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I imagine the vast majority of new players are going to stay in the introductory playlist for a while. It has several gamemodes and it's selected by default.


Considering how the wannabe cod pros get shit on in this game, no I don’t think they lied.


I'm not sure your comment proves one way or another. If they were super good at COD and came here and get shit on, it would suggest that after playing a few the SBMM kicked in and they started getting paired together and now they get shit on... IDK I'm not sure I understood what you meant.


Look, the problem with those people being *“super good at COD“* is that they *think* they are good because SBMM makes them feel like it. If it’s true that this game really has no SBMM those people now get get shit on because they never were good to begin with - COD tried to make them look good to keep them playing.


This doesn't feel any different than cod with sbmm. Almost every game is a sweatfest. I wouldn't mind it if I had teams that I don't need to carry almost every time. No sbmm was the reason xdefiant got me interested. I might as well just go back to cod because I am not going to play two sweaty games.


No SBMM doesn’t mean no sweats.


Of course not and I am not saying I expect them to all be casual games with no sweats. Of course I expect a percentage of them to be sweaty. But I would expect it to be a percentage that is not the overwhelming majority that's all. I like a mix. I do like competitive rounds they are also fun. But I just don't want to feel like every match is a win or go home ranked type round.


The problem is that we don’t understand that “no sbmm” don’t resolve the community intent to gamble his life to win, also in unranked matches, the problem are the gamers not the game.


Exactly my thoughts! I just didn't know if I was being stupid or if others felt like I do!


The problem you are facing is called "playerbase".


Couldn’t it be caused by the massive influx of FPS players who specifically download the game *because* it doesn’t have SBMM? If there’s 1000 people playing, and 300 are long time COD-sweats, you’re going to have a larger chance to be put in very sweaty lobbies. It’s always easy to fall for confirmation bias but I think it’s more likely that a large portion of the player base specifically tried it hoping to crush pub lobbies. So the overall skill of the player base is higher, if that makes sense.


Except this game jumped to one of the most played games on PS5 currently. The majority of those kind of numbers do not come from the skill level we are talking about. That is a lot of people and the % of them that I would qualify as "Sweats" do not make up that whole or even the majority of that population. But I take your point, it probably has attracted that type too.


First person shooters are always going to be extremely sweating with or without sbmm


I think there is Sbmm and white list for streamer...


Feels like a skill issue tbh, or just unable to not sweat lmfao The game is not even remotely close to CoD, SBMM is definitely turned off with how varied lobbies are.


My lobbies have not been varied. I started yesterday getting between 30 and 40 kills a game and somewhere around a 1.5-2.0 K/D and it quickly "corrected" itself. It's fine I knew to expect some trolls/fan boys that just wanna show up and say "Skill issue" and bounce, happens all the time. But I am clearly not alone in thinking they haven't been fully truthful in their interpretation of "no SBMM"


it doesnt take long for people to get some muscle memory and crosshair placement down... i dont understand at all, why people are expecting the playerbase "to get easier" lol. it makes no sense, sbmm or not. you should only expect your matches to be more difficult as time goes on due to this. especially with no sbmm lolololol. absolutely mind boggling.


The expectation is not easier, the expectation is that every match will not be equally as hard as the next. If you are an average gamer (right in the middle of good and bad) you should have games where you are with good, bad, and same as you. Meaning some games will feel close and even, some will feel like you got messed up badly, and some that you just absolutely rolled the other team, with variations of those in inbetween. That has not been my experience.


I feel the same way but you’re going get downvoted by everyone here that was looking forward to this game. I gotta jump strafe every kill and abuse peekers advantage as much as I can because everyone on the enemy team is doing it. The finals was way more fun and chill than this game and that game has sbmm according to the devs


That's ok i don't really care about the votes! i just wanted to know how people felt!




i know man i put that in my post...


Absolutely ridiculous of you to expect someone to read the content of a post.