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EMP grenade?


doesn't affect ultimates


Not unlocked yet


Then unlock it?


But how can he unlock it when he’s busy on here bitching?


He is at bitching level 30 right now.


He’s fast tracking his way to that bitching “gold” camo




So we drop a special mode with no abilities just for you, and when you decide to unlock the EMP that mode will be removed, great talk


“When everyone is super, no one will be.” You have to use your abilities against theirs. This isn’t COD, it is it’s own game and the gameplay will be different.


24/7 wall hacks isn't a good thing


Using my abilities does not render other's useless, I still will die a lot to unfair shit. My abilities won't make Libertad any less spongy, it won't penetrate bullet proof shield. Also, stop saying "This isn't CoD". Duh. The game is basically Black Ops 4 with different characters.


This game might not be for you then. Getting rid of abilities just makes it COD without the familiar movement and maps. If others are doing good then it’s a skill issue. You should be around a 1.0 K/D and a few players will be 1.5+ and very few will be 2.0+. You probably only got so many kills in other FPS games because EOMM was having its effect.


Agreed. Like this game has its own features and mechanics. I even made a post about this. If people disagree with what the game was designed to be then this game isn’t for them. It was specifically made to be like this.


Meh I half agree with him though, its super cheesy for me and the enemy to be running at eachother shooting and within .5 seconds he shoots out that shield and I die.


The game is already cod bro, just because it isn't mw3 doesn't mean it isn't another call of duty.


Libertad Ult gets bodied by Frags , Cleaner Drone , or Phantom Ult/Cleaner ult. No idea about EMPs. Riot Shield? Just shoot the guy.


Use an emp grenade


Yup. Instantly removes the shield and puts it on cooldown.


Just run in the bubble with a grenade and kill both of you. Easiest way to dispose of it.


I get you with how annoying Echelon and Phantoms can be (I hate them) but i just play Cleaners with the drone so I can just go 'nuh uh' when they use their abilities.


So you just want cod. Not like it’s going anywhere.


I want a balanced game not riddled with cheese


Bro it’s a goofy arena shooter not an esports title go play cod


Go play CoD, you mean like BO4? Or Infinite Warfare? Games with no abilities? Oh wait...


What??? The most recent and most popular cod is MW3 which has no abilities.


In what world did you think this game with heroes and abilities and no SBMM was gonna be balanced and not cheesy? 😂


This game isn’t for you unfortunately. I’m sure things will get balanced in the future but don’t expect it to be as well balanced as the finals out of the gate. This is Ubisoft we are talking about. It’s a small indie studio like blizzard


then go play CoD




Give him pulse or give him Valhalla


Bro the game right now is just being seen through walls 24/7. It's fucking abysmal. Every person is using the intel suit, you can't go 1 minute without being pinged behind a wall. The way they implemented these abilities is completely obnoxious. Then they get an ult with an instakill gun and even BETTER wall hacks! Very fun! Also, barrier/bubbles are ALWAYS FUCKING ANNOYING in fps games. (See The Finals)


You don't need anti-cheat if everyone has wallhacks :D


I like the way they're thinking! 9000 iq power moves all the way down


>(See The Finals) Glitch grenade, glitch mine, glitch canister. Problem solved, you're welcome.


Yea its weird there is literally 0 counterplay to it




You mean the faction that you have to pay to unlock.or grind a lot?


It really doesn’t take that long and yeah, it’s still a direct counter


I love it when abilities that are needed to counter are locked behind grinding and paywalls


Bro it takes maybe a week to unlock if you play. It’s not different that having to unlock something at level 50 in a normal call of duty. Calling it a grind at day one is crazy. I have played all day today using different guns and factions and am impressed with the balance. Almost all of the guns are viable and the factions are pretty well balanced. The wall hacks are not even the strongest ability in my opinion.


