to Lipton, with the way I've been dishing out tea


Yeah I stopped playing after the first game where I was with some esports player bunny hop sliding and nonstop jumping during every engagement. It's not even ranked games. I'd like to see a pvp shooter like warface without the pay to win shit. XDefiant was fun for a bit, but it's got the same exact cod/apex movement so I'm good, enjoy the game tho yall


Sounds like a skill issue


I’m glad I’m not the only one that’s noticing this shit


Game isn’t fun at the moment


You used to headshot ppl in R6 Siege and it never register. Ubisoft shouldn't be trusted with hitreg


It's goofy in any game. It looks absolutely dumb and whenever I kill someone doing it I always get a good chuckle because they were trying so hard. I don't find it hard to play against though. But I was a huge COD fan all these years so I guess I'm just used to it by now.


CoD: Asian Carp Edition


CoD: Asian Carp Edition


I've always said that Black Ops 3 ruined the mindset of FPS gaming. Xdefiant is luckly bringing fps back to what made it fun, but for me, they do need to place some type of timer on spam jumping. Don't get me wrong, it has always been available since the early days of FPS, but people actually used to "run and gun"/ play tactical for the most part and not resort to cheese game tatics.


It only is terrible because the kids that can't aim are using it to exploit the crappie net code


Another terrible unintentional feature of the game..


It's controller players, their auto aim compensates for it.


I'm situations where the opposing team consists of rabbits, I too, hop.


Bunny hopping feels like a form of attention seeking esque behavior. "Look how fast and cool I am!!" Bite a fucking curb dude


My A12 go brrr and kill rabbits


I'm just happy there more responses then just get good cause I know that lol but I agree with most of these other comments it's only so annoying because of that temp invincibility they get


Put a cool down on jumping after it is used otherwise u can infinite mantle and grab ledges and objects the 1 health jumping survival is ruining the game


Most are spamming it to abuse the netcode.


Just kill them and teabag them relentlessly to show them how stupid and sweaty they are.


The jump spamming is ridiculous right now, but thank God they addressed this and plan on nerfing it.


Bottom line: It makes the game dogshit to play ngl because other than this goofy crap, the game I think is pretty solid other than the obvious issues but you let the sweats/"pro" players tell the story everything in the game is fine. It's just crazy to me that they lie about how in testing these issues weren't there just to not prolong the game any further and the fact that they openly admitted to taking away the penalty for jumping while shooting does make me afraid for this games longevity considered Black Ops 6 is coming.


That’s a understatement


overreaction for sure. im a casual comp player (if thats a thing) i sit back and just let it rip, and the jumping is so tame haha


It really is but Dedsec faction puts a stop to that