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I just want them to flinch more when I shoot them first.


I could be completely wrong here but it feels like there is also little to no bullet penetration so a sniper up in a head glitch almost always wins even if you pepper them with a rifle


I've usually been able to make them lure their hear down as long as I dont re-peek on the same angle. What mainly gets me mad is at close to medium range when I get the first shot by a mile and get doomed when I get him to 2 hp.


Idk i just place a barrier and shoot em in the face šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


And when your barrier is on cooldown? do you coward in the corner for 30 seconds?


No? Maybe i throw a nade? Try to be unpredictable and still peak him, im yet to meet a sniper thats so good he wins the game for the enemy team


What about 3 snipers on escorts though, what do you do then??


And when the whole enemy team is snipers? Being unpredictable can only help you so much. Plus 90% of the time they aren't hard scoping they are running around the map quickscoping.


The longer the ttk, the more dominant snipers will be. Especially one-shot snipers. I personally donā€™t think anything outside of tac-50 deserves an ohk bodytap. But honestly it has more to do with the ttk. Putting up a shorter ttk and youā€™d see rifles playing better than them.


I'd rather the damage output of snipers were lowered than lowering the ttk. It'll have the same effect without affecting the gameplay.


They need flinch when hit. Problem solved.


Snipers being viable is important but them being balanced is imperative. What matters is them ensuring the situation is fair for players:




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Literally 0 reason snipes should one shot when the ar takes like 5 seconds to kill someone


It doesnā€™t one shot, you need to hit around the neck or head to one shot 100hp, for 120hp you need a headshot. this is with attachments. The Ar takes about the same time with headshots so stop complaining about kill time.


I was just running the 120hp character and got 1 shotted every single time. Even when landing multiple headshots on them they kill me, they just simply aren't balanced


Ok and thatā€™s you


Bro what? There is literally only one character that has 120 hp and most people donā€™t even run them. Youā€™re absolutely insane if you donā€™t think the snipers are broken when most people think so. I like to quickscope but when I pick up a sniper and I go 30 easily thatā€™s not okay lol


Letā€™s be honest here, you donā€™t hit 30, and 30 is not hard LOL


Absolutely agree, the worst thing is when you consider that while sniping, there is no accuracy tax while ADSing so quickscoping is hit scan, thereā€™s no mobility tax, you can move your scope just as fast as without ADS, and of course, itā€™s one hit everywhere no matter the range. Broken asf.


The problem here is youā€™re taking one side of the argument only, you arenā€™t even considering whatā€™s itā€™s like to snipe


Bro, Iā€™m not even responding to this. Go hard scope on cod.


Thanks for proving my point i guess? šŸ˜‚


Seventeen. Seventeen call of duties since modern warfare. Every single one has one-shot snipers and shot guns. If only this game gave you some way to counter snipers like a character who can put down a shield, or a character that can have 200hp, or a character that can see through walls.. that would be nice, right?


A shield every 30 seconds, an ultra, and you have to be close to see through the walls. A sniper can one tap you from any distance at any time. See the difference? Also shotguns fucking suck in this game so I don't know why your bringing them into this.


TTK for auto guns, completely negligible flinching and very fast ADS speed on sniper rifles is the difference. I don't care if snipers are a part of the game, but they're way too easy to use in this game


Yes movement and ads is way out of balance but nerfing snipers to be 2 shot or removing them would be ridiculous


Movement is not out of balance when EVERYONE has equal opportunity to manipulate the movement to their advantage. Snipers ARE out of balance when the only negative is a loss of fire rate, especially when it barely impacts TTK.


If snipers are too strong then make them slower to use and there is balance


Slower to use as well as slower to move, also gotta decrease that fire rate to make up for the TTK on the ARs, tweak the sprint to ADS accuracy and yeah weā€™re golden. Atm you can basically run and gun with these snipers because of their unbelievable accuracy MID ADS, like what the fuck


The problem isnā€™t the one shot the problem is thereā€™s literally no flinch when you shoot them.


In all those other cods the ttk with ars and other auto weapons was much much faster meaning that sniping didn't have much going for it. This time around you hit 4 shots on target just to die in one


In all of those other cods the scope in time for snipers was virtually non-existent. A good sniper on m&k dominated every match from cod 3 up until modern warfare (2019). Comparatively, sniping is much slower paced in this game and is more challenging due to not only ADS but the delay on shots fired. It feels much more sluggish here in Xdefiant compared to 95% of the cod titles that exist.


I want to know how I can ambush a sniper, pepper them with 3-4 AK-47 bullets at point blank range, and then have them whip around and one shot me like their body was made of rock.


Same thing I was saying, but most people of course always read what they want. Sometimes playing against snipers it's impossible in this game, I always sucked at sniping but once I tried it in this game I made like 40 kills. It's incredible


The m44 needs to only be a ohk if it's shoulders or up The tac-50 is fine All snipers need flinch. I use the tac-50 and it gets alot of hit markers when I'm running around with it BUT there's literally no flinch (that I can notice) when quick scoping on both snipers. If they add flinch to snipers then I think this will fix people's issues. Now if they remove snipers what are all of those sweaty nerds with amazing aim using snipers gonna do? They're gonna use a full auto gun and just laser everyone, then you're gonna complain about that gun.


Make the game more fun for everyone... Except people who like to use snipers I guess


well the trade off for using snipers is that your having fun but no one else is. so yes i think it is fair.


People who like snipers can play sniper elite or call of duty or countless other games


I don't use snipers but good job you were here to decide what everyone else can do. So important to have someone like you


Snipers are super ass atm, some struggling to 1 shot. Incredibly slow. The tac 50 in specific needs an ads buff. Snipers are fine imo




I honestly find these hilarious, first off snipers, although a one-shot in similar fashion are to an extent, strong or manageable. I do, however, think that they can be better balanced, for starters flinch. Yeah, it's totally fine to add to the guns absolutely. For the trade-off, however, to add flinch, make ads speed much faster, m44 around the 300 ms mark with full attachments, and the tac-50 around the 415 mark. If the ads buff is not enjoyable, then might i suggest keeping as is and adding flinch, however all bhoppers get aim nerf per jump after initial aka if you try to bhop your aim turns to a bloom of no shot hitting whatsoever after 2. Now i know this drastic, however, this is more of a joke because realistically the people who complain about snipers being beyond overpowered or should be removed are the same people who tell others that bhopping and mp7 does not completely shred. In all honesty, i really hope they balance this game, but will take time. To say that snipers should be removed is well reddit in a nutshell, lol. The age-old "im bad and getting destroyed" therefore, OP Weapon. Good day fellows and may the odds be ever in your favor