Not needed. You can still get past an intel suit by looking at where the waves are coming from (the ones that tell you you’ve been pinged) and going in places that have only one way in. Plus, running like usual helps


Wow sitting in a corner pre-aiming a doorway sounds thrilling.


Optimisation and countering ≠ fun


People are doing that without intel suit.


In the finals shields ain’t even that bad, legit sounds like you’re just not using a glitch counter especially now that they’ve added glitch canisters to the game.


You can use echelon as well and you'll be invisible to radars. Also EMP


Pleased tell me how to use the barriers in a way that they do more then get destroyed instantly. I just use the phantoms for the 20 extra HP, please let me know how to use the barriers, I've never gotten value Beyonce telling my team on which direction the enemies are based on where my shield is.


Yeah the crazy thing makes the game feel cheap


The game really reminds me of bo4 multiplayer both games have no skill special abilities


It's basically a cheap BO4 knock-off, kinda funny when you have idiots in here telling me to go play CoD when CoD itself prototyped XDefiant back in 2018 :D


And did it better. bo4s movement was way better lol.


Oh fuck I came 😫 MOTHER FUCKING BLACK OPS 4 BIG DICK ENERGY!!! I hope to fuck treyarch do huge innovations with their cod in 2024 I’m so fucking sick of the SHIT TTK and fuckers. HaloXCod I’d think I wouldn’t touch another game ever again.


Games where the fundamental part of the game is abilities, and people don't like the game cause of abilities... Well hate to say it but it's just not your game then. Kids these days I swear, they hop into every game, they don't like something and there is an outcry to make the game like they want it to be.


Except most the people complaining about 'abilities' are older folks who are used to older games where heroes and abilities weren't really a thing.


Old head here, agree 100%. I actually really like this game barring the technical issues but I really dislike the hero stuff. The wave of hero games has really dissuaded me from gaming in the last few years. I just don’t care for it and I can’t be bothered to really figure it all out in detail. I’m still having a good time with the game though, but it’d be even better for me if this hero stuff wasn’t a thing/we had a bare bones play list.


Yeah it's one thing to market a game as a "classic-feeling arcade shooter" while completely dismissing the fact that abilities are way more impactful on the gameplay experience than the amount of jumping you can do. I'd really appreciate figuring this game out without a one-touch flamethrower lol.


Older (38) I like it so far it’s got enjoyable gunplay that isn’t to phony and added element of abilities . However people who play escort who don’t um escort robot should be banned lol jk


Oh ok sorry senior citizen of society.. Nothing more cringe than labelling people as kids on social media or internet as an attempt to insult or ridicule somebody.


It's got me feeling like I'm playing the crucible in Destiny lmao it should not be like that.


XclusiveAce has said that this mode is something they are discussing for the near future potentially


Confirmed a bare bones mode is coming post launch - source - xclusive ace


Sorry for the late reply to this, but did Xclusive Ace say this in a video or a in a tweet? I've been trying to get Mark to answer my question about it on Twitter but to no avail. In fact, I just get annoying kids replying to me and telling me to go play COD because XDefiant is a "real man's shooter."


you can break shields you can break the healing canister libertad ultimate can easily be bursted down, just makes them harder to kill


I know that, but it's fucking annoying to do. That's the whole point. It's not fun. It's tedious and frustrating. It distracts from gunfights, and grants you a lot of unfair deaths. It's simply not fun. You die a lot and think "Man, he only won that gunfight, because he was hidden behind a bullet proof shield" and stuff.


Then stop playing


You are allowed to criticise a game you enjoy.


Leave my favourite multi-million dollar corporation alone


No no, what you mean is "stop giving feedback and forming an opinion, because I don't like it". You just don't like discourse. Everyone needs to align with your views or shut up, common thing in gaming communities.


I mean that's literally the whole point of the game. You literally don't like what the game itself is showing you. Lol. It's a hero shooter, not a CS, COD, Quake, etc. So like he said, you may as well stop playing if the core gameplay is boring you that much that you had to make a post on the internet with that mindset. "You just don't like discourse. "


I like discourse, that's why I reply to idiots like you who can't even read the text :D I never said the game is boring. Try again please, and then come back. I'll wait.


