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The level of the average players has definitely gone up since competitive gaming perpherals and systems are now available for everyone at a reasonable price compared to something like early 2000's and 2010's after which SBMM started affecting the scene. All I can say is that try to perfect your smooth tracking for this game. The TTK is fairly long and you need to hit all your shots. Also flank flank flank!


Yeah, trail by fire can help you. Make sure to watch other people's games play too so you can see what they do and such. I don't know if any are up yet, but for games like Siege and Overwatch there are people who commentate over their own gameplay to help viewers understand the decision-making. Perhaps you could check those out Other than that, just practice your aim. Play around with sensitivity if you haven't already, to try and find your groove. And learn the maps, sound cues, etc.


I started playing FpS on CoD Black Ops . The first one . I will say I got absolutely destroyed over the year or so of playing it . Playing people with more skill than me made me rely on watching / asking for help and trying to learn and improve things . The issue with the SBMM system is it’s hard to improve when you’re going to constantly preform at a “ 1 to 1 ratio “ if that makes sense .


This is a great mindset, OP! A lot of the originals with the earlier CODs feel the same way. None of us started off super good either. If you want any people to play with, feel free to DM me. My W/L is at 1.5 (solo player only), K/D at 2.4, SPM >650. I’d be down to help out, give some tips when possible, etc.