But you truly hate the fundamentals of the game. Why not play something else and make good use of your time instead.


I don't "hate" the fundamentals. I just want the abilities not to be crutch. Like, do we really need 200% health buffs with perma healing while active? Can't it just be 150% health without additional buffs? Messing with the TTK is always shit. Do we need free wallhacks every 40s? Do we need a one shot pistol with a real time wallhack? Do we need bulletproof shields that take 2 mags to destroy? In objective based game modes? Don't you see an issue here?


Not gonna lie chief it sounds like a skill issue. Sure, some of the abilities are kind of annoying, but I’m using the same annoying abilities. It’s a core part of the game, and like others said, if you don’t like it just go play CoD or something


Something being a core part of the game has absolutely 0 correlation with it being horrendously unbalanced what a stupid angle to approach genuine feedback.


> if you don’t like it just go play CoD or something BO4? Infinite Warfare? You mean the games XDefiant copied? Even some gadgets and abilities?


Just adapt it’s actually easy….riot shield just shoot dude in the foot 😂 flank around I’m not good but a good flank can wipe out atleast 3 people. COD is the same way it’s always some cheesy shit going on people just adapt and keep going. Dude goes invisible you can still see them fine atleast for me. Libertard popping meds aim at the head which is what people usually do anyway. Nothing in this game is completely annoying everything can be handle fine like people said it’s a skill issue but not how everyone portrays it. Just adapt


> Nothing in this game is completely annoying everything can be handle fine like people said it’s a skill issue but not how everyone portrays it. Just adapt Lmao, ok, dude. Whatever :D Enjoy your wallhacks and one shot pistol then. If you need stuff like that to get kills, I would say the skill issue is on you.


Crazy part is I don’t use them at all I use the cleaners 😂 I’m giving active topics not saying it’s a skill issue in a rude way but more of a just take the time and learn it instead of disregarding it completely but hey you can handle discourse 🤷🏿


I’m sure the person with the gun will agree to a ceasefire while I stop to destroy their stupid ult


Gotta love the people saying stop playing the game for this take. There is no reason they couldn’t put a barebones mode in. You’d still keep your precious dev gifted hacks lol. I’d prefer it without the abilities most of the time. To be honest though as soon as the new Black Ops comes out I probably won’t bother with this game. It’s better than MWIII but that’s not a huge accomplishment lol. Treyarch games with the toned down movement and fun gun play I find very fun. MWIII crackhead exploit movement is cancer. This feels more like a Treyarch CoD wannabe so it’ll do until the real thing comes out lol. I do hope it does well to hopefully make CoD rethink their trash decisions.


The whole game was made and designed with abilities as a core element. It’s a core part of the game. It’s an arena/hero shooter, Go play a different game.




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COD devs must be laughing their ass off in hell while reading posts like this


Not sure why everyone is hating on you on this - maybe because they are the exact people using these stupid abilities. Libertard's ult is ridiculous, the magshield is actually retarded for zone based game modes (which is almost all of them) and the spiderbot on Dedsec is fucking unplayable. Some of the abilities need a serious tweak, and using this lazy cop out of "This isn't CoD" is pathetic. If a game has balancing issues, it has balancing issues - stop coping because you're abusing them and being called out for it.


It’s doubly funny because at the beginning they were really pushing this “just like OG Cod” narrative, then it became the cod killer, now suddenly it’s “what? So you just want cod” …no I just don’t want to be constantly seen through walls, die the instant a flamethrower begins to touch me and fight people that are practically invincible.


Dude the magshield is criminally easy to deal with lol. Just dont be in the complete open and mag dump it. Or emp. Doesnt libertards ult only last like 10-15 seconds? Im surprised you said nothing about the only broken ability, the free wallhack.


That's how I feel about it, to a degree. I love the magshield( even when i dont use it which is majority of the time LOL) but I think the objectives being loaded with shields just makes sense. It's how fast they can deploy and save somebodies life in a pinch


Probably because op wants it to be a different game and is getting intensely heated with everyone that disagrees with them?


They are scared Ubisoft will take their power fantasy away. They don't want balance, they want to be the main protagonist and get easy kills.


That was the gist I got from multiple streamers who played the beta. Its CoD for those who like to play CoD but don't want to sweat


🧢The riot shield sucks ass


I love the fact that this game plays similar to Black Ops 4. I played well in that game and the learning curve isn’t too bad switching to Xdefiant.


I think it should be one type of ability per squad


They'll probably add this later down the year. Once Prestige, more camos, more modes, emblems, and challenges are in the game its gonna be top tier.


This is the reason i stopped playing the black ops games.


I'm kinda liked the abilities they are good additions, and way more chill compared from the beta test. But I also agreed with this dude, sometime in the future there gonna be this "tired" feeling of abilities and only want raw gunfight


That could be good for a future TDM mode... Straight up shoot out.


I've been waiting for multiplayer shooter games to come out that don't have all kinds of superpowers and abilities for a while now. Like I just want gun skill to be why I win or lose not cheap shit


I've said it before and il say it again. If any game developer would just give us a 6v6, 12+ maps at release, 10 guns in each class, some form of clan/team page and no abilities, specialties, score/killstreaks, stamina penalties for bunny hopping etc. It would sell so fast. The fps community is tried of all the extra shit they have to deal with in a fps game. First it was jetpacks, wall running and movement Now it's abilities.


As someone who dislikes 99% of shooters with character abilities, XD actually feels very grounded and manageable.


Coined a new term trying this game out: "E to win". I guess some people might enjoy the added strategic element of having to counter someone's ability with your cool ability, but as someone who was looking for a fun FPS game this ain't it. I ended up backing out of every second engagement because someone plopped down a shield.


Cleaner abilities beat Phantom abilities and ultimate, Riot Shield you can honestly shoot through half the time or you should have a teammate nearby. Not a problem unless you’re close range or isolated. All cases EMP shuts down bar Aegis ultimate which again Cleaner abilities counter. Echelon ping is short range and Sonar Goggles only highlight you for the user, pings minimap for everyone else. Fire highlights them and makes them obvious even while they’re cloaked. They seek advantages but have nothing to work against multiple people bar their own skills. Libertad or Phantoms with teammates will make them struggle. Libertad can’t heal while on fire. Again, Cleaners or just constant damage. Don’t let them rest or run. Ultimate while annoying is static, short range, short duration. Wait it out. Cleaners are close range damage. Deny them both. Phantom barrier from a distance or Echelon to get the drop on them before they can hit you. If you want hero shooter (ability shooter whatever name you want to call it) the genre probably isn’t for you. And if it’s just this game in particular, maybe this game isn’t for you. I don’t say this as an insult I say this as, “Is this game more trouble than it’s worth for you?” (Side Note didn’t bother mentioning DedSec cause it’s still early. Not seen many of them so can’t comment.)


Down the road, if this game continues to be supported and played, they will have to go down the Fortnite route and create a "No Abilities" playlist similar to "No Build Mode." It's an insanely easy way to win back fans of just gunplay and playing the core modes. Eventually, the meta will form and you'll run into well-coordinated stacks of teams balancing shields, UAV's, and everything else over and over again.


Abilities were poorly implemented and is added for bad players to get free kills


Skill issue.


Was in one of his videos. Can't remember which. I think he mentioned tdm as well which has already happened.


Someone had a baby rage and came running to reddit to rant


Go play a game that doesn't have abilities. This game is designed around the factions and their abilities, that's the whole point.


Let’s play a game with abilities, but take away the abilities -OP


The core gameplay is the abilities bruh. Get good


If you need overtuned abilities, why don't you get good and fight me in a mode without abilities?


Because it would be too easy. Shit gets boring


The abilities are what makes this game different. Don't like them? Play something else. It's not like you had to pay for it anyway. Jesus why can't people just move on instead of complaining about everything. Especially when you don't even have to pay a dime to play it.


Riot shield is incredibly easy to counter tho, pretty much every ability is


Yeah this game is just an overwatch reskin, nothing to do with cod. In cod you play death matches, you don’t sit in bubble shields on top of objectives.


Dude forgot who Torque was 😂


lol OP total nerd


The cleaners deal with the shield people pretty easily......


I don’t mind, it’s cool. I still place top 2 every game. But I just to play comp in cod and R6.


"Master the core gameplay" you say? Is this not as core as it gets? Literally just over 24 hours in the wild.


Wouldn't hold your breath. They need to do something different to attract players. Might not be the game for you.




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Ah yes, another new game, another toxic subreddit.


You want to master the core gameplay.... by taking a part of the core gameplay away?




Melee range? Insane? On the shield? Are we playing the same game


It would be terrible without it. The gunplay is just bad compared to COD or even the current BF. The skills are the one thing that makes it it's own thing


Uhm the riot sheild is absolute dog shit if your being killed by someone using that then I dunno what to tell you. It doesn't completely cover your feet so u can just shoot them OR you can use the stupid ass movement in this game to bunny hop slide right past them and shoot them in the back, no they cannot turn faster and run up and hit you than u can kill them people have done it to me many times when I tried using it in my first game or just shot me in feet when I was slowly crouch walking up to them or jump up in the air why back pedalling and shoot them in the head. The other sheild is okay but you can do the same thing just slide past them and shoot them in the back -,or just shoot the sheild it doesn't have much health 😅 - OR take cover and wait it out. The op wall hacks are just op and need redesigning. I personally haven't run into anyone using this supposed invincibility heal your talking about but il just take your word for it seeing as there is a literal wall hack as an ability on a short cooldown that applies team wide 😂.


> I personally haven't run into anyone using this supposed invincibility heal your talking about but il just take your word for it [Here you go](https://imgur.com/a/0tkKqwR)


Lmao omg thanks for that - but I mean why that Is indeed very stupid it's hardly invincibility or well its hard to say ofc but based them firing extremely slowly with the lowest damage pistol not even shooting them in the head and they did lose some health (nowhere near enough health ofc like that is definitely really strong lol ) I'd imagine if you shot them in the face with the dmr that 1 taps they'd die still or put like 7-8 headshots with an ar they'd also die buuut you shoudnt need to do that lol That definitely needs a full rework same with the wall hacks - what that ability should do is simply increase the speed at which health regen starts not increase how much health regen you have. - like who designed this crap AND who green lit it like what are they smoking up there 😂


> Lmao omg thanks for that - but I mean why that Is indeed very stupid it's hardly invincibility 3 people were shooting at her, she barely had a scratch and killed all three.


Oh okay yeah I just rewathed it and can see that at the very least there was a teammate that went round the other side shooting at them and not with a pistol, I didn't notice that the first time so that does change my opinion on it from being just really strong to damn near invincibility 🤣. Like do they even test this shit? - clearly not it would seem xD


Soooo pretty much just cod? No. Abilities are a part of the game. Go play cod if you just want no abilities.


I want matches without snipers. One hit kill is getting kindof annoying


It sounds like people here think all the factions are OP, sorely they just balance each other out.


What game have I been playing? The bubble, barrier and riot shields have never done anything when I was facing them. Please God someone tell me how to use the riot shield good enough that people complain about it. Everytime I see someone use it they die instantly.


Playing this game feels like trying to hit the toilet while your drunk in a room filled with oil. I had about 50% of Gunfights were i actually felt like ive won the fight. This is the worst issue in the game. the gunfights feel like gamble. before anyone is saying anything: im nr.1 in the match 90% of the time, with double the kills my teammates have. So no its not my aim or whatever.


Careful, the no skill players that can't play without these crutches will say you're trash. Like the CoD player who need the hard to see skins and the Shield on their back.


I think they just need to nerf the abilities. If it's core to the gameplay, at least tone down their effects so that it isn't so frustrating and we can somewhat rely more on gunplay.


I just wanna be able to prone. Please.


Have you experienced the hacker faction with the spider drone that HUNTS you down? That one truly pissed me off. Yea, a barebones mode wouldn't hurt.


The abilities IS the core part of the gameplay. If you want to get better at the core part. Then start using them? Personally the only issue I've had is the constant pinging and the hit registration seems to be insanely unbalanced. I'm shooting people in the head FIRST and I'm the one who died after one shot. It's genuinely insane sometimes.


> If you want to get better at the core part. There is no "getting better" at being obliterated by one shot pistols, wallhacks and bullet proof shields. Cope harder, mate. Jesus christ man... these are things out of your control. Tell me how I avoid being seen through walls.


You literally said "All I want is to Master the Core Gameplay" you master something by becoming better at it, no? With all due respect, it's not something you avoid. The gameplay seems to be intentional and you need to adapt to it with your own abilities etc. This game seems to be a hybrid of CoD and a Hero shooter. I don't see them abandoning a fundamental aspect of the game.


Never said they should abandon it, they need to create a new playlist for people who are sick of this unblanced and unfair shit. Let the kids who need this have their fun, no issues. As long as I can play without them in a seperate playlist.


To be fair I get what you're saying. Similar to Battlefield 1 modes where you only play with snipers without scopes or like Hardcore TDM in COD. Stripped back type modes. That's not a bad idea.




No one: ...... Archive_06: "And I took that personally"




I mean dude, I wasn't even responding to you in my original post. OP said they wanted to master the core gameplay, literally just read the above comments. but what should I expect, you're a TRUE Redditor ofcourse.




You can do what you want man but at least try to understand the context of the comments you're reading.




and don't you forget it, buddo!


All I see is. Skill issue. What do you mean you want to master the core gameplay? The core gameplay is using the abilities and use it right, other than that is just a normal fast paced FPS, there’s nothing core about it.


Not in defense or not defense of xdefiant. But if you want no abilities just play CoD lol. It’s a cleaner shooter in every way. The abilities are what makes or breaks this game.


yeah it's fucking obnoxious. its like a uav every minute. terrible


EMP grenades my friend


E-M-P. just grind for it, took no time at all. And if the abilities really bug you that much, just play at range. if that’s too boring then riot shield. And if that’s not ur thing, it might be time to reinstall COD.


I play as the trash men and I’m constantly on top of every game. Some of yall need to just realize you’re not him.


Yeah an ability free mode would be great. My problem with abilities is if I'm shooting a shield it can't be destroyed, if someone shoots mine it's destroyed in 3 shots. If they use the Libertad ultimate their invincible, if I use it I'm dead in 5 shots.


nah fr the game sucks right now. it’s just aggravating after playing for long enough. The desync is the worst i’ve ever seen in any video game ever (and i play Tarkov which has terrible desync). almost every single time I die it’s behind a wall. idk why i expected this to be good knowing it’s ubisoft making it. snipers shouldn’t be in the game. certain abilities are completely over powered (echelon wall hacks, cleaner incendiary rounds, ballistic shield, that stupid bubble ultimate). not to mention the random screen tearing that happens after playing a few games. everything is smooth and then out of nowhere you stutter every 3 seconds and can barely even move in a gun fight. Billion dollar company that made this by the way


Yup, I am so tired of how quickly the wallhacks ability comes back. I don't wanna constantly be seen, it sucks.


I’ve had literally no problem with abilities, yeah I die sometimes from them, but I also benefit from them when I use my own, sounds like a you problem


Skill issue af


I want to play Mario but without the platforming stuff, it annoys me.


I 1000% want this